917 resultados para Anti-fungal activity


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L’amyloïdose, une maladie progressive et incurable, implique une vaste panoplie de pathologies et de pathogénèses, qui est expliquée par la grande variabilité biologique et structurale des protéines responsables de la formation des dépôts d’amyloïde. L’amyline (polypeptide amyloïde des îlots pancréatiques, IAPP) est une protéine très susceptible de subir des changements de conformation impliquant les feuillets bêta et conférant aussi des propriétés physicochimiques distinctes. Cette protéine prend alors une forme fibrillaire et se dépose dans les îlots de Langerhans chez les humains atteints de diabète de type 2 ou d’insulinome. Ces dépôts d’amyloïde pancréatique (AIAPP) ont été décrits chez certaines espèces animales telles que les félins domestiques, les grands félins, le raton laveur et les primates non humains. La formation de dépôts d’amyloïde contribue à la pathogénèse du diabète de type 2, mais les mécanismes qui induisent la conversion de l’amyline (IAPP) en amyloïde (AIAPP) ne sont pas complètement compris. Les hypothèses du projet sont que certaines variations présentes dans les séquences peptidiques de l’IAPP provenant de différentes espèces animales jouent un rôle critique pour la formation de fibrilles et que plusieurs composés chimiques aromatiques/phénoliques sont capables d’abroger la formation de dépôts d’amyloïde. Le projet de recherche consiste donc à caractériser la propension des différentes isoformes animales d’IAPP à former de l’amyloïde in vitro afin d’identifier les acides aminés jouant un rôle clé dans cette transformation structurale et ultimement d’inhiber la formation d’amyloïde pancréatique. Le projet se divise en deux volets principaux. Le premier consiste à identifier les différentes séquences peptidiques de l’IAPP retrouvées chez les espèces animales. L’objectif est d’identifier les acides aminés jouant un rôle clé dans la formation d’amyloïde. Le gène de l’IAPP a été séquencé chez plus d’une quarantaine d’espèces. Le potentiel d’agrégation des séquences obtenues a été simulé à l’aide d’outils bioinformatique. Une librairie de 23 peptides a été commandée afin de procéder à des analyses physicochimiques in vitro permettant d’évaluer le potentiel amyloïdogénique (test fluorimétrique à la thioflavine T, essai de liaison au rouge Congo, dichroïsme circulaire, microscopie électronique à transmission) et cytotoxique (sur une lignée cellulaire provenant d’insulinome : INS-1). Les analyses effectuées à partir de la librairie constituée de 23 peptides ont permis d’identifier trois séquences ne formant pas d’amyloïde et qui proviennent des espèces animales suivantes : le tamarin lion doré (Leontopithecus rosalia), le grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) et l’alpaga (Vicugna pacos). Un site potentiellement critique est le segment 8-20 présentant le motif NFLVH qui ne forme plus d’amyloïde lorsqu’il est remplacé par le motif DFLGR ou KFLIR. Les acides aminés 29P, 14K et 18R sont également impliqués dans l’inhibition de la transformation structurale en fibrille. La dernière partie du projet consiste à inhiber la formation de l’amyloïde en utilisant des composés chimiques commercialisés (hypoglycémiants, anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens) ou nouvellement synthétisés dans notre laboratoire (les aryles éthyles urées). Un criblage d’une soixantaine de composés chimiques a été conduit dans cette étude. Leur efficacité a été testée sur l’IAPP humaine, qui possède un fort potentiel amyloïdogénique. Les techniques utilisées sont les mêmes que celles exploitées précédemment. L’essai de liaison croisée photo-induite ("photo-induced cross-linking of unmodified proteins", PICUP) a été réalisé afin d’étudier les formes intermédiaires (monomères, oligomères). Un total de 11 composés chimiques a démontré un potentiel à inhiber l’agrégation des fibrilles. Pour la classe des hypoglycémiants, le glyburide, le répaglinide et la troglitazone ont montré l’activité thérapeutique la plus élevée pour retarder et réduire la formation de fibrilles. Les anti-inflammatoires antiamyloïdogènes actifs incluaient le diclofenac, le méloxicam, le phénylbutazone, le sulindac et le ténoxicam. Les aryles étyles urées les plus intéressantes étaient la EU-362 et la EU-418. Tous ces composés ont conféré une protection cellulaire contre l’activité cytotoxique des fibrilles. Les molécules actives possèdent des éléments structuraux communs tels des substituants donneurs d’électrons (alcool, amine, halogène) sur un noyau benzène. En conclusion, ce projet de recherche a permis de caractériser l’IAPP chez diverses espèces animales, dont plusieurs chez lesquelles elle n’avait pas encore été décrite, de déterminer les sites jouant un rôle clé dans sa transformation en amyloïde et, ultimement, de tester le potentiel thérapeutique de nouveaux agents antiamyloïdogènes dans le diabète de type 2. Nous espérons que ce projet ouvrira ainsi la porte à de nouvelles stratégies de traitement.


