934 resultados para An atlas of wader populations in Africa and Western Eurasia
The Chlamydiales order includes the Chlamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Waddliaceae, Simkaniaceae, Criblamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Clavichlamydiaceae, and Piscichlamydiaceae families. Members of the Chlamydiales order are obligate intracellular bacteria that replicate within eukaryotic cells of different origins including humans, animals, and amoebae. Many of these bacteria are pathogens or emerging pathogens of both humans and animals, but their true diversity is largely underestimated, and their ecology remains to be investigated. Considering their potential threat on human health, it is important to expand our knowledge on the diversity of Chlamydiae, but also to define the host range colonized by these bacteria. Thus, using a new pan-Chlamydiales PCR, we analyzed the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in ticks and fleas, which are important vectors of several viral and bacterial infectious diseases. To conduct this study, 1340 Ixodes ricinus ticks prepared in 192 pools were collected in Switzerland and 55 other ticks belonging to different tick species and 97 fleas belonging to different flea species were harvested in Algeria. In Switzerland, the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in the 192 pools was equal to 28.1% (54/192) which represents an estimated prevalence in the 1340 individual ticks of between 4.0% and 28.4%. The pan-Chlamydiales qPCR was positive for 45% (25/55) of tick samples collected in Algeria. The sequencing of the positive qPCR amplicons revealed a high diversity of Chlamydiales species. Most of them belonged to the Rhabdochlamydiaceae and Parachlamydiaceae families. Thus, ticks may carry Chlamydiales and should thus be considered as possible vectors for Chlamydiales propagation to both humans and animals.
We have carried out an initial analysis of the dynamics of the recent evolution of the splice-sites sequences on a large collection of human, rodent (mouse and rat), and chicken introns. Our results indicate that the sequences of splice sites are largely homogeneous within tetrapoda. We have also found that orthologous splice signals between human and rodents and within rodents are more conserved than unrelated splice sites, but the additional conservation can be explained mostly by background intron conservation. In contrast, additional conservation over background is detectable in orthologous mammalian and chicken splice sites. Our results also indicate that the U2 and U12 intron classes seem to have evolved independently since the split of mammals and birds; we have not been able to find a convincing case of interconversion between these two classes in our collections of orthologous introns. Similarly, we have not found a single case of switching between AT-AC and GT-AG subtypes within U12 introns, suggesting that this event has been a rare occurrence in recent evolutionary times. Switching between GT-AG and the noncanonical GC-AG U2 subtypes, on the contrary, does not appear to be unusual; in particular, T to C mutations appear to be relatively well tolerated in GT-AG introns with very strong donor sites.
In neurons, the regulation of microtubules plays an important role for neurite outgrowth, axonal elongation, and growth cone steering. SCG10 family proteins are the only known neuronal proteins that have a strong destabilizing effect, are highly enriched in growth cones and are thought to play an important role during axonal elongation. MAP1B, a microtubule-stabilizing protein, is found in growth cones as well, therefore it was important to test their effect on microtubules in the presence of both proteins. We used recombinant proteins in microtubule assembly assays and in transfected COS-7 cells to analyze their combined effects in vitro and in living cells, respectively. Individually, both proteins showed their expected activities in microtubule stabilization and destruction respectively. In MAP1B/SCG10 double-transfected cells, MAP1B could not protect microtubules from SCG10-induced disassembly in most cells, in particular not in cells that contained high levels of SCG10. This suggests that SCG10 is more potent to destabilize microtubules than MAP1B to rescue them. In microtubule assembly assays, MAP1B promoted microtubule formation at a ratio of 1 MAP1B per 70 tubulin dimers while a ratio of 1 SCG10 per two tubulin dimers was needed to destroy microtubules. In addition to its known binding to tubulin dimers, SCG10 binds also to purified microtubules in growth cones of dorsal root ganglion neurons in culture. In conclusion, neuronal microtubules are regulated by antagonistic effects of MAP1B and SCG10 and a fine tuning of the balance of these proteins may be critical for the regulation of microtubule dynamics in growth cones.
