924 resultados para Bio fuels


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Det är svårt att på ett genomarbetat sätt, kontrollera en solvärmeanläggning som är i drift och det blir svårare när solvärmesystemet skall samverka med en biobränsleanläggning, som har sina speciella egenheter. Det enklaste och, som det kan tyckas, bästa sättet att kontrollera om en solvärmeanläggning fungerar, är att beräkna utifrån en värmemängdsmätare, som förhoppningsvis finns i anläggningen, hur mycket energi per m2 aktiv area som solfångaren har producerat per år. Om produktionen ligger mellan 300 – 350 kWh/m2 så är det bra. Det är dock så att en solvärmeanläggning borde kunna producera betydligt mer värme om den bara ges lite bättre förutsättning eller att den faktiskt kan ge mindre, men ändå uppfylla de krav som ställdes. Det behöver inte nödvändigtvis vara antalet producerade solfångar-kWh värme som är högt utan det viktigaste kanske är att antalet inbesparade kWh biobränsle är många. För att kunna få ett grepp om hur en solvärmeanläggning fungerar i sitt sammanhang så bör det totala systemet redovisas framför allt med avseende på: -Värmedistributionssystemets uppbyggnad. Var och när finns kallt vatten som ska värmas samt hur mycket.-Energi- och effektnivåer för olika delar av systemet och fram för allt under sommaren-Vilka pannor och bränslen som används, framför allt med betoning på reglerbarhetSolvärmekretsen, som inte är speciellt annorlunda utformad än i andra lite större solvärmeanläggningar ges i den här rapporten relativt stort utrymme, eftersom den samlade kompetensen bland de som gör besiktningar och kontroller inte är så hög. De delar som berörs mest är:-Trycket i solvärmeanläggningen med avseende på expansionskärlets förtryck, systemets uppfyllnadstryck och driftsfunktioner-Flödet i anläggningen som inriktar sig på luftmedryckning, flödesfördelning och vanliga flödeshastigheter-Solfångarnas energi- och värmeeffektproduktionHuvuddelen av underlagsmaterialet bör ha samlats in före besöket, genom att försöka få tag på:-Förstudier för solvärme- och pannanläggning-Förfrågningsunderlag för i första hand solvärmeanläggningen-Driftstatistik-Data på hur det totala systemet ser ut.Dessa data bör bearbetas innan besöket på plats vilket skall inkludera en genomgång av driftsansvarig vilket kompletteras med en guidad tur genom anläggningen. Besöket bör också vara förberett hos driftsansvariga så att stegar för att komma åt solfångarna finns framtagna och de säkerhetsselar som skall finnas vid okulär inspektion finns tillgängliga. Efter avslutad på platsen kontroll ska en besiktningsrapport skrivas. Mycket underlagsberäkningar ska skickas med som bilaga samt en lista med punkter som syftar till att få en effektivare sol- och biobränsleanläggning.


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In Sweden, there are about 0.5 million single-family houses that are heated by electricity alone, and rising electricity costs force the conversion to other heating sources such as heat pumps and wood pellet heating systems. Pellet heating systems for single-family houses are currently a strongly growing market. Future lack of wood fuels is possible even in Sweden, and combining wood pellet heating with solar heating will help to save the bio-fuel resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate how the electrically heated single-family houses can be converted to pellet and solar heating systems, and how the annual efficiency and solar gains can be increased in such systems. The possible reduction of CO-emissions by combining pellet heating with solar heating has also been investigated. Systems with pellet stoves (both with and without a water jacket), pellet boilers and solar heating have been simulated. Different system concepts have been compared in order to investigate the most promising solutions. Modifications in system design and control strategies have been carried out in order to increase the system efficiency and the solar gains. Possibilities for increasing the solar gains have been limited to investigation of DHW-units for hot water production and the use of hot water for heating of dishwashers and washing machines via a heat exchanger instead of electricity (heat-fed appliances). Computer models of pellet stoves, boilers, DHW-units and heat-fed appliances have been developed and the parameters for the models have been identified from measurements on real components. The conformity between the models and the measurements has been checked. The systems with wood pellet stoves have been simulated in three different multi-zone buildings, simulated in detail with heat distribution through door openings between the zones. For the other simulations, either a single-zone house model or a load file has been used. Simulations were carried out for Stockholm, Sweden, but for the simulations with heat-fed machines also for Miami, USA. The foremost result of this thesis is the increased understanding of the dynamic operation of combined pellet and solar heating systems for single-family houses. The results show that electricity savings and annual system efficiency is strongly affected by the system design and the control strategy. Large reductions in pellet consumption are possible by combining pellet boilers with solar heating (a reduction larger than the solar gains if the system is properly designed). In addition, large reductions in carbon monoxide emissions are possible. To achieve these reductions it is required that the hot water production and the connection of the radiator circuit is moved to a well insulated, solar heated buffer store so that the boiler can be turned off during the periods when the solar collectors cover the heating demand. The amount of electricity replaced using systems with pellet stoves is very dependant on the house plan, the system design, if internal doors are open or closed and the comfort requirements. Proper system design and control strategies are crucial to obtain high electricity savings and high comfort with pellet stove systems. The investigated technologies for increasing the solar gains (DHW-units and heat-fed appliances) significantly increase the solar gains, but for the heat-fed appliances the market introduction is difficult due to the limited financial savings and the need for a new heat distribution system. The applications closest to market introduction could be for communal laundries and for use in sunny climates where the dominating part of the heat can be covered by solar heating. The DHW-unit is economical but competes with the internal finned-tube heat exchanger which is the totally dominating technology for hot water preparation in solar combisystems for single-family houses.


