579 resultados para Angelica keiskei
OBJECTIVE: To analyze and compare the vertical component of ground reaction forces and isokinetic muscle parameters for plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the ankle between long-distance runners, triathletes, and nonathletes. METHODS: Seventy-five males with a mean age of 30.26 (±6.5) years were divided into three groups: a triathlete group (n=26), a long-distance runner group (n = 23), and a non-athlete control group. The kinetic parameters were measured during running using a force platform, and the isokinetic parameters were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. RESULTS: The non-athlete control group and the triathlete group exhibited smaller vertical forces, a greater ground contact time, and a greater application of force during maximum vertical acceleration than the long-distance runner group. The total work (180º/s) was greater in eccentric dorsiflexion and concentric plantar flexion for the non-athlete control group and the triathlete group than the long-distance runner group. The peak torque (60º/s) was greater in eccentric plantar flexion and concentric dorsiflexion for the control group than the athlete groups. CONCLUSIONS: The athlete groups exhibited less muscle strength and resistance than the control group, and the triathletes exhibited less impact and better endurance performance than the runners.
A análise das razões de isótopos estáveis de carbono (δ13C) e nitrogênio (δ15N) vem sendo utilizada para identificar as fontes primárias de carbono dos ecossistemas e traçar as interações tróficas entre seus componentes. Nesse contexto, a variabilidade espacial e temporal da trama trófica bentônica da Baía de Santos e da plataforma continental interna e média, ao largo da costa sul do estado de São Paulo, Brasil (23,9-24,5°S), foi investigada durante o inverno de 2005 e o verão de 2006. A matéria orgânica particulada em suspensão (MOPS), zooplâncton, macroalgas, vegetais terrestres (C3), sedimento e 21 categorias de consumidores bentônicos foram analisados. Segundo os valores de δ13C, a MOPS foi a principal fonte primária de matéria orgânica. A análise de regressão entre os valores médios de δ15N e δ13C indicou, no inverno, semelhanças nas assinaturas isotópicas dos consumidores bentônicos entre a plataforma interna e média e diferenças entre essas e as da baía. Por outro lado, no verão, foram observadas diferenças nessas assinaturas entre a baía, a plataforma interna e a média. Os valores de 13C dos consumidores decresceram do ambiente costeiro em direção à plataforma média, enquanto os de 15N aumentaram. Em relação ao δ13C, houve diferença da MOPS, possivelmente pela contribuição de produção primária nova (PPN) ou do microfitobentos no verão. Quanto ao δ15N, o enriquecimento da mesma categoria trófica no gradiente ambiental pode ser devido às diferenças na MOPS, resultante da PPN na plataforma interna no verão, decorrente da entrada da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS), que enriquece a água oligotrófica nessa área
O Porto de Santos, inaugurado oficialmente em fevereiro de 1892, é o principal porto brasileiro e o maior da América Latina, responsável por cerca de um quarto da movimentação da balança comercial do país e mais de 60 milhões de toneladas de cargas diversas. Impactos na área decorrem da grande quantidade de embarcações e necessidade de dragagens periódicas, além da existência de uma extensa ocupação desordenada de suas margens e da presença de um complexo de indústrias e usinas na região. A qualidade do sedimento do Canal do Porto foi avaliada por meio de testes de toxicidade (agudo e crônico), de análises químicas (metais e hidrocarbonetos) e da estrutura da comunidade bentônica. O sedimento foi coletado em agosto de 2012 com pegador de fundo de 0,05m2 (3 réplicas para bentos) ao longo do Canal. Foram determinados 10 pontos de coleta para as análises químicas e de toxicidade, sendo 3 pontos para a análise da macrofauna bentônica (início, meio e fim do Canal). A distância entre o primeiro e o último ponto foi de 16 km. A avaliação conjunta dos resultados indicou um impacto maior na região mais interna do Canal. Na parte mais próxima ao complexo industrial de Cubatão foram observadas as maiores concentrações de metais e hidrocarbonetos, associadas a baixos valores de diversidade e riqueza, além de uma alta densidade do gastrópodo Heleobia australis. No centro do Canal do Porto, houve uma maior contribuição de indicadores de esgoto, presença de hidrocarbonetos e metais em concentrações relativamente altas, valores extremamente baixos de densidade, diversidade e riqueza da macrofauna bentônica, menor sobrevivência do anfípodo Tiburonella viscana (toxicidade aguda) e baixa taxa de eclosão de ovos do copépodo Nitokra sp (toxicidade crônica). Esse ponto encontra-se próximo a uma grande quantidade de habitações precárias, cujo esgoto é lançado diretamente no Canal.
Angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are mesenchymal neoplasms, named so because of the complex tissue composition represented by variable proportions of mature adipose tissue, smooth muscle cells, and dysmorphic blood vessels. Although AMLs may rise in different sites of the body, they are mostly observed in the kidney and liver. In the case of renal AMLs, they are described in two types: isolated AMLs and AMLs associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS). While most cases of AMLs are found incidentally during imaging examinations and are asymptomatic, others may reach huge proportions causing symptoms. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare benign disease characterized by cystic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma and smooth muscle proliferation, leading to a mixed picture of interstitial and obstructive disease. AML and LAM constitute major features of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a multisystem autosomal dominant tumor-suppressor gene complex diagnosis. The authors report the case of a young female patient who presented a huge abdominal tumor, which at computed tomography (CT) show a fat predominance. The tumor displaced the right kidney and remaining abdominal viscera to the left. Chest CT also disclosed pulmonary lesions compatible with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Because of sudden abdominal pain accompanied by a fall in the hemoglobin level, the patient underwent an urgent laparotomy. The excised tumor was shown to be a giant renal AML with signs of bleeding in its interior. The authors call attention to the diagnosis of AML and the huge proportions that the tumor can reach, as well as for ruling out the TSC diagnosis, once it may impose genetic counseling implications.
Background: Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) is one of the most important stifle injuries and a common cause of lameness in dogs. Our objective was to measure the vertical forces in the pads of Pitbulls with cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) using a pressure sensitive walkway. A pressure sensitive walkway was used to collect vertical force data from the pads of 10 Pitbulls affected with unilateral CCLR. Ten healthy Pitbulls were included in the study as controls. Velocity varied between 1.3 and 1.6 m/s and acceleration was kept below ± 0.1 m/s2. Differences between groups and between pads in the same limb within groups were investigated using ANOVA and the Tukey test. The paired Student t-test was employed to assess gait symmetry (p < 0.05). Results: Peak vertical forces (PVF) were lower in the affected limb, particularly in the metatarsal pad. Increased PVF values in the forelimb and the contralateral hind limb pads of affected dogs suggest a compensatory effect. Conclusions: A consistent pattern of vertical force distribution was observed in the pads of dogs with CCLR. These data are important for increased understanding of vertical force distribution in the limb of dogs with CCLR disease. Kinetic analysis using pressure sensitive walkways can be useful in follow-up assessment of surgically treated dogs regardless of the surgical technique employed.
Hot och våld mot tjänsteman, en uppmärksammad företeelse som tas på allvar men som i vardagen glöms bort på socialkontoren i samma takt som högarna med klientärenden växer. Syftet med denna C-uppsats har varit att ta reda på vad lagen säger om våld och hot mot tjänsteman samt att belysa hur arbetsmiljön påverkar mötet mellan klient och socialsekreterare och hur detta hänger ihop med företeelsen hot och våld mot tjänsteman. Metodvalet var en litteraturstudie. För att få svar på den empiriska delen av arbetet användes kvalitativ metod. Tre socialsekreterare på socialkontor i Västra Götaland intervjuades. Studien visade på att lagstiftarens intention varit att underlätta för tjänstemän att anmäla hot- och våldsituationer samt att ge ett ökat skydd för tjänstemän både under och efter arbetstid. Studien visade att socialsekreterare trots genomförda riskutbildningar och personalsäkerhetsrutiner känner osäkerhet och rädsla inför möten med vissa klienter. Socialsekreterarna i studien hade en hög toleransnivå.
