962 resultados para Algebraic Integers


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The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.

The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.

Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.

Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.

A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.

The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.

Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.


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This thesis consists of two parts. In Part I, we develop a multipole moment formalism in general relativity and use it to analyze the motion and precession of compact bodies. More specifically, the generic, vacuum, dynamical gravitational field of the exterior universe in the vicinity of a freely moving body is expanded in positive powers of the distance r away from the body's spatial origin (i.e., in the distance r from its timelike-geodesic world line). The expansion coefficients, called "external multipole moments,'' are defined covariantly in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor and its spatial derivatives evaluated on the body's central world line. In a carefully chosen class of de Donder coordinates, the expansion of the external field involves only integral powers of r ; no logarithmic terms occur. The expansion is used to derive higher-order corrections to previously known laws of motion and precession for black holes and other bodies. The resulting laws of motion and precession are expressed in terms of couplings of the time derivatives of the body's quadrupole and octopole moments to the external moments, i.e., to the external curvature and its gradient.

In part II, we study the interaction of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a black-hole magnetosphere with the "dragging of inertial frames" effect of the hole's rotation - i.e., with the hole's "gravitomagnetic field." More specifically: we first rewrite the laws of perfect general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) in 3+1 language in a general spacetime, in terms of quantities (magnetic field, flow velocity, ...) that would be measured by the ''fiducial observers” whose world lines are orthogonal to (arbitrarily chosen) hypersurfaces of constant time. We then specialize to a stationary spacetime and MHD flow with one arbitrary spatial symmetry (e.g., the stationary magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole); and for this spacetime we reduce the GRMHD equations to a set of algebraic equations. The general features of the resulting stationary, symmetric GRMHD magnetospheric solutions are discussed, including the Blandford-Znajek effect in which the gravitomagnetic field interacts with the magnetosphere to produce an outflowing jet. Then in a specific model spacetime with two spatial symmetries, which captures the key features of the Kerr geometry, we derive the GRMHD equations which govern weak, linealized perturbations of a stationary magnetosphere with outflowing jet. These perturbation equations are then Fourier analyzed in time t and in the symmetry coordinate x, and subsequently solved numerically. The numerical solutions describe the interaction of MHD waves with the gravitomagnetic field. It is found that, among other features, when an oscillatory external force is applied to the region of the magnetosphere where plasma (e+e-) is being created, the magnetosphere responds especially strongly at a particular, resonant, driving frequency. The resonant frequency is that for which the perturbations appear to be stationary (time independent) in the common rest frame of the freshly created plasma and the rotating magnetic field lines. The magnetosphere of a rotating black hole, when buffeted by nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields anchored in a surrounding accretion disk, might exhibit an analogous resonance. If so then the hole's outflowing jet might be modulated at resonant frequencies ω=(m/2) ΩH where m is an integer and ΩH is the hole's angular velocity.


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A noncommutative 2-torus is one of the main toy models of noncommutative geometry, and a noncommutative n-torus is a straightforward generalization of it. In 1980, Pimsner and Voiculescu in [17] described a 6-term exact sequence, which allows for the computation of the K-theory of noncommutative tori. It follows that both even and odd K-groups of n-dimensional noncommutative tori are free abelian groups on 2n-1 generators. In 1981, the Powers-Rieffel projector was described [19], which, together with the class of identity, generates the even K-theory of noncommutative 2-tori. In 1984, Elliott [10] computed trace and Chern character on these K-groups. According to Rieffel [20], the odd K-theory of a noncommutative n-torus coincides with the group of connected components of the elements of the algebra. In particular, generators of K-theory can be chosen to be invertible elements of the algebra. In Chapter 1, we derive an explicit formula for the First nontrivial generator of the odd K-theory of noncommutative tori. This gives the full set of generators for the odd K-theory of noncommutative 3-tori and 4-tori.