This study intended to compare bone density and architecture in three groups of women: young women with anorexia nervosa (AN), an age-matched control group of young women, and healthy late postmenopausal women. Three-dimensional peripheral quantitative high resolution computed-tomography (HR-pQCT) at the ultradistal radius, a technology providing measures of cortical and trabecular bone density and microarchitecture, was performed in the three cohorts. Thirty-six women with AN aged 18-30years (mean duration of AN: 5.8years), 83 healthy late postmenopausal women aged 70-81 as well as 30 age-matched healthy young women were assessed. The overall cortical and trabecular bone density (D100), the absolute thickness of the cortical bone (CTh), and the absolute number of trabecules per area (TbN) were significantly lower in AN patients compared with healthy young women. The absolute number of trabecules per area (TbN) in AN and postmenopausal women was similar, but significantly lower than in healthy young women. The comparison between AN patients and post-menopausal women is of interest because the latter reach bone peak mass around the middle of the fertile age span whereas the former usually lose bone before reaching optimal bone density and structure. This study shows that bone mineral density and bone compacta thickness in AN are lower than those in controls but still higher than those in postmenopause. Bone compacta density in AN is similar as in controls. However, bone inner structure in AN is degraded to a similar extent as in postmenopause. This last finding is particularly troubling.
Calcitic nanofibres are ubiquitous habits of sec- ondary calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) accumulations observed in calcareous vadose environments. Despite their widespread occurrence, the origin of these nanofeatures remains enig- matic. Three possible mechanisms fuel the debate: (i) purely physicochemical processes, (ii) mineralization of rod-shaped bacteria, and (iii) crystal precipitation on organic templates. Nanofibres can be either mineral (calcitic) or organic in na- ture. They are very often observed in association with needle fibre calcite (NFC), another typical secondary CaCO3 habit in terrestrial environments. This association has contributed to some confusion between both habits, however they are truly two distinct calcitic features and their recurrent asso- ciation is likely to be an important fact to help understanding the origin of nanofibres. In this paper the different hypotheses that currently exist to explain the origin of calcitic nanofibres are critically reviewed. In addition to this, a new hypothe- sis for the origin of nanofibres is proposed based on the fact that current knowledge attributes a fungal origin to NFC. As this feature and nanofibres are recurrently observed together, a possible fungal origin for nanofibres which are associated with NFC is investigated. Sequential enzymatic digestion of the fungal cell wall of selected fungal species demonstrates that the fungal cell wall can be a source of organic nanofibres. The obtained organic nanofibres show a striking morpho- logical resemblance when compared to their natural coun- terparts, emphasizing a fungal origin for part of the organic nanofibres observed in association with NFC. It is further hy- pothesized that these organic nanofibres may act as templates for calcite nucleation in a biologically influenced mineraliza- tion process, generating calcitic nanofibres. This highlights the possible involvement of fungi in CaCO3 biomineraliza- tion processes, a role still poorly documented. Moreover, on a global scale, the organomineralization of organic nanofi- bres into calcitic nanofibres might be an overlooked process deserving more attention to specify its impact on the biogeo- chemical cycles of both Ca and C.
The demands of representative design, as formulated by Egon Brunswik (1956), set a high methodological standard. Both experimental participants and the situations with which they are faced should be representative of the populations to which researchers claim to generalize results. Failure to observe the latter has led to notable experimental failures in psychology from which economics could learn. It also raises questions about the meaning of testing economic theories in abstract environments. Logically, abstract tests can only be generalized to abstract realities and these may or may not have anything to do with the empirical realities experienced by economic actors.
