956 resultados para Bipartite Folding
Active protein-disaggregation by a chaperone network composed of ClpB and DnaK + DnaJ + GrpE is essential for the recovery of stress-induced protein aggregates in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells. K-glutamate and glycine-betaine (betaine) naturally accumulate in salt-stressed cells. In addition to providing thermo-protection to native proteins, we found that these osmolytes can strongly and specifically activate ClpB, resulting in an increased efficiency of chaperone-mediated protein disaggregation. Moreover, factors that inhibited the chaperone network by impairing the stability of the ClpB oligomer, such as natural polyamines, dilution, or high salt, were efficiently counteracted by K-glutamate or betaine. The combined protective, counter-negative and net activatory effects of K-glutamate and betaine, allowed protein disaggregation and refolding under heat-shock temperatures that otherwise cause protein aggregation in vitro and in the cell. Mesophilic organisms may thus benefit from a thermotolerant osmolyte-activated chaperone mechanism that can actively rescue protein aggregates, correctly refold and maintain them in a native state under heat-shock conditions.
SUMMARYThe incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing worldwide and is linked to the enhancement of obesity. The principal cause of T2D development is insulin resistance, which lead to the increase of insulin production by the pancreatic beta-cells. In a pathological environment, namely dyslipidaemia, hyperglycaemia and inflammation, beta-cell compensation will fail in more vulnerable cells and diabetes will occur. High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs), commonly named "good cholesterol" are known to be atheroprotective. Low levels of HDLs are associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease but are also an independent risk factor for the development of T2D. HDLs were demonstrated to protect pancreatic beta-cells against several stresses. However the molecular mechanisms of the protection are unknown and the objectives of this work were to try to elucidate the way how HDLs protect. The first approach was a broad screening of genes regulated by the stress and HDLs. A microarray analysis was performed on beta-cells stressed by serum deprivation and rescued by HDLs. Among the genes regulated, we focused on 4E-BP1, a cap-dependent translational inhibitor. In addition, HDLs were also found to protect against several other stresses.Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a mechanism that may play a role in the onset of T2D. The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a physiological process that aims at maintaining ER homeostasis in conditions where the protein folding and secretion is perturbed. Specific signalling pathways are involved in the increase of folding, export and degradation capacity of the ER. However, in case where the stress is prolonged, this mechanism turns to be pathological, by inducing cell death effector pathways, leading to beta-cell apoptosis. In our study, we discovered that HDLs were protective against ER stress induced by drugs and physiological stresses such as saturated free fatty acids. HDLs protected beta-cells by promoting ER homeostasis via the improvement of the folding and trafficking od proteins from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.Altogether our results suggest that HDLs are important for beta-cell function and survival, by protecting them from several stresses and acting on ER homeostasis. This suggests that attempt in keeping normal HDLs levels or function in patients is crucial to lessen the development of T2D.RÉSUMÉL'incidence du diabète de type 2 est en constante augmentation et est fortement liée à l'accroissement du taux d'obésité. La cause principale du diabète de type 2 est la résistance à l'insuline, qui entraîne une surproduction d'insuline par les cellules bêta pancréatiques. Dans un environnement pathologique associé à l'obésité (dyslipidémie, hyperglycémie et inflammation), les cellules bêta les plus vulnérables ne sont plus capables de compenser en augmentant leur production d'insuline, dysfonctionnent, ce qui conduit à leur mort