459 resultados para Adriamycin-nephropathy


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(Full text is available at http://www.manu.edu.mk/prilozi). New generation genomic platforms enable us to decipher the complex genetic basis of complex diseases and Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) at a high-throughput basis. They give valuable information about predisposing Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Copy Number Variations (CNVs) or Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) (using SNP-array) and about disease-causing mutations along the whole sequence of candidate-genes (using Next Generation Sequencing). This information could be used for screening of individuals in risk families and moving the main medicine stream to the prevention. They also might have an impact on more effective treatment. Here we discuss these genomic platforms and report some applications of SNP-array technology in a case with familial nephrotic syndrome. Key words: complex diseases, genome wide association studies, SNP, genomic arrays, next generation sequ-encing.


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BackgroundThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of using a telephone survey in gaining an understanding of the possible herd and management factors influencing the performance (i.e. safety and efficacy) of a vaccine against porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) in a large number of herds and to estimate customers¿ satisfaction.ResultsDatasets from 227 pig herds that currently applied or have applied a PCV2 vaccine were analysed. Since 1-, 2- and 3-site production systems were surveyed, the herds were allocated in one of two subsets, where only applicable variables out of 180 were analysed. Group 1 was comprised of herds with sows, suckling pigs and nursery pigs, whereas herds in Group 2 in all cases kept fattening pigs. Overall 14 variables evaluating the subjective satisfaction with one particular PCV2 vaccine were comingled to an abstract dependent variable for further models, which was characterized by a binary outcome from a cluster analysis: good/excellent satisfaction (green cluster) and moderate satisfaction (red cluster). The other 166 variables comprised information about diagnostics, vaccination, housing, management, were considered as independent variables. In Group 1, herds using the vaccine due to recognised PCV2 related health problems (wasting, mortality or porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome) had a 2.4-fold increased chance (1/OR) of belonging to the green cluster. In the final model for Group 1, the diagnosis of diseases other than PCV2, the reason for vaccine administration being other than PCV2-associated diseases and using a single injection of iron had significant influence on allocating into the green cluster (P¿<¿0.05). In Group 2, only unchanged time or delay of time of vaccination influenced the satisfaction (P¿<¿0.05).ConclusionThe methodology and statistical approach used in this study were feasible to scientifically assess ¿satisfaction¿, and to determine factors influencing farmers¿ and vets¿ opinion about the safety and efficacy of a new vaccine.


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IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis in Europe. The disease has been discovered in 1968 in Paris by Jean Berger at the Necker-Children's Hospital. Diagnosis is made by kidney biopsy and requires the presence of mesangial deposits of IgA. This form of glomerulonephritis can be seen in children and adults. In childhood, it most frequently presents within the context of Schoenlein-Henoch purpura. In adulthood, the most common form is limited to the kidney. Schoenlein-Henoch purpura can be seen in adults and manifests as a very aggressive vasculitis, usually in the context of a specific drug intake. The underlying pathophysiological concept today is an insufficient glycosylation of the IgA1 hinge region triggering the formation of autoantibodies against this site. Therapeutic options for the disease are limited. Important is optimal blood pressure control. Selected patients will profit from steroid therapy.


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There is increasing evidence that the complement system plays an important role in diabetes and the development of diabetic vascular complications. In particular, mannan-binding lectin (MBL) levels are elevated in diabetes patients, and diabetes patients with diabetic nephropathy have higher MBL levels than diabetes patients with normal renal function. The MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs) MASP-1, MASP-2, and MASP-3, and MBL-associated protein MAp44 have not yet been studied in diabetes patients. We therefore measured plasma levels of MASP-1, MASP-2, MASP-3, and MAp44 in 30 children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and 17 matched control subjects, and in 45 adults with T1DM and 31 matched control subjects. MASP-1 and MASP-2 levels were significantly higher in children and adults with T1DM than in their respective control groups, whereas MASP-3 and MAp44 levels did not differ between patients and controls. MASP-1 and MASP-2 levels correlated with HbA1c, and MASP levels decreased when glycaemic control improved. Since MASP-1 and MASP-2 have been shown to directly interact with blood coagulation, elevated levels of these proteins may play a role in the enhanced thrombotic environment and consequent vascular complications in diabetes.