Several evidences in humans underscored the contribution of CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses in controlling viral and bacterial infections. However, CD4 and CD8 Τ cells have distinct and specific effector functions leading to a hierarchical importance in responding to different types of pathogens. In this context, the present work aimed to investigate distinct CD8 T-cell features potentially influencing T-cell efficacy against viral infection. To achieve this-objective, CD8 Τ cells derived from HIV-infected patients and healthy donors harbouring virus-specific immune responses or immunized with an HTV vaccine candidate were studied. In particular, we performed a comprehensive cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis to characterize the function, the phenotype and the functional avidity of HIV-specific CD8 Τ cells during acute (PHI) and chronic infection and, in particular, we investigated immunological parameters potentially associated with the functional avidity of HIV-specific CD8 Τ cells. In addition, we studied the expression pattern of co-inhibitory molecules and the influence of CD 160 on the functions of CD8 Τ cells in absence of chronic infections. From these analyses we observed that the functional avidity of HIV-specific CD8 T- cell responses was significantly lower in acute than in chronic infection, but was not different between chronic progressive and non-progressive patients. Functional avidity remained low after several years of antiretroviral therapy in PHI patients, but increased in patients experiencing a virus rebound following treatment interruption in association with a massive renewal of the global CD8 complementarity-determining region 3 of the TCR. The functional avidity was also directly associated to T-cell exhaustion. In individuals with no sign of HIV or Hepatitis A, Β or C virus infection, CD8 Τ cells expressed higher levels of co-inhibitory molecules than CD4 Τ cells and this was dependent on the stage of T-cell differentiation and activation. The expression of CD 160 impaired the proliferation capacity and IL-2 production of CD8 Τ cells and was reduced upon CD8 T-cell activation, entitling CD 160 as unique marker of CD8 T-cell exhaustion. The CD 160 blockade restored the proliferation capacity of virus-specific CD8 Τ cells providing a potential new target for immunotherapy. All together, these results expand our knowledge regarding the interplay between the immune system and the viruses. - De nombreuses études chez l'Homme ont mis en évidence la contribution des réponses cellulaires Τ CD4 et CD8 dans le contrôle des infections virales et bactériennes. En particulier, les lymphocytes Τ ont différentes fonctions effectrices spécifiques qui leur confèrent un rôle clé lors d'infections par différents pathogènes. Ce travail vise à étudier différentes caractéristiques des cellules Τ CD8 affectant l'efficacité des réponses cellulaires contre les virus. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons étudié les cellules Τ CD8 provenant de patients infectés par le VIH et de donneurs sains avec des réponses immunitaires naturelles ou vaccinales contre des virus. Nous avons effectué plusieurs analyses transversales et longitudinales des fonctions, du phénotype et de l'avidité fonctionnelle des lymphocytes Τ CD8 spécifiques au VIH au cours d'infections aiguës et chroniques; en particulier, nous avons étudié les paramètres immunologiques qui pourraient être associés à l'avidité fonctionnelle. De plus, nous avons investigué le profil d'expression des principales molécules co-inhibitrices et en particulier le rôle du CD 160 dans les fonctions des lymphocytes Τ CD8. Sur la base de ces analyses, nous avons constaté que l'avidité fonctionnelle des cellules Τ CD8 spécifiques au VIH était significativement plus faible lors infections aiguës que lors d'infections chroniques, mais n'était, par contre, pas différente entre les patients avec des infections chroniques progressives et non progressives. L'avidité fonctionnelle reste faible après plusieurs années de traitement antirétroviral, mais augmente chez les patients subissant un rebond viral, et donc exposés à des hautes virémies, suite à l'interruption du traitement. Cette augmentation d'avidité des lymphocytes Τ CD8, liée à un épuisement fonctionnel accru, était quantitativement directement associée à un renouvellement massif du TCR. Indépendamment de l'infection par le VIH, les cellules Τ CD8 expriment des niveaux plus élevés de molécules co-inhibitrices (PD-1, 2B4 et CD 160) par rapport aux cellules Τ CD4 et ceci dépend de leur stade de différenciation et d'activation. En particulier, CD 160 semble être un marqueur clé d'épuisement cellulaire des cellules Τ CD8, et donc une nouvelle cible potentielle pour l'immunothérapie, car a) son expression réduit la capacité proliférative et la production d'IL-2 b) CD 160 diminue suite à 1'activation et c) le blocage de CD 160 redonne la capacité proliférative aux cellules Τ CD8 spécifiques aux virus. - Le système immunitaire est un ensemble de cellules, tissus et organes indispensables pour limiter l'entrée des pathogènes à travers la peau et les muqueuses. Parmi les différentes cellules composant le système immunitaire, les cellules Τ CD4 et CD8 sont fondamentales pour le contrôle des infections virales et bactériennes. Les moyens pour combattre les différents pathogènes peuvent être cependant très variables. Les cellules Τ CD8, qui sont indispensables pour la lutte contre les virus, peuvent avoir différents niveaux de sensibilité; les cellules qui répondent à de faibles quantités d'antigène ont une forte sensibilité. Suite à une première infection virale, les cellules Τ CD8 ont une sensibilité plus faible que lors d'expositions répétées au même virus. En effet, la réexposition au pathogène induit une augmentation de sensibilité, grâce au recrutement et/ou à l'expansion de cellules Τ dotées d'une sensibilité plus élevée. Les cellules Τ CD8 avec une plus haute sensibilité semblent être caractérisées par une perte de fonctionnalité (épuisement fonctionnel associé à une haute expression de molécules dites inhibitrices). En absence d'infection, la fonction des molécules inhibitrices n'est pas encore clairement définie. Les cellules Τ CD8 montrent un niveau d'expression plus élevé de ces molécules par rapport aux cellules Τ CD4. Ceci dépend de l'état des cellules. Parmi ces molécules, le CD160 est associé à l'incapacité des cellules à proliférer et à produire de l'IL-2, une protéine importante pour la prolifération et la survie cellulaire. L'incapacité des cellules exprimant le CD 160 à proliférer en réponse à des virus peut être restaurée par le blocage fonctionnel du récepteur CD 160. Cette étude étoffe notre connaissance du rôle des cellules Τ CD8 ainsi que des conséquences induites par leur épuisement fonctionnel. Ces informations sont fondamentales pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques et vaccinales.