par apoptose. Les lipoprotéines de hautes densités (HDLs), communément appelées (( bon cholestérol », sont connues pour leurs propriétés protectrices contre l'athérosclérose. Des niveaux bas de HDLs sanguins sont associés au risque de développer un diabète de type 2. Les HDLs ont également montré des propriétés protectrices contre divers stresses dans la cellule bêta. Cependant, les mécanismes de protection restent encore inconnus et l'objectif de ce travail a été d'investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires de protection des HDLs. La première approche choisie a été une étude du profil d'expression génique par puce à ADN afin d'identifier les gènes régulés par le stress et les HDLs. Parmi les gènes régulés, notre intérêt s'est porté sur 4E-BP1, un inhibiteur de la traduction coiffe- dépendante, dont l'induction par le stress était corrélée avec une augmentation de l'apoptose. Suite à cette étude, les HDLs ont également montrés un rôle protecteur contre d'autres stresses. Il s'agit particulièrement du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE), qui est un mécanisme qui semble jouer un rôle clé dans le développement du diabète. L'UPR (« Unfolded Protein Response ») est un processus physiologique tendant à maintenir l'homéostasie du réticulum endoplasmique, organelle prépondérante pour la fonction des cellules sécrétrices, notamment lorsqu'elle est soumise à des conditions extrêmes telles que des perturbations de la conformation tertiaire des protéines ou de la sécrétion. Dans ces cas, des voies de signalisation moléculaires sont activées, ce qui mène à l'exportation des protéines mal repliées, à leur dégradation et à l'augmentation de l'expression de chaperonnes capables d'améliorer le repliement des protéines mal formées. Toutefois, en cas de stress persistant, ce mécanisme de protection s'avère être pathologique. En induisant des voies de signalisation effectrices de l'apoptose, il conduit finalement au développement du diabète. Dans cette étude, nous avons démontré que les HDLs étaient capables de protéger la cellule bêta contre le stress du RE induits par des inhibiteurs (thapsigargine, tunicamycine) ou des stresses physiologiques tels que les acides gras libres. Les HDLs ont la capacité d'améliorer l'homéostasie du RE, notamment en favorisant le repliement et le transfert des protéines du RE à l'appareil de Golgi.En résumé, ces données suggèrent que les HDLs sont bénéfiques pour la survie des cellules bêta soumises à des stresses impliqués dans le développement du diabète, notamment en restaurant l'homéostasie du RE. Ces résultats conduisent à soutenir que le maintien des taux de cholestérol joue un rôle important dans la limitation de l'incidence du diabète.
Renin is cleaved from its precursor prorenin into mature renin. We investigated the impact of the renin proregion on the generation and secretion of enzymatically active renin. We compared the effects of the following sequences of human prorenin with those of wild type prorenin[1-383]: prosequence [1-43], hinge sequence [1-62], Des[1-43]prorenin ("renin"), Des[1-62]prorenin and prorenin[N260]. These sequences were individually expressed in CV1 cells (constitutive pathway model) and AtT20 cells (regulated and constitutive pathways model), and Des[1-43]prorenin was also coexpressed together with the different prosequences. Renin concentration and activity were measured in cell extracts and culture media. Deletion of the prosequence reduces renin activity in both cell types, but it leaves (total) renin concentration unchanged. Coexpression of the prosequence with renin enhances renin secretion in both cell types: Constitutively secreted renin is enhanced by coexpression of renin together with any of the prosequence containing molecules [1-43], [1-62] or prorenin[N260]. Immunofluorescence in AtT20 cells shows lysosomal typical labeling of prorenin and Des[1-43]prorenin. In AtT20 cells expressing prorenin[1-383], stimulation of regulated secretion increases prorenin but not renin release. The renin prosequence [1-43] optimizes renin activity possibly through appropriate protein folding and it enhances the constitutive secretion of (pro)renin. The major part of generated renin may be targeted to lysosomes.
