920 resultados para Aging of materials


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In order to gain insight into the biology of fetal skin during culture, cellular proteins were studied during four culture passages (P00, P01, P04 as well as P10) using high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MS). Bioinformatic analyses were focused on a region of each gel corresponding to pI between 4 and 8 and M(r) from 8000 to 35 000. In this area, 373 +/- 42 spots were detected (N = 18). Twenty-six spots presented an integrated intensity that increased in the higher passages, whereas five spots showed a progressively lower intensity in subsequent passaging. MS analysis was performed on spots that were unambiguously identified on preparative 2-D gels. Among the 26 spots showing an increased size between P00 and P10, 9 were identified, and corresponded to 3 proteins: (i) peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (P05092; cyclophilin A or cyclosporin A-binding protein), (ii) triosephosphate isomerase (P00938), and (iii) enoyl-CoA hydratase (P30084). Among these nine identified spots, three were absent at P00, but were present at P10. They corresponded to isoforms of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase and triosephosphate isomerase, respectively. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses of the acidic isoforms of triosephosphate isomerase showed modifications of cysteine residues to cysteic acid. All these isoforms were clearly present in the skin cells of a 4-year-old child, as well as in skin cells from a 80-year-old man, at P00. These observations probably reflect either an oxidative stress related to cell culture, or, alternatively, maturation, differentiation and the aging of the cells.


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Previous Iowa DOT sponsored research has shown that some Class C fly ashes are ementitious (because calcium is combined as calcium aluminates) while other Class C ashes containing similar amounts of elemental calcium are not (1). Fly ashes from modern power plants in Iowa contain significant amounts of calcium in their glassy phases, regardless of their cementitious properties. The present research was based on these findings and on the hyphothesis that: attack of the amorphous phase of high calcium fly ash could be initiated with trace additives, thus making calcium available for formation of useful calcium-silicate cements. Phase I research was devoted to finding potential additives through a screening process; the likely chemicals were tested with fly ashes representative of the cementitious and non-cementitious ashes available in the state. Ammonium phosphate, a fertilizer, was found to produce 3,600 psi cement with cementitious Neal #4 fly ash; this strength is roughly equivalent to that of portland cement, but at about one-third the cost. Neal #2 fly ash, a slightly cementitious Class C, was found to respond best with ammonium nitrate; through the additive, a near-zero strength material was transformed into a 1,200 psi cement. The second research phase was directed to optimimizing trace additive concentrations, defining the behavior of the resulting cements, evaluating more comprehensively the fly ashes available in Iowa, and explaining the cement formation mechanisms of the most promising trace additives. X-ray diffraction data demonstrate that both amorphous and crystalline hydrates of chemically enhanced fly ash differ from those of unaltered fly ash hydrates. Calciumaluminum- silicate hydrates were formed, rather than the expected (and hypothesized) calcium-silicate hydrates. These new reaction products explain the observed strength enhancement. The final phase concentrated on laboratory application of the chemically-enhanced fly ash cements to road base stabilization. Emphasis was placed on use of marginal aggregates, such as limestone crusher fines and unprocessed blow sand. The nature of the chemically modified fly ash cements led to an evaluation of fine grained soil stabilization where a wide range of materials, defined by plasticity index, could be stabilized. Parameters used for evaluation included strength, compaction requirements, set time, and frost resistance.


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Pavement marking technology is a continually evolving subject. There are numerous types of materials used in the field today, including (but not limited to) paint, epoxy, tape, and thermoplastic. Each material has its own set of unique characteristics related to durability, retroreflectivity, installation cost, and life-cycle cost. The Iowa Highway Research Board was interested in investigating the possibility of developing an ongoing program to evaluate the various products used in pavement marking. This potential program would maintain a database of performance and cost information to assist state and local agencies in determining which materials and placement methods are most appropriate for their use. The Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University has completed Phase I of this research: to identify the current practice and experiences from around the United States to recommend a further course of action for the State of Iowa. There has been a significant amount of research completed in the last several years. Research from Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Ohio, and Alaska all had some common findings: white markings are more retroreflective than yellow markings; paint is by-and-large the least expensive material; paint tends to degrade faster than other materials; thermoplastic and tapes had higher retroreflective characteristics. Perhaps the most significant program going on in the area of pavement markings is the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP). This is an ongoing research program jointly conducted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and its member states. Field and lab tests on numerous types of pavement marking materials are being conducted at sites representing four climatological areas. These results are published periodically for use by any jurisdiction interested in pavement marking materials performance. At this time, it is recommended that the State of Iowa not embark on a test deck evaluation program. Instead, close attention should be paid to the ongoing evaluations of the NTPEP program. Materials that fare well on the NTPEP test de cks should be considered for further field studies in Iowa.


