995 resultados para Boron trifluoride


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The Pliocene period is the most recent time when the Earth was globally significantly (~3°C) warmer than today. However, the existing pCO2 data for the Pliocene are sparse and there is little agreement between the various techniques used to reconstruct palaeo-pCO2. Moreover, the temporal resolution of the published records does not allow a robust assessment of the role of declining pCO2 in the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (INHG) and a direct comparison to other proxy records are lacking. For the first time, we use a combination of foraminiferal (delta11B) and organic biomarker (alkenone-derived carbon isotopes) proxies to determine the concentration of atmospheric CO2 over the past 5 Ma. Both proxy records show that during the warm Pliocene pCO2 was between 330 and 400 ppm, i.e. similar to today. The decrease to values similar to pre-industrial times (275-285 ppm) occurred between 3.2 Ma and 2.8 Ma - coincident with the INHG and affirming the link between global climate, the cryosphere and pCO2.


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A suite of conjugate pore fluid and sediment samples were collected during Leg 169 of the ODP from within the clastic sedimentary sequences which host massive sulphides at Central Hill, Escanaba Trough (ODP Site 1038). We report the alkali element and boron, and Li and B isotope data for these samples. Relative to a reference site (Site 1037) located outside the zone of high heat flow, pore fluids from Site 1038 show a wide variation in Cl (300-800 mM), and have far higher concentrations of Li (up to 6.2 mM), B (up to 9.7 mM), Cs (up to 5.0 mM), and Rb (up to 97 mM). We show that the pore fluids are derived from hydrothermal circulation that has extended into the basement oceanic crust, with input of the alkali elements and B as the rising hydrothermal fluids interact geochemically with the overlying clastic sediments. There is, however, no marked depletion of these elements in the conjugate sediments, suggesting that there has been advective transport of fluids away from the primary hydrothermal reaction site. This is supported by modelling of the Li and B isotope systematics of the pore fluids, which shows that they record extensive formation of secondary minerals during cooling of the fluids from ~350 to ~20ºC. Precipitation of metal-rich sulphides would have occurred prior to the formation of these minerals, thus, the pore fluid Li and B isotope data can place important constraints on the locus of sulphide deposition beneath the seafloor at Escanaba.


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Culture experiments with living planktic foraminifers reveal that the ratio of boron to calcium (B/Ca) in Orbulina universa increases from 56 to 92 µmol mol-1 when pH is raised from 7.61 +/- 0.02 to 8.67 +/- 0.03 (total scale). Across this pH range, the abundances of carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate ions also change (+ 530, - 500, and + 170 µmol kg-1, respectively). Thus specific carbonate system control(s) on B/Ca remain unclear, complicating interpretation of paleorecords. B/Ca in cultured O. universa also increases with salinity (55-72 µmol mol-1 from 29.9-35.4 per mil) and seawater boron concentration (62-899 µmol mol-1 from 4-40 ppm B), suggesting that these parameters may need to be taken into account for paleorecords spanning large salinity changes (~ 2 per mil) and for samples grown in seawater whose boron concentration ([B]SW) differs from modern by more than 0.25 ppm. While our results are consistent with the predominant incorporation of the charged borate species B(OH)4 into foraminiferal calcite, the behavior of the partition coefficient KD (defined as [B/Ca]calcite/B(OH)4/HCO3seawater) cannot be explained by borate incorporation alone, and suggests the involvement of other pH-sensitive ions such as CO3 For a given increase in seawater B(OH)4, the corresponding increase in B/Ca is stronger when B(OH)4 is raised by increasing [B]SW than when it is raised by increasing pH. These results suggest that B incorporation controls should be reconsidered. Additional insight is gained from laser-ablation ICP-MS profiles, which reveal variable B/Ca distributions within individual shells.


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d11B and trace results obtained for a deep sea coral specimen Madrepora oculata collected from the Norwegian Sea (67°N, 9°E, 340 m) during the RV Polarstern ARK/II/Ia cruise (2007). Such coral specimen grew during the last four decades (1968-2007) and geochemical results highligh a seawater pH decrease with an order of magnitude in good agreement with an ocean acidification rate today known. This pH record is strongly impacted by inter-decadal change of ocean dynamic (NAO) and productivity. pHT calculation parameters (Hönisch et al., 2007): a=5; a=0.9804, d11B=39.5 PER MIL, Li/Mg temperature, salinity=35.1, pKB from Dickson (1990).