The Crystalline Nappe of the High Himalayan Crystalline has been examined along the Kulu Valley and its vicinity (Mandi-Khoksar transect). This nappe was believed to have undergone deformation related only to its transport towards the SW essentially during the `'Main Central Thrust event''. New data has led to the conclusion that during the Himalayan orogeny, two distinctive phases, related to two opposite transport directions, characterize the evolution of this part of the chain, before the creation of the late NE-vergent backfolding. The first phase corresponds to an early NE-vergent folding and thrusting, creating the Tandi Syncline and the NE-oriented Shikar Beh Nappe stack, with a displacement amplitude of about 50 km. Two schistosities, together with a strong stretching lineation are developed at a deep tectonic level under amphibolite facies conditions (kyanite-staurolite-garnet-two mica schists). At a higher tectonic level and in the southern part of the section (Tandy Syncline and southern Kulu Valley between Kulu and Mandi) one or two schistosities are developed in the greenschist facies grade rocks (garnet-biotite and biotite schists). These structures and the associated Barrovian type metamorphism are all related to the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe. The creation of the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe may be explained by the reactivation of a SW dipping listric normal fault of the N Indian flexural passive margin, during the early stages of the Himalayan orogeny. In the second phase, the still hot metamorphic rocks of the Shikar Beh Nappe were folded and thrust towards the SW (mainly along the MBT and the MCT with a displacement in excess of 100 km) onto the cold, low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window or, near Mandi, on the non-metamorphic sandstones of the Ganges Molasse (Siwaliks). Sense of shear criteria and a strong NE-SW stretching-lineation indicate that the Crystalline Nappe has been overthrusted towards the SW. Thermometry on synkinematically crystallised garnet-biotite and garnet-hornblende pairs reveals the lower amphibolite facies temperature conditions related to the Crystalline Nappe formation. From the muscovite and biotite Rb-Sr cooling ages, the Shikar Beh Nappe emplacement occurred before 32 Ma and the southwestward thrusting of the Crystalline Nappe began before 21 Ma. Our model involving two opposite directions of thrusting goes against the conventional idea of only one main SW-oriented transport direction in the High Himalayan Crystalline Nappes.
The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later
Hsp70 is a central molecular chaperone that passively prevents protein aggregation and uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to solubilize, translocate, and mediate the proper refolding of proteins in the cell. Yet, the molecular mechanism by which the active Hsp70 chaperone functions are achieved remains unclear. Here, we show that the bacterial Hsp70 (DnaK) can actively unfold misfolded structures in aggregated polypeptides, leading to gradual disaggregation. We found that the specific unfolding and disaggregation activities of individual DnaK molecules were optimal for large aggregates but dramatically decreased for small aggregates. The active unfolding of the smallest aggregates, leading to proper global refolding, required the cooperative action of several DnaK molecules per misfolded polypeptide. This finding suggests that the unique ATP-fueled locking/unlocking mechanism of the Hsp70 chaperones can recruit random chaperone motions to locally unfold misfolded structures and gradually disentangle stable aggregates into refoldable proteins.
Segmenting ultrasound images is a challenging problemwhere standard unsupervised segmentation methods such asthe well-known Chan-Vese method fail. We propose in thispaper an efficient segmentation method for this class ofimages. Our proposed algorithm is based on asemi-supervised approach (user labels) and the use ofimage patches as data features. We also consider thePearson distance between patches, which has been shown tobe robust w.r.t speckle noise present in ultrasoundimages. Our results on phantom and clinical data show avery high similarity agreement with the ground truthprovided by a medical expert.
The mitochondrial 70-kDa heat shock protein (mtHsp70), also known in humans as mortalin, is a central component of the mitochondrial protein import motor and plays a key role in the folding of matrix-localized mitochondrial proteins. MtHsp70 is assisted by a member of the 40-kDa heat shock protein co-chaperone family named Tid1 and a nucleotide exchange factor. Whereas, yeast mtHsp70 has been extensively studied in the context of protein import in the mitochondria, and the bacterial 70-kDa heat shock protein was recently shown to act as an ATP-fuelled unfolding enzyme capable of detoxifying stably misfolded polypeptides into harmless natively refolded proteins, little is known about the molecular functions of the human mortalin in protein homeostasis. Here, we developed novel and efficient purification protocols for mortalin and the two spliced versions of Tid1, Tid1-S, and Tid1-L and showed that mortalin can mediate the in vitro ATP-dependent reactivation of stable-preformed heat-denatured model aggregates, with the assistance of Mge1 and either Tid1-L or Tid1-S co-chaperones or yeast Mdj1. Thus, in addition of being a central component of the protein import machinery, human mortalin together with Tid1, may serve as a protein disaggregating machine which, for lack of Hsp100/ClpB disaggregating co-chaperones, may carry alone the scavenging of toxic protein aggregates in stressed, diseased, or aging human mitochondria.
