919 resultados para Aggregate Output


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This paper presents a theoretical model which discusses the role played by the entrepreneurial risk on the distribution of the national income. In a two-period general equilibrium framework with competitive risk-averse entrepreneurs it is shown that the highest the risk borne by firms, the lower will be real wages, employment and the labour's share in output. The model helps explain the fall of the labour's share in the Brazilian output during the 1980s.


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Although there has been substantial research on long-run co-movement (common trends) in the empirical macroeconomics literature. little or no work has been done on short run co-movement (common cycles). Investigating common cycles is important on two grounds: first. their existence is an implication of most dynamic macroeconomic models. Second. they impose important restrictions on dynamic systems. Which can be used for efficient estimation and forecasting. In this paper. using a methodology that takes into account short- and long-run co-movement restrictions. we investigate their existence in a multivariate data set containing U.S. per-capita output. consumption. and investment. As predicted by theory. the data have common trends and common cycles. Based on the results of a post-sample forecasting comparison between restricted and unrestricted systems. we show that a non-trivial loss of efficiency results when common cycles are ignored. If permanent shocks are associated with changes in productivity. the latter fails to be an important source of variation for output and investment contradicting simple aggregate dynamic models. Nevertheless. these shocks play a very important role in explaining the variation of consumption. Showing evidence of smoothing. Furthermore. it seems that permanent shocks to output play a much more important role in explaining unemployment fluctuations than previously thought.


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The initial endogenous growth models emphasized the importance of externaI effects in explaining sustainable growth across time. Empirically, this hypothesis can be confirmed if the coefficient of physical capital per hour is unity in the aggregate production function. Although cross-section results concur with theory, previous estimates using time series data rejected this hypothesis, showing a small coefficient far from unity. It seems that the problem lies not with the theory but with the techniques employed, which are unable to capture low frequency movements in high frequency data. This paper uses cointegration - a technique designed to capture the existence of long-run relationships in multivariate time series - to test the externalities hypothesis of endogenous growth. The results confirm the theory' and conform to previous cross-section estimates. We show that there is long-run proportionality between output per hour and a measure of capital per hour. U sing this result, we confmn the hypothesis that the implied Solow residual can be explained by government expenditures on infra-structure, which suggests a supply side role for government affecting productivity and a decrease on the extent that the Solow residual explains the variation of output.


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The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on output convergence among the Mercosur countries and associates, using multivariate time-series tests. The methodology is based on a combination of tests and estimation procedures, both univariate and multivariate, applied to the differences in per capita real income. We use the definitions of time-series convergence proposed by Bernard & Durlauf and apply unit root and tests proposed by Abuaf & Jorion and Taylor & Sarno. In this same multivariate context, the Flôres, Preumont & Szafarz and Breuer, MbNown & Wallace tests, which allow for the existence of correlations across the series without imposing a common speed of mean reversion, identify the countries that convergence. Concerning the empirical results, there is evidence of long-run convergence or, at least, catching up, for the smaller countries, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, towards Brazil and, to some extent, Argentina. In contrast, the evidence on convergence for the larger countries is weaker, as they have followed different (or rather opposing) macroeconomic policy strategies. Thus the future of the whole area will critically depend on the ability of Brazil, Argentina and Chile to find some scope for more cooperative policy actions.


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While it is recognized that output fuctuations are highly persistent over certain range, less persistent results are also found around very long horizons (Conchrane, 1988), indicating the existence of local or temporary persistency. In this paper, we study time series with local persistency. A test for stationarity against locally persistent alternative is proposed. Asymptotic distributions of the test statistic are provided under both the null and the alternative hypothesis of local persistency. Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to study the power and size of the test. An empirical application reveals that many US real economic variables may exhibit local persistency.


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When policy rules are changed, the effect of nominal rigidities should be modelled through endogenous pricing rules. We endogenize Taylor (1979) type pricing rule to examine the output effects of monetary disinflations. We derive optimal fixed-price time-dependent rules in inflationary steady states and during disinflations. We also develop a methodology to aggregate individual pricing rules which vary through disinflation. This allows us to reevaluate the output costs of monetary disinflation, including aspects as the role of the initial leveI of inflation and the importance of the degree of credibility of the policy change.


