1000 resultados para Botânica - Embriologia
Se presenta una lista de 19 táxones con interés corológico, del Alt Berguedá (Pirineos orientales), con algunas observaciones acerca de su ecología, y en algunos casos con su distribución en Cataluña. La lista incluye nuevas localidades pirenaicas para orófitos (Brassica repanda subsp. turbonis, Alyssum cuneifolium), plantas mediterráneas (Asparagus acutifolius, Arenaria modesta), sinantrópicas (Impatiens balfourii), etc.
The herbarium BC-Trèmols was created during the second half of the 19th century by the Catalan chemist and botanist Frederic Trèmols Borrell. Between 1930 and 1960, the technician Antoni Marcos carried out a thorough review. The current collection consists of approximately 9000 specimen sheets; is made up of 58 volumes reordered by Marcos,two volumes with the original structure, four boxes of Hieracium and 85 boxes with additional material. Up to now 22 volumes and four boxes of Hieracium have been computerized (3695 specimens); we made an inventory at genus level of all volumes, and we computerized the original catalogue of the herbarium and the existing taxonomical fiches. We have also developed a preliminary inventory of the contents of the extra boxes. The analysis of these 3695 herbarium specimens clearly shows that it mainly consists of samples obtained by exchange (67.1%) especially within the Société Helvétique pour l"Échange des Plantes and the Societat Botànica Barcelonesa. Among the materials studied we found two specimens regarded as interesting from a taxonomical and/or nomenclatural point of view (isotypes of Silene holzmanii Heldr. ex Boiss. and of Arenaria minutiflora Loscos). Therefore, the main interest of the herbarium lies in the diversity of the geographical provenance of plants, which makes of this collection one of the first"pan-European herbaria" in Catalonia.
Dins el programa d'activitats practiques del Departament de Botànica.(Facultat de Biología de la Universität de Barcelona) eis estius deis anys 1982 i 1983 férem breus estades a la Valí de Cardos. Les nostres exploracions s'estengueren per la valí principal fins a la capçalera de Broate, i també vers als estanys de Romedo i I'estany de Naorte, i per la vall lateral d'Esterri de Cardos. Junt amb diversos professors del Departament (J. Carreras, E. Carrillo, A. Fàrràs, R. M. Masalles i J . M. Ninot) i de nombrosos alumnes, estudiàrem en una primera visió general la flora i la vegetació d'aquesta contrada pirinenca tan poc visitada pels botànics catalans. Aixô ens permetéd'aplègar una série de dades inédites, de les quais extreiem ara algunes de les citacions floristiques que ens semblen mes notables.
Se presenta un catálogo micológico de cerca de 60 especies de Agaricales, principalmente terrícolas, recolectados en la isla de Menorca durante las campañas de exploración llevadas a cabo en Noviembre de los años 1978 y 1980.