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Taking Sweden into the future – Bio-objectification of new medical technology In this article, we analyze how contemporary discursive silences around new biotechnologies such as cybrids and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), have been enabled by earlier policy processes in the area, e.g. boundary work around what is human and non-human, living and non-living, subject and object. The analysis of policy processes around xenotransplantations and the use of human embryonic stem cells, shows that the stem cells’ and xenografts’ “bio-identities” become stabilized through high expectations for the future, a lack of therapeutic possibilities and struggles over definitions of life. The policy processes around human embryonic stem cells and organs from other animals, are characterized by a normalization of certain understandings of ”life”, trust in scientific progress and it’s national financial potentials and a categorization of criticism as irrational. Through these “bio-objectification processes”, debate and decision making has been moved from a political and public context into ethical committees and research funding bodies. The article concludes by discussing consequences of this political non-handling of biomedical technologies and how these bioobjects could be re-politicized.


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I denna rapport analyseras marknaden för kombinerade sol- och pelletsystem, medfokus på småhus. Syftet är att presentera antalet objekt inom olika kategorier av husoch värmesystem som kan vara intressanta för konvertering till bio-sol system samtatt ge en uppskattning av årliga uppvärmningsbehov inom respektive kategori. Energistatistik från Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) har använts i kombination medtidigare studier av byggnadsbestånd och byggnadsutformning. Dessutom harinformation inhämtats från olika branschorganisationer. Från föreliggande genomgång står det klart att den största potentialen för bio-solsystem finns på villamarknaden både för helt nya system och för kompletteringar tillbefintliga system. År 2006 fanns det 775 000 småhus med vattenburen värme varav ca183 000 hade vattenburen el. Uppskattningsvis fanns 109 000 småhus med bådevattenburen el och lokaleldstad för biobränsle och ca 118 000 hus bedöms ha haftmöjlighet till oljeeldning (denna grupp har troligtvis minskat ytterligare efter 2006).Bland de elvärmda husen finns också ca 102 000 småhus med frånluftvärmepumpareller luft/vattenvärmepumpar. 365 000 av husen hade en biobränslepanna. Därtillkommer 504 000 hus med direktelvärme, varav ca 292 000 med lokaleldstad. Medelförbrukningen för uppvärmning och varmvatten för hus som enbart värms medolja är ca 27 MWh/år, medan motsvarande värde för småhus med vattenburen el är ca15 MWh/år. Småhusen med direktel använder ca 12 MWh/år för uppvärmning ochvarmvatten. Det betyder att ekonomin blir betydligt sämre vid konvertering avelvärmda hus jämfört med oljekonvertering, eftersom energibehovet är lägre samt attinstallationskostnaden kan vara högre. En uppskattning av antalet komponenter som inom 10 år kan komma att installeras idessa hus är 213 000 solfångare, 108 000 ackumulatortankar, 106 000 skorstenar,84 000 luftburna pelletkaminer och varmvattenberedare, 40 000 vattenmantladekaminer och 28 000 pannrumspannor. Dessutom tillkommer en utbytesmarknad,kanske speciellt bland husen med biobränslepanna, där gamla pannor byts ut elleräldre människor som tidigare orkat elda med ved till slut byter till pelleteldning. Av nybyggda villor uppvärms ca 30 % med el i kombination med biobränsle(troligtvis lokaleldstad) och ungefär lika stor andel värms med enbart vattenburen el(antagligen ofta kompletterat med frånluftvärmepump). Det borde vara av intresse attredan vid nybyggnationen få in integrerade solfångare och pelleteldning i störreutsträckning i nya hus och det kan bli lättare efter att byggreglerna ändras den 1:ajanuari 2010 med en skärpning av kraven för nybyggda hus som använder el föruppvärmning, alltså även el till värmepumpar. Potentialen för bio-solsystem till flerbostadshus och lokaler är begränsad då 86 % avflerbostadshusen och nära 70 % av lokalerna värms med fjärrvärme. Det fanns år2006 ca 6200 lokaler med oljeeldning, 4600 lokaler med vattenburen elvärme och5700 lokaler med direktverkande elvärme. I lokalerna som redovisas av SCB ingårinte tillverkande industri. För lägenheter i flerbostadshus gäller att ca 42 000lägenheter värms med enbart olja, 44 000 lägenheter med olja och värmepump,48 000 lägenheter använder direktel och 31 000 lägenheter vattenburen el.