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Membranous nephropathy is one of the most common glomerular diseases and leading causes of nephrotic syndrome in Caucasian adults. Known as a clinico-pathologic entity for over 50 years, it is defined by thickening of the glomerular capillary membrane with subepithelial immuncomplexes. Secondary forms (e. g. hepatitis B, autoimmune disease or medication-induced) are distinguished from idiopathic forms. Despite spontaneous remissions in about 30 % of cases, one third of idiopathic forms progress to end-stage renal disease after 10 years. Seminal research progress of the last decade has allowed the identification of autoantibodies directed against podocytary elements leading to secondary damage to the filtration barrier. The so-called idiopathic membranous nephropathy has thus become a prototype of autoimmune disease. The autoantibodies detectable in 70 - 80 % of cases of idiopathic membranous nephropathy are directed against the M-type phospholipase A2-receptor on the podocyte membrane and correlate with disease activity. These epochal findings influence on diagnostic and therapeutic strategies establishing a rationale for the use of B cell-directed therapy on top of optimal supportive therapy.


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Maleic acid (MA) is a common component of descaling products and is widely used in daily life. Accidental ingestion in relevant amounts does not play a major role in human beings; however, it seems to be highly toxic for dogs. It has been commonly used experimentally to induce Fanconi syndrome in dogs or small rodents. Two dogs were presented for acute kidney injury (AKI) after accidental ingestion of a descaling agent containing MA at an estimated amount of 70 mg/kg each. The third dog involved was euthanased by the referring veterinarian, and postmortem pathological analysis revealed severe acute tubular necrosis consistent with toxic nephropathy. The other dogs received symptomatic therapy for AKI including treatment with haemodialysis and showed complete normalisation of serum creatinine at a follow-up after five months. Renal damage can be very severe, but seems to be at least partially reversible and an attempt to treatment is warranted.


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The level of compliance with clinical practice guidelines for patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus was evaluated in 157 patients treated at BAMC from 1 January 2006 to 1 January 2007. This retrospective analysis was conducted reviewing data from medical records and following the VA/DOD protocols that health care providers are expected to follow at this facility. Data collected included patient’s age and gender, presence or absence of complications of diabetes, physical examination findings, glycemic and lipid control, eye care, foot care, kidney function, and self-management and education. Subjects were selected performing systematic random sampling, and included both male and female patients, from a variety of ages and ethnic groups. The Diabetes complications screened for included glycemic and lipid complications, retinopathy, cardiovascular complications, peripheral circulation complications, and nephropathy. The results revealed that 19.10% had no complications and that the most common complications were: cardiovascular (49.68%), glycemic and lipid control (10.82%), retinopathy and peripheral circulation (8.28% each), and nephropathy (2.54%). Only 2.54% of the records reviewed did not include information on complications. Strictly following the Department of Defense guidelines, six treatment modules were evaluated independently and together to get a final percentage of adherence to the clinical practice guidelines. It was established that the level of adherence was going to be graded as follows: Extremely deficient: 0-15%; very poor: 16-30%; Poor and in need of improvement: 31-45%. Acceptable: 46-60%; Good: 61-80%, and Excellent: 81-100%. The results indicated that the percentage of physicians' adherence to each protocol was as follows: 88.31%, 89.93%, 90.63%, 89.42%, 89.42% and 89.64%. When the results were pooled, the level of adherence to the clinical practice guidelines was 89.55%, proving my hypothesis that Brooke Army Medical Center physicians have excellent adherence to the standard protocols for Diabetes Type II to treat their patients. ^


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Diabetes Mellitus is not a disease, but a group of diseases. Common to all types of diabetes is high levels of blood glucose produced from a variety of causes. In 2006, the American Diabetes Association ranked diabetes as the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. The complications and consequences are serious and include nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, heart disease, amputations, pregnancy complications, sexual dysfunction, biochemical imbalances, susceptibility and sensitivity to many other diseases and in some cases death. ^ The serious nature of diabetes mellitus and its complications has compelled researchers to devise new strategies to reach population segments at high risk. Various avenues of outreach have been attempted. This pilot program is not unique in using a health museum as a point of outreach. However health museums have not been a major source of interventions, either. Little information was available regarding health museum visitor demographics, visitation patterns, companion status and museum trust levels prior to this pilot intervention. This visitor information will improve planning for further interventions and studies. ^ This thesis also examined prevalence data in a temporal context, the populations at risk for diabetes, the collecting agencies, and other relevant collected data. The prevalence of diabetes has been rapidly increasing. The increase is partially explained by refinement of the definition of diabetes as the etiology has become better understood. Increasing obesity and sedentary lifestyles have contributed to the increase, as well as the burdensome increase on minority populations. ^ Treatment options are complex and have had limited effectiveness. This would lead one to conclude that prevention and early diagnosis are preferable. However, the general public has insufficient awareness and education regarding diabetes symptoms and the serious risks and complications the disease can cause. Reaching high risk, high prevalence, populations is challenging for any intervention. During its “free family Thursdays” The Health Museum (Houston, Texas) has attracted a variety of ethnic patrons; similar to the Houston and Harris County demographics. This research project explored the effectiveness of a pilot diabetes educational intervention in a health museum setting where people chose to visit. ^


