946 resultados para Actors Involved


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2016.


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El presente estudio describe los cambios en la políticas públicas de niñez en Colombia entre 1991 y 2014, mediante el análisis tanto de las narrativas y contranarrativas de política gestadas en este periodo de tiempo, como de los factores que propiciaron la conformación de una red de política pública y el posterior desarrollo de diversos modos de interacción entre los grupos de actores identificados. Parte esta investigación de situar antecedentes y factores relevantes que permiten contrastar, por un lado, contenidos y perspectivas entre diferentes periodos de tiempo, y por otro lado, el número, tipo, y dinámica de relaciones entre los diversos actores involucrados en este campo antes de 1991, y posterior a este año hasta 2014. En síntesis, a través de los hallazgos y análisis realizados se busca no solo plantear qué se transformó entre 1991 y 2014 respecto a la construcción de la niñez como referente de políticas públicas, sino también, cómo se gestó esta transformación, con el fin de proveer elementos que permitan comprender principalmente los énfasis y las variaciones que han tenido las políticas públicas de niñez en el país, pero también, algunas continuidades por periodos más específicos de tiempo.


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Este trabajo de grado es un estudio de caso, del proceso participativo para la formulación del Plan Zonal Centro de Bogotá entre 2004 y 2007, con el fin de observar los efectos de la participación ciudadana de la Localidad de Santa Fe, en la formulación de una política pública. En la investigación se hace un análisis mediante las variables: contexto, las condiciones institucionales, el funcionamiento de los espacios de participación, los actores que participaron y los efectos de la participación ciudadana en el proceso decisional. Asimismo, el presente estudio de caso se valió de la teoría de la racionalidad limitada para entender las decisiones del actor público y sus límites, reconstruyendo el desarrollo del proceso participativo, para comprender la relación entre el proceso decisional, que hace parte de la formulación de la política pública, y las expectativas para tomar decisiones, que generan estos espacios de participación a los ciudadanos que participan. El presente trabajo usa herramientas conceptuales adquiridos en los programas de Ciencia Política y Gestión y Desarrollo Urbanos.


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Introducción: La construcción de megaproyectos hídricos implica una reconfiguración territorial donde se ven afectadas las fuentes de agua dulce, la biodiversidad terrestre y acuática, y los asentamientos humanos que colindan con dichas construcciones. Objetivo: estimar la asociación entre las conductas proambientales con la solastalgia entre las personas que se encuentran ejerciendo un proceso de resistencia social contra la Central Hidrosogamoso en el departamento de Santander, Colombia. Metodología: se utilizó un diseño de estudio transversal en el que se entrevistaron integrantes y no integrantes de grupos ambientalistas de las zonas de influencia del proyecto. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables sociodemográficas de los dos grupos de comparación presentando frecuencias absolutas y relativas y diferencias significativas por medio de la prueba ji cuadrado, exacta de Fisher y U de Mann Whitney. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple en el que la variable dependiente fue el puntaje de solastalgia y las variables independientes fueron las escalas de las conductas proambientales: altruismo, austeridad, equidad, conducta ecológica, deliberación, indignación y aprecio por lo natural, además, se ajustó por algunas variables sociodemográficas de interés. Resultados: los grupos comparados presentaron diferencias importantes en cuanto a la zona de procedencia, condiciones económicas y organización social. El incremento de 5 puntos en la escala del sentimiento de indignación incrementó 0.98 la escala de solastalgia (IC95%: 0.19; 1.78). Las personas sin pareja estable tuvieron 3.02 puntos menos de solastalgia comparadas con personas casadas o en unión libre (IC95%: -4.96; -1.44), mientras que aquellas con alto nivel educativo obtuvieron 2.02 puntos menos que las personas con primaria y bachillerato (IC95%: -3.99; -0.06). Un modelo alterno mostró que no pertenecer a un grupo ambientalista disminuye en 2.29 puntos la solastalgia, comparado con pertenecer a un grupo (IC95%: -4.31; -0.28),. Conclusión: posiblemente las motivaciones por las cuales los actores involucrados se resisten a las transformaciones territoriales ocasionadas por la construcción de las represas son más un reflejo de la condición socioeconómica que de la preocupación de los actores por el daño del medio ambiente y además, esta resistencia es un fenómeno que se limita a aquellos que están afectados directamente en el área de influencia del proyecto


