945 resultados para Blastomere Cleavage
Résumé : Au cours de l'évolution, les organismes multicellulaires ont développé le système immunitaire afin de pouvoir se défendre contre les pathogènes tel que les bactéries, les virus, et les parasites. La réponse immunitaire doit être finement régulée par différentes voies de signalisation moléculaire, afin d'assurer une efficacité optimale, et d'éviter des dommages tissulaires indésirables. Les résultats expérimentaux décrits dans ce manuscrit, mettent en évidence que la protéine Unc5CL, qui contient un death domain (DD), est impliquée dans la régulation de la réponse immunitaire des muqueuses. Il a été démontré que cette protéine contient aussi un domaine transmembranaire de type III dans sa partie N-terminale, permettant ainsi de l'ancrer et d'exposer sa partie C-terminale dans le cytosol, un prérequis pour la signalisation dans ce compartiment cellulaire. De plus, cette protéine a la capacité d'activer le facteur de transcription NFxB, qui joue un rôle important dans le système immunitaire, ainsi que dans d'autres processus cellulaires essentiels. Le profil transcriptionnel révèle que l'activation de NF-κB induite par Unc5CL conduit principalement à une réponse inflammatoire, qui se caractérise par la production de diverses chimiokines (e.g. CXCL-1, IL-8 et CCL20). Il a également été démontré que Unc5CL requiert les mêmes molécules qui sont utilisées dans la voie de signalisation des récepteurs de la famille toll et de l'interleukine-1. De manière similaire à leur protéine adaptatrice MyD88, Unc5CL a la capacité de recruter, via une interaction homotypique DD-DD, les kinases IRAK1 et IRAK4 qui contiennent elles aussi un DD, permettant ainsi au signal d'être transmis. La production d'un anticorps polyclonal contre le DD de Unc5CL a permis d'identifier des lignées cellulaires et des tissus exprimant cette protéine, ainsi que de déterminer sa localisation sub-cellulaire. Unc5CL a été détecté dans les cellules de la muqueuse utérine et intestinale, ainsi que dans une lignée cellulaire issue d'un adénocarcinome colorectal humain, les CaCo-2. Dans chacun de ces cas, Unc5CL a été principalement détectée au niveau apical des cellules épithéliales polarisées. De manière similaire à PIDD, une protéine impliquée dans la réponse aux dommages à l'ADN, et au constituant des pores nucléaires Nup98, Unc5CL est constitutivement clivé de manière autoprotéolytique, au niveau d'un site HFS. Il est intéressant d'observer que les deux fragments ainsi générés restent fortement associés l'un à l'autre après clivage. Finalement, un criblage protéomique pour identifier un partenaire d'interaction, a mis en évidence l'ubiquitin ligase E3 ITCH, qui régule de manière négative Unc5CL en augmentant sa dégradation. Summary : Multicellular organisms have evolved the immune system in order to defend themselves against pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and eukaryotic parasites. Immune responses have to be tightly orchestrated by signaling mechanisms to achieve optimal effectiveness and minimal tissue damage. The experimental results in this thesis manuscript provide evidence that the death domain (DD)-containing protein Unc5CL might be involved in the regulation of mucosal immune responses. It could be shown that the protein contains an N-terminal type-III transmembrane domain that anchors the protein with its C-terminus exposed to the cytosol, a prerequisite for signaling events in this compartment. Furthermore, the protein has the capacity to activate the transcription factor NF-κB, which plays an important role in the immune system as well as in other essential cellular processes. Transcriptional profiling revealed that Unc5CL-mediated activation of NF-κB mainly leads to an inflammatory response, characterized by the production of chemokines (e.g. CXCL-l, IL-8 and CCL20). Furthermore, it could be shown that Unc5CL requires the same downstream signaling molecules as the evolutionarily ancient tolUinterleukin-1 receptor family. Similar to their adapter protein MyD88, Unc5CL has the capacity to recruit the DD-containing kinases IRAKI and IRAK4 for signaling and can interact with these proteins via homotypic DD-DD interactions. Generation of polyclonal antibodies raised against the DD of Unc5CL allowed the identification of cell lines and tissues that express the endogenous protein as well as to confine its subcellular localization. Unc5CL was detected in primary mucosal uterine and intestinal epithelial cells as well as in the human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line CaCo-2. In all cases, the protein was mainly localized to the apical face of these polarized epithelial cells. Similar to PIDD, a protein critically involved in responses to DNA damage, and the nuclear pore component Nup98, Unc5CL is constitutively autoproteolytically processed at an HFS site. Interestingly, the two generated cleavage fragments remain tightly associated after processing. Finally, a proteomics screen for interaction partners identified the E3 ubiquitin ligase ITCH as a negative regulator of Unc5CL by targeting the protein for degradation.