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La nefropatía obstructiva puede ser un desorden renal complejo de tratar debido al severo cuadro inflamatorio, desbalance oxidativo, apoptosis y fibrosis. Estudios previos sostienen que rosuvastatina (Ros) podría tener utilidad como una opción terapéutica en enfermedades renales que cursarían con apoptosis y fibrosis. Objetivo: Evaluar los posibles efectos antiapoptóticos y antifibróticos de Ros durante la obstrucción ureteral unilateral en ratas neonatas. Materiales y Métodos: Ratas Wistar neonatas de 48 hs. de vida fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente (grupo experimental) o no (grupo control). Ambos grupos fueron subdivididos en tratadas o no tratadas con Ros (10mg / kg por día) vía oral durante 14 días. Posteriormente se procedió a nefrectomizar y procesar las cortezas renales para determinar por RT-PCR las expresiones de genes: óxido nítrico sintasa inducible (iNOS), factor promotor génico de chaperonas (hsf1), proteína de shock térmico (hsp70), bax, bcL2, wt1, p53, snail, proteína morfogénica del hueso (bmp7), caderina E, factor transformador de crecimiento (tgf-β) y factor de necrosis tumoral (tnf-α). Resultados: La obstrucción ureteral unilateral neonatal indujo una marcada fibrosis y apoptosis, mientras que el tratamiento con Ros moduló el patrón de genes fibróticos y apoptóticos mediante disminución de la expresión de bmp7, caderina E, wt1, p53 y bcl2; además indujo una caída en la expresión de los genes profibróticos y proapoptóticos (bax, tnf-α y tgf-β). El análisis de los resultados presentados, permiten sugerir que la protección renal de rosuvastatina durante nefropatía obstructiva de ratas neonatas estaría asociado a la interacción entre hsp70 y la biodisponibilidad del óxido nítrico con el concomitante descenso en genes pro-apoptóticos.


