994 resultados para Bacterial Physiological Phenomena.


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In the latest years the importance of high resolution analysis of the microbial cell surface has been increasingly recognized. Indeed, in order to better understand bacterial physiology and achieve rapid diagnostic and treatment techniques, a thorough investigation of the surface modifications induced on bacteria by different environmental conditions or drugs is essential. Several instruments are nowadays available to observe at high resolution specific properties of microscopic samples. Among these, AFM can routinely study single cells in physiological conditions, measuring the mechanical properties of their membrane at a nanometric scale (force volume). Such analyses, coupled with high resolution investigation of their morphological properties, are increasingly used to characterize the state of single cells. In this work we exploit such technique to characterize bacterial systems. We have performed an analysis of the mechanical properties of bacteria (Escherichia coli) exposed to different conditions. Such measurements were performed on living bacteria, by changing in real-time the liquid environment: standard phosphate buffered saline, antibiotic (ampicillin) in PBS and growth medium. In particular we have focused on the determination of the membrane stiffness modifications induced by these solutions, in particular between stationary and replicating phases and what is the effect of the antibiotic on the bacterial structure.


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Chemical pollution is known to affect microbial community composition but it is poorly understood how toxic compounds influence physiology of single cells that may lay at the basis of loss of reproductive fitness. Here we analyze physiological disturbances of a variety of chemical pollutants at single cell level using the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens in an oligotrophic growth assay. As a proxy for physiological disturbance we measured changes in geometric mean ethidium bromide (EB) fluorescence intensities in subpopulations of live and dividing cells exposed or not exposed to different dosages of tetradecane, 4-chlorophenol, 2-chlorobiphenyl, naphthalene, benzene, mercury chloride, or water-dissolved oil fractions. Because ethidium bromide efflux is an energy-dependent process any disturbance in cellular energy generation is visible as an increased cytoplasmic fluorescence. Interestingly, all pollutants even at the lowest dosage of 1 nmol/mL culture produced significantly increased ethidium bromide fluorescence compared to nonexposed controls. Ethidium bromide fluorescence intensities increased upon pollutant exposure dosage up to a saturation level, and were weakly (r(2) = 0.3905) inversely correlated to the proportion of live cells at that time point in culture. Temporal increase in EB fluorescence of growing cells is indicative for toxic but reversible effects. Cells displaying high continued EB fluorescence levels experience constant and permanent damage, and no longer contribute to population growth. The procedure developed here using bacterial ethidium bromide efflux pump activity may be a useful complement to screen sublethal toxicity effects of chemicals.


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The accumulation of the widely-used antibacterial and antifungal compound triclosan (TCS) in freshwaters raises concerns about the impact of this harmful chemical on the biofilms that are the dominant life style of microorganisms in aquatic systems. However, investigations to-date rarely go beyond effects at the cellular, physiological or morphological level. The present paper focuses on bacterial biofilms addressing the possible chemical impairment of their functionality, while also examining their substratum stabilization potential as one example of an important ecosystem service. The development of a bacterial assemblage of natural composition – isolated from sediments of the Eden Estuary (Scotland, UK) – on non-cohesive glass beads (,63 mm) and exposed to a range of triclosan concentrations (control, 2 – 100 mg L21) was monitored over time by Magnetic Particle Induction (MagPI). In parallel, bacterial cell numbers, division rate, community composition (DGGE) and EPS (extracellular polymeric substances: carbohydrates and proteins) secretion were determined. While the triclosan exposure did not prevent bacterial settlement, biofilm development was increasingly inhibited by increasing TCS levels. The surface binding capacity (MagPI) of the assemblages was positively correlated to the microbial secreted EPS matrix. The EPS concentrations and composition (quantity and quality) were closely linked to bacterial growth, which was affected by enhanced TCS exposure. Furthermore, TCS induced significant changes in bacterial community composition as well as a significant decrease in bacterial diversity. The impairment of the stabilization potential of bacterial biofilm under even low, environmentally relevant TCS levels is of concern since the resistance of sediments to erosive forces has large implications for the dynamics of sediments and associated pollutant dispersal. In addition, the surface adhesive capacity of the biofilm acts as a sensitive measure of ecosystem effects


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Virulent infections are expected to impair learning ability, either as a direct consequence of stressed physiological state or as an adaptive response that minimizes diversion of energy from immune defense. This prediction has been well supported for mammals and bees. Here, we report an opposite result in Drosophila melanogaster. Using an odor-mechanical shock conditioning paradigm, we found that intestinal infection with bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas entomophila or Erwinia c. carotovora improved flies' learning performance after a 1h retention interval. Infection with P. entomophila (but not E. c. carotovora) also improved learning performance after 5 min retention. No effect on learning performance was detected for intestinal infections with an avirulent GacA mutant of P. entomophila or for virulent systemic (hemocoel) infection with E. c. carotovora. Assays of unconditioned responses to odorants and shock do not support a major role for changes in general responsiveness to stimuli in explaining the changes in learning performance, although differences in their specific salience for learning cannot be excluded. Our results demonstrate that the effects of pathogens on learning performance in insects are less predictable than suggested by previous studies, and support the notion that immune stress can sometimes boost cognitive abilities.