In Chapter 2, we apply the graded-commutative framework of differential geometry to the polynomial subalgebra of the noncommutative torus algebra. We use the framework of differential geometry described in [27], [14], [25], [26]. In order to apply this framework to noncommutative torus, the notion of the graded-commutative algebra has to be generalized: the "signs" should be allowed to take values in U(1), rather than just {-1,1}. Such generalization is well-known (see, e.g., [8] in the context of linear algebra). We reformulate relevant results of [27], [14], [25], [26] using this extended notion of sign. We show how this framework can be used to construct differential operators, differential forms, and jet spaces on noncommutative tori. Then, we compare the constructed differential forms to the ones, obtained from the spectral triple of the noncommutative torus. Sections 2.1-2.3 recall the basic notions from [27], [14], [25], [26], with the required change of the notion of "sign". In Section 2.4, we apply these notions to the polynomial subalgebra of the noncommutative torus algebra. This polynomial subalgebra is similar to a free graded-commutative algebra. We show that, when restricted to the polynomial subalgebra, Connes construction of differential forms gives the same answer as the one obtained from the graded-commutative differential geometry. One may try to extend these notions to the smooth noncommutative torus algebra, but this was not done in this work.

A reconstruction of the Beilinson-Bloch regulator (for curves) via Fredholm modules was given by Eugene Ha in [12]. However, the proof in [12] contains a critical gap; in Chapter 3, we close this gap. More specifically, we do this by obtaining some technical results, and by proving Property 4 of Section 3.7 (see Theorem 3.9.4), which implies that such reformulation is, indeed, possible. The main motivation for this reformulation is the longer-term goal of finding possible analogs of the second K-group (in the context of algebraic geometry and K-theory of rings) and of the regulators for noncommutative spaces. This work should be seen as a necessary preliminary step for that purpose.

For the convenience of the reader, we also give a short description of the results from [12], as well as some background material on central extensions and Connes-Karoubi character.


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We develop a logarithmic potential theory on Riemann surfaces which generalizes logarithmic potential theory on the complex plane. We show the existence of an equilibrium measure and examine its structure. This leads to a formula for the structure of the equilibrium measure which is new even in the plane. We then use our results to study quadrature domains, Laplacian growth, and Coulomb gas ensembles on Riemann surfaces. We prove that the complement of the support of the equilibrium measure satisfies a quadrature identity. Furthermore, our setup allows us to naturally realize weak solutions of Laplacian growth (for a general time-dependent source) as an evolution of the support of equilibrium measures. When applied to the Riemann sphere this approach unifies the known methods for generating interior and exterior Laplacian growth. We later narrow our focus to a special class of quadrature domains which we call Algebraic Quadrature Domains. We show that many of the properties of quadrature domains generalize to this setting. In particular, the boundary of an Algebraic Quadrature Domain is the inverse image of a planar algebraic curve under a meromorphic function. This makes the study of the topology of Algebraic Quadrature Domains an interesting problem. We briefly investigate this problem and then narrow our focus to the study of the topology of classical quadrature domains. We extend the results of Lee and Makarov and prove (for n ≥ 3) c ≤ 5n-5, where c and n denote the connectivity and degree of a (classical) quadrature domain. At the same time we obtain a new upper bound on the number of isolated points of the algebraic curve corresponding to the boundary and thus a new upper bound on the number of special points. In the final chapter we study Coulomb gas ensembles on Riemann surfaces.


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Fuzzy sets in the subject space are transformed to fuzzy solid sets in an increased object space on the basis of the development of the local umbra concept. Further, a counting transform is defined for reconstructing the fuzzy sets from the fuzzy solid sets, and the dilation and erosion operators in mathematical morphology are redefined in the fuzzy solid-set space. The algebraic structures of fuzzy solid sets can lead not only to fuzzy logic but also to arithmetic operations. Thus a fuzzy solid-set image algebra of two image transforms and five set operators is defined that can formulate binary and gray-scale morphological image-processing functions consisting of dilation, erosion, intersection, union, complement, addition, subtraction, and reflection in a unified form. A cellular set-logic array architecture is suggested for executing this image algebra. The optical implementation of the architecture, based on area coding of gray-scale values, is demonstrated. (C) 1995 Optical Society of America