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Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie chronique dont l’incidence est en augmentation continuelle. Le risque de développer le diabète de type 2 chez les populations autochtones du Canada est de trois à cinq fois plus élevé que le reste de la population canadienne. La forêt boréale comporte plusieurs plantes médicinales ayant un potentiel pour le traitement ou la prévention du diabète. Certaines de ces plantes font partie de la médecine traditionnelle et alternative Crie. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont amené notre équipe de recherche à identifier 17 extraits de plantes médicinales utilisées par les Cris d’Eeyou Istchee (Baie James, Québec) pour traiter les symptômes du diabète. Parmi ces extraits, certains ont montré des activités anti-diabétiques au niveau des cellules musculaires, des adipocytes et dans des études in vivo réalisées chez des animaux. Le but de cette thèse est d’élucider l’effet de ces 17 plantes sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose, d’identifier l’espèce la plus prometteuse et isoler ces constituants actifs. De même, le bleuet nain du genre Vaccinium angustifolium fait partie de la forêt boréale canadienne et est connu pour ses activités anti-diabétiques. Une biotransformation du jus de bleuet lui confère une activité antioxydante accrue et un profil biologique différent. Le deuxième but de cette thèse est d’élucider les mécanismes d’action par lesquels le jus de bleuet biotransformé (BJ) exerce son effet anti-diabétique et d’identifier ses principes actifs. Les résultats ont montré que trois extraits de plantes Cris se sont démarqués par leur effet sur l’homéostasie hépatique de glucose. Picea glauca exerce son effet en diminuant la production de glucose alors que Larix laricina agit en augmentant le stockage de glucose. Abies balsamea a montré le profil le plus prometteur, elle agit simultanément en diminuant l’activité de la Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) via la stimulation des voies insulino-dépendante et - indépendante et en augmentant l’activité de la Glycogène synthétase (GS) suite à la phosphorylation de la Glycogène synthase kinase-3. Le fractionnement de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea guidé par les deux bioessais a mené à l’isolation de trois composés actifs; l’acide abiétique (AA), l’acide déhydroabiétique (DAA) et le squalène (SQ). Les principes actifs ont montré le même mécanisme d’action que l’extrait brut en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase et augmentant celle de la GS ainsi qu’en activant les voies de signalisation impliquées. Le DAA ii s’est démarqué par son effet le plus puissant et très comparable à celui de l’extrait d’Abies balsamea dans toutes les expériences. De son côté le BJ a montré un effet sur la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose, l’augmentation de son stockage ainsi que l’augmentation de son transport dans le muscle. Son fractionnement guidé par les bioessais a permis d’isoler sept fractions dont trois étaient les plus actives. L’identification des constituants de ces fractions actives a mené à isoler quatres composés phénoliques; l’acide chlorogénique, l’acide gallique, l’acide protocatéchique et le catéchol. Le catéchol s’est démarqué avec ses effets les plus puissants en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase, augmentant celle de la GS et en stimulant le transport de glucose dans le muscle. Les résultats de cette thèse indiquent que la diminution de la production hépatique de glucose peut s’ajouter au profil anti-diabétique de certaines plantes médicinales Cries et surtout à celui d’A.balsamea dont les composés actifs peuvent aider dans le développement de nouvelles molécules anti-diabétiques. De plus, les résultats de cette thèse ont montré que l’activité antidiabétique du BJ implique le contrôle de l’homéostasie de glucose au niveau du foie et du muscle. L’identification du catéchol comme principe actif avec potentiel anti-diabétique prometteur pourra servir pour des fins thérapeutiques ultérieures.