We investigate the benefits and experimental feasibility of approaches enabling the shift from short (1.7kDa on average) peptides in bottom-up proteomics to about twice longer (~3.2kDa on average) peptides in the so-called extended bottom-up proteomics. Candida albicans secreted aspartic protease Sap9 has been selected for evaluation as an extended bottom-up proteomic-grade enzyme due to its suggested dibasic cleavage specificity and ease of production. We report the extensive characterization of Sap9 specificity and selectivity revealing that protein cleavage by Sap9 most often occurs in the vicinity of proximal basic amino acids, and in select cases also at basic and hydrophobic residues. Sap9 is found to cleave a large variety of proteins in a relatively short, ~1h, period of time and it is efficient in a broad pH range, including slightly acidic, e. g., pH5.5, conditions. Importantly, the resulting peptide mixtures contain representative peptides primarily in the target 3-7kDa range. The utility and advantages of this enzyme in routine analysis of protein mixtures are demonstrated and the limitations are discussed. Overall, Sap9 has a potential to become an enzyme of choice in an extended bottom-up proteomics, which is technically ready to complement the traditional bottom-up proteomics for improved targeted protein structural analysis and expanded proteome coverage. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Advances in biological applications of mass spectrometry-based bottom-up proteomics are oftentimes limited by the extreme complexity of biological samples, e.g., proteomes or protein complexes. One of the reasons for it is in the complexity of the mixtures of enzymatically (most often using trypsin) produced short (<3kDa) peptides, which may exceed the analytical capabilities of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Information on localization of protein modifications may also be affected by the small size of typically produced peptides. On the other hand, advances in high-resolution mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography have created an intriguing opportunity of improving proteome analysis by gradually increasing the size of enzymatically-derived peptides in MS-based bottom-up proteomics. Bioinformatics has already confirmed the envisioned advantages of such approach. The remaining bottle-neck is an enzyme that could produce longer peptides. Here, we report on the characterization of a possible candidate enzyme, Sap9, which may be considered for producing longer, e.g., 3-7kDa, peptides and lead to a development of extended bottom-up proteomics.
The riboregulator RsmY of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is an example of small regulatory RNAs belonging to the global Rsm/Csr regulatory systems controlling diverse cellular processes such as glycogen accumulation, motility, or formation of extracellular products in various bacteria. By binding multiple molecules of the small regulatory protein RsmA, RsmY relieves the negative effect of RsmA on the translation of several target genes involved in the biocontrol properties of strain CHA0. RsmY and functionally related riboregulators have repeated GGA motifs predicted to be exposed in single-stranded regions, notably in the loops of hairpins. The secondary structure of RsmY was corroborated by in vivo cleavage with lead acetate. RsmY mutants lacking three or five (out of six) of the GGA motifs showed reduced ability to derepress the expression of target genes in vivo and failed to bind the RsmA protein efficiently in vitro. The absence of GGA motifs in RsmY mutants resulted in reduced abundance of these transcripts and in a shorter half-life (< or = 6 min as compared with 27 min for wild type RsmY). These results suggest that both the interaction of RsmY with RsmA and the stability of RsmY strongly depend on the GGA repeats and that the ability of RsmY to interact with small regulatory proteins such as RsmA may protect this RNA from degradation.