The objectives of this thesis are to establish a chronological framework for environmental changes during the last 15,000 years in northwest Romania, to reconstruct the vegetation development, and to evaluate the underlying processes for forest dynamics. Furthermore, an overview of earlier and ongoing pollenstratigraphic work in Romania is provided. Sediments from two former crater lakes, Preluca Tiganului and Steregoiu, situated in the Gutaiului Mountains, on the western extremity of the Eastern Carpathians at 730 m and 790 m a.s.l., respectively were obtained and analysed for high-resolution pollen, macrofossils, charcoal, mineral magnetic parameters and organic matter. The chronostratigraphic framework was provided by dense AMS 14C measurements. Cold and dry climatic conditions are indicated by the occurrence of open vegetation with shrubs and herbs, and cold lake water prior to 14,700 cal. yr BP. The climatic improvement at the beginning of the Lateglacial interstadial (around 14,700 cal. yr BP) is seen by the development of open forests. These were dominated by Pinus and Betula, but contained also new arriving tree taxa, such as Populus, Alnus and Prunus. The gradual establishment of forests may have led to a stabilization of the soils in the catchment. Between ca. 14,100 and 13,800 cal. yr BP the forest density became reduced to stands of Pinus, Betula, Alnus, Larix and Populus trees and grassland expanded, suggesting colder climatic conditions. Picea arrived as a new taxon at around 13,800 cal. yr BP, and between 13,800 and 12,900 cal. yr BP, the surroundings of the sites were predominantly covered by Picea forest. This forest included Betula, Pinus, Alnus, Larix and Populus and, from 13,200 cal. yr BP onwards also Ulmus. At ca. 12,900 cal. yr BP, the forest became significantly reduced and at 12,600 cal. yr BP, a recurrence of open vegetation with stands of Larix, Pinus, Betula, Salix and Alnus is documented, lasting until 11,500 cal. yr BP. This distinct change in vegetation may by taken as a strong decline in temperature and moisture availability. At the transition to the Holocene, at ca. 11,500 cal. yr BP, Pinus, Betula and Larix quickly expanded (from small local stands) and formed open forests, probably as a response to warmer and more humid climatic conditions. At 11,250 cal. yr BP Ulmus and Picea expanded and the landscape became completely forested. The rapid increase of Ulmus and Picea after 11,500 cal. yr BP may suggest the existence of small residual populations close to the study sites during the preceding cold interval. Ulmus was the first and most prominent deciduous taxa in the early Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains. From ca. 10,750 cal. yr BP onwards Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus and Acer expanded and Corylus arrived. A highly diverse, predominantly deciduous forest with Ulmus, Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus, Acer, Corylus and Picea developed between 10,700 and 8200 cal. yr BP, which possibly signifies more continental climatic conditions. The development of a Picea-Corylus dominated forest between 8200 and 5700 cal. yr BP is likely connected to a more humid and cooler climate. The establishment of Carpinus and Fagus was dated to 5750 cal. yr BP and 5200 cal. yr BP, respectively. The dominance of Fagus during the late Holocene, from 4000 cal. yr BP onwards, may have been related to cooler and more humid climatic conditions. First signs of human activities are recorded around 2300 cal. yr BP, but only during the last 300 years did local human impact become significant. The vegetation development recorded in the Gutaiului Mountains during the Lateglacial is very similar to reconstructions based on lowland sites, whereas higher elevation sites seem not to have always experienced visible vegetation changes. The time of tree arrival and expansion during the past 11,500 cal. yr BP seems to have occurred almost synchronously across Romania. The composition of the forests during the Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains is consistent with that reconstructed at mid-elevation sites, but differs from the forest composition at higher elevations. Important differences between the Gutaiului Mountains and other studied sites in Romania are a low representation of Carpinus and a late and weak human impact. The available data sets for Romania give evidence for the presence of coniferous and cold-tolerant deciduous trees before 14,700 cal. yr BP. Glacial refugia for Ulmus may have occurred in different parts of Romania, whereas the existence of Quercus, Tilia, Corylus and Fraxinus has not been corroborated.