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Cette thèse porte sur le développement de biocapteurs basés sur la technique de résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) pour effectuer des analyses directement dans un fluide sanguin n’ayant subi aucune purification ou dilution. L’ensemble des biocapteurs discutés exploiteront un instrument SPR portable développé dans le groupe du professeur Masson. Le premier volet de la thèse portera sur le processus d’interférence lié à l’adsorption non spécifique du sérum à la surface du capteur. L’analyse des biomolécules adsorbées sera effectuée en combinant la SPR à la spectrométrie de masse. Les informations obtenues seront exploitées pour la construction de biocapteurs adaptés à l’analyse en milieu sanguin. Un premier biocapteur développé ciblera la protéine antigène prostatique spécifique (APS) contenue dans le sérum servant de biomarqueur pour dépister le cancer de la prostate. Pour détecter les faibles concentrations de cette protéine directement dans le sérum, un matériel plasmonique microstructuré sera utilisé pour amplifier les signaux obtenus et sera recouvert d’une monocouche peptidique minimisant l’adsorption non spécifique du sérum. L’instrument SPR aura été adapté pour permettre également la détection simultanée de fluorescence. Un test ELISA sera ainsi effectué en parallèle du test SPR. Chacune des techniques fournira un contrôle pour la deuxième, tout en permettant de détecter le biomarqueur au niveau requis pour dépister la maladie. La combinaison des deux méthodes permettra aussi d’élargir la gamme dynamique du test de dépistage. Pour terminer, l’instrument SPR portable sera utilisé dans le cadre de détection de petites biomolécules ayant un potentiel thérapeutique directement dans un échantillon de sang. Des peptides ayant une activité anti-athérosclérotique pourront ainsi être détectés à même un échantillon de sang ni purifié ni dilué, et ce à des concentrations de l’ordre du micromolaire. Une modification de la microfluidique via l’introduction d’une membrane poreuse au cœur de celle-ci sera la clé permettant d’effectuer de telles analyses. La présente thèse met de l’avant de nouvelles stratégies et des modifications instrumentales permettant d’analyser des protéines et des petites molécules directement dans un échantillon non purifié de sérum ou de sang. Les modifications apportées au système fluidique, à l’instrument SPR et au niveau du biocapteur employé permettront d’effectuer des biodétections dans des matrices aussi complexes que les fluides sanguins. Les présents travaux mettent en lumière la capacité d’un instrument SPR/fluorescence portable à faire en 12 minutes la biodétection d’un marqueur du cancer de la prostate directement dans un échantillon de sérum. Finalement, on rapporte ici un des premiers articles où un biocapteur SPR est utilisé à même un échantillon de sang non-purifié pour faire des biodétections.


