653 resultados para Avena byzantina
One of the major constraints to sustainable of the tillage is the rapid decomposition of dry the matter. One of the mechanisms known to facilitate this process is the interference in pathways of polymers of lignin from tests of application of low doses of herbicide based on the relation that higher the content of the lignin greater the resistance to degradation. With this purpose, the herbicide Verdict * R (haloxyfop-methyl) was used to verify the effect of low doses at the height of the plants, productivity of dry matter and in the metabolism of the lignin in plants of black oat. Preliminary tests in the greenhouse were realized for adjustments to the best low doses to be applied in the definitive experiment in the production area. The results obtained were 24% of increase in productivity in the experiments conducted in greenhouse, from the application of 3.125g of the active ingredient of the haloxyfop-methyl per hectare, in this subdose no changes was observed in growth and content of lignin in plants of black oat. In the field, the concentration of 2.5g i. a. ha-1 of haloxyfop-methyl decreased in 9% the lignification rate without interfering with the height and productivity of the plants, this being favorable to the degradation rate of stubble tillage on outcome
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
The soil acidity in no tillage system could be resolved by lime superficial application, improvement to crop mineral nutrition and yield. The experiment carried out on a Rhodic Kandiudalf in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, in dry conditions, aiming to evaluate the agronomic development and leaf diagnosis of black oat plants, under superficial liming in no tillage system. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replications, the treatments were superficial application of different dolomítico lime rates (R0 = zero – without lime; R1 = 1,8 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 50%; R2 = 3,6 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 70% and R3 = 5,4 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 90%), in October 2002. The black oat Common cultivar was seed in April 2004, in to second year, after the crop rotation of millet (spring) – common bean (summer) – black oat (autumn-winter). The results showed that: the black oat had yield increase by superficial liming, mainly to most dry matter and grain per panicule. Beyond, the superficial liming application did not prejudice leaf diagnosis of culture.
The effect of the contaminant fungi Trichoderma sp. and Chaetomium olivacearum on the cultivation of the ABL 99/30 and ABL 04/49 isolates of A. blazei in two compost formulations made up with tyfton (Cynodom dactylon) and oat (Avena sativa) was evaluated. The experimental design was a totally randomized 2 x 2 x 3 factorial design with 6 repetitions. The experimental unit consisted of 12-12.5 kg of wet compost. During the spawning, 150 g of Trichoderma sp. and C. olivacearum were added to the compost. The experiment was carried out in a climatized room, with humidity between 75-90% and temperature of 28º C. The productivity averages of the ABL 99/30 isolate of A. blazei were higher than those of ABL 04/49 and Trichoderma sp. and C. olivacearum negatively influenced the production of A. blazei. The different composts (based on tyfton and oat straw) did not influence the production of basidiomata.
We evaluated the effect of gamma irradiation doses (0, 125, 250, and 500 Gy) in control of psychrotrophic bacteria in different strains of Agaricus bisporus (ABI-07/06, ABI-05/03, and PB-1) during storage, cultivated in composts based on oat straw (Avena sativa) and Brachiaria spp. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme 4 2 3 (irradiation doses composts strains), with 24 treatments, each consisting of 2 replicates, totaling 48 experimental units (samples of mushrooms). The mushrooms collected from all culture conditions were packaged in plastic polypropylene with 200 g each and subjected to Cobalt-60 irradiator, type Gammacell 220, and dose rate 0.740 kGy h–1 , according to the treatments. Subsequently, the control (nonirradiated) and other treatments were maintained at 4 ± 1°C and 90% relative humidity (RH) in a climatic chamber to perform the microbiological analysis of mushrooms on the 1st and 14th day of storage. According to the results, it was found that the highest mean colony psychotrophic count, after 14 days of storage, was observed in strain ABI-07/06 1.30 × 108 g -1 most probable number (MPN) in nonirradiated mushrooms, coming from Brachiaria grass-based compost, and this same strain under the same storage conditions, coming from the same type of compost that underwent a dose of 500 Gy, obtained a significant reduction in mean colonies of psychrotrophic bacteria (2.25 × 104 g –1 MPN). Thus, the irradiation doses tested favored reducing the number of colonies of psychrotrophic bacteria, regardless of the type of compound and strain of A. bisporus.