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Esta dissertação é baseada numa pesquisa bibliográfica, de caráter multidisciplinar, e apresenta os seguintes objetivos: 1) efetuar um estudo sobre as dimensões bio16gicas dos papéis e dos estere6tipos sexuais; 2) apresentar as principais teorias sobre a origem dos papéis e dos estere6tipos sexuais; 3) destacar os mais importantes estudos sócio-culturais que privilegiem a origem dos papéis e dos estere6tipos sexuais; 4) localizar nas diversas manifestações culturais (literatura, arte, música e linguagem) dados que esclareçam a origem dos papéis e dos estereótipos sexuais na cultura brasileira; 5) abordar, objetiva e criticamente, o machismo, ou sexismo típico brasileiro; causas e consequências. Na medida em que nos propusemos a atingir os objetivos citados, constatamos que o nosso ponto de partida seria a sobrevivência dos estere6tipos. Em outras palavras, a importante questão da origem dos estere6tipos seria o nosso filão. Afinal de contas, se o estere6tipo e a realidade não apresentam correlação, como aquele sobrevive? Da mesma maneira, de onde se originam as diferenças sexuais observadas? Na tentativa de respondermos i pergunta, procuramos estudar as três dimensões, que consideramos fundamentais, a saber: 1) a dimensão biológica 2) a dimensão psicológica 3) a dimensão social.


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Exclusivity contracts can help stations by providing brand-value that allows them to obtain higher profits, relative to unbranded retailers. However, branded retailers may have a stronger negative effect over its competitors’ profits. It is not clear which one of these two effects dominates (brand-value vs competition effect). Therefore, the impact of exclusivity over the number of participants in the downstream market is not determined. In this paper, I empirically study the effects of exclusivity agreements on competition in the Brazilian gasoline sector. In order to do so, I estimate an entry model of endogenous product-type choices using data of retailers’ locations and contract choices along with data from the 2010 Brazilian Census. I use my estimates to simulate entry decisions under two counterfactual scenarios: i) mandatory exclusivity and ii) no exclusivity.


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This master thesis aims at developing a new methodology for thermochemical degradation of dry coconut fiber (dp = 0.25mm) using laboratory rotating cylinder reactor with the goal of producing bio-oil. The biomass was characterized by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform FTIR, thermogravimetric analysis TG, with evaluation of activation energy the in non-isothermal regime with heating rates of 5 and 10 °C/min, differential themogravimetric analysis DTG, sweeping electron microscopy SEM, higher heating value - HHV, immediate analysis such as evaluated all the amounts of its main constituents, i.e., lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses. In the process, it was evaluated: reaction temperature (450, 500 and 550oC), carrier gas flow rate (50 and 100 cm³/min) and spin speed (20 and 25 Hz) to condensate the bio-oil. The feed rate of biomass (540 g/h), the rotation of the rotating cylinder (33.7 rpm) and reaction time (30 33 min) were constant. The phases obtained from the process of pyrolysis of dry coconut fiber were bio-oil, char and the gas phase non-condensed. A macroscopic mass balance was applied based on the weight of each phase to evaluate their yield. The highest yield of 20% was obtained from the following conditions: temperature of 500oC, inert gas flow of 100 cm³/min and spin speed of 20 Hz. In that condition, the yield in char was 24.3%, non-condensable gas phase was 37.6% and losses of approximately 22.6%. The following physicochemical properties: density, viscosity, pH, higher heating value, char content, FTIR and CHN analysis were evaluated. The sample obtained in the best operational condition was subjected to a qualitative chromatographic analysis aiming to know the constituents of the produced bio-oil, which were: phenol followed by sirigol, acetovanilona and vinyl guaiacol. The solid phase (char) was characterized through an immediate analysis (evaluation of moisture, volatiles, ashes and fixed carbon), higher heating value and FTIR. The non-condensing gas phase presented as main constituents CO2, CO and H2. The results were compared to the ones mentioned by the literature.