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No quadro de uma sociologia da ação, procurámos conhecer as políticas públicas do setor social em preparação ou implementadas pela autarquia de Mafra e, simultaneamente, perceber a influência que a interação e o grau de concordância dos diferentes atores sociais envolvidos no desenvolvimento do projeto social do município, exercem no processo de concretização das mesmas, contribuindo, deste modo, para o sucesso do plano de ação social programado para o território, ou, pelo contrário, dificultando a sua implementação. Neste sentido, procurámos encontrar os desafios e, ao mesmo tempo, os obstáculos que se apresentam à Câmara Municipal de Mafra na implementação de um projeto social adequado à realidade da comunidade local, enquanto ator privilegiado no campo da proteção social à população, ação que vem assumindo ao longo das últimas décadas, evidenciando um papel prioritário e determinante na programação das políticas públicas desenvolvidas no território, considerando, igualmente, a influência que a regularidade da representação política dos órgãos autárquicos deste município vem exercendo também na concretização deste processo de intervenção social. Através de uma estratégia metodológica orientada para a realização de um diagnóstico prospetivo, propusemo-nos estudar os elementos principais do sistema de implementação de políticas sociais no Município de Mafra e, neste sentido: a) delimitámos o sistema e estudámos os seus elementos mais pertinentes, nomeadamente, a posição estratégica da autarquia no desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção social adequado ao território; b) assinalámos os objetivos estratégicos do plano de intervenção social elaborado pela autarquia em coordenação com outros atores com responsabilidade social no município e posicionámos os atores relativamente a estes objetivos estratégicos; e por fim, c) avaliámos as convergências e as divergências possíveis e a implicação dos atores na concretização dos objetivos deste plano estratégico de intervenção social. As principais conclusões deste estudo referem a existência de uma grande convergência dos atores perante os objetivos do plano de intervenção social programado pela autarquia para o município, tendo em conta a sua participação e intervenção na elaboração e execução deste projeto de âmbito social, sendo identificado como principal obstáculo de implementação, a escassez de recursos financeiros, e, como desafio de execução com maior importância, a cooperação entre a autarquia e os demais parceiros sociais do município reveladora da congregação de esforços conducentes ao desenvolvimento da estratégia de intervenção social mais adequada às necessidades do território; ABSTRACT: In the context of an action sociology sought to know the public policies in the social sector in preparation or implemented by the municipality of Mafra and simultaneously realize the influence that interaction and the degree of agreement of the different social actors involved in the development of the social project city, play in the process of implementation of the same, thus contributing to the success of social action plan scheduled for the territory, or, conversely, hindering its implementation. In this sense, we tried to meet the challenges and at the same time, the obstacles that are presented to the Municipality of Mafra in the implementation of an adequate social project the reality of the local community, as a privileged actor in the field of social protection of the population, action is taking over the past decades, showing a priority and decisive role in the planning of public policies developed in the territory, considering also the influence that the regularity of political representation of local government bodies in this municipality has exercised also in the realization of this process of social intervention. Through targeted methodological strategy for the realization of a prospective diagnosis, we proposed to study the main elements of the system of implementation of social policies in the city of Mafra and in this regard: a) delimit the system and studied the relevant elements, namely, the strategic position of authority in the development of a social intervention project suitable to the territory; b) have pointed out the strategic objectives of social intervention plan drawn up by the municipality in coordination with other actors with social responsibility in the city and we positioned the actors for these strategic objectives; and finally, c) we evaluated the convergences and divergences and the possible involvement of actors in achieving the objectives of this strategic plan of social intervention. The main findings of this study relate to the existence of a large convergence of actors towards the objectives of social intervention plan set by the local authority for the city, taking into account their participation and assistance in the preparation and implementation of the social context of the project, being identified as main obstacle to implementing the scarcity of financial resources, and the challenge of implementing more importantly, cooperation between the municipality and the other social partners in revealing municipality of congregation of efforts leading to the development of more appropriate social intervention strategy to the needs of territory.