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Products of two mud volcanoes from the distal part of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex have been investigated regarding their B, C, and O stable isotope signatures. The mud breccias have been divided into mud matrix, lithified clasts, biogenic deposits, and authigenic cements and crusts related to fluid flow and cementation. Isotope geochemistry is used to evaluate the depth of mobilization of each phase in the subduction zone. B contents and isotope ratios of the mud and mud clasts show a general trend of B enrichment and decreasing d11B values with increasing consolidation (i.e., depth). However, the majority of the clast and matrix samples relate to moderate depths of mobilization within the wedge (1-2 km below seafloor). The carbonate cements of most of these clasts as well as the authigenic crusts, however, provide evidence for a deep fluid influence, probably associated with the décollement at 5-6 km depth. This interpretation is supported by d13C ratios of the crust, which indicate precipitation of C from thermogenic methane, and by the d11B ratios of pore-water samples of mud-breccia drill cores. Clams (Vesicomya sp.) living adjacent to fluid vents have d11B and d18O values corresponding to brines known in the area, which acted as the parent solution for shell precipitation. Such brines are most likely Miocene pore waters trapped at deep levels within the backstop to the accretionary prism, probably prior to desiccation of the Mediterranean in the Messinian (6-5 Ma). Combining all results, deep fluid circulation and expulsion are identified as the main processes triggering mud liquefaction and extrusion, whereas brines contribute only locally. Given the high B contents, mud extrusion has to be considered a major backflux mechanism of B into the hydrosphere.


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Boron isotope patterns preserved in cap carbonates deposited in the aftermath of the younger Cryogenian (Marinoan, ca. 635 Ma) glaciation confirm a temporary ocean acidification event on the continental margin of the southern Congo craton, Namibia. To test the significance of this acidification event and reconstruct Earth's global seawater pH states at the Cryogenian-Ediacaran transition, we present a new boron isotope data set recorded in cap carbonates deposited on the Yangtze Platform in south China and on the Karatau microcontinent in Kazakhstan. Our compiled d11B data reveal similar ocean pH patterns for all investigated cratons and confirm the presence of a global and synchronous ocean acidification event during the Marinoan deglacial period, compatible with elevated postglacial pCO2 concentrations. Differences in the details of the ocean acidification event point to regional distinctions in the buffering capacity of Ediacaran seawater.


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Serpentinite clasts and muds erupted from Conical Seamount, Mariana forearc, show substantial enrichment in boron (B) and 11B (delta11B up to +15?) relative to mantle values. These elevated B isotope signatures result from chemical exchange with B-rich pore fluids that are upwelling through the seamount. If the trends of decreasing delta11B with slab depth shown by cross-arc magmatic suites in the Izu and Kurile arcs of the western Pacific are extended to shallow depths (~25 km), they intersect the inferred delta11B of the slab-derived fluids (+13x) at Conical Seamount. Simple mixtures of a B-rich fluid with a high delta11B and B-poor mantle with a low delta11B are insufficient to explain the combined forearc and arc data sets. The B isotope systematics of subduction-related rocks thus indicate that the fluids evolved from downgoing slabs are more enriched in 11B than the slab materials from which they originate. Progressively lower delta11B in arc lavas erupted above deep slabs reflects both the progressive depletion of 11B from the slab and progressively greater inputs of mantle-derived B. This suggests that the slab releases 11B-enriched fluids from the shallowest levels to depths greater than 200 km.


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Boron contents and boron, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes were determined for authigenic carbonates recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 146, Oregon margin. Carbonate precipitates are the most widespread authigenic phase in the shallow accretionary wedge and carry chemical information about long-term variations in pore fluid origin and flow paths in the Cascadia subduction zone. Drilling the first ridge (toe area including the frontal thrust) and the second ridge (or Hydrate Ridge) of the prism demonstrated different fluid regimes, with higher B contents in the authigenic precipitates at the toe. The delta11B of 18 authigenic precipitates analysed ranges from 13.9 per mil to as high as 39.8 per mil, extending the upper range of previously reported carbonate delta11B values considerably. When related to the delta11B ratio of their parent solutions, these data are characteristic of fluid-related processes in accretionary prisms. Together with delta13C and delta18O, delta11B ratios of the carbonate concretions, nodules and crusts allow one to distinguish between precipitation influenced by (i) seawater, (ii) fluid reservoirs at different depth levels within the accretionary prism and (iii) cage water from dissociated gas hydrates, the latter possibly indicating a fluctuation of the bottom simulating reflector during most recent Earth's history. From this first systematic boron study on authigenic precipitates from an accretionary prism it is suggested that B contents of such carbonate crusts and concretions exceed those reported for other marine carbonates. Given the abundance of such precipitates at convergent margins, they represent a significant B sink in geochemical cycling. Isotopic compositions of the parent fluids to the carbonates mirror B chemistry of modern pore waters from convergent margins. The precipitates carry information of different subduction-related fluid processes over a certain period of time, and hence are a crucial tracer in the investigation of palaeo-fluid flow.