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The transport of macromolecules, such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and their accumulation in the layers of the arterial wall play a critical role in the creation and development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease of large arteries e.g., the aorta, coronary, carotid, and other proximal arteries that involves a distinctive accumulation of LDL and other lipid-bearing materials in the arterial wall. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to organs and other parts of the body is reduced. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death. It has been proven that the accumulation of macromolecules in the arterial wall depends not only on the ease with which materials enter the wall, but also on the hindrance to the passage of materials out of the wall posed by underlying layers. Therefore, attention was drawn to the fact that the wall structure of large arteries is different than other vessels which are disease-resistant. Atherosclerosis tends to be localized in regions of curvature and branching in arteries where fluid shear stress (shear rate) and other fluid mechanical characteristics deviate from their normal spatial and temporal distribution patterns in straight vessels. On the other hand, the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) residing in the media layer of the arterial wall respond to mechanical stimuli, such as shear stress. Shear stress may affect SMC proliferation and migration from the media layer to intima. This occurs in atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia. The study of blood flow and other body fluids and of heat transport through the arterial wall is one of the advanced applications of porous media in recent years. The arterial wall may be modeled in both macroscopic (as a continuous porous medium) and microscopic scales (as a heterogeneous porous medium). In the present study, the governing equations of mass, heat and momentum transport have been solved for different species and interstitial fluid within the arterial wall by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Simulation models are based on the finite element (FE) and finite volume (FV) methods. The wall structure has been modeled by assuming the wall layers as porous media with different properties. In order to study the heat transport through human tissues, the simulations have been carried out for a non-homogeneous model of porous media. The tissue is composed of blood vessels, cells, and an interstitium. The interstitium consists of interstitial fluid and extracellular fibers. Numerical simulations are performed in a two-dimensional (2D) model to realize the effect of the shape and configuration of the discrete phase on the convective and conductive features of heat transfer, e.g. the interstitium of biological tissues. On the other hand, the governing equations of momentum and mass transport have been solved in the heterogeneous porous media model of the media layer, which has a major role in the transport and accumulation of solutes across the arterial wall. The transport of Adenosine 5´-triphosphate (ATP) is simulated across the media layer as a benchmark to observe how SMCs affect on the species mass transport. In addition, the transport of interstitial fluid has been simulated while the deformation of the media layer (due to high blood pressure) and its constituents such as SMCs are also involved in the model. In this context, the effect of pressure variation on shear stress is investigated over SMCs induced by the interstitial flow both in 2D and three-dimensional (3D) geometries for the media layer. The influence of hypertension (high pressure) on the transport of lowdensity lipoprotein (LDL) through deformable arterial wall layers is also studied. This is due to the pressure-driven convective flow across the arterial wall. The intima and media layers are assumed as homogeneous porous media. The results of the present study reveal that ATP concentration over the surface of SMCs and within the bulk of the media layer is significantly dependent on the distribution of cells. Moreover, the shear stress magnitude and distribution over the SMC surface are affected by transmural pressure and the deformation of the media layer of the aorta wall. This work reflects the fact that the second or even subsequent layers of SMCs may bear shear stresses of the same order of magnitude as the first layer does if cells are arranged in an arbitrary manner. This study has brought new insights into the simulation of the arterial wall, as the previous simplifications have been ignored. The configurations of SMCs used here with elliptic cross sections of SMCs closely resemble the physiological conditions of cells. Moreover, the deformation of SMCs with high transmural pressure which follows the media layer compaction has been studied for the first time. On the other hand, results demonstrate that LDL concentration through the intima and media layers changes significantly as wall layers compress with transmural pressure. It was also noticed that the fraction of leaky junctions across the endothelial cells and the area fraction of fenestral pores over the internal elastic lamina affect the LDL distribution dramatically through the thoracic aorta wall. The simulation techniques introduced in this work can also trigger new ideas for simulating porous media involved in any biomedical, biomechanical, chemical, and environmental engineering applications.