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The use of biofuels remotes to the eighteenth century, when Rudolf Diesel made the first trials using peanut oil as fuel in a compression ignition engine. Based on these trials, there was the need for some chemical change to vegetable oil. Among these chemical transformations, we can mention the cracking and transesterification. This work aims at conducting a study using the thermocatalytic and thermal cracking of sunflower oil, using the Al-MCM-41 catalyst. The material type mesoporous Al-MCM-41 was synthesized and characterized by Hydrothermical methods of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, absorption spectroscopy in the infrared and thermal gravimetric analysis (TG / DTG).The study was conducted on the thermogravimetric behavior of sunflower oil on the mesoporous catalyst cited. Activation energy, conversion, and oil degradation as a function of temperature were estimated based on the integral curves of thermogravimetric analysis and the kinetic method of Vyazovkin. The mesoporous material Al-MCM-41 showed one-dimensional hexagonal formation. The study of the kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with the catalyst showed a lower activation energy against the activation energy of pure sunflower oil. Two liquid fractions of sunflower oil were obtained, both in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis. The first fraction obtained was called bio-oil and the second fraction obtained was called acid fraction. The acid fraction collected, in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis, showed very high level of acidity, which is why it was called acid fraction. The first fraction was collected bio-called because it presented results in the range similar to petroleum diesel


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The fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a thermochemical conversion process for production energy which have been very atratactive due to energetic use of its products: gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.), liquid (bio-oil) and charcoal. The bio-oil is the main product of fast pyrolysis, and its final composition and characteristics is intrinsically related to quality of biomass (ash disposal, moisture, content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and efficiency removal of oxygen compounds that cause undesirable features such as increased viscosity, instability, corrosiveness and low calorific value. The oxygenates are originated in the conventional process of biomass pyrolysis, where the use of solid catalysts allows minimization of these products by improving the bio-oil quality. The present study aims to evaluate the products of catalytic pyrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) using solid catalysts as tungsten oxides, supported or not in mesoporous materials like MCM-41, derived silica from rice husk ash, aimed to reduce oxygenates produced in pyrolysis. The biomasss treatment by washing with heated water (CEL) or washing with acid solution (CELix) and application of tungsten catalysts on vapors from the pyrolysis process was designed to improve the pyrolysis products quality. Conventional and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass was performed in a micro-pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC/MS. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, X ray fluorescence, temperature programmed reduction and thermogravimetric analysis. Kinetic studies applying the Flynn and Wall model were performed in order to evaluate the apparent activation energy of holoceluloce thermal decomposition on samples elephant grass (CE, CEL and CELix). The results show the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the ash content, and were also observed decrease in the apparent activation energy of these samples. The catalytic pyrolysis process converted most of the oxygenate componds in aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc


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The present research carried out from three national dentistry magazines published in the period between 1990 and 2004, has as a goal to analyze how bioethics has been approached in this area, not only identifying the main concerns and tendencies, but also aiming to learn how this knowledge is produced and divulged in the dentistry circuit. We have articulated a quantitative-qualitative approach, studying 2995 articles. The articles were selected and assorted in twenty thematic categories, through their titles and key words. The analysis of the empiric material shows that, although there is a growth tendency of this discussion, little has been published about this theme (1,9%). Besides, it seems that there is an arrhythmia between the present bioethic approach in dentistry and the present life demands, where the deontology and legalist focuses are predominant, seeming to correspond to the inner aspects of the profession alone. In spite of this, through the qualitative approach it was possible to identify ways to build a more complex and integral odontological formation and practice. Within the conclusions, we still point out, that, this investigation, even face to its limitations, seems to offer subsidies for reflection and further studies about the theme, working as a parameter to keep up with the evolution of the bioethic thinking in the Odontology


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the process of biodigestion of the protein concentrate resulting from the ultrafiltration of the effluent from a slaughterhouse freezer of Nile tilapia. Bench digesters were used with excrements and water (control) in comparison with a mixture of cattle manure and effluent from the stages of filleting and bleeding of tilapias. The effluent obtained in the continuous process (bleeding + filleting) was the one with highest accumulated population from the 37th day, as well as greatest daily production. Gases composition did not differ between the protein concentrates, but the gas obtained with the use of the effluent from the filleting stage presented highest methane gas average (78.05%) in comparison with those obtained in the bleeding stage (69.95%) and in the continuous process (70.02%) or by the control method (68.59%).