841 resultados para Biblia. A.T. Job comentarios
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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Cette recherche exploratoire et empirique porte sur le vécu de la professionnalisation de l’humoriste québécois francophone. Les ressources théoriques et scientifiques sur le sujet étant peu nombreuses, la théorie ancrée (The Grounded Theory) de Glaser et Strauss (1967) nous permettra d’utiliser nos données de terrain afin que nous puissions les confronter et établir un canevas théorique sur le métier de l’humoriste. Nous nous sommes aussi penchés sur l’étude du rire de Bergson. Selon lui, le rire peut avoir une fonction sociale et c’est aussi un langage universel qui permet à tout un chacun de se reconnaître et de faire partie d’un tout. Du point de vue méthodologique, nous avons interrogé huit humoristes québécois, sept hommes et une femme, jeunes et moins jeunes, ayant fait, ou pas, l’École nationale de l’humour, mais avec comme particularité commune de gagner leur vie en faisant de l’humour. À la suite de ces entrevues, nous avons décidé d’interroger la Directrice de l’École nationale de l’humour, Louise Richer, car chaque humoriste avait un lien particulier avec cette institution. Les entrevues, de type semi-dirigé, ont été réalisées sous une forme chronologique, reliées à une grille de questions sous le thème de la professionnalisation. Les données ont été recueillies et retranscrites (verbatim) grâce à un enregistrement sonore. Faire de l’humour est une profession non conventionnelle où chaque humoriste est laissé à lui-même, mais où rapidement il se crée une espèce de microcosme autour de lui afin de pouvoir évoluer et agir indépendamment des autres. L’adolescence, l’École nationale de l’humour ainsi que le contexte culturel Québécois seront des éléments incontournables à leur professionnalisation.
Conférence présentée à la Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions de l’Université de Montréal le 11 septembre 2013. © Jean Duhaime
Assembly job shop scheduling problem (AJSP) is one of the most complicated combinatorial optimization problem that involves simultaneously scheduling the processing and assembly operations of complex structured products. The problem becomes even more complicated if a combination of two or more optimization criteria is considered. This thesis addresses an assembly job shop scheduling problem with multiple objectives. The objectives considered are to simultaneously minimizing makespan and total tardiness. In this thesis, two approaches viz., weighted approach and Pareto approach are used for solving the problem. However, it is quite difficult to achieve an optimal solution to this problem with traditional optimization approaches owing to the high computational complexity. Two metaheuristic techniques namely, genetic algorithm and tabu search are investigated in this thesis for solving the multiobjective assembly job shop scheduling problems. Three algorithms based on the two metaheuristic techniques for weighted approach and Pareto approach are proposed for the multi-objective assembly job shop scheduling problem (MOAJSP). A new pairing mechanism is developed for crossover operation in genetic algorithm which leads to improved solutions and faster convergence. The performances of the proposed algorithms are evaluated through a set of test problems and the results are reported. The results reveal that the proposed algorithms based on weighted approach are feasible and effective for solving MOAJSP instances according to the weight assigned to each objective criterion and the proposed algorithms based on Pareto approach are capable of producing a number of good Pareto optimal scheduling plans for MOAJSP instances.
The present research is carried out to understand how psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and job related stress are related.In banking sector, employees are less satisfied and less motivated than employees in other lines of work (Kelley, 1990; Bajpai, Naval and Deepak, 2004). The banking industry also suffers from high employee turnover rate (Branham, 2005; Nelson, 2007) and high level of stress (Chen and Lien, 2008). There are no adequate studies linking psychological empowerment and job satisfaction, stress, turnover etc. among employees of banking sector. Lack of psychological empowerment could be a reason for these problems faced by banking sector. Further majority of studies in psychological empowerment are carried out in manufacturing sector and studies in service sector are concentrated on hotel industry and hospitals. Empowerment takes different forms in different contexts (Zimmerman, 1995). In the light of above discussion, the present research is directed to explore the dimensions of psychological empowerment of employees in banking sector and to find out whether high psychological empowerment can increase job satisfaction and reduce job related stress among employees in banking sector
This study focuses on psychological empowerment of employees in banking sector because of the reasons stated below: Firstly, very little research has been conducted in understanding empowerment as a psychological construct. Majority of the studies have been conducted on the various empowerment practices in the organizations. Secondly, there is no empirical evidence that the empowerment practice will create a subjective feeling of empowerment within the individual. Employee empowerment will be effective only if the employees actually experience the empowerment. Even if the organizations have the empowerment practices like providing power and open communication it is not necessary that the employee is empowered. Empowerment describes only the condition of work environment. It does not describe employees’ response to these conditions. These responses form the basis for psychological empowerment