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Objetivo: Determinar la significación clínica y pronóstica de la disfunción renal en pacientes con Endocarditis Infecciosa (EI) Material y método: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo, observacional y transversal de pacientes con EI diagnosticados según criterios de Duke. Se realizó un análisis comparativo entre los pacientes con EI sin (Grupo Sin) y con Disfunción Renal (Grupo DR), que se definió en base a uremia > 0.60 g/l y/o creatininemia > 1.5 mg/dl y/o hematuria o proteinuria. Fueron analizados en EPI info 6.04. Resultados: De un total de 110 EI incluidas, 58 (52.7%) presentaron DR principalmente secundaria a glomerulonefritis (n 22), sepsis (n 14), insuficiencia renal crónica (n 5), insuficiencia cardíaca, nefropatía diabética y nefrotoxicidad (n 4 cada una) y embólica (n 1). No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media hospitalaria (32 DS±23.3 vs 26.32 DS±17.28 días), el sexo (masculino: 60.3 vs 71.25%) y la demora diagnóstica (5.5 (DS±7.23) vs. 5.4 (DS±7.64 días)(pNS). La edad media fue mayor en el grupo DR en el LS (49.62 DS±15.71 vs 43.53 DS±17.94 años). El Grupo DR tuvo mas frecuentemente EI Definida (87.9 vs 67.3%) (p=0.0089) y no hubo diferencias en la localización Mitral (48.3 vs 48.1%) y Aórtica (44.8 vs 34.6%). La valvulopatía degenerativa se presentó en el LS en DR (34.5 VS 19.6%)(p=0.07). No hubo diferencias en la presencia de comórbidas (62.1 vs 71.2%) (pNS) pero la enfermedad últimamente fatal ocurrió mas frecuentemente en DR (51.4 vs 21.6%)(p=0.05). Al ingreso sólo la presencia de rales pulmonares (53.4 vs 32.7%) y púrpura cutánea (27.6 vs 13.5%) fueron más frecuentes en DR (p=0.05). La sepsis no controlada (34.5 vs 15.7%), insuficiencia cardíaca (51.7 vs 32.7%), encefalopatía (50 vs 27.5%), shock séptico (24.1 vs 7.8%) y fallo multiorgánico (34.5 vs 3.9%) fueron complicaciones más frecuentes en DR (p<0.05). La fiebre persistente se encontró en el LS en el grupo de DR (48.3 vs 32.7%)(p=0.09). No hubo diferencias en el hallazgo de vegetaciones por ecocardiografía (83.3 vs 75.6%). La anemia (Hb<9 mg/dl) (31.86 DS±53.41 vs 35.21 DS±7.85)(p=0.009), hipergammaglobulinemia (58.5 vs 29.8)(p=0.006) e hiperglucemia (36.1 vs 18.5)(p=0.03) se asociaron a DR. En el grupo con DR fue mas común la EI con cultivos negativos (31.5 vs 0%)(p=0.001) y el predominio de las infecciones por S. aureus Meticilino Resistente (MRSA)(21.6 vs 2.7%) (p=0.02). No hubo diferencias en la indicación de cirugía (31 vs 36.5%). La mortalidad hospitalaria fue significativamente mayor en DR (51.7 vs 25%)(p=0.0041)(OR 3.2, IC95%1.42-7.24). Conclusión: En los pacientes con EI la disfunción renal resultó ser un indicador de desarrollo de complicaciones infecciosas y cardíacas, de infección por MRSA y de mortalidad cruda hospitalaria.-


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Galactosialidosis (GS) is a human neurodegenerative disease caused by a deficiency of lysosomal protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA). The GS mouse model resembles the severe human condition, resulting in nephropathy, ataxia, and premature death. To rescue the disease phenotype, GS mice were transplanted with bone marrow from transgenic mice overexpressing human PPCA specifically in monocytes/macrophages under the control of the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor promoter. Transgenic macrophages infiltrated and resided in all organs and expressed PPCA at high levels. Correction occurred in hematopoietic tissues and nonhematopoietic organs, including the central nervous system. PPCA-expressing perivascular and leptomeningeal macrophages were detected throughout the brain of recipient mice, although some neuronal cells, such as Purkinje cells, continued to show storage and died. GS mice crossed into the transgenic background reflected the outcome of bone marrow-transplanted mice, but the course of neuronal degeneration was delayed in this model. These studies present definite evidence that macrophages alone can provide a source of corrective enzyme for visceral organs and may be beneficial for neuronal correction if expression levels are sufficient.


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Aldose reductase (ALR2), a NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase (AKR), is widely distributed in mammalian tissues and has been implicated in complications of diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy. To identify a renal-specific reductase belonging to the AKR family, representational difference analyses of cDNA from diabetic mouse kidney were performed. A full-length cDNA with an ORF of 855 nt and yielding a ≈1.5-kb mRNA transcript was isolated from a mouse kidney library. Human and rat homologues also were isolated, and they had ≈91% and ≈97% amino acid identity with mouse protein. In vitro translation of the cDNA yielded a protein product of ≈33 kDa. Northern and Western blot analyses, using the cDNA and antirecombinant protein antibody, revealed its expression exclusively confined to the kidney. Like ALR2, the expression was up-regulated in diabetic kidneys. Its mRNA and protein expression was restricted to renal proximal tubules. The gene neither codistributed with Tamm–Horsfall protein nor aquaporin-2. The deduced protein sequence revealed an AKR-3 motif located near the N terminus, unlike the other AKR family members where it is confined to the C terminus. Fluorescence quenching and reactive blue agarose chromatography studies revealed that it binds to NADPH with high affinity (KdNADPH = 66.9 ± 2.3 nM). This binding domain is a tetrapeptide (Met-Ala-Lys-Ser) located within the AKR-3 motif that is similar to the other AKR members. The identified protein is designated as RSOR because it is renal-specific with properties of an oxido-reductase, and like ALR2 it may be relevant in the renal complications of diabetes mellitus.