Abstract The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) orchestrates the production of membrane-bound and secreted proteins. However, its capacity to process the synthesis and folding of protein is limited. Protein overload and the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER trigger an adaptive response known as the ER-stress response that is mediated by specific ER-anchored signaling pathways. This response regulates cell functions aimed at restoring cellular homeostasis or at promoting apoptosis of irreparably damaged cells. Activation or deregulation of ER-signaling pathways has been associated with various diseases including cancer. Here we discuss how tumors engage ER-signaling pathways to promote tumorigenesis and how manipulation of this process by anticancer drugs may contribute to cancer treatment.
Camurati-Engelmann disease is characterized by hyperostosis of the long bones and the skull, muscle atrophy, severe limb pain, and progressive joint contractures in some patients. It is caused by heterozygous mutations in the transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) believed to result in improper folding of the latency-associated peptide domain of TGFβ1 and thus in increased or deregulated bioactivity. Losartan, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist, has been found to downregulate the expression of TGFβ type 1 and 2 receptors. Clinical trials with losartan have shown a benefit in Marfan syndrome, while trials are underway for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other myopathies associated with TGFβ1 signaling. We hypothesized that due to its anti-TGFβ1 activity, losartan might be beneficial in Camurati-Engelmann disease. This report concerns a boy who presented at age 13 years with severe limb pain and difficulty in walking. Clinical and radiographic evaluation results were compatible with Camurati-Engelmann disease and the diagnosis was confirmed by mutation analysis (c.652C > T [p.Arg218Cys]). The boy underwent an experimental treatment with losartan at a dosage of 50 mg/day, orally. During the treatment period of 18 months, the intensity and frequency of limb pain decreased significantly (as shown by a pain diary), and muscle strength improved, allowing the boy to resume walking and climbing stairs. No obvious side effects were observed. We cautiously conclude that TGFβ1 inhibition with losartan deserves further evaluation in the clinical management of Camurati-Engelmann disease.
Stress induced by accumulation of unfolded proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a classic feature of secretory cells and is observed in many tissues in human diseases including cancer, diabetes, obesity, and neurodegeneration. Cellular adaptation to ER stress is achieved by the activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR), an integrated signal transduction pathway that transmits information about the protein folding status at the ER to the nucleus and cytosol to restore ER homeostasis. Inositol-requiring transmembrane kinase/endonuclease-1 (IRE1α), the most conserved UPR stress sensor, functions as an endoribonuclease that processes the mRNA of the transcription factor X-box binding protein-1 (XBP1). IRE1α signaling is a highly regulated process, controlled by the formation of a dynamic scaffold onto which many regulatory components assemble, here referred to as the UPRosome. Here we provide an overview of the signaling and regulatory mechanisms underlying IRE1α function and discuss the emerging role of the UPR in adaptation to protein folding stress in specialized secretory cells and in pathological conditions associated with alterations in ER homeostasis.
