981 resultados para Australian Agency for Internation Development


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When not-for-profit organisations and for-profit organisations are forced to work together, conflict can arise. This paper explores the tensions that have resulted in the Australian sport setting when the Australian Sport Commission (ASC), with its emphasis predominantly directed at not for profit sport, sought to embrace the traditionally for profit sport of Freestyle BMX into the mainstream sport system. This case study traces the development and implementation of the ASC's Street Active program through Freestyle BMX. It was found that Freestyle BMX experienced mission drift and did not provide a product or service relevant to its consumers by adhering to the guidelines required by the ASC. Further, in the development of the program, the ASC did not expect the rivalry between suppliers in the free market action sport industry when it engaged three management groups to deliver the Street Active program. As a result the action sport industry is further fragmented into for-profit agencies, and farther removed from the Australia's federal governing agency, the ASC.


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This paper examines the new product development processes in the Australian grocery market and provides a new product development process that can be applied to large, medium and small grocery organisations. The research findings highlight the importance of senior management support during the new product development process. This support is a key factor in the performance of the new product development activity and the proposed new product development process for Australian grocery organisations emphasises senior management's role as a key element in the new product development process.


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Adequate, appropriate training of quality managers is essential to the development and implementation of effective quality management systems. This study reports on a survey of 235 Australian quality managers to determine their perceptions of their training and development needs, the extent to which these were being met, and their views on the future of their discipline. The study found that there was a general lack of systematization, most programs were short-term and delivered by a fragmented set of providers. Many managers had received no training in the past 5 years. While the respondents were generally satisfied with the training they had received, there was evidence that their insight into their own needs was imperfect. The respondents were divided between those who thought quality management would remain a discrete field and those who saw it being absorbed by other management systems. The challenges of developing an appropriate training and development regime in this environment are discussed.


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The physiological and behavioural development of diving was examined in Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) pups to assess whether animals at weaning are capable of exploiting the same resources as adult females. Haematocrit, haemoglobin and myoglobin contents all increased throughout pup development though total body oxygen stores reached only 71% of adult female levels just prior to weaning. Oxygen storage components, however, did not develop at the same pace. Whereas blood oxygen stores had reached adult female levels by 9 months of age, muscle oxygen stores were slower to develop, reaching only 23% of adult levels by this age. Increases in diving behaviour corresponded to the physiological changes observed. Pups spent little time (<8%) in the water prior to moulting (age 1–2 months) whereas following the moult, they spent >27% of time in the water and made mid-water dives (maximum depth 35.7 ± 2.9 m) with durations of 0.35 ± 0.03 min. By 9 months (just prior to weaning), 30.5 ± 9.3% of all dives performed were U-shaped benthic dives (maximum depth 65.0 ± 6.0 m) with mean durations of 0.87 ± 0.25 min, significantly shorter than those of adult females. These results suggest that while Australian fur seal pups approaching the age of weaning are able to reach similar depths as adult females, they do not have the physiological capacity to remain at these depths for sufficient durations to exploit them to the same efficiency.


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The idea that new product development is vital to many organisations'  business survival and growth is widely acknowledged. New products provide many business opportunities for organisations. The relationship between  new product development and business strategy is critical, as corporate  purpose and scope sets the guidelines for new product planning. This paper examines the new product development process in the Australian grocery organisations and the influence of strategic planning on new product  development. Top management’s skills and vision in addressing various  issues in new product development are vital to business success. The research findings highlighted the importance of top managements support during new product development phases. Creating an innovative culture within an organisation should be a management priority, so new product ideas can be generated from various levels in the organisation.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine and map the process of Australian elite athlete development from an organisational perspective, that of 35 national sporting organisations (NSOs). Research on elite development has focused on the significance of economic and cultural factors (macro-level studies) and the role of sport science and athletes’ close environment (micro-level studies) in fostering success. In an effort to depict elite athlete development processes in a more inclusive way, this paper offers an evaluation of the ways elite athletes are nurtured from an Australian NSOs perspective adopting a meso-level approach (e.g., programs). The study is based on a document analysis examining 74 annual reports from 35 NSOs over a period of four years, before and after the Sydney Olympic Games and offers a generic framework of the Australian elite athlete development process. The resulting framework shows that various interested groups are involved with nurturing elite athletes through either initiating or implementing specially designed programs or other strategies that cultivate success, and helps broaden the definition of elite development. The implications of successful elite athlete development include increased finances and public profile for sports as well as the creation of pathways to increase interest in sport.


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The purpose of this study was to explore and map the sport development processes in Australia. A grounded theory approach identified sport development processes by examining 74 annual reports from 35 national sporting organizations (NSOs) over a period of 4 years, before and after the Sydney Olympic Games. The 3 frameworks presented in this article representing the attraction, retention/ transition, and nurturing process illustrate the generic processes and strategies described by NSOs. The results show that each sport development process requires human and financial input from various stakeholders. These stakeholders initiate or implement sport development strategies for each process and each process has different sport development outputs. These results contribute to the extant literature of sport development by demonstrating that sport development is more complex and encompassing than previously described. It is proposed that the generic frameworks derived from this study be subject to more specific testing using other sport systems, as context and case studies could lead to tailoring the frameworks to represent specific sport development processes and systems.


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Australian brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami) hatch in incubation mounds of organic material and have no parental role models to learn from. When raised in outdoor aviaries, without adults, four of six males built incubation mounds at an early age of 4.5–9 months. The two males without mounds were the only ones without detectable levels of testosterone (T) at 4.5 months, whereas body mass did not explain the presence or absence of mound building. At the age of 11 months, all males had detectable T, including those without mounds. This study also investigated the development of social dominance in males kept in mixed-sex groups for 4.5 months. At this latter age, higher-ranked males tended to have higher T levels (P = 0.076), whereas dominance ranks at 4.5 months were not correlated with body mass or size, either at this age or at hatching. Overall, these results suggest that mound building develops without learning, and there is a relationship between T levels and dominance status as well as the absence or presence of mound building. These findings contribute to discussions on the role of learning in behavioural development and the role of T and body mass in avian life history.


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A modified sand–liquid culture method facilitated easy visualisation of the primary life cycle stages of Plasmodiophora brassicae within clean root hairs of the Arabidopsis host. Pathogen penetration occurred from day 4 onwards and then primary plasmodia developed within the host root. Several Arabidopsis ecotypes tested in varying growth conditions showed differences in disease expression. Defined growth cabinet conditions were found most suitable for studying disease progression in the ecotypes and for achieving uniform infection and disease development. Arabidopsis ecotypes Ta-0 and Tsu-0 known to be partially resistant to a German single-spore isolate of P. brassicae were susceptible to an Australian (Victorian) field population of P. brassicae. The European clubroot differential test was used to confirm virulence and describe the pathotype of the Victorian field population. Knowledge of the interaction of an Australian population of P. brassicae with its host will provide valuable information on a disease which is very difficult to control.