558 resultados para Anopheles bionomics


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Die vorliegende Arbiet koennen wir, entsprechend den obigen Erklaerungen, wie folgt, zusammenfassen: 1. Es bestehen im vertikalen Sinne besondere oekologische Bedingungen bezueglich der Eiablage fuer Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus und bellator, waehrend A. (K.) cruzii eine grosse Indifferenz bezueglich des Mikroklimas zeigt. 2. Die Anophelinen zeigen keine besondere Bevorzugung irgendeiner Bromelienart in Bezug auf die Eiablage. Es laesst sich feststellen, dass gewisse Bedingungen eines Biotops erfuelt sein muessen, damit dieses in begrenztem Wohnbezirk zu ienem ausgesprochenen Brutplatz wird. Aus diesem Grunde wurden einige Bromelienarten zu Hauptbrutstaetten der Anopheleslarven des Gebietes. 3. Bezueglich der Wassermenge finden wir in der gesamten Region die Anopheleslarven weitaus am haeufigsten in Bromelien mit grosser Kapazitaet. Die Arten mit geringem Fassungsvermoegen, die wesentlich zahlreicher als die erstgenannten sind, sind nur gute Brutstaetten, ween sie auf dem Boden wachsen oder Talsohle in huegeligem Gelaende, dort wo der Wald ausreichend dicht ist. Hier halten die mikroklimatischen Bedingungen die Verdunstung hintan, wodurch den Anopheleslarven in diesen Bromelien das Leben ermoeglicht wird. 4. Es besteht eine Beziehung zwischen der Periodizitaet der Larven und der gefluegelten Formen der Anophelinen, die in einem Waldstueck gefangen wurden. Die letzteren zeigen im vertikalen Sinne keine ausgesprochenen Variationen bezueglich der prozentualen Haeufigkeit, waehrend die Larven in ieder Hoehe ausgesprochene Haeufigkeitsschwankungen aufweisen, die immer von der von Art bevorzugten Habitat in einer bestimmten Hoehenlage abhaengen. Bezueglich einer moeglichst vollstaendigen Erklaerung des Problems "Bromelien-Malaria" dieser Region, koennen wir folgendes feststellen: 5. Die definitive Loesung des Problems wird wesentlich erleichtert durch den Nachweis, dass nur eine geringe Anzahl von Bromelien (12 Arten) - und gerate die weniger haeufigen...


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In 1939, Mangabeira obtained, under laboratory conditions, the development of eggs of Phlebotomus brasiliensis Costa Lima, 1932, collected at Lassance (typical locality), Minas Gerais, Brasil. He then studied the female and immature stages of this Phlebotomus. The results of these observations plus some more recent data on the male, geographical distribution and bionomics are presented. Morphologically it is closest to Phlebotomus runoides. However, the male Phlebotomus brasiliensis differs from all other Phlebotomus because of its very long spicules, similar to those of Brumptomyia. The female differs by its longer ducts, and by possessing only four horizontal teeth in the buccal cavity, whereas P. runoides has approximately 12 teeth. The pupae of P. brasiliensis is characterized by its two pre-alar setae, which are very simple and small and by the abdominal setae, which are not planted on a protruding tubercle. The fourth stage larvae main characteristics are very thin antennae, inserted on a protruding tuberculum, and slightly brush-like hind frontal setae. P. brasiliensis is here reported, for the first time, for the State of Bahia (Cachoeira, Pojuca and Salvador). The species has almost always been found in armadillo burrows. In the State of Bahia it is more frequent during the dry season. Under laboratory conditions, the female lays about 53 eggs.


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O autor estudou a microflora de dois gêneros de BROMELIACEAE: Hoenbergia e Portea. As coletas do material foram feitas em seis regiões do Estado de Pernambuco; 1) Região da Mata-Úmida; 2) Região da Mata-Seca; 3) Região do Agreste Central; 4) Região do Agreste Setentrional; 5) Região do Agreste Meridional; 6) Região do Recife. As seguintes diatomáceas indicadoras de águas poluídas (espécies oligossaprobias) foram encontradas nas seis regiões estudadas: Gomphonema parvulum (Kutz) Grunow., Hantzschia amphioxys Grunow, Pinnularia borealis Ehr., Pinnularia microstauron (Ehr) Cleve, gomphonema gracile Ehr., Nitzschia palea Kutz., Melosira roeseana Rabenh., Navicula mutica Kutz., Navicula cryptocephala Kutz., Eunotia pectinalis (Kutz) Rabenh. Foram também observadas CHLOROPHYCEAS nas estações chuvosa e seca nas diversas regiões. Algumas são indicadoras de oligossaprobidade: Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) brebisson. Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella sp. Os fatores ecológicos e comentários referentes ás diatomáceas foram anotados no texto. A tabela I indica a frequência das diatomáceas nas seis regiões estudadas. Maior número dessas diatomáceas, registramos nas regiões do Agreste. A tabela II mostra a temperatura e pH da água de Hoenbergia e Portea em ambas as estações do ano (inverno e verão). Observamos a ocorrência de larvas de culex em Portea e hoenbergia, entretanto, raramente encontramos larvas de Anopheles. As coletas foram feitas durante as estações chuvosa e seca em Hoenbergia e Portea. Determinamos 35 espécies provenientes de 78 amostras coletadas durante o período de 26 meses.


