962 resultados para Alignment-free method, dissimilarity, distance, genome, phylogenetic analysis.


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The present work deals with the characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulating vibrios from marine benthic environments and production studies of polyhydroxyalkanoates by vibrio sp.BTKB33. Vibrios are a group of (iram negative, curved or straight motile rods that normally inhabit the aquatic environments.The present study therefore aimed at evaluating the occurrence of PHA accumulating vibrios inhabiting marine benthic environments; characterizing the potential PHA accumulators employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches and molecular characterization of the PHA synthase gene. The study also evaluated the PHA production in V:'hri0 sp. strain BTKB33, through submerged fennentation using statistical optimization and characterized the purified biopolymer. Screening for PHA producing vibrios from marine benthic environments. Characterization of PHA producers employing phenotypic and genotypic approaches.The incidence of PHA accumulation in Vibrio sp. isolated from marine sediments was observed to be high, indicating that the natural habitat of these bacteria are stressful. Considering their ubiquitous nature, the ecological role played by vibrios in maintaining the delicate balance of the benthic ecosystem besides returning potential strains, with the ability to elaborate a plethora of extracellular enzymes for industrial application, is significant. The elaboration of several hydrolytic enzymes by individuals also emphasize the crucial role of vibrios in the mineralization process in the marine environment. This study throws light on the extracellular hydrolytic enzyme profile exhibited by vibrios. It was concluded that apart from the PHA accumulation, presence of exoenzyme production and higher MAR index also aids in their survival in the highly challenging benthic enviromnents. The phylogenetic analysis of the strains and studies on intra species variation within PHA accumulating strains reveal their diversity. The isolate selected for production in this study was Vibrio sp. strain BTKB33, identified as V.azureus by 16S rDNA sequencing and phenotypic characterization. The bioprocess variables for PHA production utilising submerged fermentation was optimized employing one-factor-at-a-time-method, PB design and RSM studies. The statistical optimization of bioprocess variables revealed that NaCl concentration, temperature and incubation period are the major bioprocess variables influencing PHA production and PHA content. The presence of Class I PHA synthase genes in BTKB33 was also unveiled. The characterization of phaC genes by PCR and of the extracted polymer employing FTIR and NMR analysis revealed the presence of polyhydroxybutyrate, smallest known PI-IAs, having wider domestic, industrial and medical application. The strain BTKB33 bearing a significant exoenzyme profile, can thus be manipulatedin future for utilization of diverse substrates as C- source for PHA production. In addition to BTKB33, several fast growing Vibrio sp. having PHA accumulating ability were also isolated, revealing the prospects of this environment as a mine for novel PHA accumulating microbes. The findings of this study will provide a reference for further research in industrial production of PHAs from marine microorganisms .


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There are a number of genes involved in the regulation of functional process in marine bivalves. In the case of pearl oyster, some of these genes have major role in the immune/defence function and biomineralization process involved in the pearl formation in them. As secondary filter feeders, pearl oysters are exposed to various kinds of stressors like bacteria, viruses, pesticides, industrial wastes, toxic metals and petroleum derivatives, making susceptible to diseases. Environmental changes and ambient stress also affect non-specific immunity, making the organisms vulnerable to infections. These stressors can trigger various cellular responses in the animals in their efforts to counteract the ill effects of the stress on them. These include the expression of defence related genes which encode factors such as antioxidant genes, pattern recognition receptor proteins etc. One of the strategies to combat these problems is to get insight into the disease resistance genes, and use them for disease control and health management. Similarly, although it is known that formation of pearl in molluscs is mediated by specialized proteins which are in turn regulated by specific genes encoding them, there is a paucity of sufficient information on these genes.In view of the above facts, studies on the defence related and pearl forming genes of the pearl oyster assumes importance from the point of view of both sustainable fishery management and aquaculture. At present, there is total lack of sufficient knowledge on the functional genes and their expressions in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Hence this work was taken up to identify and characterize the defence related and pearl forming genes, and study their expression through molecular means, in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata which are economically important for aquaculture at the southeast coast of India. The present study has successfully carried out the molecular identification, characterization and expression analysis of defence related antioxidant enzyme genes and pattern recognition proteins genes which play vital role in the defence against biotic and abiotic stressors. Antioxidant enzyme genes viz., Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), glutathione peroxidise (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were studied. Concerted approaches using the various molecular tools like polymerase chain reaction (PCR), random amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), molecular cloning and sequencing have resulted in the identification and characterization of full length sequences (924 bp) of the Cu/Zn SOD, most important antioxidant enzyme gene. BLAST search in NCBI confirmed the identity of the gene as Cu/Zn SOD. The presence of the characteristic amino acid sequences such as copper/zinc binding residues, family signature sequences and signal peptides were found out. Multiple sequence alignment comparison and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences using bioinformatics tools like BioEdit,MEGA etc revealed that the sequences were found to contain regions of diversity as well as homogeneity. Close evolutionary relationship between P. fucata and other aquatic invertebrates was revealed from the phylogenetic tree constructed using SOD amino acid sequence of P. fucata and other invertebrates as well as vertebrates