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The Baltic Sea is unique by its biological, geochemical and physical features. The number of species of larger organisms is small and the species composition is distinctive. On the contrary microbial communities are diverse. Because of the low salinity levels, bacterial communities differ from the ones in the oceans. Knowing the structure of these communities better and how they response to different environmental conditions helps us to estimate how different factors affect the balance and function of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Bacteria are the key players when it comes to natural biogeochemical processes and human-induced phenomena like eutrophication, oil spills or disposal of other harmful substances to the sea ecosystem. In this thesis, bacterial community structure in the sea surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Archipelago Sea were compared. In addition, the effect of diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes on bacterial community structure was studied by a mesocosm experiment. Diesel, crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation capacity of the Baltic Sea bacteria was studied in smaller scale microcosm experiments. In diesel oil experiments bacteria from water phase of the Archipelago Sea was studied. Sediment and iron manganese concretions collected from the Gulf of Finland were used in the crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon experiments. The amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation genes was measured in all of the oil degradation experiments. The results show how differences in bacterial community structure can be seen in the sea surface when compared to the subsurface waters. The mesocosm experiment demonstrated how diatom-bacteria interactions depend on other factors than diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes, which do not seem to have an effect on the bacterial community structure as has been suggested in earlier studies. The dominant bacterial groups in the diesel microcosms differed in samples taken from a pristine site when compared to a site with previous oil exposure in the Archipelago Sea area. Results of the study with sediment and iron-manganese concretions indicate that there are diverse bacterial communities, typical to each bottom type, inhabiting the bottoms of the Gulf of Finland capable to degrade oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.  


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Xylanases with hydrolytic activity on xylan, one of the hemicellulosic materials present in plant cell walls, have been identified long back and the applicability of this enzyme is constantly growing. All these applications especially the pulp and paper industries require novel enzymes. There has been lot of documentation on microbial xylanases, however, none meeting all the required characteristics. The characters being sought are: higher production, higher pH and temperature optima, good stabilities under these conditions and finally the low associated cellulase and protease production. The present study analyses various facets of xylanase biotechnology giving emphasis on bacterial xylanases. Fungal xylanases are having problems like low pH values for both enzyme activity and growth. Moreover, the associated production of cellulases at significant levels make fungal xylanases less suitable for application in paper and pulp industries.Bacillus SSP-34 selected from 200 isolates was clearly having xylan catabolizing nature distinct from earlier reports. The stabilities at higher temperatures and pH values along with the optimum conditions for pH and temperature is rendering Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase more suitable than many of the previous reports for application in pulp and paper industries.Bacillus SSP-34 is an alkalophilic thertmotolerant bacteria which under optimal cultural conditions as mentioned earlier, can produce 2.5 times more xylanase than the basal medium.The 0.5% xylan concentration in the medium was found to the best carbon source resulting in 366 IU/ml of xylanase activity. This induction was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose. Xylose was a good inducer for xylanase production. The combination of yeast extract and peptone selected from several nitrogen sources resulted in the highest enzyme production (379+-0.2 IU/ml) at the optimum final concentration of 0.5%. All the cultural and nutritional parameters were compiled and comparative study showed that the modified medium resulted in xylanase activity of 506 IU/ml, 5 folds higher than the basal medium.The novel combination of purification techniques like ultrafiltraton, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, CM Sephadex cation exchange chromatography and Gel permeation chromatography resulted in the purified xylanase having a specific activity of 1723 U/mg protein with 33.3% yield. The enzyme was having a molecular weight of 20-22 kDa. The Km of the purified xylanase was 6.5 mg of oat spelts xylan per ml and Vmax 1233 µ mol/min/mg protein.Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase resulted in the ISO brightness increase from 41.1% to 48.5%. The hydrolytic nature of the xylanase was in the endo-form.Thus the organism Bacillus SSP-34 was having interesting biotechnological and physiological aspects. The SSP-34 xylanase having desired characters seems to be suited for application in paper and pulp industries.


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Microbial biofilms were first described in 1936 and subsequent research has unveiled their ubiquity and physiological distinction from free-living (planktonic) microorganisms. In light of their emerging significance this review examines the bacterial biofilms within the human gastrointestinal tract. Attention is paid to the nature of these mucosally- associated populations, focusing on the protected environment afforded by the continual secretion of mucus by host epithelial cells. It also examines the attributes possessed by various bacterial species that facilitate habitation of this microenvironment. Additionally, contrasts are drawn between planktonic bacteria of the lumen and sessile (biofilm) bacteria growing in close association with host cells and food particles. In particular the different fermentation profiles exhibited by these two fractions are discussed. The potential role of these communities in host health and disease, as well as the stabilisation of the lumenal population, is also considered. Reference is made to the state of mutualism that exists between these little understood populations and the host epithelia, thus highlighting their ecological significance in terms of gastrointestinal health.