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Em prosseguimento aos estudos sobre a ecologia de culicídeos que vimos realizando no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos (PNSO), apresentamos nesta oportunidade a sua distribuição vertical. Por meio de capturas feitas em isca humana concomitantemente ao nível do solo e nas imediações da copa das árvores, estabelecemos as tendências das espécies que ali ocorreram de março de 1981 a fevereiro de 1982, por se alimentarem de sangue na copa da floresta ou junto ao solo. A distribuição é analisada comparativamente em ambos os níveis levando-se em consideração as variações de temperatura, umidade, precipitações pluviométricas e estações do ano. Dentre as espécies com nítida preferência à acrodendrofilia encontramos alguns importantes transmissores de doenças: Anopheles cruzii - malária humana e simiana; Culex nigripalpus - encefalite de São Luis (SLE); Haemagogus leucocelaenus e Haemagogus capricornii - febre amarela silvestre, todas também sendo obtidas, embora em menor número, a nível do solo. Os sabetíneos - Wyeomyia Knabi, Phoniomyia theobaldi, Sabethes tarsopus, Sabethes quasicyaneus, Sabethes chloropterus - completam a relação das principais espécies que preferem a copa. Por outro lado, Aedes fluviatilis, Trichoprosopon digitatum, Tr. similis, Tr. frontosus, Tr. theobaldi, Wy, arthrostigma, Wy. aporonoma, Wy. personata, Wy undulata, Wy. mystes, Limatus durhami, Li. pseudomethisticus, Sa. identicus e Sa. undosus foram capturados em grande maioria próximo ao solo.


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Apresentamos os resultados de observação sobre o ciclo circadiano de atividade hematofágica dos mosquitos, em Granja Calábria, Jacarepaguá, na planície litorânea do Rio de Janeiro, onde realizamos, em isca humana, ao ar livre, capturas semanais, de 8 às 10, de 13 às 15 e 18 às 20 horas, de agosto de 1981 a julho de 1982, além de três capturas horárias de 24 horas seguidas. A maioria das espécies locais revelou caráter crepuscular vespertino e noturno. Contudo Limatus durhami, Phoniomyia davisi, Wyeomyia leucostigma e Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) sp. foram essencialmente diurnas, enquanto Anopheles albitarsis, Culex chidesteri e Culex quinquefasciatus foram obtidas somente no crepúsculo vespertino e à noite. Embora Anopheles aquasalis, Culex coronator, Culex saltanensis, Culex crybda e Coquillettidia venezuelensis fossem preponderantemente noturnas e Phoniomyia deanei e Phoniomyia theobaldi principalmente diurnas, obtivemô-las algumas vezes, fora do horário preferencial, sendo que Phoniomyia deanei teve nítido incremento pré-crepuscular vespertino. Aedes scapularis, Aedes taeniorhynchus e Mansonia titillans, espécies mais ecléticas, picaram durante todo o nictêmero, mas com flagrante acentuação crepuscular vespertina.