This thesis evaluated in vivo and in vitro enamel permeability in different physiological and clinical conditions by means of SEM inspection of replicas of enamel surface obtained from polyvinyl siloxane impressions subsequently later cast in polyether impression ma-terial. This technique, not invasive and risk-free, allows the evaluation of fluid outflow from enamel surface and is able to detect the presence of small quantities of fluid, visu-alized as droplets. Fluid outflow on enamel surface represents enamel permeability. This property has a paramount importance in enamel physiolgy and pathology although its ef-fective role in adhesion, caries pathogenesis and prevention today is still not fully under-stood. The aim of the studies proposed was to evaluate enamel permeability changes in differ-ent conditions and to correlate the findings with the actual knowledge about enamel physiology, caries pathogenesis, fluoride and etchinhg treatments. To obtain confirmed data the replica technique has been supported by others specific techniques such as Ra-man and IR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. The first study carried out visualized fluid movement through dental enamel in vivo con-firmed that enamel is a permeable substrate and demonstrated that age and enamel per-meability are closely related. Examined samples from subjects of different ages showed a decreasing number and size of droplets with increasing age: freshly erupted permanent teeth showed many droplets covering the entire enamel surface. Droplets in permanent teeth were prominent along enamel perikymata. These results obtained through SEM inspection of replicas allowed innovative remarks in enamel physiology. An analogous testing has been developed for evaluation of enamel permeability in primary enamel. The results of this second study showed that primary enamel revealed a substantive permeability with droplets covering the entire enamel sur-face without any specific localization accordingly with histological features, without changes during aging signs of post-eruptive maturation. These results confirmed clinical data that showed a higher caries susceptibility for primary enamel and suggested a strong relationship between this one and enamel permeability. Topical fluoride application represents the gold standard for caries prevention although the mechanism of cariostatic effect of fluoride still needs to be clarified. The effects of topical fluoride application on enamel permeability were evaluated. Particularly two dif-ferent treatments (NaF and APF), with different pH, were examined. The major product of topical fluoride application was the deposition of CaF2-like globules. Replicas inspec-tion before and after both treatments at different times intervals and after specific addi-tional clinical interventions showed that such globule formed in vivo could be removed by professional toothbrushing, sonically and chemically by KOH. The results obtained in relation to enamel permeability showed that fluoride treatments temporarily reduced enamel water permeability when CaF2-like globules were removed. The in vivo perma-nence of decreased enamel permeability after CaF2 globules removal has been demon-strated for 1 h for NaF treated teeth and for at least 7 days for APF treated teeth. Important clinical consideration moved from these results. In fact the caries-preventing action of fluoride application may be due, in part, to its ability to decrease enamel water permeability and CaF2 like-globules seem to be indirectly involved in enamel protection over time maintaining low permeability. Others results obtained by metallographic microscope and SEM/EDX analyses of or-thodontic resins fluoride releasing and not demonstrated the relevance of topical fluo-ride application in decreasing the demineralization marks and modifying the chemical composition of the enamel in the treated area. These data obtained in both the experiments confirmed the efficacy of fluoride in caries prevention and contribute to clarify its mechanism of action. Adhesive dentistry is the gold standard for caries treatment and tooth rehabilitation and is founded on important chemical and physical principles involving both enamel and dentine substrates. Particularly acid etching of dental enamel enamel has usually employed in bonding pro-cedures increasing microscopic roughness. Different acids have been tested in the litera-ture suggesting several etching procedures. The acid-induced structural transformations in enamel after different etching treatments by means of Raman and IR spectroscopy analysis were evaluated and these findings were correlated with enamel permeability. Conventional etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (H3PO4) for 30 s and etching with 15 % HCl for 120 s were investigated. Raman and IR spectroscopy showed that the treatment with both hydrochloric and phosphoric acids induced a decrease in the carbonate content of the enamel apatite. At the same time, both acids induced the formation of HPO42- ions. After H3PO4 treatment the bands due to the organic component of enamel decreased in intensity, while in-creased after HCl treatment. Replicas of H3PO4 treated enamel showed a strongly reduced permeability while replicas of HCl 15% treated samples showed a maintained permeability. A decrease of the enamel organic component, as resulted after H3PO4 treatment, involves a decrease in enamel permeability, while the increase of the organic matter (achieved by HCl treat-ment) still maintains enamel permeability. These results suggested a correlation between the amount of the organic matter, enamel permeability and caries. The results of the different studies carried out in this thesis contributed to clarify and improve the knowledge about enamel properties with important rebounds in theoretical and clinical aspects of Dentistry.
Spesso il termine virtuale viene associato ad un mondo immateriale, lontano dalla realtà e distante dagli elementi più concreti che la caratterizzano. La virtualità, tuttavia, non è solo questo. Se considerata, come lo stesso Levy sostiene, un mondo che non si contrappone al reale (ma all’attuale), anzi lo potenzia e lo rafforza, il suo valore e l’idea di essa cambiano notevolmente. Già la fotografia, il cinema, la televisione possono essere considerate, ancora prima della più moderna realtà virtuale e delle innovative tecnologie forme di virtualità. Il loro utilizzo largamente diffuso ha ampliato le potenzialità del concreto ed è oggi apprezzato e utilizzato da tutti. Il nostro progetto nasce dalla volontà di sperimentare le nuove forme del virtuale associandole al campo dell’architettura per potenziarne la conoscenza didattica, la diffusione e trasmettere gli importanti contenuti che le sottendono in maniera chiara ed efficace. Il progetto sviluppato affronta un tema concreto di concept di museo virtuale su web e una proposta di installazione interattiva all’interno del salone di Palazzo Barbaran a Vicenza. A cardine di questi due lavori vi è il lascito Palladiano, a cominciare dallo sprawl di ville, palazzi e chiese diffusi nel paesaggio Veneto, passando per i progetti ideali rimasti solo su carta e concludendo con la sua opera bibliografica più famosa: I quattro libri dell’architettura. Palladio e il digitale è dunque un progetto che vuole dimostrare l’importanza e la versatilità delle installazioni virtuali, quali strumenti utili all’apprendimento e alla trasmissione della conoscenza, e dall’altro rispondere concretamente ai cambiamenti della società, cercando, attraverso queste sperimentazioni, di definire anche i nuovi caratteri dell’ evoluzione museale.