Death receptors belong to the TNF receptor family and are characterised by an intracellular death domain that serves to recruit adapter proteins such as TRADD and FADD and cysteine proteases such as Caspase-8. Activation of Caspase-8 on the aggregated receptor leads to apoptosis. Triggering of death receptors is mediated through the binding of specific ligands of the TNF family, which are homotrimeric type-2 membrane proteins displaying three receptor binding sites. There are various means of modulating the activation of death receptors. The status of the ligand (membrane-bound vs. soluble) is critical in the activation of Fas and of TRAIL receptors. Cleavage of membrane-bound FasL to a soluble form (sFasL) does not affect its ability to bind to Fas but drastically decreases its cytotoxic activity. Conversely, cross-linking epitope-tagged sFasL with anti-tag antibodies to mimic membrane-bound ligand results in a 1000-fold increase in cytotoxicity. This suggests that more than three Fas molecules need to be aggregated to efficiently signal apoptosis. Death receptors can also be regulated by decoy receptors. The cytotoxic ligand TRAIL interacts with five receptors, only two of which (TRAIL-R1 and -R2) have a death domain. TRAIL-R3 is anchored to the membrane by a glycolipid and acts as a dominant negative inhibitor of TRAIL-mediated apoptosis when overexpressed on TRAIL-sensitive cells. Intracellular proteins interacting with the apoptotic pathway are potential modulators of death receptors. FLIP resembles Caspase-8 in structure but lacks protease activity. It interacts with both FADD and Caspase-8 to inhibits the apoptotic signal of death receptors and, at the same time, can activate other signalling pathways such as that leading to NF-kappa B activation.
The transmembrane protein HER2 is over-expressed in approximately 15% of invasive breast cancers as a result of HER2 gene amplification. HER2 proteolytic cleavage (HER2 shedding) generates soluble truncated HER2 molecules that include only the extracellular domain and the concentration of which can be measured in the serum fraction of blood. HER2 shedding also generates a constitutively active truncated intracellular receptor of 95kDa (p95(HER2)). Another soluble truncated HER2 protein (Herstatin), which can also be found in serum, is the product of an alternatively spliced HER2 transcript. Recent preclinical findings may provide crucial insights into the biological and clinical relevance of increased sHER2 concentrations for the outcome of HER2-positive breast cancer and sensitivity to trastuzumab and lapatinib treatment. We present here the most recent findings about the role and biology of sHER2 based on data obtained using a standardized test, which has been cleared by FDA in 2000, for measuring sHER2. This test includes quality control assessments and has been already widely used to evaluate the clinical utility of sHER2 as a biomarker in breast cancer. We will describe in detail data concerning the assessment of sHER2 as a surrogate maker to optimize the evaluation of the HER2 status of a primary tumor and as a prognosis and predictive marker of response to therapies, both in early and metastatic breast cancer.
Apoptosis is defined as a programmed cell death process operating in multicellular organisms in order to maintain proper homeostasis of tissues. Caspases are among the best characterized proteases to execute apoptosis although lately many studies have associated them with non-apoptotic functions. In the laboratory an antiapoptotic pathway relying on caspase-3 activation and RasGAP has been described in vitro. RasGAP bears two conserved caspase-3 cleavage sites. Under low stress conditions, RasGAP is first cleaved by low caspase-3 activity generating an N terminal fragment (fragment N) that induces a potent anti-apoptotic response mediated by the Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway. High levels of active caspase-3, associated with increased stress conditions, induce further cleavage of fragment N abrogating this anti-apoptotic response. In the present work I studied the functionality of fragment N-mediated protection in physiological conditions as well as the mechanism by which fragment N induces an anti-apoptotic response, with a focus on survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis. During my work in the laboratory I found that mice lacking caspase-3 or unable to cleave RasGAP (KI mice) are deficient in Akt activation and more sensitive to apoptosis than wild-type mice in response to stress. This higher sensitivity to stress led to augmented tissue damage, highlighting the importance of this pathway in protection against low stress. In parallel I focused on the study of survivin expression in the skin in response to UV-B light and I found that survivin is induced in the cytoplasm of keratinocytes in response to stress where it may fulfill a cyto-protective role. However fragment N had no effect on survivin expression. In addition, cytoplasmic survivin was increased in keratinocytes exposed to UV-B light, whether RasGAP is cleaved (WT mice) or not (KI mice), indicating that survivin is not involved in fragment N mediated protection. Altogether these data indicate that fragment N is pivotal for cell protection against pathophysiologic damage and can encourage the development of therapies aimed to strengthen the resistance of cells against aggressive treatments. Importantly, this finding contributes to the characterization of how caspase-3 can be activated without inducing cell death, although further studies need to be conducted in order to completely characterize this pro-survival molecular mechanism.