SUMMARY Under stressful conditions, mutant or post-translationally modified proteins may spontaneously misfold and form toxie species, which may further assemble into a continuum of increasingly large and insoluble toxic oligomers that may further condense into less toxic, compact amyloids in the cell Intracellular accumulation of aggregated proteins is a common denominator of several neurodegenerative diseases. To cope with the cytotoxicity induced by abnormal, aggregated proteins, cells have evolved various defence mechanisms among which, the molecular chaperones Hsp70. Hsp70 (DnaK in E. coii) is an ATPase chaperone involved in many physiological processes in the cell, such as assisting de novo protein folding, dissociating native protein oligomers and serving as pulling motors in the import of polypeptides into organelles. In addition, Hsp70 chaperones can actively solubilize and reactivate stable protein aggregates, such as heat- or mutation-induced aggregates. Hsp70 requires the cooperation of two other co-chaperones: Hsp40 and NEF (Nucleotide exchange factor) to fulfil its unfolding activity. In the first experimental section of this thesis (Chapter II), we studied by biochemical analysis the in vitro interaction between recombinant human aggregated α-synuclein (a-Syn oligomers) mimicking toxic a-Syn oligomers species in PD brains, with a model Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system (the E. coii DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). We found that chaperone-mediated unfolding of two denatured model enzymes were strongly affected by α-Syn oligomers but, remarkably, not by monomers. This in vitro observed dysfunction of the Hsp70 chaperone system resulted from the sequestration of the Hsp40 proteins by the oligomeric α-synuclein species. In the second experimental part (Chapter III), we performed in vitro biochemical analysis of the co-chaperone function of three E. coii Hsp40s proteins (DnaJ, CbpA and DjlA) in the ATP-fuelled DnaK-mediated refolding of a model DnaK chaperone substrate into its native state. Hsp40s activities were compared using dose-response approaches in two types of in vitro assays: refolding of heat-denatured G6PDH and DnaK-mediated ATPase activity. We also observed that the disaggregation efficiency of Hsp70 does not directly correlate with Hsp40 binding affinity. Besides, we found that these E. coii Hsp40s confer substrate specificity to DnaK, CbpA being more effective in the DnaK-mediated disaggregation of large G6PDH aggregates than DnaJ under certain conditions. Sensibilisées par différents stress ou mutations, certaines protéines fonctionnelles de la cellule peuvent spontanément se convertir en formes inactives, mal pliées, enrichies en feuillets bêta, et exposant des surfaces hydrophobes favorisant l'agrégation. Cherchant à se stabiliser, les surfaces hydrophobes peuvent s'associer aux régions hydrophobes d'autres protéines mal pliées, formant des agrégats protéiques stables: les amyloïdes. Le dépôt intracellulaire de protéines agrégées est un dénominateur commun à de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives. Afin de contrer la cytotoxicité induite par les protéines agrégées, les cellules ont développé plusieurs mécanismes de défense, parmi lesquels, les chaperonnes moléculaires Hsp70. Hsp70 nécessite la collaboration de deux autres co-chaperonnes : Hsp40 et NEF pour accomplir son activité de désagrégation. Hsp70 (DnaK, chez E. coli) est impliquée par ailleurs dans d'autres fonctions physiologiques telles que l'assistanat de protéines néosynthétisées à la sortie du ribosome, ou le transport transmembranaire de polypeptides. Par ailleurs, les chaperonnes Hsp70 peuvent également solubiliser et réactiver des protéines agrégées à la suite d'un stress ou d'une mutation. Dans la première partie expérimentale de cette thèse (Chapter II), nous avons étudié in vitro l'interaction entre les oligomères d'a-synucleine, responsables entre autres, de la maladie de Parkinson, et le système chaperon Hsp70/Hsp40 (système Escherichia coli DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). Nous avons démontré que contrairement aux monomères, les oligomères d'a-synucleine inhibaient le système chaperon lors du repliement de protéines agrégées. Cette dysfonction du système chaperon résulte de la séquestration des chaperonnes Hsp40 par les oligomères d'a-synucleine. La deuxième partie expérimentale (Chapitre III) est consacrée à une étude in vitro de la fonction co-chaperonne de trois Hsp40 d'is. coli (DnaJ, CbpA, et DjlA) lors de la désagrégation par DnaK d'une protéine pré-agrégée. Leurs activités ont été comparées par le biais d'une approche dose-réponse au niveau de deux analyses enzymatiques: le repliement de la protéine agrégée et l'activité ATPase de DnaK. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence que l'efficacité de désagrégation d'Hsp70 et l'affinité des chaperonnes Hsp40 vis-à-vis de leur substrat n'étaient pas corrélées positivement. Nous avons également montré que ces trois chaperonnes Hsp40 étaient directement impliquées dans la spécificité des fonctions accomplies par les chaperonnes Hsp70. En effet, DnaK en présence de CbpA assure la désagrégation de large agrégats protéiques avec une efficacité nettement plus accrue qu'en présence de DnaJ.