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Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Desenvolvemos nesta dissertação um método híbrido direto para o cálculo do fator de desvantagem e descrição da distribuição do fluxo de nêutrons em sistemas combustível-moderador. Na modelagem matemática, utilizamos a equação de transporte de Boltzmann independente do tempo, considerando espalhamento linearmente anisotrópico no modelo monoenergético e espalhamento isotrópico no modelo multigrupo, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), em geometria unidimensional. Descrevemos uma análise espectral das equações de ordenadas discretas (SN)a um grupo e a dois grupos de energia, onde seguimos uma analogia com o método de Case. Utilizamos, neste método, quadraturas angulares diferentes no combustível (NC) e no moderador (NM), onde em geral assumimos que NC > NM . Condições de continuidade especiais que acoplam os fluxos angulares que emergem do combustível (moderador) e incidem no moderador (combustível), foram utilizadas com base na equivalência entre as equações SN e PN-1, o que caracteriza a propriedade híbrida do modelo proposto. Sendo um método híbrido direto, utilizamos as NC + NM equações lineares e algébricas constituídas pelas (NC + NM)/2 condições de contorno reflexivas e (NC + NM)/2 condições de continuidade para determinarmos as NC + NM constantes. Com essas constantes podemos calcular os valores dos fluxos angulares e dos fluxos escalares em qualquer ponto do domínio. Apresentamos resultados numéricos para ilustrar a eficiência e a precisão do método proposto.


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The structure of the set ϐ(A) of all eigenvalues of all complex matrices (elementwise) equimodular with a given n x n non-negative matrix A is studied. The problem was suggested by O. Taussky and some aspects have been studied by R. S. Varga and B.W. Levinger.

If every matrix equimodular with A is non-singular, then A is called regular. A new proof of the P. Camion-A.J. Hoffman characterization of regular matrices is given.

The set ϐ(A) consists of m ≤ n closed annuli centered at the origin. Each gap, ɤ, in this set can be associated with a class of regular matrices with a (unique) permutation, π(ɤ). The association depends on both the combinatorial structure of A and the size of the aii. Let A be associated with the set of r permutations, π1, π2,…, πr, where each gap in ϐ(A) is associated with one of the πk. Then r ≤ n, even when the complement of ϐ(A) has n+1 components. Further, if π(ɤ) is the identity, the real boundary points of ɤ are eigenvalues of real matrices equimodular with A. In particular, if A is essentially diagonally dominant, every real boundary point of ϐ(A) is an eigenvalues of a real matrix equimodular with A.

Several conjectures based on these results are made which if verified would constitute an extension of the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, and an algebraic method is introduced which unites the study of regular matrices with that of ϐ(A).


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In 1964 A. W. Goldie [1] posed the problem of determining all rings with identity and minimal condition on left ideals which are faithfully represented on the right side of their left socle. Goldie showed that such a ring which is indecomposable and in which the left and right principal indecomposable ideals have, respectively, unique left and unique right composition series is a complete blocked triangular matrix ring over a skewfield. The general problem suggested above is very difficult. We obtain results under certain natural restrictions which are much weaker than the restrictive assumptions made by Goldie.

We characterize those rings in which the principal indecomposable left ideals each contain a unique minimal left ideal (Theorem (4.2)). It is sufficient to handle indecomposable rings (Lemma (1.4)). Such a ring is also a blocked triangular matrix ring. There exist r positive integers K1,..., Kr such that the i,jth block of a typical matrix is a Ki x Kj matrix with arbitrary entries in a subgroup Dij of the additive group of a fixed skewfield D. Each Dii is a sub-skewfield of D and Dri = D for all i. Conversely, every matrix ring which has this form is indecomposable, faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle, and possesses the property that every principal indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.

The principal indecomposable left ideals may have unique composition series even though the ring does not have minimal condition on right ideals. We characterize this situation by defining a partial ordering ρ on {i, 2,...,r} where we set iρj if Dij ≠ 0. Every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique composition series if and only if the diagram of ρ is an inverted tree and every Dij is a one-dimensional left vector space over Dii (Theorem (5.4)).

We show (Theorem (2.2)) that every ring A of the type we are studying is a unique subdirect sum of less complex rings A1,...,As of the same type. Namely, each Ai has only one isomorphism class of minimal left ideals and the minimal left ideals of different Ai are non-isomorphic as left A-modules. We give (Theorem (2.1)) necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring which is a subdirect sum of rings Ai having these properties to be faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle. We show ((4.F), p. 42) that up to technical trivia the rings Ai are matrix rings of the form

[...]. Each Qj comes from the faithful irreducible matrix representation of a certain skewfield over a fixed skewfield D. The bottom row is filled in by arbitrary elements of D.