Summary : A lot of information can be obtained on proteins when proteomics methods are used. In our study, we aimed to characterize complexes containing pro-apoptotic proteins by different proteomics methods and finally focused on PIDD (p53-induced protein with a death domain), for which the most interesting results were obtained. PIDD has been shown to function as a molecular switch between genotoxic stress-induced apoptotis and genotoxic stress-induced cell survival through NF-κB activation. To exert these two functions, PIDD forms alternate complexes respectively with caspase2 and CRADD on one hand and RIP 1 and NEMO on the other hand. The first part of our study focuses on the processing of PIDD. PIDD full length (FL) is constitutively cleaved into three fragments, an N-terminal one (PIDD-N) and two fragments containing the C-terminus (PIDD-C and PIDD-CC). Localization of the two PIDD cleavage sites by mass spectrometry (MS) allowed to understand that PIDD is probably not cleaved by proteases but is subject to protein (self-)splicing and also to map the PIDD-N, PIDD-C and PIDD-CC fragments exactly. Further characterization of these three fragments by Tinel et al. (Tinel et al., 2007) showed that PIDD-C is involved in activation of an apoptotic pathway while PIDD-CC is involved in NF-κB activation. We also found that PIDD is subject to proline-directed phosphorylation at two serine residues in PIDD-N, the regulatory fragment of PIDD. The second part of the study aimed at identifying by proteomics techniques proteins that co-purify with PIDD and therefore are putative cellular interaction partners. In this respect we analyzed samples obtained in different conditions or with different PIDD constructs corresponding to processed fragments. This allowed us to identify a large number of potential interactors for PIDD. For example, by comparing data obtained from PIDD-C and PIDD-FL affinity purifications, we found that the Hsp90 chaperone system interacts strongly with PIDD-N. In the third part of this study, we developed methods to selectively and rapidly quantify by MS proteins of interest in PIDD affinity purifications or negative controls. Using these tools we detected significant changes in PIDD-FL-copurifying proteins treated by heat shock. Overall, our studies provide informative data on the processing of PIDD and its possible involvement in several molecular pathways.
A new method for oxidative folding of synthetic polypeptides assembled by stepwise solid phase synthesis is introduced. Folding is obtained in excellent yields by reacting S-tert-butylthiolated polypeptides with a 100-fold molar excess of cysteine at 37 degrees C in a slightly alkaline buffer containing chaotropic salts, and in the presence of air-oxygen. This novel protocol has been applied to the folding of S-tert-butylthiolated human thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (hu-TARC) derivatives as well as to larger segments of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite proteins. Folded P. falciparum polypeptides have been used as substrates of endoproteinase Glu-C (Glu-C) and endoproteinase Asp-N (Asp-N) in an attempt to identify their disulfide connectivities. Particular practical advantages of the present method are (i) easy purification and storage of the S-protected peptide derivatives, (ii) elimination of the risk of cysteine alkylation during the acidolytic cleavage deprotection and resin cleavage steps, (iii) possibility to precisely evaluate the extent of folding and disulfide bond formation by mass spectrometry, and (iv) facile recovery of the final folded product.
Nearly full-length Circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from Plasmodium falciparum, the C-terminal fragments from both P. falciparm and P. yoelii CSP and a fragment comprising 351 amino acids of P.vivax MSPI were expressed in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Discoidin-tag expression vectors allowed both high yields of these proteins and their purification by a nearly single-step procedure. We exploited the galactose binding activity of Discoidin Ia to separate the fusion proteins by affinity chromatography on Sepharose-4B columns. Inclusion of a thrombin recognition site allowed cleavage of the Discoidin-tag from the fusion protein. Partial secretion of the protein was obtained via an ER independent pathway, whereas routing the recombinant proteins to the ER resulted in glycosylation and retention. Yields of proteins ranged from 0.08 to 3 mg l(-1) depending on the protein sequence and the purification conditions. The recognition of purified MSPI by sera from P. vivax malaria patients was used to confirm the native conformation of the protein expressed in Dictyostelium. The simple purification procedure described here, based on Sepharose-4B, should facilitate the expression and the large-scale purification of various Plasmodium polypeptides.
