959 resultados para Brief intervention
Envisagée comme une situation sociale de rassemblement en rue, l'intervention policière se caractérise par sa nature publique et observable. Le « copwatching », en tant que pratique amateur de captation vidéo des interventions de police, problématise la visibilité des agents sur la voie publique en les soumettant à une surveillance médiatique. M'appuyant sur des exemples vidéos, j'explore les dimensions visuelles et symboliques du travail policier. De la performance policière en rue à la figuration médiatique du policier, l'étude des médiations entre action et image permet d'interroger la perception publique de la police engagée dans les rassemblements. Abstract Cop-watching and the public perception of the police. Police intervention as performance under surveillance. This paper deals with police work as a public performance on the street. Cop-watching, a way of publicly observing and documenting police activities, reveals the complex relationship between public perceptions of law enforcement and the visual nature of much police work. Three methodological approaches to cop-watching videos allow us to highlight the visual dimensions of police work : the study of mass-media images of cops, the study of street performance by real cops, and the study of the ways people make sense of the visual symbolic environment present in everyday police work.
Primary aims of this intervention are weight management and behaviour change of children 7-16 years old and secondary aims include parental weight management and increase in self esteem and confidence in both children and their families. The Referred Child:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Be able to make informed choices.Will have increased confidence and self esteem. The Parents:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Be able to make informed choices for themselves and their children.Feel empowered to continue a healthy lifestyle. The Family:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Will be able to work as a team to encourage each other to make healthy choices.Will feel confident enough to continue activities together.
BACKGROUND: Screening tests for subclinical cardiovascular disease, such as markers of atherosclerosis, are increasingly used in clinical prevention to identify individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Being aware of these test results might also enhance patient motivation to change unhealthy behaviors but the effectiveness of such a screening strategy has been poorly studied. METHODS: The CAROtid plaque Screening trial on Smoking cessation (CAROSS) is a randomized controlled trial in 530 regular smokers aged 40-70 years to test the hypothesis that carotid plaque screening will influence smokers' behavior with an increased rate of smoking cessation (primary outcome) and an improved control of other cardiovascular risk factors (secondary outcomes) after 1-year follow-up. All smokers will receive a brief advice for smoking cessation,and will subsequently be randomly assigned to either the intervention group (with plaques screening) or the control group (without plaque screening). Carotid ultrasound will be conducted with a standard protocol. Smokers with at least one carotid plaque will receive pictures of their own plaques with a structured explanation on the general significance of plaques. To ensure equal contact conditions, smokers not undergoing ultrasound and those without plaque will receive a relevant explanation on the risks associated with tobacco smoking. Study outcomes will be compared between smokers randomized to plaque screening and smokers not submitted to plaque screening. SUMMARY: This will be the first trial to assess the impact of carotid plaque screening on 1-year smoking cessation rates and levels of control of other cardiovascular risk factors.
There is enormous interest in designing training methods for reducing cognitive decline in healthy older adults. Because it is impaired with aging, multitasking has often been targeted and has been shown to be malleable with appropriate training. Investigating the effects of cognitive training on functional brain activation might provide critical indication regarding the mechanisms that underlie those positive effects, as well as provide models for selecting appropriate training methods. The few studies that have looked at brain correlates of cognitive training indicate a variable pattern and location of brain changes - a result that might relate to differences in training formats. The goal of this study was to measure the neural substrates as a function of whether divided attentional training programs induced the use of alternative processes or whether it relied on repeated practice. Forty-eight older adults were randomly allocated to one of three training programs. In the SINGLE REPEATED training, participants practiced an alphanumeric equation and a visual detection task, each under focused attention. In the DIVIDED FIXED training, participants practiced combining verification and detection by divided attention, with equal attention allocated to both tasks. In the DIVIDED VARIABLE training, participants completed the task by divided attention, but were taught to vary the attentional priority allocated to each task. Brain activation was measured with fMRI pre- and post-training while completing each task individually and the two tasks combined. The three training programs resulted in markedly different brain changes. Practice on individual tasks in the SINGLE REPEATED training resulted in reduced brain activation whereas DIVIDED VARIABLE training resulted in a larger recruitment of the right superior and middle frontal gyrus, a region that has been involved in multitasking. The type of training is a critical factor in determining the pattern of brain activation.