Schizotypy refers to a constellation of personality traits that are believed to mirror the subclinical expression of schizophrenia in the general population. Evidence from pharmacological studies indicates that dopamine is involved in the aetiology of schizophrenia. Based on the assumption of a continuum between schizophrenia and schizotypy, researchers have begun investigating the association between dopamine and schizotypy using a wide range of methods. In this article, we review published studies on this association from the following areas of work: (1) Experimental investigations of the interactive effects of dopaminergic challenges and schizotypy on cognition, motor control and behaviour, (2) dopaminergically supported cognitive functions, (3) studies of associations between schizotypy and polymorphisms in genes involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission, and (4) molecular imaging studies of the association between schizotypy and markers of the dopamine system. Together, data from these lines of evidence suggest that dopamine is important to the expression and experience of schizotypy and associated behavioural biases. An important observation is that the experimental designs, methods, and manipulations used in this research are highly heterogeneous. Future studies are required to replicate individual observations, to enlighten the link between dopamine and different schizotypy dimensions (positive, negative, cognitive disorganisation), and to guide the search for solid dopamine-sensitive behavioural markers. Such studies are important in order to clarify inconsistencies between studies. More work is also needed to identify differences between dopaminergic alterations in schizotypy compared to the dysfunctions observed in schizophrenia.
Résumé Dans la peau, il a été montré que Notch1 induit l'arrêt de la prolifération et la différentiation des keratinocytes. L'inactivation de Notch1 cause une hyperplasie de l'épiderme et la formation de carcinomes basaux cellulaires. Notre groupe a principalement identifié deux voies de signalisations, la voie Shh et la voie Wnt, qui sont dérégulées en conséquence de l'inactivation de Notch1 dans la peau. Nous avons démontré l'habilité de Notch1 à réprimer la voie Wnt induite par ß-catenin dans les keratinocytes primaires ainsi que dans d'autres types de cellules épithéliales humaines. De plus, nous avons pu déterminer que Notch1 régule cette voie, probablement en favorisant la phosphorylation de ß-catenin par le complexe axin/APC/GSK-3ß. La protéine faisant partie de la voie Wnt, ou la protéine affectant la voie Wnt, qui est régulée par Notch1 est sujette à de plus amples investigations. Un autre but de cette étude a été l'identification de potentiels gènes cibles de Notch1 autres que ceux faisant partie des voies de signalisation Shh et Wnt précédemment évoquées. Ce projet fut abordé par l'analyse de puces à ADN (ISREC et Affymetrix) qui ont été utilisées pour des expériences de gain et de perte de fonction de Notch1 dans des keratinocytes prúmaires. En plus de l'hyperplasie épidermale, les souris Notch1 déficiente ont une perte importante de poils. Nous avons montré que Notch1 est nécessaire pour le développement et l'homéostasie des follicules pileux. En effet, l'inactivation du gène Notch1 mediée par l'activation des kératines 5 ou 14 dans l'épiderme, cause des défauts du cycle ainsi que de la structure des poils. De plus, d'autres appendices de la peau, comme les glandes sudoripares et de Meibomius, ont une structure anormale et sont non fonctionnelles dans les souris Notch1 déficiente. Finalement, nous avons observé que la déficience de Notch1 dans l'épithélium cornéen mène à la formation d'une plaque épidermale opaque sur la cornée. Basé sur l'hypothèse que le défaut des glandes de Meibomius des souris Notch1 déficientes cause des lésions de la surface oculaire, nous avons montré que Notch1 est essentiel pour la cicatrisation de la cornée. Lorsque Notch1 est absent, les cellules souches de l'épithélium cornéen ne sont plus capables de se différentier en cellules cornéennes, mais réparent la blessure en se différentiant en épiderme. Ce résultat indique que Notch1 est essentiel pour la différentiation de cellules souches de la cornée qui sont spécifiquement impliquées dans la réparation de la cornée. De plus, nous avons montré que l'expression de CRBP1 dans l'épithélium cornéen est diminuée en l'absence de Notch1, ceci étant possiblement à l'origine de la formation de la