In Part V we construct an interesting class of rings faithfully represented on their left socle from a given partial ordering on a finite set, given skewfields, and given additive groups. This class of rings contains the ones in which every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique minimal left ideal. We identify the uniquely determined subdirect summands mentioned above in terms of the given partial ordering (Proposition (5.2)). We conjecture that this technique serves to construct all the rings which are a unique subdirect sum of rings each having the property that every principal-indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.


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This work is concerned with estimating the upper envelopes S* of the absolute values of the partial sums of rearranged trigonometric sums. A.M. Garsia [Annals of Math. 79 (1964), 634-9] gave an estimate for the L2 norms of the S*, averaged over all rearrangements of the original (finite) sum. This estimate enabled him to prove that the Fourier series of any function in L2 can be rearranged so that it converges a.e. The main result of this thesis is a similar estimate of the Lq norms of the S*, for all even integers q. This holds for finite linear combinations of functions which satisfy a condition which is a generalization of orthonormality in the L2 case. This estimate for finite sums is extended to Fourier series of Lq functions; it is shown that there are functions to which the Men’shov-Paley Theorem does not apply, but whose Fourier series can nevertheless be rearranged so that the S* of the rearranged series is in Lq.


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Combinatorial configurations known as t-designs are studied. These are pairs ˂B, ∏˃, where each element of B is a k-subset of ∏, and each t-design occurs in exactly λ elements of B, for some fixed integers k and λ. A theory of internal structure of t-designs is developed, and it is shown that any t-design can be decomposed in a natural fashion into a sequence of “simple” subdesigns. The theory is quite similar to the analysis of a group with respect to its normal subgroups, quotient groups, and homomorphisms. The analogous concepts of normal subdesigns, quotient designs, and design homomorphisms are all defined and used.

This structure theory is then applied to the class of t-designs whose automorphism groups are transitive on sets of t points. It is shown that if G is a permutation group transitive on sets of t letters and ф is any set of letters, then images of ф under G form a t-design whose parameters may be calculated from the group G. Such groups are discussed, especially for the case t = 2, and the normal structure of such designs is considered. Theorem 2.2.12 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a t-design to be simple, purely in terms of the automorphism group of the design. Some constructions are given.

Finally, 2-designs with k = 3 and λ = 2 are considered in detail. These designs are first considered in general, with examples illustrating some of the configurations which can arise. Then an attempt is made to classify all such designs with an automorphism group transitive on pairs of points. Many cases are eliminated of reduced to combinations of Steiner triple systems. In the remaining cases, the simple designs are determined to consist of one infinite class and one exceptional case.


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Let M be an Abelian W*-algebra of operators on a Hilbert space H. Let M0 be the set of all linear, closed, densely defined transformations in H which commute with every unitary operator in the commutant M’ of M. A well known result of R. Pallu de Barriere states that if ɸ is a normal positive linear functional on M, then ɸ is of the form T → (Tx, x) for some x in H, where T is in M. An elementary proof of this result is given, using only those properties which are consequences of the fact that ReM is a Dedekind complete Riesz space with plenty of normal integrals. The techniques used lead to a natural construction of the class M0, and an elementary proof is given of the fact that a positive self-adjoint transformation in M0 has a unique positive square root in M0. It is then shown that when the algebraic operations are suitably defined, then M0 becomes a commutative algebra. If ReM0 denotes the set of all self-adjoint elements of M0, then it is proved that ReM0 is Dedekind complete, universally complete Riesz spaces which contains ReM as an order dense ideal. A generalization of the result of R. Pallu de la Barriere is obtained for the Riesz space ReM0 which characterizes the normal integrals on the order dense ideals of ReM0. It is then shown that ReM0 may be identified with the extended order dual of ReM, and that ReM0 is perfect in the extended sense.

Some secondary questions related to the Riesz space ReM are also studied. In particular it is shown that ReM is a perfect Riesz space, and that every integral is normal under the assumption that every decomposition of the identity operator has non-measurable cardinal. The presence of atoms in ReM is examined briefly, and it is shown that ReM is finite dimensional if and only if every order bounded linear functional on ReM is a normal integral.