The 1st International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO) was held in Naples (1963). The philosophy behind this symposium and the logical outcome of what is now known as the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) is here reviewed, namely ostracodology over the last 50 years is sociologically analysed. Three different and important historic moments for the scientific achievements of this domain are recognised. The first one, between about 1963-1983, is related to applied research for the oil industry as well as to the great interest in the better description of the marine environment by both zoologists and palaeontologists. Another important aspect during this period was the work by researchers dealing with Palaeozoic ostracods, who had their own discussion group, IRGPO. Gradually, the merger of this latter group with those dealing with post-Palaeozoic ostracods at various meetings improved communication between the two groups of specialists. A second period was approximately delineated between 1983 and 2003. During this time-slice, more emphasis was addressed to environmental research with topics such as the study of global events and long-term climate change. Ostracodologists profited also from the research "politics" within national and international programmes. Large international research teams emerged using new research methods. During the third period (2003-2013), communication and collaborative research reached a global dimension. Amongst the topics of research we cite the reconstruction of palaeoclimate using transfer functions, the building of large datasets of ostracod distributions for regional and intercontinental studies, and the implementation of actions that should lead to taxonomic harmonisation. Projects within which molecular biological techniques are routinely used, combined with sophisticated morphological information, expanded now in their importance. The documentation of the ostracod description improved through new techniques to visualise morphological details, which stimulated also communication between ostracodologists. Efforts of making available ostracod information through newsletters and electronic media are evoked.
OBJECTIVES: Reassessment of ongoing antibiotic therapy is an important step towards appropriate use of antibiotics. This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of a short questionnaire designed to encourage reassessment of intravenous antibiotic therapy after 3 days. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients hospitalized on the surgical and medical wards of a university hospital and treated with an intravenous antibiotic for 3-4 days were randomly allocated to either an intervention or control group. The intervention consisted of mailing to the physician in charge of the patient a three-item questionnaire referring to possible adaptation of the antibiotic therapy. The primary outcome was the time elapsed from randomization until a first modification of the initial intravenous antibiotic therapy. It was compared within both groups using Cox proportional-hazard modelling. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-six eligible patients were randomized in the intervention group and 125 in the control group. Time to modification of intravenous antibiotic therapy was 14% shorter in the intervention group (adjusted hazard ratio for modification 1.28, 95% CI 0.99-1.67, P = 0.06). It was significantly shorter in the intervention group compared with a similar group of 151 patients observed during a 2 month period preceding the study (adjusted hazard ratio 1.17, 95% CI 1.03-1.32, P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that a short questionnaire, easily adaptable to automatization, has the potential to foster reassessment of antibiotic therapy.