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In now-a-days semiconductor and MEMS technologies the photolithography is the working horse for fabrication of functional devices. The conventional way (so called Top-Down approach) of microstructuring starts with photolithography, followed by patterning the structures using etching, especially dry etching. The requirements for smaller and hence faster devices lead to decrease of the feature size to the range of several nanometers. However, the production of devices in this scale range needs photolithography equipment, which must overcome the diffraction limit. Therefore, new photolithography techniques have been recently developed, but they are rather expensive and restricted to plane surfaces. Recently a new route has been presented - so-called Bottom-Up approach - where from a single atom or a molecule it is possible to obtain functional devices. This creates new field - Nanotechnology - where one speaks about structures with dimensions 1 - 100 nm, and which has the possibility to replace the conventional photolithography concerning its integral part - the self-assembly. However, this technique requires additional and special equipment and therefore is not yet widely applicable. This work presents a general scheme for the fabrication of silicon and silicon dioxide structures with lateral dimensions of less than 100 nm that avoids high-resolution photolithography processes. For the self-aligned formation of extremely small openings in silicon dioxide layers at in depth sharpened surface structures, the angle dependent etching rate distribution of silicon dioxide against plasma etching with a fluorocarbon gas (CHF3) was exploited. Subsequent anisotropic plasma etching of the silicon substrate material through the perforated silicon dioxide masking layer results in high aspect ratio trenches of approximately the same lateral dimensions. The latter can be reduced and precisely adjusted between 0 and 200 nm by thermal oxidation of the silicon structures owing to the volume expansion of silicon during the oxidation. On the basis of this a technology for the fabrication of SNOM calibration standards is presented. Additionally so-formed trenches were used as a template for CVD deposition of diamond resulting in high aspect ratio diamond knife. A lithography-free method for production of periodic and nonperiodic surface structures using the angular dependence of the etching rate is also presented. It combines the self-assembly of masking particles with the conventional plasma etching techniques known from microelectromechanical system technology. The method is generally applicable to bulk as well as layered materials. In this work, layers of glass spheres of different diameters were assembled on the sample surface forming a mask against plasma etching. Silicon surface structures with periodicity of 500 nm and feature dimensions of 20 nm were produced in this way. Thermal oxidation of the so structured silicon substrate offers the capability to vary the fill factor of the periodic structure owing to the volume expansion during oxidation but also to define silicon dioxide surface structures by selective plasma etching. Similar structures can be simply obtained by structuring silicon dioxide layers on silicon. The method offers a simple route for bridging the Nano- and Microtechnology and moreover, an uncomplicated way for photonic crystal fabrication.