The aim of the work was to evaluate the productivity, leaf nutrient content and soil nutrient concentration in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in sequence with black oats (Avena strigosa Schreb.) under Leucaena diversifolia alley cropping agroforestry system (AFS) and traditional management system/sole crop (without trees-TS), after two years of cultivation following a randomized block design. The experiment was carried out in the Brazilian Association of Biodynamic Agriculture, in Botucatu—S?o Paulo, Brazil. Treatments were: control (C), chemical fertilizer application (F), biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping application (B), biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping + chemical fertilizer application (B + F). In the second year of management it was observed that black oat yield was higher in treatments B + F and F with significant difference in relation to the others treatments in both systems, followed by treatment B. Between systems, only treatment B showed significant difference, with higher yield value corresponding to AFS, reflecting the efficiency of AFS to promote soil fertility. Maize production presented the second year of cultivation an increasing trend in all treatments in both production systems. This result may be due to the cumulative effect of mineralization and maize straw and oats, along the experiment. How productivity was higher in the AFS system, could also be occurring effect of biological nitrogen fixation, water retention and reduction of extreme microclimate through the rows of L. diversifolia. Comparing the AFS and TS, it was observed that the concentration of N in leaf tissue was higher in the AFS treatments, probably due to nitrogen fixation performed through the rows of L. diversifolia, that is a nitrogen fixing tree species. After two years, carbon stocked in soil show higher values in the treatments biomass + fertilizer and biomass application, in both systems, AFS and TS.
The objective of this research work was to evaluate the effects of doses and time of application of N on the C/N ratio of the straw cover and on the growth and productivity of maize plants growing in a no tillage system. The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) on its campus of Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The treatments were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design in a split plot arrangement. The treatments consisted of four doses of N (0, 20, 40, and 60 kg ha-1 ) applied to oat crop and N doses (60, 80, 100, and 120 kg ha-1 ) sidedressed to corn. The development and productivity of the maize crop in a no-tillage system were found to be dependent of the C/N ratio and the straw cover. The response of the maize plants to the early application of N is dependent on doses and time of application.
Weed control has always been an important issue in agriculture. With the advent of no-till systems, soil erosion was reduced but herbicide use was increased. Organic no-till systems try to adjust reduced erosion to the no use of herbicides. Nevertheless, this adjustment is limited by the cost of mechanical weed control. This cost may be reduced by improved cultural weed control with cover crops mulches. In this paper we report a study on the application of compost manure on an oats winter cover crop, preceding soybean, instead of on the soybean summer crop. Treatments comprised a control without compost manure, and compost manure doses of 4 and 8 Mg ha-1 applied either on oats in winter or soybean in summer, organized in a randomized block design, with five replications. In summer, plots were split into weed-controlled or not controlled subplots. The timing of application and the manure doses did not affect the oats biomass or the soybean performance. However, in summer, without water stress, the application of manure at 8 Mg ha-1 directly on soybean has reduced weed biomass in this crop.
The spatio-temporal control of gene expression is fundamental to elucidate cell proliferation and deregulation phenomena in living systems. Novel approaches based on light-sensitive multiprotein complexes have recently been devised, showing promising perspectives for the noninvasive and reversible modulation of the DNA-transcriptional activity in vivo. This has lately been demonstrated in a striking way through the generation of the artificial protein construct light-oxygen-voltage (LOV)-tryptophan-activated protein (TAP), in which the LOV-2-Jα photoswitch of phototropin1 from Avena sativa (AsLOV2-Jα) has been ligated to the tryptophan-repressor (TrpR) protein from Escherichia coli. Although tremendous progress has been achieved on the generation of such protein constructs, a detailed understanding of their functioning as opto-genetical tools is still in its infancy. Here, we elucidate the early stages of the light-induced regulatory mechanism of LOV-TAP at the molecular level, using the noninvasive molecular dynamics simulation technique. More specifically, we find that Cys450-FMN-adduct formation in the AsLOV2-Jα-binding pocket after photoexcitation induces the cleavage of the peripheral Jα-helix from the LOV core, causing a change of its polarity and electrostatic attraction of the photoswitch onto the DNA surface. This goes along with the flexibilization through unfolding of a hairpin-like helix-loop-helix region interlinking the AsLOV2-Jα- and TrpR-domains, ultimately enabling the condensation of LOV-TAP onto the DNA surface. By contrast, in the dark state the AsLOV2-Jα photoswitch remains inactive and exerts a repulsive electrostatic force on the DNA surface. This leads to a distortion of the hairpin region, which finally relieves its tension by causing the disruption of LOV-TAP from the DNA.