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As políticas públicas na área do turismo tornaram-se uma prioridade dos governos dos países desenvolvidos e menos desenvolvidos a partir da década de 1970, quando os organismos estatais ligados ao sector do turismo deram início à definição de amplas agendas nacionais para o desenvolvimento da indústria do turismo para períodos de longo prazo, com descrições claras sobre a posição que o turismo ocupa no âmbito do desenvolvimento da economia nacional; sobre as metas que se pretendem alcançar e a forma como elas serão atingidas. O enorme crescimento do turismo, o envolvimento dos governos e os impactos negativos do turismo que foram registados nos países em desenvolvimento ajudou a trazer ao debate académico a análise sobre as políticas públicas do turismo no final dos anos 80 e início de 90 do séc. passado. Neste estudo inventariou-se o quadro legislativo das políticas públicas do turismo em Angola e fez-se o enquadramento sociológico da Política Nacional e do Plano Diretor do turismo em Angola; identificaram-se os atores que intervêm na execução das políticas públicas do turismo em Angola e o seu sentido social, assim como os fatores centrais propiciadores do desenvolvimento social e económico em contexto local (Huíla). Isto permitiu determinar o perfil e tipologias resultantes da contribuição do quadro de Políticas Públicas de turismo para o nível de promoção do desenvolvimento social local em Angola, ajudando-nos a tentar perceber até que ponto as políticas públicas do turismo em Angola se constituem como fator de desenvolvimento social local. Partindo do perfil e tipologias resultantes da contribuição do quadro de Políticas Públicas de turismo e com base nos resultados obtidos através da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, construiu-se uma proposta de modelo de políticas públicas de turismo propiciadoras do desenvolvimento local sustentável em Angola baseada numa lógica de ação coletiva, capaz de salvaguardar a sustentabilidade económica, política, social e territorial; ABSTRACT: Public policies in tourism became a priority of developed country governments and less developed countries from the 1970s, when the state bodies linked to the tourism sector began the definition of a broad national agenda for the development of the tourism industry for long-term periods, with clear descriptions of the position that tourism occupies in the national economic development; on the goals they want to achieve and how they will be achieved. The tremendous growth of tourism, the involvement of governments and the negative impacts of tourism were registered in developing countries and helped to bring the academic debate analysis on public tourism policies, in the late 80s and early 90s of the past century. In the legislative framework, we inventoried public tourism policies in Angola that later became the sociological framework of the National Policy and Plan for tourism in Angola; we identified the actors involved in the execution of public tourism policies in Angola and its social meaning, as well as the central factors conductive to social and economic development in the local context (Huila). This allowed to determine the profile and types resulting from the tourism Public Policy framework contribution to the level of promotion of local social development in Angola, helping us in this way to try to understand to what extent public tourism policies in Angola work as a local social development factor. From the profile and types resulting from the tourism Public Policy framework contribution and based on the results obtained from the interviews, we constructed a proposed model of public policies which encourage a more sustainable local development kind of tourism in Angola, based on a logic of collective action, able to safeguard the economic, political, social and territorial capitals.


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The present article is the result of an investigation between CIDE-UNA to build a desirable profile for teachers that might teach seventh grade in Costa Rican public education schools. This article evidences transparency in the ecology of learning spaces, known as the environment, the actors involved and their complex interrelations. There is also a description of these spaces and their incidence in the permanence and promotion of the students population, in the singular moment in which the educational system imposes them the first and rough institutional changes coinciding with physical transformations and social and familiar relationships.