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Der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht erzeugt einen regelmäßigen Rhythmus von verschiedenen Umweltreizen, allen voran Licht und Temperatur. Fast jedes bis zum heutigen Tage untersuchte Lebewesen besitzt einen endogenen Mechanismus zur Zeitwahrnehmung, und diese "innere Uhr" befähigt Lebewesen dazu, sich vorausschauend an rhythmische Umwelt-Änderungen anzupassen. Circadiane Rhythmen bestehen auch ohne jegliche äußere Reize und basieren auf einem molekularen Rückkopplungs-Mechanismus, der Rhythmen in Genexpression und Proteinkonzentration von etwa 24 Stunden erzeugt. Obwohl sich die grundsätzlichen Mechanismen und Komponenten dieses molekularen Uhrwerks in allen Insekten ähneln, zeigte sich jedoch immer mehr, dass es im Detail doch wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Insektengruppen gibt. Während das molekulare Uhrwerk der Fruchtfliege Drosophila melanogaster inzwischen sehr gut untersucht ist, fehlen bei den meisten Insektengruppen immernoch eingehende Untersuchungen. Fast nichts ist über die molekulare Basis von circadianen Rhythmen bei der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae bekannt, obwohl diese Art bereits seit Langem als Modellorganismus in der Chronobiologie dient. Um mit der Forschung am molekularen, circadianen System von R. maderae zu beginnen, wurde die Struktur und das Expressionsprofil der core feedback loop Gene per, tim1 und cry2 analysiert. Mittels degenerierten Primern und RACE konnte das vollständige offene Leseraster (OLR) von rmPer und rmCry2, und ein Teil des rmTim1 OLR kloniert werden. Eine phylogenetische Analyse gruppierte rmPER und rmCRY2 gemeinsam mit den Orthologa hemimetaboler Insekten. Viele bei D. melanogaster funktionell charakterisierte Domänen sind bei diesen Proteinen konserviert, was auf eine ähnliche Funktion in der inneren Uhr von R. maderae hinweist. Mittels quantitativer PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA von rmPer, rmTim1 und rmCry2 in verschiedenen Lichtregimen in der gleichen Phasenlage Tageszeit-abhängig schwankt. Die Phasenlage stellte sich bei unterschiedlichen Photoperioden jeweils relativ zum Beginn der Skotophase ein, mit Maxima in der ersten Hälfte der Nacht. Auch im Dauerdunkel zeigen sich Rhythmen in der rmTim1 und rmCry2 Expression. Die Amplitude der rmPer Expressionsrhythmen war jedoch so gering, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitgeberzeiten (ZT) festgestellt werden konnten. Mittels Laufrad-Assays wurde untersucht wie Kurz- und Langtag Lichtregime die Verhaltensrhythmen beeinflussen. Es konnten nur Unterschiede in der Periodenlänge unter freilaufenden Bedingungen festgestellt werden, wenn höhere Lichtintensitäten (1000lx) zur Synchronisation (entrainment) genutzt wurden. Die Periode des freilaufenden Rhythmus war bei Tieren aus dem Kurztag länger. Die photoperiodische Plastizität zeigte sich also auch auf Verhaltensebene, obwohl höhere Lichtintensitäten notwendig waren um einen Effekt zu beobachten. Basierend auf den Sequenzen der zuvor klonierten OLR wurden gegen rmPER, rmTIM1 und rmCRY2 gerichtete Antikörper hergestellt. Die Antikörper gegen rmPER und rmTIM1 erkannten in western blots sehr wahrscheinlich spezifisch das jeweilige Protein. Zeitreihen von Gehirngewebe-Homogenisaten zeigten keinen offensichtlichen circadianen Rhythmus in der Proteinkonzentration, wahrscheinlich auf Grund einer Oszillation mit niedriger Amplitude. In Immunhistochemischen Färbungen konnte nur mit dem gegen rmPER gerichteten Antikörper aus Kaninchen ein Signal beobachtet werden. Beinahe jede Zelle des Zentralnervensystems war rmPER-immunreaktiv im Zellkern. Es konnten keine Unterschiede zwischen den untersuchten ZTs festgestellt werden, ähnlich wie bei den western blot Zeitreihen. In dieser Studie konnten erstmals molekulare Daten der circadianen Uhr von R. maderae erfasst und dargestellt werden. Die Uhrgene per, tim1 und cry2 werden in dieser Schabenart exprimiert und ihre Domänenstruktur sowie das circadiane Expressionsmuster ähneln dem hypothetischen ursprünglichen Insektenuhrwerk, welches der circadianen Uhr von Vertebraten nahesteht. Das molekulare Uhrwerk von R. maderae kann sich an unterschiedliche Photoperioden anpassen, und diese Anpassungen manifestieren sich im Expressionsprofil der untersuchten Uhrgene ebenso wie im Verhalten.