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One common effect of tumor promoters is increased tight junction (TJ) permeability. TJs are responsible for paracellular permeability and integrity of the barrier function. Occludin is one of the main proteins responsible for TJ structure. This study tested the effects of physiological levels of phenol, ammonia, primary bile acids (cholic acid, CA, and chenodeoxycholic acid, CDCA), and secondary bile acids (lithocholic acid, LCA, and deoxycholic acid, DCA) on paracellular permeability using a Caco-2 cell model. Paracellular permeability of Caco-2 monolayers was assessed by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and the apical to basolateral flux of [C-14]-mannitol. Secondary, but not primary, bile acids increased permeability as reflected by significantly decreased TER and increased mannitol flux. Both phenol and ammonia also increased permeability. The primary bile acid CA significantly increased occludin expression (P < 0.05), whereas CDCA had no significant effect on occludin expression as compared to the negative control. The secondary bile acids DCA and LCA significantly increased occludin expression (P < 0.05), whereas phenol had no significant effect on the protein expression as compared to the negative control. This suggests that the increased permeability observed with LCA, DCA, phenol, and ammonia was not related to an effect on occludin expression. In conclusion, phenol, ammonia, and secondary bile acids were shown to increase paracellular permeability and reduce epithelial barrier function at doses typical of levels found in fecal samples. The results contribute to the evidence these gut microflora-generated products have tumor-promoting activity.


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This randomized controlled trial involving 110 healthy neonates studied physiological and bifidogenic effects of galactooligosaccharides (GOS), oligofructose and long-chain inulin (FOS) in formula. Subjects were randomized to Orafti Synergy1 (50 oligofructose: 50 FOS) 0.4g/dl or 0.8g/dl, GOS:FOS (90:10) 0.8g/dl or a standard formula according to Good Clinical Practise (GCP) guidelines. A breast-fed group was included for comparison. Outcome parameters were weight, length, intake, stool characteristics, crying, regurgitation, vomiting, adverse events and fecal bacterial population counts. Statistical analyses used non-parametric tests. During the first month of life weight, length, intake and crying increased significantly in all groups. Regurgitation and vomiting scores were low and similar. Stool frequency decreased significantly and similarly in all formula groups but was lower than in the breast-fed. All prebiotic groups maintained soft stools, only slightly harder than those of breast-fed infants. The standard group had significantly harder stools at wks 2 and 4 compared to 1 (P<0.001 & P=0.0279). The total number of fecal bacteria increased in all prebiotic groups (9.82, 9.73 and 9.91 to 10.34, 10.38 and 10.37, respectively, log10 cells/g feces, P=0.2298) and resembled more the breast-fed pattern. Numbers of lactic acid bacteria, bacteroides and clostridia were comparable. In the SYN1 0.8 g/dl and GOS:FOS groups Bifidobacterium counts were significantly higher at D14 & 28 compared to D3 and comparable to the breast-fed group. Tolerance and growth were normal. In conclusion, stool consistency and bacterial composition of infants taking SYN1 0.8 g/dl or GOS:FOS supplemented formula was closer to the breast-fed pattern. There was no risk for dehydration.


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In 'Avalanche', an object is lowered, players staying in contact throughout. Normally the task is easily accomplished. However, with larger groups counter-intuitive behaviours appear. The paper proposes a formal theory for the underlying causal mechanisms. The aim is to not only provide an explicit, testable hypothesis for the source of the observed modes of behaviour-but also to exemplify the contribution that formal theory building can make to understanding complex social phenomena. Mapping reveals the importance of geometry to the Avalanche game; each player has a pair of balancing loops, one involved in lowering the object, the other ensuring contact. For more players, sets of balancing loops interact and these can allow dominance by reinforcing loops, causing the system to chase upwards towards an ever-increasing goal. However, a series of other effects concerning human physiology and behaviour (HPB) is posited as playing a role. The hypothesis is therefore rigorously tested using simulation. For simplicity a 'One Degree of Freedom' case is examined, allowing all of the effects to be included whilst rendering the analysis more transparent. Formulation and experimentation with the model gives insight into the behaviours. Multi-dimensional rate/level analysis indicates that there is only a narrow region in which the system is able to move downwards. Model runs reproduce the single 'desired' mode of behaviour and all three of the observed 'problematic' ones. Sensitivity analysis gives further insight into the system's modes and their causes. Behaviour is seen to arise only when the geometric effects apply (number of players greater than degrees of freedom of object) in combination with a range of HPB effects. An analogy exists between the co-operative behaviour required here and various examples: conflicting strategic objectives in organizations; Prisoners' Dilemma and integrated bargaining situations. Additionally, the game may be relatable in more direct algebraic terms to situations involving companies in which the resulting behaviours are mediated by market regulations. Finally, comment is offered on the inadequacy of some forms of theory building and the case is made for formal theory building involving the use of models, analysis and plausible explanations to create deep understanding of social phenomena.


