991 resultados para Blake, Jeremiah, 1800-1890.
Rapid and uniform germination of seeds followed by prompt emergence are highly desirable characteristics for the production of seedlings. The aim of this study was to identify sowing positions and types of substrate most likely to the seed germination process and growth of seedlings of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake. To germinate the seeds, they were placed in the following positions in relation to the bottom of the furrow in the substrate: hilum uppermost, hilum at the bottom, supported on one side, seed on edge with its sides parallel to the walls of the bag. Three substrates were used: commercial plantmax substrate (control), pine sawdust and sand. The substrates were fully randomized in a 4 x 3 factorial design (four seed positions and three substrates), with four replications of 20 seeds. The parameters evaluated were: the percentage of emergence, the after emergence seedling deaths, the first-count test, the emergence speed index, and the seedling aerial part length. It was concluded that all the seed positions in pine sawdust sowing offer the more favorable conditions for the germination process and seedling growth of Schizolobium parahyba.
The components used in the production of substrates influence directly the growth cycle, quality and consequently the cost of production of seedlings. In this experiment we studied the development, quality and cost of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden x E. urophylla S. T. Blake, through sexual propagation using 12 compositions of substrate. The results showed that the pure substrates, with the exception of coconut fiber, did not present physical characteristics appropriate for the production from seedlings of eucalyptus in container, with the best results obtained for the substrates with a mixture 1:1 of carbonized rid of rice and coconut-fiber and a mixture 1:1 of vermiculite and coconut fiber, due to the best morphological characteristics and the possibility of reducing the production period which enables a reduction in the cost of final seedling.
This article analyzes the creation and development of the São Paulo police force during the early years of the republican regime. In a period of political change and turbulence, institutional upheaval (uprising of the Navy and federalist revolution), and social pressure, São Paulo's police force played an important role. As the state sought to organize the public sphere, the police force became a tool in the new government's hands. A more martial set of demands mobilized a large portion of the troops on behalf of the federal government against the Custodio de Mello uprising, and sought to defend São Paulo's borders. Despite official discourse that fomented a militarized response, São Paulo's police force found itself unable to dismiss old personnel and practices and dislodge entrenched interests.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Seedling taken from 2 species of Eucalyptus growing in Brazil were electrophoretically analysed at 14 isozyme loci representing 6 enzyme systems: alpha-EST, beta-EST, SKDH, IDH, MDH, and LAP. Genetic variability measures were determined using 11 putative isozyme loci. on average, 81.8% and 54.5% of the loci were found to be polymorphic by the criterion of 95% in E. urophylla and E. grandis, respectively. The mean number of alleles per loci was 3.0 in E. urophylla and 2.5 in E. grandis. Observed mean heterozygosity was 0.283 in E. urophylla and 0.166 in E. grandis. Levels of genetic diversity in these species were similar to those in other Eucalyptus species which have widespread distributions. The possible hybridization of E. urophylla with E. alba is also discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Apresentamos aqui, precedido de uma introdução explicativa, o fragmento de uma narrativa de viagem relativa ao Brasil, escrita pelo comerciante inglês John Turnbull em 1805, intitulada A Voyage round the world in the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804. Turnbull aportou na Baía de Todos os Santos em agosto de 1800, permanecendo quatro ou cinco dias na cidade. Apesar da brevidade da visita, suas impressões sobre o Brasil trazem, entre outras coisas, curiosas notas sobre a situação de Portugal e de sua rica colônia dos trópicos no então conturbado cenário político europeu.
Este artigo versa sobre a importância da pequena cafeicultura no complexo cafeeiro entre 1890 e 1914. Discutimos aqui as relações de trabalho, as formas de financiamento e o modo como a pequena propriedade se insere neste universo. Utilizamos como fontes prioritárias os contratos de trabalho que envolviam a formação e/ou o trato de cafeeiros e as escrituras de dívidas hipotecárias, ambas lavradas nos Livros Cartoriais, fontes estas ainda não trabalhadas pela historiografia de forma mais sistemática. Desviamos nosso olhar para uma região marcada predominantemente pelas pequenas e médias fazendas produtoras de café, observando a dinâmica da acumulação em um período de expansão e de crise da cafeicultura.