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Identifying the genetic changes driving adaptive variation in natural populations is key to understanding the origins of biodiversity. The mosaic of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius butterflies makes an excellent system for exploring adaptive variation using next-generation sequencing. In this study, we use a combination of techniques to annotate the genomic interval modulating red color pattern variation, identify a narrow region responsible for adaptive divergence and convergence in Heliconius wing color patterns, and explore the evolutionary history of these adaptive alleles. We use whole genome resequencing from four hybrid zones between divergent color pattern races of Heliconius erato and two hybrid zones of the co-mimic Heliconius melpomene to examine genetic variation across 2.2 Mb of a partial reference sequence. In the intergenic region near optix, the gene previously shown to be responsible for the complex red pattern variation in Heliconius, population genetic analyses identify a shared 65-kb region of divergence that includes several sites perfectly associated with phenotype within each species. This region likely contains multiple cis-regulatory elements that control discrete expression domains of optix. The parallel signatures of genetic differentiation in H. erato and H. melpomene support a shared genetic architecture between the two distantly related co-mimics; however, phylogenetic analysis suggests mimetic patterns in each species evolved independently. Using a combination of next-generation sequencing analyses, we have refined our understanding of the genetic architecture of wing pattern variation in Heliconius and gained important insights into the evolution of novel adaptive phenotypes in natural populations.


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A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions


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Molts bacteris del grup fluorescent del gènere Pseudomonas són capaços de controlar malalties de les plantes causades per fongs i bacteris fitopatògens (ACBs) o mostren activitat com a bacteris promotors del creixement de les plantes (BPCPs). S'han descrit diversos metabòlits que intervenen de manera important en la seva activitat com a ACBs i BPCPs entre els quals en destaquen el 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (Phl), àcid fenazin-1-carboxílic (PCA), Pirrolnitrina (Prn), àcid cianhídric (HCN), àcid 3-indolacètic (IAA), sideròfors i quitinases. L'objectiu principal del nostre treball ha estat la comparació de les característiques d'un grup de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent utilitzant una aproximació polifàsica amb la finalitat d'establir possibles relacions entre algunes de les característiques i la capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Atesa la importància en el biocontrol de la producció de metabòlits com Phl, PCA i Prn, l'objectiu preliminar ha estat la recerca i obtenció de soques productores d'aquests metabòlits. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat una aproximació molecular basada en la detecció dels gens biosintètics implicats en la seva producció en lloc de la detecció directa dels metabòlits per evitar els efectes que poden tenir les condicions de cultiu en la inducció o repressió de la seva síntesi. S'han realitzat diferents protocols basats (i) en la cerca assistida de productors mitjançant l'ús de marcadors fenotípics i posterior confirmació per PCR i, (ii) en l'ús de la PCR per a la detecció dels gens directament dels extractes bacterians, d'enriquiments d'aquests extractes i la realització de la hibridació en colònies per al posterior aïllament. La cerca assistida de productors de Phl mitjançant marcadors fenotípics i posteriorment la utilització de tècniques moleculars (amplificació per PCR del gen phlD), ha estat el millor mètode en el tipus de mostres processades en el nostre treball, on la proporció de productors és relativament baixa. En total s'han aïllat a partir de diversos ambients 4 soques portadores dels gens de la síntesi de PCA, 15 de Phl i 1 de Prn. S'ha constituït una col·lecció de 72 soques de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent que inclou 18 aïllats propis portadors dels gens biosintètics necessaris per la producció de Phl PCA i Prn; 6 soques de referència procedents de col·leccions de cultius tipus, 14 soques productores dels diferents antibiòtics cedides per altres investigadors i una selecció de 34 soques procedents d'un treball previ realitzat en el nostre grup de recerca. A la col·lecció s'hi troben soques candidates a ACB i BPCP de diverses malalties i plantes. Les 72 soques s'han caracteritzat fenotípica i genotípicament. La caracterització fenotípica s'ha portat a terme mitjançant la identificació a nivell d'espècie amb galeries API 20NE i proves bioquímiques específiques; la producció de metabòlits com PCA, Phl, Prn, IAA, HCN, quitinases i sideròfors mitjançant l'ús de diferents tècniques; antagonisme in vitro en diversos medis enfront dos fongs (Stemphylium vesicarium i Penicillium expansum) i tres bacteris fitopatògens (Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae i Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis); l'eficàcia de la inhibició de la infecció en bioassaigs in vivo sobre material vegetal enfront els fongs P. expansum en poma i S. vesicarium en fulles de perera i enfront el bacteri E. amylovora en fruits immadurs de perera i, finalment, en assaigs de promoció de creixement en dos portaempelts comercials de Prunus. Cal destacar que P. expansum causa la podridura blava en pomes i peres en postcollita, S. vesicarium la taca bruna de la perera i E. amylovora el foc bacterià de les rosàcies. El nombre de soques de Pseudomonas, sobre el total de les 72 estudiades, productores d'IAA (4) i quitinases (6) és baix, mentre que és elevat en el cas del HCN (32), que a més està associat a la producció de Phl. Els resultats obtinguts en l'antagonisme in vitro han mostrat en el cas dels bacteris que és dependent del patogen indicador i del medi de cultiu. La presència o absència de ferro no sembla ser un factor que potencií l'antagonisme. En el cas dels fongs no s'ha observat però, influència del medi de cultiu emprat. En el total de 72 soques s'ha observat un percentatge baix de soques que manifesten antagonisme en tots els medis assajats vers 3 o 4 dels patògens (7). Solament 2 d'aquestes 7 soques han mostrat ser també efectives en bioassaigs d'inhibició de les infeccions causades per 2 dels 3 patògens assajats. Algunes de les soques efectives en els bioassaigs no són antagonistes in vitro en cap dels medis assajats enfront el mateix patogen. En el cas de la promoció del creixement, s'han observat més soques promotores del creixement del portaempelts de prunera Marianna 2624 que no en l'híbrid de presseguer-ametller GF677 i les eficàcies assolides són també majors en el cas de Marianna 2624, detectant una elevada especificitat soca/portaempelts La caracterització genotípica s'ha realitzat mitjançant l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de restricció de DNA ribosomal (RFLP-rDNA) i l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica de DNA cromosòmic separats per electroforesi en camp polsant (MRFLP-PFGE). Ambdues anàlisis van mostrar una gran heterogeneïtat genètica entre les soques caracteritzades i no s'ha pogut relacionar les agrupacions obtingudes amb les característiques fenotípiques o capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Els patrons de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP-PFGE) del bacteri model P. fluorescens EPS288 són estables en el temps i independents de les condicions de cultiu assajades al laboratori o en mostres naturals, mostrant ser una tècnica eficaç en la identificació de reaïllats de mostres naturals inoculades prèviament amb el bacteri. Una selecció de soques que comparteixen el fet de produir floroglucinol s'han caracteritzat mitjançant RFLP i seqüenciació del gen phlD. S'ha establert una relació entre les agrupacions obtingudes en les anàlisis RFLP-rDNA, RFLP-phlD i les seqüències del gen. En l'anàlisi filogenètica de les seqüències del gen phlD s'ha observat un elevat grau de polimorfisme obtenint-se 3 agrupacions principals. Les agrupacions semblen relacionar-se amb els patrons de producció de metabòlits (Phl, HCN i Prn en una primera agrupació; Phl i HCN en la segona i solament Phl en la tercera), però aquestes no s'han pogut relacionar amb l'origen geogràfic de les soques o la seva activitat com a ACBs i/o BPCP. Amb les dades obtingudes de la caracterització fenotípica i genotípica s'ha realitzat una anàlisi multivariant (correspondències, correlacions d'Spearman i de freqüències amb variables categòriques). S'ha demostrat la importància de disposar d'una tècnica que permeti depurar una col·lecció de soques descartant les soques genèticament idèntiques, ja que influeixen en els resultats de les anàlisis. Pels tres patògens assajats com a indicadors i els dos portaempelts emprats, no s'ha observat cap correlació entre la inhibició de la infecció o la promoció del creixement amb les característiques fenotípiques i genotípiques de les soques que fos significatiu i consistent en les tres tècniques emprades.