Presentazione del lavoro svolto per la realizzazione dell'ipertesto, avente come argomento matematico: il Calcolo della probabilità. L'ipertesto si trova all'indirizzo: http://progettomatematica.dm.unibo.it/Prob2/index.html ed è una continuazione del lavoro svolto durante il tirocinio, che si trova all'indirizzo: http://progettomatematica.dm.unibo.it/ProbElem/index.html
Il lavoro concerne il gruppo delle trecce, il suo legame con i link e si concentra sui teoremi di Markov e Alexander.
Il lavoro da me svolto si concentra sull’analisi testuale della poesia “A une passante” di Charles Baudelaire, contenuto all’interno della raccolta “Les fleurs du mal”, nella sezione dei “Tableaux parisiens”. Oltre ad essermi soffermata sulla da sempre affascinante, misteriosa e complessa figura e personalità del poeta, ho fornito un’interpretazione generale del sonetto, mettendo insieme punti di vista di grandi critici letterari e tenendo anche conto della visione di celebri traduttori (quali Antonio Prete e Riccardo Sonzogno), che si sono cimentati, con svariati metodi e approcci, alla traduzione della raccolta; ho poi dedicato una breve parentesi ad una visione più generale di ciò che è la traduzione e a come essa può venire concepita e distinta nei diversi ambiti. Ho analizzato nel dettaglio la figura della ‘passante’ all’interno della poesia e l’importanza che Baudelaire le attribuisce, in un’eterna alternanza tra timore reale e amore surreale. La poesia, infatti, è ricca di espressioni essenziali per comprendere la concezione della donna da parte del poeta, ma anche per l’esistenza stessa del ‘poète maudit’. Egli si trova, infatti, costretto a muoversi in uno spazio intermedio tra realtà e immaginazione, nel quale nemmeno i suoi occhi sono più capaci di distinguere ciò che il poète voyant è in grado di scorgere per definizione; per sfuggire alla piattezza e alla quotidianità parigina egli sogna allora un passaggio, un’illusione, un miracolo, un amore. E, sebbene non si tratti affatto di un incontro realmente accaduto, questa è l’unica possibilità che il poeta ha per non far svanire l’immagine di questa donna sconosciuta, che di certo l’avrebbe amato, e per non farla svanire tra la folla dalla quale ha preso vita: è solo immortalando questo momento che il ritratto della ‘passante’ potrà restare impresso per sempre nelle più grandi pagine della letteratura francese.
This study aims at exploring listeners’ perception of disfluencies, i.e. ungrammatical pauses, filled pauses, repairs, false starts and repetitions, which can irritate listeners and impede comprehension. As professional communicators, conference interpreters should be competent public speakers. This means that their speech should be easily understood by listeners and not contain elements that may be considered irritating. The aim of this study was to understand to what extent listeners notice disfluencies and consider them irritating, and to examine whether there are differences between interpreters and non-interpreters and between different age groups. A survey was therefore carried out among professional interpreters, students of interpreting and people who regularly attend conferences. The respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire after listening to three speeches: three consecutive interpretations delivered during the final exams held at the Advanced School of Languages, Literature, Translation and Interpretation (SSLLTI) in Forlì. Since conference interpreters’ public speaking skills should be at least as good as those of the speakers at a conference, the speeches were presented to the listeners as speeches delivered during a conference, with no mention of interpreting being made. The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter I outlines the characteristics of the interpreter as a professional communicator. The quality criterion “user-friendliness” is explored, with a focus on features that make a speech more user-friendly: fluency, intonation, coherence and cohesion. The Chapter also focuses on listeners’ quality expectations and evaluations. In Chapter II the methodology of the study is described. Chapter III contains a detailed analysis of the texts used for the study, focusing on those elements that may irritate listeners or impede comprehension, namely disfluencies, the wrong use of intonation and a lack of coherence or cohesion. Chapter IV outlines the results of the survey, while Chapter V presents our conclusions.