Background: Nolz1 is a zinc finger transcription factor whose expression is enriched in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), although its function is still unknown. Results: Here we analyze the role of Nolz1 during LGE development. We show that Nolz1 expression is high in proliferating neural progenitor cells (NPCs) of the LGE subventricular zone. In addition, low levels of Nolz1 are detected in the mantle zone, as well as in the adult striatum. Similarly, Nolz1 is highly expressed in proliferating LGE-derived NPC cultures, but its levels rapidly decrease upon cell differentiation, pointing to a role of Nolz1 in the control of NPC proliferation and/or differentiation. In agreement with this hypothesis, we find that Nolz1 over-expression promotes cell cycle exit of NPCs in neurosphere cultures and negatively regulates proliferation in telencephalic organotypic cultures. Within LGE primary cultures, Nolz1 over-expression promotes the acquisition of a neuronal phenotype, since it increases the number of β-III tubulin (Tuj1)- and microtubule-associated protein (MAP)2-positive neurons, and inhibits astrocyte generation and/or differentiation. Retinoic acid (RA) is one of the most important morphogens involved in striatal neurogenesis, and regulates Nolz1 expression in different systems. Here we show that Nolz1 also responds to this morphogen in E12.5 LGE-derived cell cultures. However, Nolz1 expression is not regulated by RA in E14.5 LGE-derived cell cultures, nor is it affected during LGE development in mouse models that present decreased RA levels. Interestingly, we find that Gsx2, which is necessary for normal RA signaling during LGE development, is also required for Nolz1 expression, which is lost in Gsx2 knockout mice. These findings suggest that Nolz1 might act downstream of Gsx2 to regulate RA-induced neurogenesis. Keeping with this hypothesis, we show that Nolz1 induces the selective expression of the RA receptor (RAR)β without altering RARα or RARγ. In addition, Nozl1 over-expression increases RA signaling since it stimulates the RA response element. This RA signaling is essential for Nolz1-induced neurogenesis, which is impaired in a RA-free environment or in the presence of a RAR inverse agonist. It has been proposed that Drosophila Gsx2 and Nolz1 homologues could cooperate with the transcriptional co-repressors Groucho-TLE to regulate cell proliferation. In agreement with this view, we show that Nolz1 could act in collaboration with TLE-4, as they are expressed at the same time in NPC cultures and during mouse development. Conclusions: Nolz1 promotes RA signaling in the LGE, contributing to the striatal neurogenesis during development.
Background: The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) and the isthmus organizer (IsO) are two major secondary organizers of vertebrate brain development. These organizers are located at the interface of the expression domains of key patterning genes (Fezf-Irx and Otx-Gbx, respectively). To gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the ZLI, we studied Fezf in bilaterians. Results: In this paper, we identified a conserved sequence motif (Fezf box) in all bilaterians. We report the expression pattern of Fezf in amphioxus and Drosophila and compare it with those of Gbx, Otx and Irx. We found that the relative expression patterns of these genes in vertebrates are fully conserved in amphioxus and flies, indicating that the genetic subdivisions defining the location of both secondary organizers in early vertebrate brain development were probably present in the last common ancestor of extant bilaterians. However, in contrast to vertebrates, we found that Irx-defective flies do not show an affected Fezf expression pattern. Conclusions: The absence of expression of the corresponding morphogens from cells at these conserved genetic boundaries in invertebrates suggests that the organizing properties might have evolved specifically in the vertebrate lineage by the recruitment of key morphogens to these conserved genetic locations.
Background: Nolz1 is a zinc finger transcription factor whose expression is enriched in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE), although its function is still unknown. Results: Here we analyze the role of Nolz1 during LGE development. We show that Nolz1 expression is high in proliferating neural progenitor cells (NPCs) of the LGE subventricular zone. In addition, low levels of Nolz1 are detected in the mantle zone, as well as in the adult striatum. Similarly, Nolz1 is highly expressed in proliferating LGE-derived NPC cultures, but its levels rapidly decrease upon cell differentiation, pointing to a role of Nolz1 in the control of NPC proliferation and/or differentiation. In agreement with this hypothesis, we find that Nolz1 over-expression promotes cell cycle exit of NPCs in neurosphere cultures and negatively regulates proliferation in telencephalic organotypic cultures. Within LGE primary cultures, Nolz1 over-expression promotes the acquisition of a neuronal phenotype, since it increases the number of β-III tubulin (Tuj1)- and microtubule-associated protein (MAP)2-positive neurons, and inhibits astrocyte generation and/or differentiation. Retinoic acid (RA) is one of the most important morphogens involved in striatal neurogenesis, and regulates Nolz1 expression in different systems. Here we show that Nolz1 also responds to this morphogen in E12.5 LGE-derived cell cultures. However, Nolz1 expression is not regulated by RA in E14.5 LGE-derived cell cultures, nor is it affected during LGE development in mouse models that present decreased RA levels. Interestingly, we find that Gsx2, which is necessary for normal RA signaling during LGE development, is also required for Nolz1 expression, which is lost in Gsx2 knockout mice. These findings suggest that Nolz1 might act downstream of Gsx2 to regulate RA-induced neurogenesis. Keeping with this hypothesis, we show that Nolz1 induces the selective expression of the RA receptor (RAR)β without altering RARα or RARγ. In addition, Nozl1 over-expression increases RA signaling since it stimulates the RA response element. This RA signaling is essential for Nolz1-induced neurogenesis, which is impaired in a RA-free environment or in the presence of a RAR inverse agonist. It has been proposed that Drosophila Gsx2 and Nolz1 homologues could cooperate with the transcriptional co-repressors Groucho-TLE to regulate cell proliferation. In agreement with this view, we show that Nolz1 could act in collaboration with TLE-4, as they are expressed at the same time in NPC cultures and during mouse development. Conclusions: Nolz1 promotes RA signaling in the LGE, contributing to the striatal neurogenesis during development.