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The complexity inherent in climate data makes it necessary to introduce more than one statistical tool to the researcher to gain insight into the climate system. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is one of the most widely used methods to analyze weather/climate modes of variability and to reduce the dimensionality of the system. Simple structure rotation of EOFs can enhance interpretability of the obtained patterns but cannot provide anything more than temporal uncorrelatedness. In this paper, an alternative rotation method based on independent component analysis (ICA) is considered. The ICA is viewed here as a method of EOF rotation. Starting from an initial EOF solution rather than rotating the loadings toward simplicity, ICA seeks a rotation matrix that maximizes the independence between the components in the time domain. If the underlying climate signals have an independent forcing, one can expect to find loadings with interpretable patterns whose time coefficients have properties that go beyond simple noncorrelation observed in EOFs. The methodology is presented and an application to monthly means sea level pressure (SLP) field is discussed. Among the rotated (to independence) EOFs, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) pattern, an Arctic Oscillation–like pattern, and a Scandinavian-like pattern have been identified. There is the suggestion that the NAO is an intrinsic mode of variability independent of the Pacific.


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In this work a new method for clustering and building a topographic representation of a bacteria taxonomy is presented. The method is based on the analysis of stable parts of the genome, the so-called “housekeeping genes”. The proposed method generates topographic maps of the bacteria taxonomy, where relations among different type strains can be visually inspected and verified. Two well known DNA alignement algorithms are applied to the genomic sequences. Topographic maps are optimized to represent the similarity among the sequences according to their evolutionary distances. The experimental analysis is carried out on 147 type strains of the Gammaprotebacteria class by means of the 16S rRNA housekeeping gene. Complete sequences of the gene have been retrieved from the NCBI public database. In the experimental tests the maps show clusters of homologous type strains and present some singular cases potentially due to incorrect classification or erroneous annotations in the database.


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At present, national-level policies concerning the eradication and control of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) differ widely across Europe. Some Scandinavian countries have enacted strong regulatory frameworks to eradicate the disease, whereas other countries have few formal policies. To examine these differences, the attitudes of stakeholders and policy makers in 17 European countries were investigated. A web-based questionnaire was sent to policy makers, government and private sector veterinarians, and representatives of farmers' organisations. On total, 131 individuals responded to the questionnaire and their responses were analysed by applying a method used in sociolinguistics: frame analysis. The results showed that the different attitudes of countries that applied compulsory or voluntary frameworks were associated with different views about the attribution or blame for BVD and the roles ascribed to farmers and other stakeholders in its eradication and control.


