951 resultados para Animal welfare.


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Thirty-six Holstein Friesian heifers (dairy herd replacements) were assigned to one of three regrouping treatments during the post-calving period. In Treatment 1, heifers were introduced individually to an established group of cows and heifers within 24 h of calving ('Single-day 1'). In Treatment 2, heifers were housed individually in a straw pen for I week after calving before being added individually to the group ('Single-day 7'). In Treatment 3, two heifers were housed together in a straw pen for 1 week after calving before being added as a pair to the group ('Pair-day T). The size of the resident group remained constant at 16 animals (10 mature cows and 6 first-lactation heifers). The behaviour of the heifers was assessed during their first 8 h and first month in the resident group, and milk yield parameters, body condition loss and live weight loss were assessed during the first month post-calving. Reproductive performance was assessed during the post-calving period, and hoof health parameters were measured I month prior to calving, and at I and 3 months post-calving. Heifers in the 'Pair-day 7' treatment appeared to associate closely during their first month in the group by spending more time than expected in the same pen area and in adjacent cubicles (P


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This experiment investigated the effect of providing access to straw in racks on the welfare of sows in large dynamic groups. Two treatments were applied: (1) access to two racks containing chopped barley straw (offering an average of 0.3 kg straw/sow/day) and (2) control, with no straw racks. Treatments were applied to two separate dynamic groups each containing 35 ( 3) sows. Approximately 9 sows were replaced in each of these groups at 3-week intervals (each replacement constituting a replicate of the study). Peak rack usage was shown between 08:00 and 12:00 h, where on average 6% of sows were observed at each rack. On average over a 24-h period, 27% of sows that were observed at the racks were newly introduced. This percentage was significantly greater in the pre- rather than post-feeding yard (P 0.05). A greater proportion of sows performed sham chewing behaviour in the post- rather than the pre-feeding yard (P 0.05). Overall, providing access to straw in racks led to a reduction in pen-directed exploratory behaviour, and this may reflect the fact that sows were provided with an outlet for exploratory and/or foraging behaviour. However, the fact that sham chewing behaviour was not affected suggests that welfare benefits associated with the straw rack treatment were limited. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This experiment investigated the effects of providing access to grass silage on the welfare of sows introduced to a large dynamic group. Two treatments were applied: (1) access to racks containing grass silage (offering an average of 1.9 kg silage/sow/day), and (2) control treatment with no grass silage racks. Treatments 1 and 2 were applied to two separate dynamic groups, each containing 37 (2) sows. Approximately 9 sows were replaced in both groups at 3-week intervals, and each of these replacements constituted a replicate of the study. The study was replicated six times using a total of 108 sows. In a time-based cross-over design, treatments were swapped between the two dynamic groups after three replicates. Highest levels of rack usage were shown between 08:00 and 14:00 h. During peak periods, 9.8% of sows were observed at the racks at a given time. On average, 78.5% of sows observed at the racks were newly-introduced animals. Overall levels of aggression to which newly-introduced sows were exposed on the day of introduction to the group were low, and did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05). In addition, injury levels measured 1-week post-introduction to the group did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05). Sham chewing behaviour was more prevalent in the post-rather than the pre-feeding yard (P


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This experiment investigated the effects of replacing 10, 20, 30 or 40% of a dynamic group of forty sows on the welfare of newly-introduced animals. The experiment was replicated five times, using a total of 200 multiparous sows. Replacements took place at 3 week intervals, and 3 days prior to sows being added to the group the same number of animals were removed from the group. Sows were added to the dynamic group as pre-formed groups of four animals which had resided together for a period of 5 weeks beginning directly after their piglets were weaned. Replacement rate did not appear to influence overall levels of aggression to which newly-introduced animals were exposed on the day of mixing, however aggression among newly-introduced animals increased significantly as replacement rate increased between 20 and 40% (P


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Three hundred and twenty pigs were reared from birth to slaughter at 21 weeks in either barren or enriched environments. The barren environments were defined as intensive housing (slatted floors and minimum recommended space allowances) and the enriched environments incorporated extra space including an area which contained peat and straw in a rack. Behavioural observations showed that environmental enrichment reduced time spent inactive and rime spent involved in harmful social and aggressive behaviour (P