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Research and commercial interest in the genus Bifidobacterium have increased in the last decade due to their potential health benefits in probiotic functional foods, especially in dairy products. However, cultivation of bifidobacteria in milk is a difficult task compared with that of conventional starters because milk is not a good medium for growth of these nutritionally fastidious microorganisms. Therefore, suitable strains of Bifidobacterium for dairy products should be selected based on their safety and technological and functional properties. There are a number of milk products containing bifidobacteria in the world market and the demand for new products is increasing with the awareness of the potential health benefits of the consumption of products blended with bifidobacteria. Some strains of Bifidobacterium, which produce exopolysaccharide, have been isolated and characterised. This review will discuss the general characteristics of bifidobacteria, exopolysaccharide production, the selection criteria of bacterial strains for milk products, current applications of bifidobacteria in milk products, and their nutritional and beneficial health properties.


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Gastrointestinal (GI) models that mimic physiological conditions in vitro are important tools for developing and optimizing biopharmaceutical formulations. Oral administration of live attenuated bacterial vaccines (LBV) can safely and effectively promote mucosal immunity but new formulations are required that provide controlled release of optimal numbers of viable bacterial cells, which must survive gastrointestinal transit overcoming various antimicrobial barriers. Here, we use a gastro-small intestine gut model of human GI conditions to study the survival and release kinetics of two oral LBV formulations: the licensed typhoid fever vaccine Vivotif comprising enteric coated capsules; and an experimental formulation of the model vaccine Salmonella Typhimurium SL3261 dried directly onto cast enteric polymer films and laminated to form a polymer film laminate (PFL). Neither formulation released significant numbers of viable cells when tested in the complete gastro-small intestine model. The poor performance in delivering viable cells could be attributed to a combination of acid and bile toxicity plus incomplete release of cells for Vivotif capsules, and to bile toxicity alone for PFL. To achieve effective protection from intestinal bile in addition to effective acid resistance, bile adsorbent resins were incorporated into the PFL to produce a new formulation, termed BR-PFL. Efficient and complete release of 4.4x107 live cells per dose was achieved from BR-PFL at distal intestinal pH, with release kinetics controlled by the composition of the enteric polymer film, and no loss in viability observed in any stage of the GI model. Use of this in vitro GI model thereby allowed rational design of an oral LBV formulation to maximize viable cell release.


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The influence of thyroid hormone on estrogen actions has been demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro. In transient transfection assays, the effects of liganded thyroid hormone receptors (TR) on transcriptional facilitation by estrogens bound to estrogen receptors (ER) display specificity according to the following: 1) ER isoform, 2) TR isoform, 3) the promoter through which transcriptional facilitation occurs, and 4) cell type. Some of these molecular phenomena may be related to thyroid hormone signaling of seasonal limitations upon reproduction. The various combinations of these molecular interactions provide multiple and flexible opportunities for relations between two major hormonal systems important for neuroendocrine feedbacks and reproductive behaviors.


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Microbial community composition was examined in two soil types, Anthrosols and adjacent soils, sampled from three locations in the Brazilian Amazon. The Anthrosols, also known as Amazonian dark earths, are highly fertile soils that are a legacy of pre-Columbian settlement. Both Anthrosols and adjacent soils are derived from the same parent material and subject to the same environmental conditions, including rainfall and temperature; however, the Anthrosols contain high levels of charcoal-like black carbon from which they derive their dark color. The Anthrosols typically have higher cation exchange capacity, higher pH, and higher phosphorus and calcium contents. We used culture media prepared from soil extracts to isolate bacteria unique to the two soil types and then sequenced their 16S rRNA genes to determine their phylogenetic placement. Higher numbers of culturable bacteria, by over two orders of magnitude at the deepest sampling depths, were counted in the Anthrosols. Sequences of bacteria isolated on soil extract media yielded five possible new bacterial families. Also, a higher number of families in the bacteria were represented by isolates from the deeper soil depths in the Anthrosols. Higher bacterial populations and a greater diversity of isolates were found in all of the Anthrosols, to a depth of up to 1 m, compared to adjacent soils located within 50-500 m of their associated Anthrosols. Compared to standard culture media, soil extract media revealed diverse soil microbial populations adapted to the unique biochemistry and physiological ecology of these Anthrosols.