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Em economias caracterizadas por choques agregados e privados, mostramos que a alocação ótima restrita pode depender de forma não-trivial dos choques agregados. Usando versões dos modelos de Atkeson e Lucas (1992) e Mirrlees (1971) de dois períodos, é mostrado que a alocação ótima apresenta memória com relação aos choques agregados mesmo eles sendo i.i.d. e independentes dos choques individuais, quando esses últimos choques não são totalmente persistentes. O fato de os choques terem efeitos persistentes na alocação mesmo sendo informação pública, foi primeiramente apresentado em Phelan (1994). Nossas simulações numéricas indicam que esse não é um resultado pontual: existe uma relação contínua entre persistência de tipos privados e memória do choque agregado.


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Essa dissertação trata da coordenação entre política monetária e política fiscal. O trabalho visa testar a hipótese de que a demanda agregada é afetada pela política fiscal no Brasil entre 1995 e 2006. Com esse intuito, o trabalho estima uma curva IS para o Brasil nesse período, incluindo variáveis fiscais explicativas. O resultado é de que há evidência estatística de que o desvio do produto em relação ao produto potencial (de agora em diante gap do produto) seja dependente (positivamente) do nível de gastos do governo e (negativamente) da arrecadação do setor público. Além disso, conforme a teoria prevê, o gasto do governo tem um efeito (em módulo) mais intenso do que a arrecadação do governo, de modo que tanto o nível do superávit primário, quanto o tamanho do governo em proporção ao PIB têm impacto sobre a demanda agregada. Assim, assumindo que a convergência da taxa de câmbio real via paridade descoberta de taxa de juros tenha sido defasada no período sob análise, a política fiscal pode ter contribuído para manutenção da taxa de juros real acima do nível de equilíbrio no período em questão.


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A enorme complexidade dos sistemas ecológicos tem sido uma grande barreira para a compreensão e o gerenciamento da problemática ambiental. Neste sentido a modelagem matemática é uma valiosa ferramenta, devido a sua capacidade de organizar as informações disponíveis sobre estes sistemas e de fazer previsões a seu respeito para diferentes condições. Desta forma a análise de sistemas naturais vem sendo abordada de diferentes maneiras, sendo que nas últimas décadas a teoria de ecossistemas expandiu-se e ramos específicos, que permitem seguir e predizer a evolução de ecossistemas, foram formulados. Um destes enfoques, conhecido como análise do fluxo de insumo-produto, pode ser utilizado para explicar o funcionamento e estrutura dos subsistemas de um ecossistema através da descrição dos fluxos de matéria ou energia. A análise do fluxo de insumo-produto pode ser representada através de dois modelos: o modelo determinístico ou o modelo estocástico, tendo sua origem em estudos de caso com o objetivo de analisar a econômica norte-americana, sendo uma extensão prática da teoria clássica de interdependência geral. Este trabalho faz uma abordagem sintética da evolução desta análise, avaliando dados teóricos e principalmente dados referentes à Lagoa Itapeva. A análise de input-output (determinística e estocástica) com o propósito de obter informações no que diz respeito aos fluxos (matéria e energia), é bastante simples; sendo que os modelos determinísticos se prestam melhor para traçar um panorama global e para obter projeções para as variáveis já os modelos estocásticos são mais complexos, mas provêem uma descrição mais acurada. Na Lagoa Itapeva os processos determinísticos demonstraram um baixo índice de ciclagem do carbono entre os três compartimentos em estudo e o fluxo preferencial na normalização corresponde ao compartimento dos produtores primários, isto decorre de não existir loop nos compartimentos em estudo e também não existir fluxos em dois sentidos. Em relação à avaliação estocástica foram observadas uma baixa relação no sentido espacial superfície-meio-fundo da lagoa, e uma boa distribuição espacial norte-centro-sul. Quanto à distribuição temporal, foi constatada uma baixa concordância entre os dados analisados e os dados reais quanto das análises realizadas em intervalos de tempo pequeno (horas) e uma boa concordância nas medidas feitas quando o intervalo foi significativo (meses). Também em relação à Lagoa Itapeva, foi verificado nas análises estocásticas, utilizando-se operadores espaciais, que como a dinâmica biológica nem sempre é linear, os organismos não podem acompanhar imediatamente e perfeitamente as mudanças do ambiente, resultando em tempos de residência de matéria significativamente baixo. Além da análise dos fluxos ligados a este ecossistema lagunar, foram desenvolvidas técnicas de correção e adaptação de dados referentes à amostragem ocorrida na Lagoa durante um ano de campanha. Assim, propõe-se uma nova perspectiva no uso desta metodologia de forma simples e de fácil manipulação matemática.