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Dando continuidade às nossas observações sobre a ecologia dos culicíneos que vimos realizando no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos (PNSO), Estado do Rio de Janeiro, concentramos nossa atenção nesta oportunidade ao estudo das preferências horárias das fêmeas para a realização da hematofagia. Visando tal objetivo, realizamos capturas semanais, concomitantemente em iscas humanas localizadas a nível do solo e próximo à cobertura vegetal, em diferentes horários e por 24 horas consecutivas de março de 1981 a fevereiro de 1982. Para análise das diferentes tendências específicas na realização da hematofagia em determinados horários, levamos em consideração algumas variáveis abióticas como: luminosidade, temperatura e umidade. Algumas espécies apresentaram nítida preferência por realizar o repasto sangüíneo durante as horas mais iluminadas do dia. Dentre estas podemos destacar o Haemagogus leucocelaenus e Ha. capricornii, que são importantes transmissores da Febre Amarela Silvestre nas regiões Norte e Centro-oeste brasileiras, e a maioria dos sabetíneos. Outras foram capturadas em maior número no crepúsculo vespertino e primeiras horas da noite: Anopheles cruzii, principal transmissor das malárias humanas e simiana no sul do Brasil, Culex nigripalpus e Trichoprosopon digitatum. Muitas espécies, embora tenham preferência por um o outro período, podem apresentar incursões em diferentes horários, mas não assinalamos nenhuma com grande ecletismo.


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Aedes (Ochlerotatu) rhyacophilus Costa Lima i resurrected from the synonymy with Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondani). Lectotype and paralectotypes are designated Larval, pupal and both sexes of adult stages are redescribed and illustrated. Bionomics include a picture of a brreding place. Diagnostic characters for distinguishing rhyacophilus from other species of the Scapularis Group are provided. Some data about known distribution are presented.


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In view of recent studies incriminating several species of anophelines, besides Anopheles darlingi, as malaria vectors in the Brazilian Amazon, we performed an anopheline survey in four localities - Ariquemes, Cujubim, Machadinho and Itapoã do Oeste - in Rondônia, the most malarious State in the Country. Twenty species were found. An. darlingi was, by far, the dominant species and the only one whose density coincided with that of malaria. On human baits it was more numerous in the immediate vincinity of houses than indoors whre, however, it was almost the only species encountered. On both situations it fed mostly at sunset and during the first half of the night. It was less numerous far from houses and scarce inside the forest. Other species (An. triannulatus, An. evansae, An. albitarsis, An. strodei) appeared in appreciable numbers only in Ariquemes, both in areas with and without malaria. The remaining species were scanty. An. darlingi was confirmed as the primary local vector.


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In the Amazon Region of Brazil, during the first three decades of this century, anophelines of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus not precisely identified to species were regarded as the probable malaria vectors. In 1931 and 1933 Anopheles darlingi, and in 1942-1946 An. aquasalis were confirmed as carriers, the former in the interior, the latter along the coast, because of their habits and salivary gland infection. An. albitarsis and An. braziliensis seemed to be occasional, secondary vectors. Forty years later, through immunological tests, other species are being pointed as naturally infected: An. triannulatus, An. nuneztovari, An. oswaldoi, An. strodei, An. galvaoi and An. peryassui. The importance of all incriminated species except An. darlingi (the main vector wherever present) and An. aquasalis has yet to be measured.


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In the biological study, the development of the biological cycle of the insect under different feeding conditions was evaluated. The insects were fed on either mouse blood (c) or pigeon blood (p) using two types of rearing techniques (individual or group) at 28(graus) C and 90% relative humidity (which is equivalent to their natural environment). A fifth cycle studied, was fed on mouse blood reared on group, and mantained at laboratory environmental temperature. In the five cycles analyzed, it was found that groups on mouse blood at near natural conditions developed more rapidly (between 60 and 73 days) and had a lower rate of mortality (16.66%). The daily handling and changes in environment, of the individually reared insects, for observation of biological characteristics (no. and duration of bloodmeal, defecation and first fed of each stage) had a negative influence. None of the individuals fed on mouse or pigeon blood reached adult hood. It was found that the longevity and the fertility rate were significantly superior on couples maintained individually on mouse blood. These males had an average lifespan of 110,26 days and the females had an average lifespan of 104,46 days. The average number of eggs laid by each female was 21,26. Four couples kept in groups (five couples in each group) under the same condition, the longevity for males was 51,86 days and for females was 81,06 days. An average of 10,5 eggs were laid by each female. However, the percentage of fertile eggs was higher in couples kept in groups (72.15%) than in the individual couples (57.68%).