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The thesis entitled studies on the synthesis and transformations of a few 2(3H)- and 3(2H)- furanones. Furanones represent an interesting class of heterocyclic compounds, which constitute the central ring system of many natural products. The derivatives of furan is divided, depending on their structure 2(3H)-furanones(I), 2(5H)-furanones(II), and 3(2H)-furanones(III). Systems I&II are unsatured gama lactones known as ‘butenolides’. Compounds of this type also known as ‘crotonolactones’ based on the parent crotonic acid. In conclusion a number of 2(3H)-and 3(2H)- furanones were synthesized from dibenzoylalkene precursors and were characterized on the basis of spectral analytical and X-ray data. On direct irradiation 3,3-bis(4-chloropheneyl)-5-aryl-3H-furan -2-ones underwent decarbonylation to yield the corresponding alpha, beta- unsaturated carbonyl compounds and upon sensitized irradiation they underwent dimersation arising through a 2+2 cycloaddition reaction. Our studies on 3(2H)-furanones revealed that these compounds are thermally stable, while they undergo extensive decomposition to intractable mixtures under the influence of light. Similarly, the novel dibenzoylalkenes- type systems containing hetroatomatic rings synthesized by us also underwent extensive decomposition under the influence of heat. Some of the 3(2H)-furanones synthesized by us exhibit remarkable anti-proliferative activity.


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The present work is to understand the alterations of total muscarinic. muscarinic MI and glutamate receptors in the brain regions of pilocarpine induced epileptic rats. The work focuses on the evaluation of the anti epileptic activity of extracts of Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine in vivo. The molecular changes in the muscarinic M I receptors in the pre- and post-treated epileptic model with Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine were also studied. These studies will help us to elucidate the functional role of muscarinic and glutamate receptors in epilepsy.


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With a seacoast of 8,1 18 km, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 2 million square km, and with an area of about 30,000 square km under aquaculture, lndia produces close to six million tonnes of fish, over 4 per cent of the world fish production. While the marine waters upto 50m depth have been fully exploited, those beyond, remain unexplored. There is an ever increasing demand for fishery resources as food. The coastal fishery resources of the country are dwindling at a rapid pace and it becomes highly imperative that we search for alternate fishery resources for food. The option we have is to hunt for marine fishery resources. Studies pertaining to proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid composition are essential to understand the nutraceutical values of these deep sea fishery resources. The present study was aimed to carry out proximate composition of deep sea fishery resources obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sarise Sampada, to identify fishery resources which have appreciable lipid content and thereby analyse the bioactive potentials of marine lipids, to study the amino acid profile of these fishery resources, to understand the contents of SPA, MUFA and PUFA and to calculate the n3/n6 fatty acid contents. Though the presence of nutraceuticals was identified in the marine fishery resources their use as potential food resources deserve further investigation. So the study were carried out to calculate the hepatosomatic indices of sharks & chimaeras and conduct biochemical characterisation of liver oils of Apristurus indicus, Cenlrophorus scalprams, Centroselachus crepidater, Neoharriotta raleighana, and Harriotta pinnata obtained during cruises onboard the FORV Sugar Sampada.Therapeutic use of shark liver oil is evident from its use for centuries as a remedy to heal wounds and fight flu (Neil er al. 2006). Japanese seamen called it 'samedava' or "cure all". Shark liver oil is being promoted worldwide as a dietary supplement to boost the immune system, fight infections, to treat cancer and to lessen the side effects of conventional cancer treatment. These days more emphasis is laid on the nutritive benefits of shark liver oils especially on the omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFAs) (Anandan er al. 2007) and alkylglycerols (AKGs) (Pugliese er al. I998) contained in them due to the high rise of inflammatory disorders such as arthritis, asthma and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Schizophrenia. So the present study also evaluate the pharmacological properties with respect to analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti pyretic and anti-ulcer effects of four different liver oils of sharks belonging to the Indian EEZ and to identify the components of oil responsible for these activities.The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of liver oils from Neoharriotra raleighana (NR), Centrosymnus crepidater (CC), Apristurus indicus (AI), and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) sharks caught from the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean were compared. The main objectives also include determination of the cholesterol lowering effects of liver oils of Neoharriotra raleighana (NR) and Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) on the high fat diet induced dyslipidemia and to compare the impact of four isolipidemic diets, on levels of serum diagnostic marker enzymes, on lipid profile of blood and liver and antioxidant status of heart in male Albino rats. And also to study the efficacy of Centrophorus sculpratus (CS) liver oil against Complete Freund’s Adjuvant-induced arthritis and to compare the anti-inflammatory activity of this oil with a traditionally used anti-inflammatory substance gingerol (oleoresin extracted from ginger.). The results of the present study indicated that both (Centrophorus sculpratus liver oils as well as gingerol extracts proved to be effective natural remedies against CFA-induced arthritis in Albino rats.


