963 resultados para Ahonen-Eerikäinen, Heidi: "Musiikillinen dialogi"


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The Standard Model of particle physics is currently the best description of fundamental particles and their interactions. All particles save the Higgs boson have been observed in particle accelerator experiments over the years. Despite the predictive power the Standard Model there are many phenomena that the scenario does not predict or explain. Among the most prominent dilemmas is matter-antimatter asymmetry, and much effort has been made in formulating scenarios that accurately predict the correct amount of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. One of the most appealing explanations is baryogenesis via leptogenesis which not only serves as a mechanism of producing excess matter over antimatter but can also explain why neutrinos have very small non-zero masses. Interesting leptogenesis scenarios arise when other possible candidates of theories beyond the Standard Model are brought into the picture. In this thesis, we have studied leptogenesis in an extra dimensional framework and in a modified version of supersymmetric Standard Model. The first chapters of this thesis introduce the standard cosmological model, observations made on the photon to baryon ratio and necessary preconditions for successful baryogenesis. Baryogenesis via leptogenesis is then introduced and its connection to neutrino physics is illuminated. The final chapters concentrate on extra dimensional theories and supersymmetric models and their ability to accommodate leptogenesis. There, the results of our research are also presented.


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Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu uusien YVL-ohjeiden vikasietoisuusanalyysin vaatimuksia sekä kehitetty menetelmä, jolla vaatimusten toteutumista voidaan tarkastella todennäköisyysperusteisen riskianalyysin (PRA) avulla. Työssä on käsitelty riskianalyysin tärkeimmät osat, sekä sen tuloksena saatavia tärkeysmittoja ja näiden soveltamiskohteita. Tärkeysmittoja on käytetty myös kehitetyn menetelmän alkuarvoina. Ydinvoimalan turvallisuuden takaamiseksi tärkeimpiä turvallisuustoimintoja suorittavien järjestelmien on pystyttävä toteuttamaan tehtävänsä, vaikka mikä tahansa järjestelmän yksittäinen laite olisi toimintakyvytön ja vaikka mikä tahansa turvallisuustoimintoon vaikuttava laite olisi samanaikaisesti poissa käytöstä korjauksen tai huollon vuoksi. Tämä edellyttää, että vikasietoisuuden takaamiseksi tärkeimpien turvallisuustoimintojen varmistamisessa on käytettävä mahdollisuuksien mukaan moninkertaisuus- ja erilaisuusperiaatteisiin perustuvia järjestelmiä, joiden tulee olla toisistaan riippumattomia. Kehitetyn menetelmän ja uuden vikasietoisuuden lisäarvomitan avulla voidaan tunnistaa järjestelmien väliset riippuvuustekijät ja tarkastella vaadittujen turvallisuustekijöiden toteutumista.


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Seloste artikkelista: Tuominen, S., Eerikäinen, K., Schibalski, A., Haakana, M. & Lehtonen, A. / Mapping biomass variables with a multi-source forest inventory technique. Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 1, 109-119.


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This study examines Russia’s Pattern of Information-Psychologic Warfare in Counter-terrorism and in the Five Day War. The first case of this comparative case study research examines an internal national security crisis, namely two of the most notorious terrorist strikes that took place firstly in The Moscow Dubrovka Theater in October 2002 and two years later in Beslan School 2004 in September. In the second case an external national security crisis, the Five Day War conducted in August 2008 between the Russian Federation and the state of Georgia will be analyzed. At the centre of this research report lays an idea: a war of information by using information as the target and as a weapon. Based on a comparative case study setting this study tries to understand how Russian pattern of information warfare manifests itself in the light of these two internal / external national security crises. Three hypotheses that guide this research report are: Russian pattern of information warfare has a long tradition which can be traced back to the Cold War era; it is possible to discern specifically Russian, partially divergent information warfare pattern; and finally by exploring the two recent internal / external national security crises, it becomes possible to sketch specifically Russian systematics. In this research report the main focus of interest is on the information-psychological dimension of the overall information warfare concept as part of the military science tradition. After such theoretical review the two empirical cases will be contextualized and chronologically introduced. Analysis will be sharpened on the parties’ actions especially from the information-psychological perspective. This will be done with the help of the developed Russia’s six action fields-model which has been divided into two main dimensions: political and military with three levels: strategic informa-tion-psychological level, and two tactical levels, namely information-technical and information-PSYOP. This creates six possible actions fields. As the empirical analysis will reveal, many of these six action fields have been used by Russia in its internal / external national security crises, which proves the study’s hypotheses: Russia has its own pattern of information psychologic warfare that is based on its historical tradition and as such it creates a base for Russian systematics.


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