plaque épidermale. Abstract: In the skin, Notch1 has been shown to trigger cell growth arrest and differentiation of keratinocytes. Notch1 inactivation results in epidermal hyperplasia and subsequent formation of basal cell carcinoma-like (BCC-like) tumors. So far our group has identified two main pathways, the Shh and the Wnt pathway, that are deregulated as a consequence of Notch1 inactivation in the skin. We showed the ability of Notch1 to represses ß-catenin-mediated Wnt signaling in primary keratinocytes as well as in other types of human epithelial cells. In addition we were able to determine that Notch1 regulates this pathway possibly by enhancing ß-catenin phosphorylation by the axin/APC/GSK-3ß complex. The exact target protein of the Wnt pathway or target protein that affects the Wnt pathway, and that is regulated by Notch1, is subject of current investigation. Another aim of this study was the identification of possible Notch1 target genes in addition to those of the Shh and Wnt signaling pathways. This was addressed by gene chip analysis using ISREC as well as Affymetrix microarrays for gain and loss of function of Notch1 in mouse primary keratinocytes. In addition to epidermal hyperplasia, Notch1 deficient mice show an important hair loss. We showed that Notch1 is required for postnatal development and homeostasis of hair follicles. Indeed, keratin5 or keratinl4-driven Cre recombinase-mediated inactivation of the Notch1 gene in the epidermis causes perturbations of the hair cycle and structural defects of the hair follicle. Moreover, other skin appendages, like the sweat and Meibomian glands show abnormal morphology and are not functional in the Notch 1 deficient mice. Finally, we observed that Notch1 deficiency in the corneal epithelium leads to the formation of an epidermal corneal plaque. Based on the hypothesis that the Meiboinian gland defect in the Notch1 deficient mice results in lesions of the eye surface, we showed that Notch1 is essential for wound-healing of the cornea. In absence of Notch1 the stem cells of the corneal epithelium are no longer able to differentiate in the corneal fate but instead repair the wound by differentiating into skin-like epidermis. This result indicated that Notch1 is essential for the differentiation of corneal stem cells specifically implicated in corneal wound-healing. Moreover, we showed that CRBP1 expression in the corneal epithelium was lost in the absence of Notch1, possibly being at the origin of plaque formation.
Sarcomas are heterogeneous and aggressive mesenchymal tumors. Histological grading has so far been the best predictor for metastasis-free survival, but it has several limitations, such as moderate reproducibility and poor prognostic value for some histological types. To improve patient grading, we performed genomic and expression profiling in a training set of 183 sarcomas and established a prognostic gene expression signature, complexity index in sarcomas (CINSARC), composed of 67 genes related to mitosis and chromosome management. In a multivariate analysis, CINSARC predicts metastasis outcome in the training set and in an independent 127 sarcomas validation set. It is superior to the Fédération Francaise des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer grading system in determining metastatic outcome for sarcoma patients. Furthermore, it also predicts outcome for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), breast carcinomas and lymphomas. Application of the signature will permit more selective use of adjuvant therapies for people with sarcomas, leading to decreased iatrogenic morbidity and improved outcomes for such individuals.
Gel electrophoresis allows one to separate knotted DNA (nicked circular) of equal length according to the knot type. At low electric fields, complex knots, being more compact, drift faster than simpler knots. Recent experiments have shown that the drift velocity dependence on the knot type is inverted when changing from low to high electric fields. We present a computer simulation on a lattice of a closed, knotted, charged DNA chain drifting in an external electric field in a topologically restricted medium. Using a Monte Carlo algorithm, the dependence of the electrophoretic migration of the DNA molecules on the knot type and on the electric field intensity is investigated. The results are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with electrophoretic experiments done under conditions of low and high electric fields.