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This work aims to provide a theoretical examination of three recently created bodies of the United Nations mandated to investigate the alleged international crimes committed in Syria (IIIM), Iraq (UNITAD) and Myanmar (IIMM). Established as a compromise solution in the paralysis of international criminal jurisdictions, these essentially overlapping entities have been depicted as a ‘new generation’ of UN investigative mechanisms. While non-judicial in nature, they depart indeed from traditional commissions of inquiry in several respects due to their increased criminal or ‘quasi-prosecutorial’ character. After clarifying their legal basis and different mandating authorities, a comparative institutional analysis is thus carried out in order to ascertain whether these ‘mechanisms’ can be said to effectively represent a new institutional model. Through an in-depth assessment of their mandates, the thesis is also intended to outline both the strengths and the criticalities of these organs. Given their aim to facilitate criminal proceedings by sharing information and case files, it is suggested that more attention shall be paid to the position of the person under investigation. To this end, some proposals are made in order to enhance the mechanisms’ frameworks, especially from the angle of procedural safeguards. As a third aspect, the cooperation with judicial authorities is explored, in order to shed light on the actors involved, the relevant legal instruments and the possible obstacles, in particular from a human rights perspective. Ultimately, drawing from the detected issues, the thesis seeks to identify some lessons learned which could be taken into account in case of creation of new ad hoc investigative mechanisms or of a permanent institution of this kind.


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In the last decade, new kinds of European populist parties and movements characterized by a left wing, right wing or “eclectic” attitude have succeeded in entering in governments where they could exert a direct populist influence on their coalition partners or, conversely, become victims themselves of the influence of the institutional background. Such a scenario brought this research to formulate two questions: (i) “To what extent did populist parties succeed in influencing their government coalition partners, leading them to adopt populist rhetoric and change their policy positions?” and (ii) “Have populist parties been able to retain their populist “outside mainstream politics” identity, or have they been assimilated to mainstream parties?”. As a case study this project chose the Italian Five Star Movement. Since 2018 this eclectic populist actor has experienced three different governments first with the radical right wing populist League (2018-2019) and then with the mainstream center left Democratic Party (2019-2021). In addition to this, currently the Five Star Movement is a coalition partner of the ongoing Draghi’s government. Theoretically based on the ideological definition of populism (Mudde, 2004), on a new “revised” model of the inclusionary - exclusionary framework to classify populist parties and on a novel definition of “populist influence”,this research made use of both quantitative (bidimensional and text analysis) and qualitative methods (semi-structured interviews) and mainly focuses on the years 2017- 2020.The importance of this study is threefold. First it contributes to the study of populist influence in government in relation to the ideological attachment of the political actors involved. Second, it contributes to understand if populists in power necessarily need to tone down their anti-system character in order to survive. Third, this study introduces conceptual and methodological novelties within the study of populism and populist influence in government.


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Behavioural symptoms such as abnormal emotionality (including anxious and depressive episodes) and cognition (for instance weakened decision-making) are highly frequent in both chronic pain patients and their animal models. The theory developed in the present article posits that alterations in glial cells (astrocytes and microglia) in cortical and limbic brain regions might be the origin of such emotional and cognitive chronic pain-associated impairments. Indeed, in mood disorders (unipolar depression, anxiety disorders, autism or schizophrenia) glial changes in brain regions involved in mood control (prefrontal and cingulate cortices, amygdala and the hippocampus) have been recurrently described. Besides, glial cells have been undoubtedly identified as key actors in the sensory component of chronic pain, owing to the profound phenotypical changes they undergo throughout the sensory pathway. Hence, the possibility arises that brain astrocytes and microglia react in upper brain structures as well, mediating the related mood and cognitive dysfunctions in chronic pain. So far, only very few studies have provided results in this prospect, mainly indirectly in pain-independent researches. Nevertheless, the first scant available data seem to merge in a unified description of a brain glial reaction occurring after chronic peripheral lesion. The present article uses this scarce literature to formulate the provocative theory of a glia-driven mood and cognitive dysfunction in chronic pain, expounding upon its validity and putative therapeutical impact as well as its current limitations and expected future developments.