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The electronic structure and properties of cerium oxides (CeO2 and Ce2O3) have been studied in the framework of the LDA+U and GGA(PW91)+U implementations of density functional theory. The dependence of selected observables of these materials on the effective U parameter has been investigated in detail. The examined properties include lattice constants, bulk moduli, density of states, and formation energies of CeO2 and Ce2O3. For CeO2, the LDA+U results are in better agreement with experiment than the GGA+U results whereas for the computationally more demanding Ce2O3 both approaches give comparable accuracy. Furthermore, as expected, Ce2O3 is much more sensitive to the choice of the U value. Generally, the PW91 functional provides an optimal agreement with experiment at lower U energies than LDA does. In order to achieve a balanced description of both kinds of materials, and also of nonstoichiometric CeO2¿x phases, an appropriate choice of U is suggested for LDA+U and GGA+U schemes. Nevertheless, an optimum value appears to be property dependent, especially for Ce2O3. Optimum U values are found to be, in general, larger than values determined previously in a self-consistent way.


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Electronic distance measuring instruments (EDMI) are used by surveyors in routine length measurements. The constant and scale factors of the instrument tend to change due to usage, transportation, and aging of crystals. Calibration baselines are established to enable surveyors to check the instruments and determine any changes in the values of constant and scale factors. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has developed guidelines for establishing these baselines. In 1981 an EDMI baseline at ISU was established according to NGS guidelines. In October 1982, the NGS measured the distances between monuments. Computer programs for reducing observed distances were developed. Mathematical model and computer programs for determining constant and scale factors were developed. A method was developed to detect any movements of the monuments. Periodic measurements of the baseline were made. No significant movement of the monuments was detected.


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Background: With the aging of the population, the heart failure (HF) incidence and prevalence trends are expected to significantly worsen unless concentrated prevention efforts are undertaken. ECG abnormalities are common in the elderly but data are limited for their association with HF risk. Objective: To assess whether baseline ECG abnormalities or dynamic changes are associated with an increased risk of HF. Method: A prospective cohort study of 2915 participants aged 70 to 79 years without a preexisting HF followed for a median period of 11.4 (IQR 7.0-11.7) years from the Health Aging and Body Composition study. The Minnesota Code was used to define major and minor ECG abnormalities at baseline and at 4-year. Main outcome measure was adjudicated incident HF events. Using Cox models, the (1) the association between ECG abnormalities and incident HF and (2) incremental value of adding ECG to the Health ABC HF Risk Score, was assessed. Results: At baseline, 380 participants (13.0%) had minor and 620 (21.3%) had major ECG abnormalities. During follow-up, 485 (16.6%) participants developed incident HF. After adjusting for the eight clinical variables in the Health ABC HF Risk Score, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.27 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.96-1.68) for minor and 1.99 (CI 1.61-2.44) for major ECG abnormalities (P for trend <0.001) compared to no ECG abnormalities. The association did not change according to presence of baseline CHD. At 4-year, 263 participants developed new and 549 had persistent abnormalities and both were associated with increased HF risk (HR = 1.94, CI 1.38-2.72 for new and HR=2.35, CI 1.82-3.02 for persistent compared to no ECG abnormalities). Baseline ECG correctly reclassified 10.6% of overall participants across the categories of the Health ABC HF Risk Score. Conclusion: Among older adults, baseline ECG abnormalities and changes in them over time are common; both are associated with an increased risk of HF. Whether ECG should be incorporated in routine screening of older adults should be evaluated in randomized controlled trials.