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The thesis mainly discussed the isolation and identification of a probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum, fermentative production of exopolysaccharide by the strain, its purification, structural characterisation and possible applications in food industry and therapeutics. The studies on the probiotic characterization explored the tolerance of the isolated LAB cultures to acid, bile, phenol, salt and mucin binding. These are some of the key factors that could satisfy the criteria for probiotic strains . The important factors required for a high EPS production in submerged fermentation was investigated with a collection of statistical and mathematical approach. Chapter 5 of the thesis explains the structural elucidation of EPS employing spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. The studies helped in the exploration of the hetero-polysaccharide sequence from L. plantarum MTCC 9510. The thesis also explored the bioactivities of EPS from L. plantarum. As majority of chemical compounds identified as anti-cancerous are toxic to normal cells, the discovery and identification of new safe drugs has become an important goal of research in the biomedical sciences. The thesis has explored the anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties of EPS purified from Lactobacillus plantarum. The presence of (1, 3) linkages and its molecular weight presented the EPS with anti-oxidant, anti-tumour and immunomodulating properties under in vitro conditions.


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The source of samonella cross contamination in 15 retail chicken outlets in aresidual area in coimbatore city ,sourthern India was studied. Chopping boards and the butchers hands were predominant followed by knives and the weighing balance tray. Serotyping of the salmonella strains revealed that all strains were salmonella enteritis, except one which was found to be salmonella cerro.The anti bacterial activity of commonly used spices were evaluated.


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Multi-component reactions are effective in building complex molecules in a single step in a minimum amount of time and with facile isolation procedures; they have high economy1–7 and thus have become a powerful synthetic strategy in recent years.8–10 The multicomponent protocols are even more attractive when carried out in aqueous medium. Water offers several benefits, including control over exothermicity, and the isolation of products can be carried out by single phase separation technique. Pyranopyrazoles are a biologically important class of heterocyclic compounds and in particular dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles play an essential role in promoting biological activity and represent an interesting template in medicinal chemistry. Heterocyclic compounds bearing the 4-H pyran unit have received much attention in recent years as they constitute important precursors for promising drugs.11–13 Pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles exhibit analgesic,14 anti-cancer,15 anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory16 activity. Furthermore dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles show molluscidal activity17,18 and are used in a screening kit for Chk 1 kinase inhibitor activity.19,20 They also find applications as pharmaceutical ingredients and bio-degradable agrochemicals.21–29 Junek and Aigner30 first reported the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives from 3-methyl-1-phenylpyrazolin-5-one and tetracyanoethylene in the presence of triethylamine. Subsequently, a number of synthetic approaches such as the use of triethylamine,31 piperazine,32 piperidine,33 N-methylmorpholine in ethanol,34 microwave irradiation,35,36 solvent-free conditions,37–39 cyclodextrins (CDs),40 different bases in water,41 γ -alumina,42 and l-proline43 have been reported for the synthesis of 6-amino-4-alkyl/aryl-3-methyl- 2,4-dihydropyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole-5-carbonitriles. Recently, tetraethylammonium bromide (TEABr) has emerged as mild, water-tolerant, eco-friendly and inexpensive catalyst. To the best of our knowledge, quaternary ammonium salts, more specifically TEABr, have notbeen used as catalysts for the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles, and we decided to investigate the application of TEABr as a catalyst for the synthesis of a series of pyrazole-fused pyran derivatives via multi-component reactions