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Relative to their pre-engorgement weights, nulliparous Anopheles nuneztovari consumed significantly smaller blood meals than A. marajoara, A. triannulatus or A. aquasalis. When females were deprived of sugar before blood feeding, only one-quarter of A. nuneztovari, but more than two-thirds of A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs. Sugar feeding before blood, or two sucessive blood meals by sugar-deprived females, increased the proportion of nulliparous a. nuneztovari which developed eggs, but not significantly so. Nearly all individuals of nulliparous, sugar-fed A. marajoara, A. triannulatus and A. aquasalis matured eggs after one blood feeding. Among A. nuneztovari, A. marajoara and A. aquasalis that matured some eggs in the laboratory, there were no positive correlations between the number of eggs developed and relative vlood mealsize. However, blood meals larger than the mean size significantly increased the chance that A. nuneztovari would develop some eggs. Mean fecundities of gravid A. nuneztovari and A. marajoara reared in the laboratory were significantly lower than those of the same species captured at human bait in nature. Post-engorgement access to sugar by A. nuneztovari (captured at human bait) did not influence fecundity, but significantly enhanced survivorship and the proporticon of individuals which retained eggs. Release-recapture experiments revealed that relatively small blood meals are typical of A. nuneztovari only during the first gonotrophic cycle. We suggest that multiple blood feeding, seemingly necessary for most A. nuneztovari to develop a first clutch of eggs, may increase the probability of infection with Plasmodium vivax where this mosquito species is a primary vector.


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Hexaflumuron, an insect growth regulator (IGR), was found to greatly affect the development of immatures and emergence of adults of three species of vector mosquitoes, Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi, when larvae were subjected to short time exposure of < or = 1h. This IGR could completely prevent adult emergence even at a minimum exposure time of 10 min at 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mg/l. On treatment, larval and pupal mortality as well as varying degrees of morphogenetic abnormalities were induced in immatures and adults of the three species. Four weeks of control achieved in a slow moving sullage canal breeding Culex quinquefasciatus indicates that this IGR can be of use in such breeding habitats.


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In Brazil simian malaria is widely spread, being frequent in the Amazon region (10% of primates infected) and even more in the forested coastal mountains of the Southeastern and Southern regions (35% and 18% infected, respectively), but absent in the semi-arid Northeast. Only two species of plasmoidia have been found: the quartan-like Plasmodium brasilianum and the tertian-like P. simium, but the possible presence of other species is not excluded. P. brasilianum is found in all enzootic foci, but P. simium was detected only on the coast of the Southeastern and Southern regions, between parallels 20-S and 30-S. Nearly all hosts are monkeys (family Cebidae, 28 species harbouring plasmodia out of 46 examined) and very rarely marmosets or tamarins (family Callitrichidae, I especies out of 16). P. brasilianum was present in all infected species, P. simium in only two. The natural vector in the Southeastern and Southern regions was found to be Anopheles cruzi, but has not been conclusively identified in the Amazon. One natural, accidental human infection due to P. simium was observed. There is no evidence of the relation of the simian to human malaria in the Southeastern and Southern regions, where human malaria was eradicated in spite of the high rates of monkeys infected, but in the Amazon recent serological studies by other workers, revealing high positivity for P. brasilianum/P. malariae antibodies in local indians, would suggest that among them malaria might be regarded as a zoonosis.


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To a large extent, control of malaria vectors relies on the elimination of breeding sites and the application of chemical agents. There are increasing problems associated with the use of synthetic insecticides for vector control, including the evolution of resistance, the high cost of developing and registering new insecticides and an awareness of pollution from insecticide residues. These factors have stimulated interest in the application of molecular biology to the study of mosquito vectors of malaria; focussing primarily on two aspects. First, the improvement of existing control measures through the development of simplified DNA probe systems suitable for identification of vectors of malaria. The development of synthetic, non-radioactive DNA probes suitable for identification of species in the Anopheles gambiae complex is described with the aim of defining a simplified methodology wich is suitable for entomologist in the field. The second aspect to be considered is the development of completely novel strategies through the development of completely novel strategies through the genetic manipulation of insect vectors of malaria in order to alter their ability to transmit the disease. The major requirements for producing transgenic mosquitoes are outlined together with the progress wich has been made to date and discussed in relation to the prospects which this type of approach has for the future control of malaria.


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Verandah trap huts in Tanzania village were used to assess the effectiveness if impregnated bednets and curtains in preventing hut entry and feeding by, and in killing of, Anopheles gambiae and An. funestus. Permethrin, deltamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin and pyrethrum were used for impregnation of damaged or undamaged bednets, sisal eaves curtains or bed curtains made of polypropylene fibre. The performance of the synthetic pyrethroids did not differ statistically significantly, except that on a damage net permethrin was better at preventing feeding. sisal eaves curtains deterred mosquitoes from hut entry but did not kill those that had entered. In assessing damaged nets and curtains it must be recognised that anything less than the best vector control may have no appreciable impact on holoendemic malaria.