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INTRODUCTION: Respiratory therapy is a keystone of the treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease, but it is time consuming. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the total time spent on respiratory therapy, including chest physiotherapy (CPT) and physical activity (PA), as well as inhalation therapy (IT) and maintenance of materials (MM) to rationalise and optimise treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional prospective study in a paediatric CF cohort. A questionnaire was developed to look at the time spent on respiratory care over 3 months. Enrolled in this study are all CF patients aged from 6 to 16 years (the exclusion criterion was lung transplantation). RESULTS: Of the 40 enrolled patients, 22 participated (13 boys and 9 girls), with a mean age of 11 years. The patients spent approximately 19.46 h per week (standard deviation ± 7.53, 8.00-35.25 h) on therapy: CPT (30.58%), IT (15.11%), PA (50%) and MM (4.32%), without statistical significance between sexes. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, CF patients spent an average of nearly 20 h a week in respiratory therapy, within a wide range of between 8 h to almost 36 h a week. PA consumes almost half of the time. Physicians have to take into consideration the burden of the treatment, to optimise the therapy.


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Recently, a number of roads have begun to exhibit the onset of deterioration at relatively early ages. Since this deterioration appears to be the result of materials issues, data concerning raw materials, design, and paving conditions have been collected and analyzed for correlation between independent variables and deterioration. This analysis shows that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between deterioration and the following variables: alkali and sulfate content of the cementitious materials, impermeable base course, paving temperature, and the presence of fly ash. This study also concludes that there is a significant need for improvement in data collection and maintenance by many organizations responsible for the production of concrete.


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This is a classed bibliography of materials by Iowans or about Iowa. It is drawn from the publications: Iowa and Some Iowans, 1988 and New Iowa Materials, 1990 to assist the needs of teachers of Iowa history and literature.


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This report is one of two products for this project with the other being a design guide. This report describes test results and comparative analysis from 16 different portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement sites on local city and county roads in Iowa. At each site the surface conditions of the pavement (i.e., crack survey) and foundation layer strength, stiffness, and hydraulic conductivity properties were documented. The field test results were used to calculate in situ parameters used in pavement design per SUDAS and AASHTO (1993) design methodologies. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate how in situ and lab testing can be used to assess the support conditions and design values for pavement foundation layers and how the measurements compare to the assumed design values. The measurements show that in Iowa, a wide range of pavement conditions and foundation layer support values exist. The calculated design input values for the test sites (modulus of subgrade reaction, coefficient of drainage, and loss of support) were found to be different than typically assumed. This finding was true for the full range of materials tested. The findings of this study support the recommendation to incorporate field testing as part of the process to field verify pavement design values and to consider the foundation as a design element in the pavement system. Recommendations are provided in the form of a simple matrix for alternative foundation treatment options if the existing foundation materials do not meet the design intent. The PCI prediction model developed from multi-variate analysis in this study demonstrated a link between pavement foundation conditions and PCI. The model analysis shows that by measuring properties of the pavement foundation, the engineer will be able to predict long term performance with higher reliability than by considering age alone. This prediction can be used as motivation to then control the engineering properties of the pavement foundation for new or re-constructed PCC pavements to achieve some desired level of performance (i.e., PCI) with time.