There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles driven across such a surface by an external force according to some particle characteristic such as size or index of refraction. The surface features cause the trajectories of particles driven across the surface to deviate from the direction of the force by an amount that depends on the particular characteristic, thus leading to sorting. While models of this behavior have provided a good understanding of these observations, the solutions have so far been primarily numerical. In this paper we provide analytic predictions for the dependence of the angle between the direction of motion and the external force on a number of model parameters for periodic as well as random surfaces. We test these predictions against exact numerical simulations.
Convictions statistics were the first criminal statistics available in Europe during the nineteenth century. Their main weaknesses as crime measures and for comparative purposes were identified by Alphonse de Candolle in the 1830s. Currently, they are seldom used by comparative criminologists, although they provide a less valid but more reliable measure of crime and formal social control than police statistics. This article uses conviction statistics, compiled from the four editions of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, to study the evolution of persons convicted in European countries from 1990 to 2006. Trends in persons convicted for six offences -intentional homicide, assault, rape, robbery, theft, and drug offences- and up to 26 European countries are analysed. These trends are established for the whole of Europe as well as for a cluster of Western European countries and a cluster of Central and Eastern European countries. The analyses show similarities between both regions of Europe at the beginning and at the end of the period under study. After a general increase of the rate of persons convicted in the early 1990s in the whole of Europe, trends followed different directions in Western and in Central and Eastern Europe. However, during the 2000s, it can be observed, throughout Europe, a certain stability of the rates of persons convicted for intentional homicides, accompanied by a general decrease of the rate of persons convicted for property offences, and an increase of the rate of those convicted for drug offences. The latter goes together with an increase of the rate of persons convicted for non lethal violent offences, which only reached some stability at the end of the time series. These trends show that there is no general crime drop in Europe. After a discussion of possible theoretical explanations, a multifactor model, inspired by opportunity-based theories, is proposed to explain the trends observed.
The use of leaf total nitrogen concentration as an indicator for nutritional diagnosis has some limitations. The objective of this study was to determine the reliability of total N concentration as an indicator of N status for eucalyptus clones, and to compare it with alternative indicators. A greenhouse experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design in a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement with plantlets of two eucalyptus clones (140 days old) and six levels of N in the nutrient solution. In addition, a field experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of two seasons, two regions, two young clones (approximately two years old), and three positions of crown leaf sampling. The field areas (regions) had contrasting soil physical and chemical properties, and their soil contents for total N, NH+4-N, and NO−3-N were determined in five soil layers, up to a depth of 1.0 m. We evaluated the following indicators of plant N status in roots and leaves: contents of total N, NH+4-N, NO−3-N, and chlorophyll; N/P ratio; and chlorophyll meter readings on the leaves. Ammonium (root) and NO−3-N (root and leaf) efficiently predicted N requirements for eucalyptus plantlets in the greenhouse. Similarly, leaf N/P, chlorophyll values, and chlorophyll meter readings provided good results in the greenhouse. However, leaf N/P did not reflect the soil N status, and the use of the chlorophyll meter could not be generalized for different genotypes. Leaf total N concentration is not an ideal indicator, but it and the chlorophyll levels best represent the soil N status for young eucalyptus clones under field conditions.
BACKGROUND: Cleavage of messenger RNA (mRNA) precursors is an essential step in mRNA maturation. The signal recognized by the cleavage enzyme complex has been characterized as an A rich region upstream of the cleavage site containing a motif with consensus AAUAAA, followed by a U or UG rich region downstream of the cleavage site. RESULTS: We studied these signals using exhaustive databases of cleavage sites obtained from aligning raw expressed sequence tags (EST) sequences to genomic sequences in Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster. These data show that the polyadenylation signal is highly conserved in human and fly. In addition, de novo motif searches generated a refined description of the U-rich downstream sequence (DSE) element, which shows more divergence between the two species. These refined motifs are applied, within a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework, to predict mRNA cleavage sites. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that the DSE is a specific motif in both human and Drosophila. These findings shed light on the sequence correlates of a highly conserved biological process, and improve in silico prediction of 3' mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation sites.