The efficient removal of a N- or C-terminal purification tag from a fusion protein is necessary to obtain a protein in a pure and active form, ready for use in human or animal medicine. Current techniques based on enzymatic cleavage are expensive and result in the presence of additional amino acids at either end of the proteins, as well as contaminating proteases in the preparation. Here we evaluate an alternative method to the one-step affinity/protease purification process for large-scale purification. It is based upon the cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage at a single methionine placed in between a histidine tag and a Plasmodium falciparum antigen. The C-terminal segment of the circumsporozoite polypeptide was expressed as a fusion protein with a histidine tag in Escherichia coli purified by Ni-NAT agarose column chromatography and subsequently cleaved by CNBr to obtain a polypeptide without any extraneous amino acids derived from the cleavage site or from the affinity purification tag. Thus, a recombinant protein is produced without the need for further purification, demonstrating that CNBr cleavage is a precise, efficient, and low-cost alternative to enzymatic digestion, and can be applied to large-scale preparations of recombinant proteins.
Summary : Several signalling cascades are initiated through the triggering of the T cell receptor (TCR) by an antigenic peptide expressed at the surface of an antigen presenting cell. These pathways lead to morphological changes controlling T cell adhesiveness and migration to the site of infection, and to the activation of transcription factors that regulate key genes for the proper development of the immune response. Amongst them, the nuclear factor xB (NF-κB) is the subject of intense research since more than twenty years because deregulated NF-κB signalling in lymphocytes can lead to immunodeficiency, autoimmunity or lymphomas. Therefore, the understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating NF-κB activation is important for the development of new therapeutics aimed at treating various diseases. In T lymphocytes, a complex composed of CARMAI, BCL10 and MALT1 relays signals from TCR proximal events to NF-κB activation. Gene translocations of the BCL10 or MALTI genes or oncogenic mutations affecting CARNA 1 result in constitutive NF-κB activation and are related to the development of certain forms of lymphomas. MALT1 contains acaspase-like domain, but it is unknown whether this domain is proteolytically active. In this study, we found that MALT1 has arginine-directed proteolytic activity. We showed that the proteolytic activity of MALT 1 is key to TCR-induced NF-κB activation and production of interleukin 2. We identified BCL 10 as a MALT 1 substrate, and we showed that its cleavage regulates T cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. Furthermore, we identified caspase 10 as another substrate of MALT1. caspase 10 is a close homologue of caspase 8 and is known to be involved in the induction of apoptosis upon Fast or TRAIL stimulation. We showed that caspase 10 is important for TCR-induced NF-κB activation and interleukin 2 production, identifying for the first time a non apoptotic function for caspase 10. These data provide evidence for previously uncharacterized roles of MALT 1 and BCL 10 in the regulation of T cell adhesion and of caspase 10 in the activation of lymphocytes, and allow a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of T lymphocyte activation. Since the proteolytic activity of MALT1 is essential to T cell activation, it suggests that the targeting of this activity may be relevant for the development of immunomodulatory or anticancer drugs. Résumé : De nombreuses voies de signalisation sont initiées via la stimulation des récepteurs des cellules T (TCR) par un peptide antigénique exprimé à la surface d'une cellule présentatrice d'antigènes. Ces cascades de signalisation produisent des changements morphologiques qui contrôlent l'adhésion des cellules T et leur migration vers le site d'infection. Elles contrôlent également l'activation de facteurs de transcription qui régulent la transcription de gènes importants pour la réponse immunitaire. Parmi ces derniers, le facteur nucléaire KB (NF-κB) joue un rôle essentiel, puisqu'une régulation aberrante de son activité dans les lymphocytes peut causer des immunodéficiences, des maladies autoimmunes ou des lymphomes. C'est pour cela que la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l'activation de NF-κB est donc importante pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies. Un complexe contenant les protéines CAIZMAI, BCL10 et MALT1 transmet, dans les lymphocytes T, le signal du TCR vers l'activation de NF-κB. Des translocations des gènes qui codent pour BCL10 et MALTI et des mutations affectant la fonction de CARNAI ont été liées au développement de certaines formes de lymphomes. MALTI contient un domaine qui ressemble au domaine catalytique présent dans les caspases, mais il n'est pas connu si ce domaine a une activité protéolytique. Dans cette étude, nous avons découvert que MALTI est une protéase qui a une spécificité pour les acides aminés basiques comme l'arginine. Nous montrons que l'activité protéolytique de MALTI est importante pour l'activation de NF-κB et la production d'interleukine 2 après stimulation du TCR. Nous avons observé que BCL10 est clivé par MALTI pendant l'activation des lymphocytes T, et que ce clivage est impliqué dans la régulation de l'adhésion des lymphocytes T à la fibronectin, une protéine de la matrice extracellulaire. De plus, nous avons identifié que la caspase 10, qui a une grande homologie avec la caspase 8 et qui jusqu'à maintenant est connue pour son rôle dans l'induction de la mort cellulaire en réponse à une stimulation par Fast ou par TRAIL, est également un substrat de MALT 1. En montrant que la caspase 10 est nécessaire à l' activation de NF-icB et à la production de l'interleukine 2 après stimulation du TCR, nous décrivons pour la première fois une fonction non apoptotique de la caspase 10. Ces résultats décrivent de nouveaux rôles pour MALT1 et BCL10 dans le contrôle de l'adhésion des lymphocytes T et de la caspase 10 pour l'activation des lymphocytes T. Puisque l'activité protéolytique de MALT1 est essentielle pour l'activation des lymphocytes T, nous suggérons que cibler cette activité protéolytique de MALT 1 pourrait amener de nouvelles possibilités de traitement de maladies où une activation aberrante des lymphocytes est impliquée.