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In the present study, the initial phase was directed to confirm the effects of curcumin and vitamin D3 in preventing or delaying diabetes onset by studying the blood glucose and insulin levels in the pre-treated and diabetic groups. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the cognitive and motor function in experimental rats. The major focus of the study was to understand the cellular and neuronal mechanisms that ensure the prophylactic capability of curcumin and vitamin D3. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in conferring the antidiabetogenesis effect, we examined the DNA and protein profiles using radioactive incorporation studies for DNA synthesis, DNA methylation and protein synthesis. Furthermore the gene expression studies of Akt-1, Pax, Pdx-1, Neuro D1, insulin like growth factor-1 and NF-κB were done to monitor pancreatic beta cell proliferation and differentiation. The antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin and vitamin D3 were examined by studying the expression of antioxidant enzymes - SOD and GPx, and apoptotic mediators like Bax, caspase 3, caspase 8 and TNF-α. In order to understand the signalling pathways involved in curcumin and vitamin D3 action, the second messengers, cAMP, cGMP and IP3 were studied along with the expression of vitamin D receptor in the pancreas. The neuronal regulation of pancreatic beta cell maintenance, proliferation and insulin release was studied by assessing the adrenergic and muscarinic receptor functional regulation in the pancreas, brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The receptor number and binding affinity of total muscarinic, muscarinic M1, muscarinic M3, total adrenergic, α adrenergic and β adrenergic receptor subtypes were studied in pancreas, brain stem and hippocampus of experimental rats. The mRNA expression of muscarinic and adrenergic receptor subtypes were determined using Real Time PCR. Immunohistochemistry studies using confocal microscope were carried out to confirm receptor density and gene expression results. Cell signalling alterations in the pancreas and brain regions associated with diabetogenesis and antidiabetogenesis were assessed by examining the gene expression profiles of vitamin D receptor, CREB, phospholipase C, insulin receptor and GLUT. This study will establish the anti-diabetogenesis activity of curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment and will attempt to understand the cellular, molecular and neuronal control mechanism in the onset of diabetes.Administration of MLD-STZ to curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats induced only an incidental prediabetic condition. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pretreated groups injected with MLD-STZ exhibited improved circulating insulin levels and behavioural responses when compared to MLD-STZ induced diabetic group. Activation of beta cell compensatory response induces an increase in pancreatic insulin output and beta cell mass expansion in the pre-treated group. Cell signalling proteins that regulate pancreatic beta cell survival, insulin release, proliferation and differentiation showed a significant increase in curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats. Marked decline in α2 adrenergic receptor function in pancreas helps to relent sympathetic inhibition of insulin release. Neuronal stimulation of hyperglycemia induced beta cell compensatory response is mediated by escalated signalling through β adrenergic, muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors. Pre-treatment mediated functional regulation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, key cell signalling proteins and second messengers improves pancreatic glucose sensing, insulin gene expression, insulin secretion, cell survival and beta cell mass expansion in pancreas. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment induced modulation of adrenergic and cholinergic signalling in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus promotes insulin secretion, beta cell compensatory response, insulin sensitivity and energy balance to resist diabetogenesis. Pre-treatment improved second messenger levels and the gene expression of intracellular signalling molecules in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus, to retain a functional neuronal response to hyperglycemia. Curcumin and vitamin D3 protect pancreas and brain regions from oxidative stress by their indigenous antioxidant properties and by their ability to stimulate cellular free radical defence system. The present study demonstrates the role of adrenergic and muscarinic receptor subtypes functional regulation in curcumin and vitamin D3 mediated anti-diabetogenesis. This will have immense clinical significance in developing effective strategies to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.