Polypeptide chains form open knots in many proteins. How these knotted proteins fold and finding the evolutionary advantage provided by these knots are among some of the key questions currently being studied in the protein folding field. The detection and identification of protein knots are substantial challenges. Different methods and many variations of them have been employed, but they can give different results for the same protein. In the present article, we review the various knot identification algorithms and compare their relative strengths when applied to the study of knots in proteins. We show that the statistical approach based on the uniform closure method is advantageous in comparison with other methods used to characterize protein knots.
Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis relies on sequential fibrinogen binding (for valve colonization) and fibronectin binding (for endothelial invasion) conferred by peptidoglycan-attached adhesins. Fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) reconciles these two properties--as well as elastin binding--and promotes experimental endocarditis by itself. Here we attempted to delineate the minimal subdomain of FnBPA responsible for fibrinogen and fibronectin binding, cell invasion, and in vivo endocarditis. A large library of truncated constructs of FnBPA was expressed in Lactococcus lactis and tested in vitro and in animals. A 127-amino-acid subdomain spanning the hinge of the FnBPA fibrinogen-binding and fibronectin-binding regions appeared necessary and sufficient to confer the sum of these properties. Competition with synthetic peptides could not delineate specific fibrinogen- and fibronectin-binding sites, suggesting that dual binding arose from protein folding, irrespective of clearly defined binding domains. Moreover, coexpressing the 127-amino-acid subdomain with remote domains of FnBPA further increased fibrinogen binding by > or =10 times, confirming the importance of domain interactions for binding efficacy. In animals, fibrinogen binding (but not fibronectin binding) was significantly associated with endocarditis induction, whereas both fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were associated with disease severity. Moreover, fibrinogen binding also combined with fibronectin binding to synergize the invasion of cultured cell lines significantly, a feature correlating with endocarditis severity. Thus, while fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were believed to act sequentially in colonization and invasion, they appeared unexpectedly intertwined in terms of both functional anatomy and pathogenicity (in endocarditis). This unforeseen FnBPA subtlety might bear importance for the development of antiadhesin strategies.
Background: Annotations of completely sequenced genomes reveal that nearly half of the genes identified are of unknown function, and that some belong to uncharacterized gene families. To help resolve such issues, information can be obtained from the comparative analysis of homologous genes in model organisms. Results: While characterizing genes from the retinitis pigmentosa locus RP26 at 2q31-q33, we have identified a new gene, ORMDL1, that belongs to a novel gene family comprising three genes in humans (ORMDL1, ORMDL2 and ORMDL3), and homologs in yeast, microsporidia, plants, Drosophila, urochordates and vertebrates. The human genes are expressed ubiquitously in adult and fetal tissues. The Drosophila ORMDL homolog is also expressed throughout embryonic and larval stages, particularly in ectodermally derived tissues. The ORMDL genes encode transmembrane proteins anchored in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Double knockout of the two Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologs leads to decreased growth rate and greater sensitivity to tunicamycin and dithiothreitol. Yeast mutants can be rescued by human ORMDL homologs. Conclusions: From protein sequence comparisons we have defined a novel gene family, not previously recognized because of the absence of a characterized functional signature. The sequence conservation of this family from yeast to vertebrates, the maintenance of duplicate copies in different lineages, the ubiquitous pattern of expression in human and Drosophila, the partial functional redundancy of the yeast homologs and phenotypic rescue by the human homologs, strongly support functional conservation. Subcellular localization and the response of yeast mutants to specific agents point to the involvement of ORMDL in protein folding in the ER.