The paracaspase MALT1 is pivotal in antigen receptor-mediated lymphocyte activation and lymphomagenesis. MALT1 contains a caspase-like domain, but it is unknown whether this domain is proteolytically active. Here we report that MALT1 had arginine-directed proteolytic activity that was activated after T cell stimulation, and we identify the signaling protein Bcl-10 as a MALT1 substrate. Processing of Bcl-10 after Arg228 was required for T cell receptor-induced cell adhesion to fibronectin. In contrast, MALT1 activity but not Bcl-10 cleavage was essential for optimal activation of transcription factor NF-kappaB and production of interleukin 2. Thus, the proteolytic activity of MALT1 is central to T cell activation, which suggests a possible target for the development of immunomodulatory or anticancer drugs
BACKGROUND: The circumsporozoite (CS) protein is a major malaria sporozoite surface antigen currently being considered as vaccine candidate. Plasmodium vivax CS (PvCS) protein comprises a dimorphic central repeat fragment flanked by conserved regions that contain functional domains involved in parasite invasion of host cells. The protein amino (N-terminal) flank has a cleavage region (region I), essential for proteolytic processing prior to parasite invasion of liver cells. METHODS: We have developed a 131-mer long synthetic polypeptide (LSP) named PvNR1R2 that includes the N-terminal flank and the two natural repeat variant regions known as VK210 and VK247. We studied the natural immune response to this region in human sera from different malaria-endemic areas and its immunogenicity in mice. RESULTS: PvNR1R2 was more frequently recognized by sera from Papua New Guinea (PNG) (83%) than by samples from Colombia (24%) when tested by ELISA. The polypeptide formulated in Montanide ISA51 adjuvant elicited strong antibody responses in both C3H and CB6F1 mice strains. Antibodies from immunized mice as well as affinity-purified human IgG reacted with native protein by IFA test. Moreover, mouse immune sera induced strong (90%) in vitro inhibition of sporozoite invasion (ISI) of hepatoma cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: These results encourage further studies in non-human primates to confirm the elicitation of sporozoite invasion blocking antibodies, to assess cell mediated immune responses and the protective efficacy of this polypeptide.
Members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family play key roles in the regulation of inflammation, immune responses and tissue homeostasis. Here we describe the identification of the chicken homologue of mammalian B cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF/BLyS). By searching a chicken EST database we identified two overlapping cDNA clones that code for the entire open reading frame of chicken BAFF (chBAFF), which contains a predicted transmembrane domain and a putative furin protease cleavage site like its mammalian counterparts. The amino acid identity between soluble chicken and human BAFF is 76%, considerably higher than for most other known cytokines. The chBAFF gene is most strongly expressed in the bursa of Fabricius. Soluble recombinant chBAFF produced by human 293T cells interacted with the mammalian cell-surface receptors TACI, BCMA and BAFF-R. It bound to chicken B cells, but not to other lymphocytes, and it promoted the survival of splenic chicken B cells in culture. Furthermore, bacterially expressed chBAFF induced the selective expansion of B cells in the spleen and cecal tonsils when administered to young chicks. Our results suggest that like its mammalian counterpart, chBAFF plays an important role in survival and/or proliferation of chicken B cells.