Signal proteins are able to adapt their response to a change in the environment, governing in this way a broad variety of important cellular processes in living systems. While conventional molecular-dynamics (MD) techniques can be used to explore the early signaling pathway of these protein systems at atomistic resolution, the high computational costs limit their usefulness for the elucidation of the multiscale transduction dynamics of most signaling processes, occurring on experimental timescales. To cope with the problem, we present in this paper a novel multiscale-modeling method, based on a combination of the kinetic Monte-Carlo- and MD-technique, and demonstrate its suitability for investigating the signaling behavior of the photoswitch light-oxygen-voltage-2-Jα domain from Avena Sativa (AsLOV2-Jα) and an AsLOV2-Jα-regulated photoactivable Rac1-GTPase (PA-Rac1), recently employed to control the motility of cancer cells through light stimulus. More specifically, we show that their signaling pathways begin with a residual re-arrangement and subsequent H-bond formation of amino acids near to the flavin-mononucleotide chromophore, causing a coupling between β-strands and subsequent detachment of a peripheral α-helix from the AsLOV2-domain. In the case of the PA-Rac1 system we find that this latter process induces the release of the AsLOV2-inhibitor from the switchII-activation site of the GTPase, enabling signal activation through effector-protein binding. These applications demonstrate that our approach reliably reproduces the signaling pathways of complex signal proteins, ranging from nanoseconds up to seconds at affordable computational costs.
In modern life- and medical-sciences major efforts are currently concentrated on creating artificial photoenzymes, consisting of light- oxygen-voltage-sensitive (LOV) domains fused to a target enzyme. Such protein constructs possess great potential for controlling the cell metabolism as well as gene function upon light stimulus. This has recently been impressively demonstrated by designing a novel artificial fusion protein, connecting the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from Avena sativa with the Rac1-GTPase (AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1), and by using it, to control the motility of cancer cells from the HeLa-line. Although tremendous progress has been achieved on the generation of such protein constructs, a detailed understanding of their signaling pathway after photoexcitation is still in its infancy. Here, we show through computer simulations of the AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1-photoenzyme that the early processes after formation of the Cys450-FMN-adduct involve the breakage of a H-bond between the carbonyl oxygen FMN-C4O and the amino group of Gln513, followed by a rotational reorientation of its sidechain. This initial event is followed by successive events including β-sheet tightening and transmission of torsional stress along the Iβ-sheet, which leads to the disruption of the Jα-helix from the N-terminal end. Finally, this process triggers the detachment of the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from the Rac1-GTPase, ultimately enabling the activation of Rac1 via binding of the effector protein PAK1.