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The ability of Plasmodium falciparum parasitized RBC (pRBC) to form rosettes with normal RBC is linked to the virulence of the parasite and RBC polymorphisms that weaken rosetting confer protection against severe malaria. The adhesin PfEMP1 mediates the binding and specific antibodies prevent sequestration in the micro-vasculature, as seen in animal models. Here we demonstrate that epitopes targeted by rosette disrupting antibodies converge in the loop of subdomain 3 (SD3) which connects the h6 and h7 α-helices of PfEMP1-DBL1α. Both monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal IgG, that bound to epitopes in the SD3-loop, stained the surface of pRBC, disrupted rosettes and blocked direct binding of recombinant NTS-DBL1α to RBC. Depletion of polyclonal IgG raised to NTS-DBL1α on a SD3 loop-peptide removed the anti-rosetting activity. Immunizations with recombinant subdomain 1 (SD1), subdomain 2 (SD2) or SD3 all generated antibodies reacting with the pRBC-surface but only the sera of animals immunized with SD3 disrupted rosettes. SD3-sequences were found to segregate phylogenetically into two groups (A/B). Group A included rosetting sequences that were associated with two cysteine-residues present in the SD2-domain while group B included those with three or more cysteines. Our results suggest that the SD3 loop of PfEMP1-DBL1α is an important target of anti-rosetting activity, clarifying the molecular basis of the development of variant-specific rosette disrupting antibodies.


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Este artículo considera el período comprendido entre la segunda mitad de los 90, cuando aparecieron “grupos paramilitares” en Cundinamarca y Bogotá, y mediados de la primera década de este siglo, cuando fueron desmanteladas algunas de estas estructuras por parte de las autoridades, hubo entrega de armas por otras y surgieron organizaciones paramilitares “sustitutas” que permanecen activas en el ámbito territorial referido en este estudio. Destaca la actividad “antiinsurgente” desarrollada por los paramilitares en zonas coincidentes con aquellas donde las Fuerzas Militares adelantaron operaciones contrainsurgentes. Además, documenta el proceso de transformación y desintegración que sufrieron en el centro del país algunas estructuras paramilitares que acogieron el proceso de diálogo con el gobierno Uribe como parte de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia –AUC–a la vez que enfrentaban una “guerra interna” con otros grupos paramilitares recalcitrantes a participar del acuerdo. Finalmente presenta una apreciación sobre la evolución futura de los “ejércitos privados” que perviven luego de culminado el desarme de las AUC.-----This article surveys the period that covers the second half of the 1990’s, when “paramilitary groups” became visible in Cundinamarca and Bogotá, and the first half of the present decade, when a number of these structures were diminished as a result of law enforcement operations, a few others engaged in disarmament and new “substitute” paramilitary outfits emerged in the area referred by this study. It highlights the “anti-insurgent” activity of the paramilitary in areas that overlap with those where regular military forces carried out counterinsurgent operations. It also references the process of transformation and disintegration of paramilitary units in central Colombia that joined peace talks with the Uribe administration as part of the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia –AUC–, as they simultaneously engaged in an “internal war” with other paramilitary groups reluctant to the agreement. It concludes with an appreciation about the future evolution of those “private armies” which endure after the AUC disarmament.


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The antifeedant activities of Piper guineense Schum et Thonn (Piperaceae), Aframomum melegueta (Rosk) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae), Aframomum citratum (Pareira) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae) and Afrostyrax kamerunensis Perkins and Gilg (Huaceae) seed extracts were investigated in laboratory dual- and no-choice bioassays using third-instar Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) larvae. In the dual-choice test, the hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta showed potent dose-dependent antifeedant activity at concentrations of ≥300 ppm and the water extract at ≥500 ppm, as illustrated by significantly lower leaf consumptions. Aframomum citratum methanol and water extracts exhibited antifeedant activity at ≥300 and ≥1000 ppm, respectively, but the hexane and ethanol extracts did not affect feeding at any concentration. Piper guineense ethanol and water extracts showed dose-dependent antifeedant effects at ≥300 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the methanol extract was active only at 1000 ppm. None of the extracts of the highly aromatic A. kamerunensis exhibited antifeedant activity at any of the tested concentrations. In the no-choice bioassays, extracts with antifeedant activity in the dual-choice tests also showed dose-dependent feeding inhibition. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta were effective in the no-choice tests at ≥100 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the water extract at ≥300 ppm. Similarly, the A. citratum water and methanol extracts were active at ≥500 ppm and the P. guineense water and ethanol extracts at ≥100 ppm. GC/MS chromatography of A. melegueta hexane and methanol extracts revealed volatile constituents with known anti-insect activity. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta, the methanol extract of A. citratum and the water and ethanol extracts of P. guineense may have potential for use by subsistence farmers.