Alzheimer's Disease International released the World Alzheimer Report 2011 - The benefits of early diagnosis and intervention on the 13th September 2011. Key Findings:As many as three-quarters of the estimated 36 million people worldwide living with dementia have not been diagnosed and hence cannot benefit from treatment, information and care. In high-income countries, only 20-50% of dementia cases are recognized and documented in primary care. In low- and middle-income countries, this proportion could be as low as 10%.Failure to diagnose often results from the false belief that dementia is a normal part of aging, and that nothing can be done to help. On the contrary, the new report finds that interventions can make a difference, even in the early stages of the illness.Drugs and psychological interventions for people with early-stage dementia can improve cognition, independence, and quality of life. Support and counseling for caregivers can improve mood, reduce strain and delay institutionalization of people with dementia.Governments, concerned about the rising costs of long-term care linked to dementia, should “spend now to save later.” Based on a review of economic analyses, the report estimates that earlier diagnosis could yield net savings of up to US$10,000 per patient in high-income countries.��World Alzheimer Report 2011 - Executive Summary (PDF, 36 pages, 1128KB)World Alzheimer Report 2011 (PDF, 72 pages, 1710KB)����
New research funded by the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI) finds that people suffering from two or more chronic conditions are 20 times more likely to report disability than those with none. The study examines the prevalence of two or more chronic conditions, known as multimorbidity, and its impact on quality of life and disability in older people. The research Multimorbidity and Disability in the Older Population of Ireland, studied eight chronic conditions: cancer; heart attack; angina; stroke; diabetes; asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and musculoskeletal pain (including rheumatism, arthritis and back pain). Musculoskeletal pain was the most widely reported condition across the island with a prevalence of 40%, followed by diabetes (7%) and angina (6%). Asthma and COPD have the same levels of prevalence, 5%, while cancer and stroke were reported less frequently (1-2%). The study also revealed some clear differences in the prevalence of chronic diseases between ROI and NI. Angina was reported far more frequently in NI, 10% compared to 4% in ROI. So too was musculoskeletal pain, 55% compared to 35% in ROI while asthma was reported more frequently in ROI, 6% compared to 3% in NI.
��Palliative care and medication use are important issues in dealing with end-of-life stage dementia. As research into palliative care for patients with advanced dementia has been limited to date, CARDI funded a project, led by Dr. Carole Parsons of Queen’s University Belfast, as part of its grants programme. This project aimed to evaluate the extent to which patient-related factors influenced clinical decision-making with regard to medication use in patients with endstagedementia. This research brief presents a summary of the findings from the full report, Assessment of factors which influence physician decisionmaking regarding medication use in patients with dementia at the end of life (Parsons, et al., 2012).Read the research brief here: Medication use in patients with dementia at the end of lifeRead the press release here
With the population across the island of Ireland growing older, the issue of how to provide and pay for care in the home and in residential settings is becoming more urgent. It is important that a strategy for providing long-term care for an ageing population is put in place, and understanding what the demand for care will be is a major part of this. As a result, CARDI funded a research project led by Professor Charles Normand at Trinity College Dublin which aimed to develop a predictive model of future long-term care demand in NI and ROI.This research brief contains information collated by CARDI and a summary of the findings in the full report, Towards the Development of a Predictive Model of Long-Term Care Demand for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Wren et al., 2012).
The Active Ageing Index (AAI) is a new analytical tool that aims to help policy makers in developing policies for active and healthy ageing. Its aim is to point to the untapped potential of older people for more active participation in employment, in social life and for independent living. Mobilising the potential of both older women and men is crucial to ensure prosperity for all generations in ageing societies. This policy brief introduces the Active Ageing Index to the policy makers. ��
The Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, developed by APHO, highlights the key issues that Spearhead local authorities (with their PCTs) need to address to meet the Government۪s life expectancy targets. It can be used by any Spearhead Primary Care Trust or local council to find out what the underlying causes of the life expectancy gap are for that area. This Tool is designedto allow "Spearhead" Local Authorities/PCTs tounderstand better how they might reduce the inequalties between them and the national picture. (Please note that there are no "Spearhead" PCTs in the East of England. However, plans are being drawn up to address this and allow the developmentof this tool that is of use to all PCTs.)
Pilot approaches that will be used in the Phase 2 of National Health Inequalities Intervention Tool, due to be launched early 2008.
This is the second paper in a series, Kicking Bad Habits, on how people can be encouraged to adopt healthy behaviour. Looking at interventions targeted specifically at low-income groups, this paper asks which interventions are effective in getting people to quit smoking, eat healthily and exercise. It reveals that the most frequently used techniques are providing information and encouraging people to set goals, which can be particularly effective at changing behaviour in disadvantaged groups.
This document answers some common questions about the use of the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.