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The epothilones are naturally occurring, cytotoxic macrolides that function through a paclitaxel (Taxol)-like mechanism. Although structurally dissimilar, both classes of molecules lead to the arrest of cell division and eventual cell death by stabilizing cellular microtubule assemblies. The epothilones differ in their ability to retain activity against multidrug-resistant (MDR) cell lines and tumors where paclitaxel fails. In the current account, we focus on the relationship between epothilone and paclitaxel in the context of tumors with multiple drug resistance. The epothilone analogue Z-12,13-desoxyepothilone B (dEpoB) is >35,000-fold more potent than paclitaxel in inhibiting cell growth in the MDR DC-3F/ADX cell line. Various formulations, routes, and schedules of i.v. administration of dEpoB have been tested in nude mice. Slow infusion with a Cremophor-ethanol vehicle proved to be the most beneficial in increasing efficacy and decreasing toxicity. Although dEpoB performed similarly to paclitaxel in sensitive tumors xenografts (MX-1 human mammary and HT-29 colon tumor), its effects were clearly superior against MDR tumors. When dEpoB was administered to nude mice bearing our MDR human lymphoblastic T cell leukemia (CCRF-CEM/paclitaxel), dEpoB demonstrated a full curative effect. For human mammary adenocarcinoma MCF-7/Adr cells refractory to paclitaxel, dEpoB reduced the established tumors, markedly suppressed tumor growth, and surpassed other commonly used chemotherapy drugs such as adriamycin, vinblastine, and etoposide in beneficial effects.


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Inositol phosphates are a family of water-soluble intracellular signaling molecules derived from membrane inositol phospholipids. They undergo a variety of complex interconversion pathways, and their levels are dynamically regulated within the cytosol in response to a variety of agonists. Relatively little is known about the biological function of most members of this family, with the exception of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Specifically, the biological functions of inositol tetrakisphosphates are largely obscure. In this paper, we report that D-myo-inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate (D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4) has a direct biphasic (activation/inhibition) effect on an epithelial Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. The effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is not mimicked by other inositol tetrakisphosphate isomers, is dependent on the prevailing calcium concentration, and is influenced when channels are phosphorylated by calmodulin kinase II. The predominant effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 on phosphorylated channels is inhibitory at levels of intracellular calcium observed in stimulated cells. Our findings indicate the biological function of a molecule hitherto considered as an "orphan" messenger. They suggest that the molecular target for D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is a plasma membrane Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. Regulation of this channel by D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 and Ca2+ may have therapeutic implications for the disease states of both diabetic nephropathy and cystic fibrosis.


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The experiments reported here were designed to test the hypothesis that the two-electron quinone reductase DT-diaphorase [NAD(P)H:(quinone-acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC] functions to maintain membrane-bound coenzyme Q (CoQ) in its reduced antioxidant state, thereby providing protection from free radical damage. DT-diaphorase was isolated and purified from rat liver cytosol, and its ability to reduce several CoQ homologs incorporated into large unilamellar vesicles was demonstrated. Addition of NADH and DT-diaphorase to either large unilamellar or multilamellar vesicles containing homologs of CoQ, including CoQ9 and CoQ10, resulted in the essentially complete reduction of the CoQ. The ability of DT-diaphorase to maintain the reduced state of CoQ and protect membrane components from free radical damage as lipid peroxidation was tested by incorporating either reduced CoQ9 or CoQ10 and the lipophylic azoinitiator 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) into multilamellar vesicles in the presence of NADH and DT-diaphorase. The presence of DT-diaphorase prevented the oxidation of reduced CoQ and inhibited lipid peroxidation. The interaction between DT-diaphorase and CoQ was also demonstrated in an isolated rat liver hepatocyte system. Incubation with adriamycin resulted in mitochondrial membrane damage as measured by membrane potential and the release of hydrogen peroxide. Incorporation of CoQ10 provided protection from adriamycin-induced mitochondrial membrane damage. The incorporation of dicoumarol, a potent inhibitor of DT-diaphorase, interfered with the protection provided by CoQ. The results of these experiments provide support for the hypothesis that DT-diaphorase functions as an antioxidant in both artificial membrane and natural membrane systems by acting as a two-electron CoQ reductase that forms and maintains the antioxidant form of CoQ. The suggestion is offered that DT-diaphorase was selected during evolution to perform this role and that its conversion of xenobiotics and other synthetic molecules is secondary and coincidental.