Background: The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) and the isthmus organizer (IsO) are two major secondary organizers of vertebrate brain development. These organizers are located at the interface of the expression domains of key patterning genes (Fezf-Irx and Otx-Gbx, respectively). To gain insights into the evolutionary origin of the ZLI, we studied Fezf in bilaterians. Results: In this paper, we identified a conserved sequence motif (Fezf box) in all bilaterians. We report the expression pattern of Fezf in amphioxus and Drosophila and compare it with those of Gbx, Otx and Irx. We found that the relative expression patterns of these genes in vertebrates are fully conserved in amphioxus and flies, indicating that the genetic subdivisions defining the location of both secondary organizers in early vertebrate brain development were probably present in the last common ancestor of extant bilaterians. However, in contrast to vertebrates, we found that Irx-defective flies do not show an affected Fezf expression pattern. Conclusions: The absence of expression of the corresponding morphogens from cells at these conserved genetic boundaries in invertebrates suggests that the organizing properties might have evolved specifically in the vertebrate lineage by the recruitment of key morphogens to these conserved genetic locations.
La preparación de las síntesis del género Gratiola para Flora iberica y BIOGEO ha propiciado la consulta y revisión de materiales del herbario marroquíes, andaluces y de otras procedencias.
Amb el traspàs del germà Malagarriga ha desaparegut un deis ultims testimonis directes d'aliò que era la Botànica catalana durant el primer terç del segle vinte, abans de la guerra, i, en particular, el darrer component del grup de botànics que es constituí sota el mestratge de frère Sennen.
A nutrição mineral está relacionada com a fisiologia do crescimento e da reprodução das anonáceas, pois cada espécie do gênero Annona possui sua carga genética que apresenta requerimentos nutricionais específicos para suas funções metabólicas. A marcha de absorção de nutrientes é muito importante para definir os estádios de desenvolvimentos e as doses adequadas de aplicação de fertilizantes nas anonáceas e obter delas seu máximo potencial produtivo. Há poucos estudos científicos a respeito de nutrição e da adubação de plantas dessa família botânica, mas é sabido que são muito exigentes em nutrientes. No presente trabalho, são abordadas as principais exigências minerais dentro do gênero Annona, com ênfase para pinha (A. squamosa) e graviola (A. muricata), que afetam o crescimento vegetativo e reprodutivo, bem como a qualidade dos frutos (teor de açucares, acidez, firmeza e rachadura de frutos, etc.). A marcha de absorção em gravioleira, na fase de crescimento de mudas, é de forma decrescente: K>N>Ca>Mg>P e Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu. Expressivas quantidade de N, K, Ca, P e Mg são extraídas pelas anonáceas em comparação com outras frutíferas. A exportação de macronutrientes pelos frutos de pinha (A. squamosa) é superior aos exportados por laranjas, abacaxi, abacate e muitas outras frutas. A marcha de absorção de nutrientes dá-se de formas diferentes entre as anonáceas. Em relação aos micronutrientes, é sabido que o B e Zn desempenham importante função fisiológica no crescimento e na reprodução dessas plantas, mas a depender das características físicas e químicas do solo, outros elementos, como Fe, Mo, Cu, etc., poderão ser restritivos ao desenvolvimento e à produção dessa família de plantas. A crescente importância nos mercados de consumo in natura e de processamento industrial exige investigações científicas sobre a marcha de absorção e de nutrição mineral para as diversas espécies de anonáceas.