Only few studies documenting the vegetation history of the Llanos de Moxos, one of the largest seasonally flooded wetland areas in South America, are available and little is known about the environmental impact of pre-Columbian settlements. We use radiocarbon-dated terrestrial plant macrofossils to establish a sound chronology and palynological analyses to reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Lago Rogaguado area. The sedimentary pollen and spore record suggests that wetland and wooded savannah (Cerrado) environments occurred around the lake between 8100 and 5800 cal BP. Fire activity was high during this period and was probably connected to the dry Cerrado environments. The pollen evidence suggests early plant cultivation (Zea mays, Annonaceae and Cucurbitaceae) from 6500 cal BP onwards, which is significantly earlier than hitherto assumed for Amazonia. Gallery forests expanded after 5800 cal BP, when fire activity strongly declined. Forest expansion intensified around 2800 cal BP and continued until 2000 cal BP, when forest cover reached its maximum and fire activity its minimum. The late-Holocene forest expansion to the south and the decrease of fire activity may have resulted from a climatic shift to moister conditions (possibly a shorter dry season). New crops (e.g. Avena-type) or adventive plants (e.g. Rumex acetosella-type) document the impact of European economies after ca. 500 cal BP. Land use intensity remained rather stable over the most recent centuries, arguing against a collapse of settlements in response to the arrival of Europeans, as reconstructed from other Amazonian pollen records.
The impact of human activities on the fire regime in southern Switzerland was studied using (pre)historical charcoal and pollen data from lake sediments and statistical data from the 20th century. The cultural impact on forest fire was established by correlating charcoal-influx data with pollen percentages of anthropogenic indicators such as Plantago lanceolata, the Cerealia (sum of Avena t., Triticum t. and Hordeum t.) and Secale. During the 20th century, fire frequency was correlated with precipitation, dry and very dry periods and landscape management indicators. The effects of human activity on the fire regime are clearly recognisable since at least the Neolithic period. Using palaeoecological or statistical data, the variations in fire regime originating from anthropogenic actions may be differentiated from those due to climatic changes if they are sufficiently conspicuous.
La larva de Grapholita molesta (Busck), que produce daños en brotes y frutos de carozo y de pepita, fue criada en condiciones artificiales con dietas a base de granos y otros nutrientes. Se prepararon y evaluaron siete dietas con poroto, garbanzo, arveja, maíz, soja, trigo y avena. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: 1. Evaluar dietas con granos de cultivares locales. 2. Evaluar las características físico-químicas (pH y sólidos solubles). 3. Evaluar la eficiencia mediante ciclo biológico, grados día, viabilidad, peso de pupas, recuperación de huevo a adulto, fecundidad y adultos esperados. 4. Determinar costos y rendimientos. El análisis de los parámetros biológicos y económicos indicó que las dietas de menor costo y mayor rendimiento fueron, en orden decreciente, poroto y garbanzo, pero la primera además presentó características físicoquímicas similares a la dieta preferencial de la larva salvaje: los brotes de duraznero.
Para determinar el poder antioxidante y conservante del aceite esencial de tomillo mendocino (Acantholippia seriphioides) en hamburguesas funcionales, conservadas a 4 ± 0.5 °C, se elaboraron medallones utilizando: 83 % carne vacuna 5 % grasa vacuna 5 % salvado de avena 5 % texturizado de soja 2 % sustituto graso 0.08 g NaCl/kg aceite esencial de tomillo (AET) 106 ufc/g Se estudió: • tipo de envasado: bolsas de poliamidapolietileno; atmósfera modificada: 70 % N 2 y 30 % CO2, y vacío; • tiempo de almacenamiento: 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4 semanas; • dosis de tomillo: 0 y 150 mg AET/kg Los datos se analizaron de acuerdo con un arreglo factorial 2 (tipo de envasado) x 5 (tiempos de almacenamiento) x 2 (dosis de AET) en un diseño de parcelas subdivididas, con 4 repeticiones. Se evaluaron TBA, pH, NBV, color, olor y carga microbiana. Las tres primeras variables se estudiaron mediante el ANOVA. Para color y olor se recurrió a un análisis sensorial descriptivo. La carga microbiana se representó gráficamente. El AET disminuyó el TBA, independientemente del tipo de envasado utilizado. El pH disminuyó en el tiempo siguiendo un modelo polinomial de 2° grado. El NBV resultó significativo para: envasamiento al vacío y 0 mg/kg AET. El AET mantiene los atributos sensoriales durante las dos primeras semanas pero no disminuye la carga microbiana. Conclusión: el AET tiene efecto antioxidante pero no conservante en hamburguesas funcionales de carne vacuna bajo las condiciones del ensayo.