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1. Estimates of seed bank depletion rates are essential for modelling and management of plant populations. The seed bag burial method is often used to measure seed mortality in the soil. However, the density of seeds within seed bags is higher than densities in natural seed banks, which may elevate levels of pathogens and influence seed mortality. The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of fungi and seed density within buried mesh bags on the mortality of seeds. Striga hermonthica was chosen as the study species because it has been widely studied but different methods for measuring seed mortality in the soil have yielded contradictory estimates. 2. Seed bags were buried in soil and exhumed at regular time intervals to monitor mortality of the seeds in three field experiments during two rainy seasons. The effect of fungal activity on seed mortality was evaluated in a fungi exclusion experiment. Differences in seed-to-seed interaction were obtained by using two and four densities within the seed bags in consecutive years. Densities were created by mixing 1000 seeds with 0, 10, 100 or 1000 g of coarse sand. 3. The mortality rate was significantly lower when fungi were excluded, indicating the possible role of pathogenic fungi. 4. Decreasing the density of seeds in bags significantly reduced seed mortality, most probably because of decreased seed-to-seed contamination by pathogenic fungi. 5. Synthesis and applications. Models of plant populations in general and annual weeds in particular often use values from the literature for seed bank depletion rates. These depletion rates have often been estimated by the seed bag burial method, yet seed density within seed bags may be unrealistically high. Consequently, estimates of seed mortality rates may be too high because of an overestimation of the effects of soil or seed-borne pathogens. Species that have been classified from such studies as having short-lived seed banks may need to be re-assessed using realistic densities either within seed bags or otherwise. Similarly, models of seed bank dynamics based on such overestimated depletion rates may lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the seed banks and, perhaps, the management of weeds and rare species.


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Conformational changes within the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) surface glycoprotein gp120 result from binding to the lymphocyte surface receptors and trigger gp41-mediated virus/cell membrane fusion. The triggering of fusion requires cleavage of two of the nine disulfide bonds of gp120 by a cell-surface protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI). Soluble glycosaminoglycans such as heparin and heparan sulfate bind gp120 via V3 and, possibly, a CD4-induced domain. They exert anti-HIV activity by interfering with the HIV envelope glycoprotein ( Env)/cell-surface interaction. Env also binds cell-surface glycosaminoglycans. Here, using surface plasmon resonance, we observed an inverse relationship between heparin binding by gp120 and its thiol content. In vitro, and in conditions in which gp120 could bind CD4, heparin and heparan sulfate reduced PDI-mediated gp120 reduction by approximately 80%. Interaction of Env with the surface of lymphocytes treated using sodium chlorate, an inhibitor of glycosaminoglycan synthesis, led to gp120 reduction. We conclude that besides their capacity to block Env/cell interaction, soluble glycosaminoglycans can effect anti-HIV activity via interference with PDI- mediated gp120 reduction. In contrast, their presence at the cell surface is dispensable for Env reduction during the course of interaction with the lymphocyte surface. This work suggests that the reduction of exofacial proteins in various diseases can be inhibited by compounds targeting the substrates ( not by targeting PDI, as is usually done), and that glycosaminoglycans that primarily protect proteins by preserving them from proteolysis also have a role in preventing reduction.