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J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Thesis abstract Mine waste is the largest volume of materials handled in the world. The oxidation of sulfidic mine waste may result in the release of acid mine drainage (AMD) rich in heavy metals and arsenic to the environment, one of the major problems the mining industry is facing today. To control and reduce this environmental impact, it is crucial to identify the main geochemical and hydrological processes influencing contaminant liberation, transport, and retention. This thesis presents the results of a geochemical, mineralogical and stable isotope study (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) from two active porphyry copper tailings impoundments in Mediterranean (Carén tailings impoundment, El Teniente mine, Central Chile) and hyper-arid climate (Talabre tailings impoundment, Chuquicamata, Northern Chile) from the deposition in alkaline environment (pH 10.5) towards acidification after several years of exposure. The major hydrological results were the identification of vertical contaminant and water transport in the uppermost, not water-saturated zone, triggered by capillary rise due to evaporation, and infiltration downwards due to new tailings deposition, and of horizontal transport in the groundwater zone. At the surface of the sedimented tailings, evaporation of pore water led to the precipitation of Na-Ca-Mg sulfates (e.g., gypsum, tenorite), in hyper-arid climate also halite. At the Carén tailings impoundment, renewed deposition in a 4-week interval inhibited a pH decrease below neutral values and the formation of an efflorescent salt crust. At the Talabre tailings impoundment, deposition breaks of several years resulted in the formation of acidic oxidation zones in the timeframe of less than 4 years. This process enabled the transport of liberated Cu, Zn, and Fe via capillary rise to the surface, where these metals precipitated as heavy-metal sulfates (e.g., devilline, krohnkite) and chlorides (eriochalcite, atacamite). Renewed depositing may dissolve efflorescent salts and transport liberated elements towards the groundwater zone. This zone was found to be highly dynamic due to infiltration and mixing with water from different sources, like groundwater, catchment water, and infiltration from superficial waters. There, Cu was found to be partially mobile due to complexation with Cl (in Cl-rich groundwater, Talabre) and dissolved organic matter (in zones with infiltration of catchment water rich in dissolved organic matter, Carén). A laboratory study on the isotopic fractionation of sulfur and oxygen of sulfate in different minerals groups (water-soluble sulfates, low- and high-crystalline Fe(III) oxyhydroxides) contributed to the use of stable isotopes as tracer of geochemical and transport processes for environmental studies. The results highlight that a detailed geochemical, stable isotope and mineralogical study permits the identification of contamination processes and pathways already during the deposition of mine tailings. This knowledge allows the early planning of adequate actions to reduce and control the environmental impact during tailings deposition and after the closing of the impoundment. J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Résumé de these Les déchets miniers constituent les plus grands volumes de matériel gérés dans le monde. L'oxydation des déchets miniers sulfuriques peut conduire à la libération de drainages miniers acides (DMA) riches en métaux et arsenic dans l'environnement, ce qui est l'un des principaux problèmes de l'industrie minière aujourd'hui. Pour contrôler et réduire ces impacts sur l'environnement, il est crucial d'identifier les principaux processus géochimiques et hydrologiques influençant la libération, le transport et la rétention des contaminants. Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une étude géochimique, minéralogique et des isotopes stables (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) sur des déchets miniers de 2 sites de dépôt actifs en climat méditerranéen (Dépôt de déchets de Carén, mine de El Teniente, Centre du Chili) et en climat hyper-aride (Dépôt de déchets de Talabre, mine de Chuquicamata, Nord du Chili). L'objectif était d'étudier l'évolution des déchets de la déposition en milieu alcalin (pH = 10.5) vers l'acidification après plusieurs années d'exposition. Le principal résultat hydrologique a été l'identification de 2 types de transport : un transport vertical de l'eau et des contaminants dans la zone non saturée en surface, induit par la montée capillaire due à l'évaporation et par l'infiltration subséquente de la déposition de sédiments frais ; et un transport horizontal dans la zone des eaux souterraines. À la surface des déchets, l'évaporation de l'eau interstitielle conduit à la précipitation de sulfates de Na-Ca-Mg (ex. gypse, ténorite) et halite en climat hyper-aride. Dans le site de Carén, une nouvelle déposition de déchets frais à 4 semaines intervalle a empêché la baise du pH en deçà des valeurs neutres et la formation d'une croûte de sels efflorescentes en surface. Dans le site de Talabre, les fentes de dessiccation des dépôts ont entraîné la formation d'une zone d'oxydation à pH acide en moins de 4 ans. Ce processus a permis la libération et le transport par capillarité de Cu, Zn, Fe vers la surface, où ces éléments précipitent sous forme de sulfates de métaux lourds (ex., dévilline, krohnkite) de chlorures (ex. ériochalcite, atacamite). Une nouvelle déposition de sédiments frais pourrait dissoudre ces sels et les transporter vers la zone des eaux souterraines. Cette dernière zone était très dynamique en raison du mélange d'eaux provenant de différentes sources, comme les eaux souterraines, l'eau de captage et l'infiltration des eaux superficielles. Egalement dans cette zone, le cuivre était partiellement mobile à cause de la formation de complexe avec le chlore (dans les zone riche en Cl, Talabre) et avec la matière organique dissoute (dans les zones où s'infiltre l'eau de captage riche en matière organique, Carén). Une étude en laboratoire sur le fractionnement des isotopes stables de sulfure et d'oxygène des sulfates dans différents groupes de minéraux (sulfates hydrosolubles, sulfures de oxy-hydroxyde de Fe(III) faiblement ou fortement cristallins) a permis d'apporter une contribution à leur utilisation comme traceurs dans l'étude des processus géochimiques et de transport lors d'études environnementales. Les résultats montrent qu'une étude détaillée de la géochimie, des isotopes stables et de la minéralogie permet d'identifier les processus et les voies de contamination déjà pendant la période de dépôt des déchets miniers. Cette connaissance permet de planifier, dès le début de l'exploitation, des mesures adéquates pour réduire et contrôler l'impact sur l'environnement pendant la période de dépôts de déchets miniers et après la fermeture du site.