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We study constrained efficient aggregate risk sharing and its consequence for the behavior of macro-aggregates in a dynamic Mirrlees’s (1971) setting. Privately observed idiosyncratic productivity shocks are assumed to be independent of i.i.d. publicly observed aggregate shocks. Yet, private allocations display memory with respect to past aggregate shocks, when idosyncratic shocks are also i.i.d.. Under a mild restriction on the nature of optimal allocations the result extends to more persistent idiosyncratic shocks, for all but the limit at which idiosyncratic risk disappears, and the model collapses to a pure heterogeneity repeated Mirrlees economy identical to Werning [2007]. When preferences are iso-elastic we show that an allocation is memoryless only if it displays a strong form of separability with respect to aggregate shocks. Separability characterizes the pure heterogeneity limit as well as the general case with log preferences. With less than full persistence and risk aversion different from unity both memory and non-separability characterize optimal allocations. Exploiting the fact that non-separability is associated with state-varying labor wedges, we apply a business cycle accounting procedure (e.g. Chari et al. [2007]) to the aggregate data generated by the model. We show that, whenever risk aversion is great than one our model produces efficient counter-cyclical labor wedges.


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Consumption is an important macroeconomic aggregate, being about 70% of GNP. Finding sub-optimal behavior in consumption decisions casts a serious doubt on whether optimizing behavior is applicable on an economy-wide scale, which, in turn, challenge whether it is applicable at all. This paper has several contributions to the literature on consumption optimality. First, we provide a new result on the basic rule-of-thumb regression, showing that it is observational equivalent to the one obtained in a well known optimizing real-business-cycle model. Second, for rule-of-thumb tests based on the Asset-Pricing Equation, we show that the omission of the higher-order term in the log-linear approximation yields inconsistent estimates when lagged observables are used as instruments. However, these are exactly the instruments that have been traditionally used in this literature. Third, we show that nonlinear estimation of a system of N Asset-Pricing Equations can be done efficiently even if the number of asset returns (N) is high vis-a-vis the number of time-series observations (T). We argue that efficiency can be restored by aggregating returns into a single measure that fully captures intertemporal substitution. Indeed, we show that there is no reason why return aggregation cannot be performed in the nonlinear setting of the Pricing Equation, since the latter is a linear function of individual returns. This forms the basis of a new test of rule-of-thumb behavior, which can be viewed as testing for the importance of rule-of-thumb consumers when the optimizing agent holds an equally-weighted portfolio or a weighted portfolio of traded assets. Using our setup, we find no signs of either rule-of-thumb behavior for U.S. consumers or of habit-formation in consumption decisions in econometric tests. Indeed, we show that the simple representative agent model with a CRRA utility is able to explain the time series data on consumption and aggregate returns. There, the intertemporal discount factor is significant and ranges from 0.956 to 0.969 while the relative risk-aversion coefficient is precisely estimated ranging from 0.829 to 1.126. There is no evidence of rejection in over-identifying-restriction tests.


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This article presents a group of exercises of level and growth decomposition of output per worker using cross-country data from 1960 to 2000. It is shown that at least until 1975 factors of production (capital and education) were the main source of output dispersion across economies and that productivity variance was considerably smaller than in late years. Only after this date the prominence of productivity started to show up in the data, as the majority of the literature has found. The growth decomposition exercises showed that the reversal of relative importance of productivity vis-a-vis factors is explained by the very good (bad) performance of productivity of fast (slow) growing economies. Although growth in the period, on average, is mostly due to factors accumulation, its variance is explained by productivity.


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We estimate and test two alternative functional forms representing the aggregate production function for a panel of countries: the extended neoclassical growth model, and a mincerian formulation of schooling-returns to skills. Estimation is performed using instrumentalvariable techniques, and both functional forms are confronted using a Box-Cox test, since human capital inputs enter in levels in the mincerian specification and in logs in the extended neoclassical growth model. Our evidence rejects the extended neoclassical growth model in favor of the mincerian specification, with an estimated capital share of about 42%, a marginal return to education of about 7.5% per year, and an estimated productivity growth of about 1.4% per year. Differences in productivity cannot be disregarded as an explanation of why output per worker varies so much across countries: a variance decomposition exercise shows that productivity alone explains 54% of the variation in output per worker across countries.