Una de las posibles consecuencias del calentamiento global es la extinción de especies de alta montaña por migración ascendente de las condiciones ambientales y pérdida de hábitat, fenómeno que, por el momento, ha sido considerado únicamente en montañas templadas y boreales. Este trabajo analiza la misma situación en montañas tropicales y estima el grado de amenaza de la flora vascular de las cimas de las montañas neotropicales de Guayana, al norte de Sudamérica. Del estudio basado en una muestra de 83 especies, entre aproximadamente el 8 y el 33% de las mismas se encuentran en peligro de extinguirse debido a la desaparición de su hábitat. La mayoría de estas especies son endémicas de Guayana, por lo que su desaparición afectaría a la biodiversidad global.
RESUMO Eugenia dysenterica DC. (cagaiteira) destaca-se entre as espécies nativas do Cerrado por produzir frutos de sabor agradável, os quais podem ser consumidos tanto in natura quanto processados na forma de doces, compotas e geleias. Apesar do potencial econômico, é uma planta pouco explorada, principalmente devido à baixa durabilidade dos frutos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da embalagem e da temperatura sobre a conservação pós-colheita de frutos de E. dysenterica. Para isto, os frutos de cagaita foram coletados no estádio verde-maduro, ainda ligados à planta-mãe, e levados ao Laboratório de Botânica da Universidade Federal da Bahia, onde foram selecionados quanto à integridade física, ausência de danos mecânicos epatogênicos. Após lavagem em água corrente, os frutos foram secos e acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, cobertas por filme de policloreto de vinila (PVC) de 10 micras, perfurados e sem perfuração, e em bandejas sem revestimento de PVC. A perfuração foi realizada visando a maior circulação de ar dentro das embalagens. Em seguida, foram armazenados em duas temperaturas, 5 e 25ºC. Para a avaliação da durabilidade dos frutos, foram realizadas avaliações diárias das características físicas e químicas, incluindo coloração, firmeza, pH, perda de massa, altura e diâmetro. O metabolismo de carboidratos também foi avaliado por meio da quantificação dos açúcares solúveis. Os frutos da cagaita apresentaram durabilidade de 5 dias, independentemente dos tratamentos utilizados, sendo que os submetidos à refrigeração apresentaram sintomas de injúria por frio, alteração da coloração e firmeza (25%), redução de pH e do consumo de carboidratos. Já em frutos mantidos a 25ºC, houve amarelecimento completo, perda de firmeza, aumento do pH e maior consumo de carboidratos. Verificou-se que o uso de embalagens, praticamente, não promoveu efeitos benéficos significativos. Desta forma, concluiu-se que o armazenamento dos frutos em temperatura de 25 e 5ºC não é aconselhável, sendo que esta última causa injúrias, e os frutos, por serem climatéricos, têm vida de prateleira curta.
La revisión de las especies ibéricas de Euphorbia sect. Cymatospermum ha precisado de un estudio previo de los caracteres seminales. Se ha examinado la variabilidad morfológica intra e interespecíflca de las semillas y se han definido los caracteres diferenciales para cada taxon. La forma, tamaño y ornamentación epispérmica proporcionan suficientes caracteres para distinguir los táxones reconocidos en este artículo. El estudio de los mucílagos y de los microcaracteres epispérmicos al MEB ha esclarecido las afinidades de las semillas de esta sección respecto a las otras del género, y ha supuesto indagación acerca de su significado funcional y evolutivo.
Las notas que siguen son un avance de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio que estamos llevando a cabo sobre el género Dianthus L. en el NE de la Península Ibérica, y versan sobre algunos de los táxones que consideramos más conflictivos.