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In this paper a robust method is developed for the analysis of data consisting of repeated binary observations taken at up to three fixed time points on each subject. The primary objective is to compare outcomes at the last time point, using earlier observations to predict this for subjects with incomplete records. A score test is derived. The method is developed for application to sequential clinical trials, as at interim analyses there will be many incomplete records occurring in non-informative patterns. Motivation for the methodology comes from experience with clinical trials in stroke and head injury, and data from one such trial is used to illustrate the approach. Extensions to more than three time points and to allow for stratification are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Background: Eicosanoids are biologically active, oxygenated metabolites of three C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They act as signalling molecules within the autocrine or paracrine system in both vertebrates and invertebrates mainly functioning as important mediators in reproduction, the immune system and ion transport. The biosynthesis of eicosanoids has been intensively studied in mammals and it is known that they are synthesised from the fatty acid, arachidonic acid, through either the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway; the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway; or the cytochrome P450 epoxygenase pathway. However, little is still known about the synthesis and structure of the pathway in invertebrates. Results: Here, we show transcriptomic evidence from Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) together with a bioinformatic analysis of the D. pulex genome providing insight on the role of eicosanoids in these crustaceans as well as outlining a putative pathway of eicosanoid biosynthesis. Daphnia appear only to have one copy of the gene encoding the key enzyme COX, and phylogenetic analysis reveals that the predicted protein sequence of Daphnia COX clusters with other invertebrates. There is no current evidence of an epoxygenase pathway in Daphnia; however, LOX products are most certainly synthesised in daphnids. Conclusion: We have outlined the structure of eicosanoid biosynthesis in Daphnia, a key genus in freshwater ecosystems. Improved knowledge of the function and synthesis of eicosanoids in Daphnia and other invertebrates could have important implications for several areas within ecology. This provisional overview of daphnid eicosanoid biosynthesis provides a guide on where to focus future research activities in this area.


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We investigate the impact of past climates on plant diversification by tracking the "footprint" of climate change on a phylogenetic tree. Diversity within the cosmopolitan carnivorous plant genus Drosera (Droseraceae) is focused within Mediterranean climate regions. We explore whether this diversity is temporally linked to Mediterranean-type climatic shifts of the mid-Miocene and whether climate preferences are conservative over phylogenetic timescales. Phyloclimatic modeling combines environmental niche (bioclimatic) modeling with phylogenetics in order to study evolutionary patterns in relation to climate change. We present the largest and most complete such example to date using Drosera. The bioclimatic models of extant species demonstrate clear phylogenetic patterns; this is particularly evident for the tuberous sundews from southwestern Australia (subgenus Ergaleium). We employ a method for establishing confidence intervals of node ages on a phylogeny using replicates from a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. This chronogram shows that many clades, including subgenus Ergaleium and section Bryastrum, diversified during the establishment of the Mediterranean-type climate. Ancestral reconstructions of bioclimatic models demonstrate a pattern of preference for this climate type within these groups. Ancestral bioclimatic models are projected into palaeo-climate reconstructions for the time periods indicated by the chronogram. We present two such examples that each generate plausible estimates of ancestral lineage distribution, which are similar to their current distributions. This is the first study to attempt bioclimatic projections on evolutionary time scales. The sundews appear to have diversified in response to local climate development. Some groups are specialized for Mediterranean climates, others show wide-ranging generalism. This demonstrates that Phyloclimatic modeling could be repeated for other plant groups and is fundamental to the understanding of evolutionary responses to climate change.


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Previously we described a heterosexual outbreak of HIV-1 subtype B in a town in the north of England (Doncaster) where 11 of 13 infections were shown to be linked by phylogenetic analysis of the env gp120 region. The 11 infections were related to a putative index case, Don1, and further divided into two groups based on the patients' disease status, their viral sequences, and other epidemiological information. Here we describe two further findings. First, we found that viral isolates and gp120 recombinant viruses derived from patients from one group used the CCR5 coreceptor, whereas viruses from the other group could use both the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. Patients with the X4/R5 dual tropic strains were symptomatic when diagnosed and progressed rapidly, in contrast to the other patient group that has remained asymptomatic, implying a link between the tropism of the strains and disease outcome. Second, we present additional sequence data derived from the index case, demonstrating the presence of sequences from both clades, with an average interclade distance of 9.56%, providing direct evidence of a genetic link between these two groups. This new study shows that Don1 harbored both strains, implying he was either dually infected or that over time intrahost diversification from the R5 to R5/X4 phenotype occurred. These events may account for/have led to the spread of two genetically related strains with different pathogenic properties within the same heterosexual community.