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We are concerned with the class ∏n of nxn complex matrices A for which the Hermitian part H(A) = A+A*/2 is positive definite.

Various connections are established with other classes such as the stable, D-stable and dominant diagonal matrices. For instance it is proved that if there exist positive diagonal matrices D, E such that DAE is either row dominant or column dominant and has positive diagonal entries, then there is a positive diagonal F such that FA ϵ ∏n.

Powers are investigated and it is found that the only matrices A for which Am ϵ ∏n for all integers m are the Hermitian elements of ∏n. Products and sums are considered and criteria are developed for AB to be in ∏n.

Since ∏n n is closed under inversion, relations between H(A)-1 and H(A-1) are studied and a dichotomy observed between the real and complex cases. In the real case more can be said and the initial result is that for A ϵ ∏n, the difference H(adjA) - adjH(A) ≥ 0 always and is ˃ 0 if and only if S(A) = A-A*/2 has more than one pair of conjugate non-zero characteristic roots. This is refined to characterize real c for which cH(A-1) - H(A)-1 is positive definite.

The cramped (characteristic roots on an arc of less than 180°) unitary matrices are linked to ∏n and characterized in several ways via products of the form A -1A*.

Classical inequalities for Hermitian positive definite matrices are studied in ∏n and for Hadamard's inequality two types of generalizations are given. In the first a large subclass of ∏n in which the precise statement of Hadamardis inequality holds is isolated while in another large subclass its reverse is shown to hold. In the second Hadamard's inequality is weakened in such a way that it holds throughout ∏n. Both approaches contain the original Hadamard inequality as a special case.


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This paper presents some further results on proximal and asymptotic proximal contractions and on a class of generalized weak proximal contractions in metric spaces. The generalizations are stated for non-self-mappings of the forms for and , or , subject to and , such that converges uniformly to T, and the distances are iteration-dependent, where , , and are non-empty subsets of X, for , where is a metric space, provided that the set-theoretic limit of the sequences of closed sets and exist as and that the countable infinite unions of the closed sets are closed. The convergence of the sequences in the domain and the image sets of the non-self-mapping, as well as the existence and uniqueness of the best proximity points, are also investigated if the metric space is complete. Two application examples are also given, being concerned, respectively, with the solutions through pseudo-inverses of both compatible and incompatible linear algebraic systems and with the parametrical


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Os aspectos quânticos de teorias de campo formuladas no espaço-tempo não comutativo têm sido amplamente estudados ao longo dos anos. Um dos principais aspectos é o que na literatura ficou conhecido como mixing IR/UV. Trata-se de uma mistura das divergências, que foi vista pela primeira vez no trabalho de Minwalla et al [28], onde num estudo do campo escalar não comutativo com interação quártica vemos já a 1 loop que o tadpole tem uma divergência UV associada a sua parte planar e, junto com ela, temos uma divergência IR associada com um gráfico não planar. Essa mistura torna a teoria não renormalizável. Dado tal problema, houve então uma busca por mecanismos que separassem essas divergências a fim de termos teorias renormalizáveis. Um mecanismo proposto foi a adição de um termo não local na ação U*(1) para que esta seja estável.Neste trabalho, estudamos através da renormalização algébrica a estabilidade deste modelo. Para tal, precisamos localizar o operador não local através de campos auxiliares e seus respectivos ghosts (metodo de Zwanziger) na intenção de retirar os graus de liberdade indesejados que surgem. Usamos o approachda quebra soft de BRST para analisar o termo que quebra BRST, que consiste em reescrevermos tal termo com o auxílio de fontes externas que num determinado limite físico voltam ao termo original.Como resultado, vimos que a teoria com a adição deste termo na ação só é renormalizável se tivermos que introduzir novos termos, sendo alguns deles quárticos. Porém, estes termos mudam a forma do propagador, que não desacopla as divergências. Um outro aspecto que podemos salientar é que, dependendo da escolha de alguns parâmetros, o propagador dá indícios de termos um fótonconfinante, seguindo o critério de Wilson e o critério da perda da positividade do propagador.