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Due to the low workability of slipform concrete mixtures, the science of rheology is not strictly applicable for such concrete. However, the concept of rheological behavior may still be considered useful. A novel workability test method (Vibrating Kelly Ball or VKelly test) that would quantitatively assess the responsiveness of a dry concrete mixture to vibration, as is desired of a mixture suitable for slipform paving, was developed and evaluated. The objectives of this test method are for it to be cost-effective, portable, and repeatable while reporting the suitability of a mixture for use in slipform paving. The work to evaluate and refine the test was conducted in three phases: 1. Assess whether the VKelly test can signal variations in laboratory mixtures with a range of materials and proportions 2. Run the VKelly test in the field at a number of construction sites 3. Validate the VKelly test results using the Box Test developed at Oklahoma State University for slipform paving concrete The data collected to date indicate that the VKelly test appears to be suitable for assessing a mixture’s response to vibration (workability) with a low multiple operator variability. A unique parameter, VKelly Index, is introduced and defined that seems to indicate that a mixture is suitable for slipform paving when it falls in the range of 0.8 to 1.2 in./√s.


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With inflation, there is no longer a completely adequate budget for highway construction and maintenance. Restricted budgets have generated development and implementation of pavement management programs. A need for management guidelines generated National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 84, "Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway Programs". Traffic volumes and present conditions are two major factors in determining the priority of a proposed highway improvement. The Iowa DOT, Highway Division, Office of Materials has been conducting pavement condition inventory surveys on a three-year frequency since 1969 as input for pavement management. Development of substantial wheel rutting on paved roadways results in a potential hazard to highway safety. During periods of rain, these water-filled ruts may cause hydroplaning and loss of vehicle control. It is, therefore, imparitive that Iowa roadways be continually monitored for rut depths and further that this data be used in a pavement management program to determine priorities for rehabilitation or resurfacing.


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This is the second part of the final report submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation. Part 1 contained a comparison of unaged fiber composite and steel dowels and derivation of the appropriate theoretical model for analyzing the results. Part 2 of this final report covers the theoretical and experimental models for accelerated aging of fiber composite reinforcing bars and dowels cast in a concrete environment. Part 2 contains results from testing of unaged and aged fiber composite dowels and steel dowels, in addition to unaged and aged fiber composite reinforcing bars. Additional tests have been performed on unaged dowels (both steel and fibercomposite) to verify results from Part 1 and to keep the testing program consistent. Slight modifications have been made to the dowel specimens presented in Part 1. These modifications are noted in the Section 3.4 of this report. The flexural modulus of elasticity for the FC dowel bar given in Part 1 of the final report (Table 3. 2) was for the incorrect structural shape (non-circular cross section). The value is corrected and given in Part 2 of the final report (Table 3.4 for the.modulus of elasticity supplied by the manufacturer, and Tables 3. 5 and 3. 6 for experimentally determined modulus of elasticities) • The value in Part 1 was not used for any analysis of the FC dowel bars.


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Recently, a number of roads have begun to exhibit the onset of deterioration at relatively early ages. Since this deterioration appears to be the result of materials issues, data concerning raw materials, design, and paving conditions have been collected and analyzed for correlation between independent variables and deterioration. This analysis shows that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between deterioration and the following variables: alkali and sulfate content of the cementitious materials, impermeable base course, paving temperature, and the presence of fly ash. This study also concludes that there is a significant need for improvement in data collection and maintenance by many organizations responsible for the production of concrete