Molecular markers have gradually replaced morphological markers in population studies. The advantages of molecular markers are the speed and precision of evaluations, mainly for long cycle cultures, where determinate traits can take years to manifest. The principle objectives of this research were to assess variability and genetic distances in four generations of Eucalyptus urophylla and provide data that help with the continued improvement of these materials. The populations can be found at the Experimental Forestry Sciences Station, Anhembi, SP, belonging to the College of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz of São Paulo University. The initial base population was introduced by seeds collected in indonesia and designated P0 generation. The subsequent segregated generations, derivatives of recombination starting with open pollination, were designated P1, P2, and P3. One hundred and seventy four individual trees representing the four generations were analysed. The RAPD technique allowed the identification of 86 loci that were analysed with the Jaccard Coefficient, generating a genetic similarity matrix, permitting the estimation of genetic distances. The genetic distance of generation PO was 0.3338333, P1 was 0.336824, P2 was 0.40000, and P3 was 0.381093. In percentage terms the genetic distances between individuals grew in relation to base population, being 0.15% for generation P1, 18.93% for P2, and 13.31% for P3. This shows an increase in genetic variability with the advance of the program, despite the selective processes. From this came the belief that the initial base population was resulting from seed collection from isolated trees. These populations, although going through successive selections, had a high cross efficiency through satisfactory pollination, which then permitted genetic variation to increase, the outcome of effective recombination between individuals. Generations P2 and P3 gave a better perspective for the continuance of the improvement program due to the high number of different groups with standard genetic distances of 35%. The selections made between the diverse genetic groups allowed the efficient use of genetic variability evaluation.
Molecular markers have recently been incorporated into genetic improvement programs. They are already considered as powerful tools with several different uses, for instance the monitoring of genetic variability in tree populations. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate genetic variability in Eucalyptus urophylla progenies and together with silvicultural and botanical information, provide assistance to the improvement program. The Eucalypts population is located at the Experimental Forestry Sciences Station, Anhembi, SP, which belongs to the College of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz. Sixty-nine progenies were analysed representing one individual by family in open pollinated Eucalyptus urophylla trees. The RAPD technique allowed the identification of 72 loci that were analysed using Jaccard's Coefficient generating a genetic similarity matrix to permit estimation of genetic distances. The results obtained showed genetic distance between individuals of 0.40 with 12 groups of genetic variability using a standardised distance of 40%. The progenies showed different bark patterns, allowing the establishment of bark groups. The groups formed based on genetic distances obtained using DNA analysis did not correspond to those based on bark pattern. Genetic selection was simulated in which silvicultural and genetic variability data were linked, thus avoiding excessive variability losses. The simulation of controlled crossings allowed the maximum genetic difference to be obtained linked with height and individual bark roughness.
The Conularia beds of the Ponta Grossa Formation (Devonian) of the Paraná Basin, southern Brazil, yield well-preserved specimens of Conularia quichua Ulrich and Paraconularia africana Sharpe. Many of these are preserved in life orientation. Also, one of the C. quichua specimens has five faces instead of four, providing additional evidence of a cnidarian affinity for conulariids. Conulariids occur in the Jaguariaíva Member (or Sequence B, transgressive system tract) containing several obrution deposits beneath marine flooding surfaces. Taphonomic data obtained from these beds show conclusively that both C. quichua and P. africana were epibenthic, sessile invertebrates originally oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the bottom and with their aperture opening upward. Of the 136 C. quichua specimens examined here, 125 occur isolated. Eleven of the C. quichua specimens collectively occur in five discrete clusters consisting of two or three specimens. All of the clustered specimens are fully inflated (exhibiting a rectangular transverse cross section) or slightly compressed longitudinally. In all of these specimens the apex is missing, and thus the problem of whether the clusters were clonal colonies or formed through preferential larval settlement cannot be resolved conclusively. However, in the single cluster consisting of three specimens, the specimens are oriented perpendicular to bedding, and thus they do not converge adapically. The three specimens are in contact with each other along the upper portion of their median region. These and the lack of any evidence of a sheet of budding stolons, suggest that this cluster was formed by preferential larval settlement. © Asociación Paleontológica Argentina.
This article turns on the importance of the small coffee production in the coffee complex economy between 1890 and 1914. We argue here the relations of work, the forms of financing and the way as the small coffee production inserts itself in this universe. We use as priority sources the employment contracts that involved the formation and/or the treatment of coffee trees and the Writes of mortgage debts, both recorded in Notarial Books, documents not used by historiography in a systematical way. We turns our look for a region marked predominantly for small and the middle producing farms of coffee, observing the dynamics of the accumulation in a period of expansion and crisis of the coffee economy.
Includes bibliography
Dormancy caused by the tegument's impermeability to water is a feature of Schizolobium parahyba seeds. So that the best methodology for overcoming the species's dormancy may be determined, the seeds were submitted to mechanical scarification treatments, using sandpaper and scissors, on the opposite side of the hilum. Chemical scarification was also undertaken with sulfuric (H
La caracteristica de las migraciones del siglo 18 en Chile esta determinada por la creacion de diversos centros urbanos en la zona central entre los anos 1740 y 1800, aunque ya Santiago acaparaba los mayores porcentajes de migrantes. En cambio, la estructura economica y ocupacional de las regiones agrarias del centro no proporcionaban motivacion suficiente para atraer migrantes. Como fuentes de informacion para los aspectos descriptivos y cuantitativos se usaran los archivos parroquiales; para los aspectos cualitativos se hara un analisis por estudio de casos utilizando el Archivo Nacional. Los casos se seleccionaran sobre una muestra al azar, segun regiones y periodo.