415 resultados para Amortecedor metálico


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Considerando que las pequeñas empresas dedicadas al sector metálico en el país son un apoyo a la población, la cual pretende ayudar al desarrollo y economía de éste, es importante que el personal que labora en ellas cuenten con buena salud y que las condiciones en el ambiente laboral sean las óptimas para obtener así una mayor productividad y brindar un mejor servicio. Por este motivo se encontró oportuno desarrollar un Programa de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional en la empresa C.P. AUTOM, S.A de C.V del Municipio de San Salvador. Es importante conocer la situación actual de los talleres que pertenecen a este sector, así como la opinión de cada uno de los trabajadores, requeridos para establecer sus requerimientos en cuanto a la señalización, uso del equipo de protección personal, cronograma de capacitaciones, formación de comité de Higiene y Seguridad, y registro de un control de accidentes y enfermedades. El objetivo principal de la investigación es proponer El Diseño de un Programa de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional que permita reducir o evitar los riesgos a los que el personal esta expuesto durante la jornada laboral en la empresa. Para la obtención de la información se utilizaron tres instrumentos: Observación directa, guía de entrevistas y cuestionario, a través de los cuales se recopiló todos los insumos necesarios para poder realizar un diagnóstico sobre la situación actual referente al tema de investigación. En general el diagnóstico reveló deficiencia en los siguientes elementos: Señalización de todo tipo, Falta de capacitación para la prevención de riesgos, personal encargado para la prevención de accidentes, Uso de equipo de protección personal, capitaciones entre otros. Después de realizar los análisis respectivos se establecieron las conclusiones, entre las cuales se destacan las siguientes: No existen lineamientos definidos de información sobre la Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional; Debido a que el resultado de la evaluación la mayor responsabilidad recae en los propietarios o gerentes de las empresas dedicadas a este sector al no informar sobre las medidas a tomar y las normas que deben cumplirse para evitar cualquier tipo de accidente o enfermedades laborales. Para las conclusiones antes mencionadas se recomienda lo siguiente: Establecer un cronograma de capacitaciones al personal sobre la higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional, Conformar un comité que vele por la seguridad y bienestar de los trabajadores y que se respeten las normas establecidas, Actualizar la señalización en la empresa e incluir las que carecen, Dotarse del equipo de protección personal y de primeros auxilios necesarios.


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Tese dout. em Psicologia Educacional, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2005


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar da Terra e do Ambiente, Ramo: Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Especialidade em Biotecnologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Brazil has vast amounts of hydric resources, whose quality has been deteriorating due to pollutant dumping. Household waste disposal is one of the main sources of water pollution, stimulating bacteria proliferation and introducing microorganisms, including those from fecal matter. Conventional water disinfection methods are a solution, but on the downside, they lead to the formation byproducts hazardous to human health. In this study, aiming to develop bactericidal filters for the disinfection of drinking water; silver nanoparticles were deposited on alumina foams through three routes: sputtering DC, dip coating and in situ chemical reduction of silver nitrate. The depositions were characterized through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and EDS element mapping. The influence of the depositions on permeability and mechanical properties of the ceramic foams was assessed and, in sequence, a preliminary antibacterial efficiency analysis was carried out. Characterization results indicate that the chemical reduction routes were efficient in depositing homogeneously distributed silver particles and that the concentration of the metallic precursor salt affects size and morphology of the particles. The antibacterial efficiency analysis indicates that the chemical reduction filters have potential for water disinfection


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In this work was used a plasma torch of non transferred arc with argon as work gas, using a power supply with maximum DC current of 250 A and voltage of 30 V to activate the plasma and keep it switched on. The flame temperature was characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, through Boltzmann-plot-method. The torch has been used like igniter in the aluminothermic reduction of the mixture tantalum oxide and aluminum, seeking to obtain metallic tantalum. In heating of the reagents only one particle will be considered to study interactions between plasma-particle, seeking to determinate its fusion and residence time. The early powders were characterized by laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The final product of this reaction was characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction. Crystallite size was calculated by the Scherrer equation and microdeformation was determined using Willamsom-Hall graph. With Rietveld method was possible to quantify the percentile in weight of the products obtained in the aluminothermic reaction. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic tantalum and Al2O3 as products of the reduction. As was waited the particle size of the metallic tantalum produced, presents values in nanometric scale due the short cooling time of those particles during the process


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.


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In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals


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Comunicação seleccionada e artigo em Livro de Actas


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99 hojas aproximadamente : ilustraciones, fotografías.


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O objectivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os impactos ambientais de duas áreas mineiras abandonadas, a Mina de São Domingos e a Mina da Mostardeira. Procedeu-se a uma caracterização biogeoquímica detalhada das duas áreas mineiras e suas envolventes, a qual consistiu na análise de parâmetros físico-químicos e determinação das concentrações de metais nos aquíferos adjacentes; identificação da flora nativa; caracterização mineralógica dos resíduos mineiros, escórias, solos e sedimentos; e avaliação dos seus prováveis perigos ambientais através da determinação dos teores total, parcial e lixiviável de metais presentes. Os resultados permitiram aprofundar o conhecimento dos processos que ocorrem nestes sistemas e as plantas nativas que colonizam os solos metalíferos da mina de São Domingos foram estudadas não só para avaliar o seu potencial como hiperacumuladoras mas também para estudar em detalhe os mecanismos de tolerância e defesa apresentados pelas plantas desenvolvidas sob stress metálico e o trinómio solo-metal-planta. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the environmental impacts of two old mining areas, the São Domingos Mine and the Mostardeira Mine. A detailed biogeochemical characterization of the two mining areas and their surroundings was performed including the analysis of physical and chemical parameters and the determination of metal concentrations in adjacent aquifers, identification of native flora, study of the mineralogy of the tailings, slags, soils and sediments, and assessment of their likely environmental hazards by determining the levels of total, partial and leachable metals present. The results led to a greater understanding of the geochemical processes occurring in these systems. Furthermore, the study of the native plants that colonize the metalliferous soils of São Domingos mine allowed a deeper insight on the mechanisms of tolerance and defense developed by plants under metallic stress and also to evaluate their hyper accumulator potential and therefore their potential use in phytoremediation strategies.