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There is increasing interest in developing abattoir-based welfare measures for pigs.The primary aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate place on theslaughter line to conduct assessments of welfare-related lesions, namely apparentaggression-related skin lesions (hereafter referred to as 'skin lesions'), loin bruising andapparent tail biting damage. The study also lent itself to an assessment of theprevalence of these lesions, and the extent to which they were linked with productionparameters. Finishing pigs processed at two abattoirs on the Island of Ireland (n =1950 in abattoir A, and n = 1939 in abattoir B) were used. Data were collected over 6days in each abattoir in July 2014. Lesion scoring took place at two points on theslaughter line: (1) at exsanguination (Slaughter Stage 1 [SS1]), and (2) followingscalding and dehairing of carcasses (Slaughter Stage 2 [SS2]). At both points, eachcarcass was assigned a skin and tail lesion score ranging from 0 (lesion absent) to 3 or4 (severe lesions), respectively. Loin bruising was recorded as present or absent.Differences in the percentage of pigs with observable lesions of each type werecompared between SS1 and SS2 using McNemar/McNemar-Bowker tests. Theassociations between each lesion type, and both cold carcass weight andcondemnations, were examined at batch level using Pearson's correlations. Batch wasdefined as the group of animals with a particular farm identification code on a givenday. The overall percentage of pigs with a visible skin lesion (i.e. score > 0) decreasedbetween SS1 and SS2 (P<0.001). However, the percentage of pigs with a severe skinlesion increased numerically from SS1 to SS2. The percentage of pigs with a visible taillesion and with loin bruising also increased between SS1 and SS2 (P<0.001). Therewas a positive correlation between the percentage of carcasses that were partiallycondemned, and the percentage of pigs with skin lesions, tail lesions and loin bruising(P<0.05). Additionally, as the batch-level frequency of each lesion type increased,average cold carcass weight decreased (P<0.001). These findings suggest that severeskin lesions, tail lesions and loin bruising are more visible on pig carcasses after theyhave been scalded and dehaired, and that this is when abattoir-based lesion scoringshould take place. The high prevalence of all three lesion types, and the links witheconomically important production parameters, suggests more research into identifying key risk factors is warranted.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring behaviour, health and productivity. The sheep has been used extensively as a model species to inform human studies. However, in the farmed environment, the consequences for the lamb of the imposition of prenatal stresses upon the ewe have received much less attention. The stressors that pregnant ewes are most frequently exposed to include sub-optimal nutrition and those related to housing, husbandry and environment which may be either acute or chronic. A systematic review of the literature was adopted to identify material which had production-relevant maternal stressors and lamb outcomes. The current review focussed upon the lamb up to weaning around the age of 100 days and the results clearly demonstrate that stressors imposed upon the ewe have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Maternal under-nutrition (UN) in the last third of pregnancy consistently impaired lamb birth-weight and subsequent vigour and performance, while earlier UN had a variable effect on performance. Feeding the ewe above requirements did not have positive effects on lamb performance and welfare. Social and husbandry stressors such as transport, shearing, mixing and physiological treatments designed to mimic acute stress which would be considered disadvantageous for the ewe had positive or neutral effects for the lamb, highlighting a potential conflict between the welfare of the ewe and her lamb. This review also identified considerable gaps in knowledge, particularly in respect of the impact of disease upon the ewe during pregnancy and interactions between different stressors and the responses of ewe and lamb.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring biology in humans and a variety of other species. It also is becoming increasingly apparent that prenatal events can have important consequences for the behavior, health, and productivity of offspring in farmed species. Pregnant cattle may experience many potentially important stressors, for instance, relating to their social environment, housing system and physical environment, interactions with humans and husbandry procedures, and their state of health. We examined the available literature to provide a review of the implications of prenatal stress for offspring welfare in cattle. The long-term effects of dystocia on cattle offspring also are reviewed. To ensure a transparent and repeatable selection process, a systematic review approach was adopted. The research literature clearly demonstrates that prenatal stress and difficult births in beef and dairy cattle both have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Common husbandry practices, such as transport, were shown to influence offspring biology and the importance of environmental variables, including thermal stress and drought, also were highlighted. Maternal disease during pregnancy was shown to negatively impact offspring welfare. Moreover, dystocia-affected calves suffer increased mortality and morbidity, decreased transfer of passive immunity, and important physiological and behavioral changes. This review also identified considerable gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the effects of prenatal stress in cattle. © 2012 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.


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In many European shelters, dogs may spend many years confined. A poor environment and inappropriate management may lead to a low quality of life. The absence of harmonised European regulatory frameworks defining the minimum requirements for shelter facilities makes the definition of welfare standards for kennelled dogs challenging. Here, a new protocol was developed and tested to help identify the main welfare issues for shelter dogs. Twenty-six indicators were identified including management, resource and animal based measures. Accuracy and interobserver reliability were checked between four assessors. The protocol was applied in 29 shelters (n=1308 dogs) in six European countries. Overall prevalence of poor health conditions was below 10%. Test-retest reliability and validity of the protocol were investigated with encouraging results. A logistic regression was carried out to assess the potential of the protocol as a tool to identify welfare hazards in shelter environments. Inappropriate space allowance, for example, was found to be a risk factor potentially affecting the animal's cleanliness, skin condition and body condition. The protocol was designed to be concise and easy to implement. Systematic data collection could help identify welfare problems that are likely to arise in certain shelter designs and thus determine improvement in animal care standards.


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The article discusses the vocalization of cattle in six slaughter plants and the results indicate that "vocalization scoring could be used as a simple method for detecting welfare problems that need to be corrected".


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The article focuses on keeping cattle calm and removing distractions that would scare cattle back from the chute.