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This study examined a new type of cognitive intervention. For four weeks, participants (ages 65 to 82) were instructed in professional acting techniques, followed by rehearsal and performance of theatrical scenes. Although the training was not targeted in any way to the tasks used in pre- and post-testing, participants produced significantly higher recall and recognition scores after the intervention. It is suggested that the cognitive effort involved in analyzing and adopting theatrical characters' motivations (and then experiencing those characters' mental/emotional states during performance) is responsible for the observed improvement. A secondary strand of this study showed that participants who were given annotated scripts in which the implied goals of the characters were made explicit demonstrated significantly faster access to the stored material, as measured by a computer latency task.


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Different socio-economic and environmental drivers lead local communities in mountain regions to adapt land use practices and engage in protection policies. The political system also has to develop new approaches to adapt to those drivers. Local actors are the target group of those policy approaches, and the question arises of if and how much those actors are consulted or even integrated into the design of local land use and protection policies. This article addresses this question by comparing seven different case studies in Swiss mountain regions. Through a formal social network analysis, the inclusion of local actors in collaborative policy networks is investigated and compared to the involvement of other stakeholders representing the next higher sub-national or national decisional levels. Results show that there is a significant difference (1) in how local actors are embedded compared to other stakeholders; and (2) between top-down versus bottom-up designed policy processes.


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The Myanmar “period of transition” (2011-2021) has often been described as a puzzle. Various scholars have begun to engage with the Myanmar context in an effort to grasp the essence of the transition it underwent during President Thein Sein’s USPD and Aung San Suu Kyi’s NLD governments. My work focuses on a specific policy sector, higher education, with a view to contributing to this scholarly debate regarding what was actually happening inside this complex country “transition”, especially in terms of collective participation in the process of political and social change. Reviewing existing scholarly literature on the politics of higher education, my study employs a triangle of analysis in which higher education reform is framed as the interplay of action on the part of “state authority”, “student politics” and “international actors”. What does this interplay lens reveal if we consider Myanmar’s “period of transition”? I argue that it shows the ambiguity and contradiction of tangible pushes for progressive social change that coexisted with authoritarian currents and the reinforcement of the societal position of dominant elites. At the policy level, ultimately, a convergence of interests between international actors and state authority served as the force driving the new higher education reform towards a neo-liberal model of governance and autonomy. This work unpacks the higher education reform process thanks to qualitative data gathered through extensive participant observation, in-depth interviewing and critical discourse analysis, shedding light on the rich narratives of those involved in the politics of higher education in Myanmar.


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Hypothalamic inflammation is a common feature of experimental obesity. Dietary fats are important triggers of this process, inducing the activation of toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) signaling and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Microglia cells, which are the cellular components of the innate immune system in the brain, are expected to play a role in the early activation of diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation. Here, we use bone marrow transplants to generate mice chimeras that express a functional TLR4 in the entire body except in bone marrow-derived cells or only in bone marrow-derived cells. We show that a functional TLR4 in bone marrow-derived cells is required for the complete expression of the diet-induced obese phenotype and for the perpetuation of inflammation in the hypothalamus. In an obesity-prone mouse strain, the chemokine CX3CL1 (fractalkine) is rapidly induced in the neurons of the hypothalamus after the introduction of a high-fat diet. The inhibition of hypothalamic fractalkine reduces diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation and the recruitment of bone marrow-derived monocytic cells to the hypothalamus; in addition, this inhibition reduces obesity and protects against diet-induced glucose intolerance. Thus, fractalkine is an important player in the early induction of diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation, and its inhibition impairs the induction of the obese and glucose intolerance phenotypes.


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The epididymis has an important role in the maturation of sperm for fertilization, but little is known about the epididymal molecules involved in sperm modifications during this process. We have previously described the expression pattern for an antigen in epididymal epithelial cells that reacts with the monoclonal antibody (mAb) TRA 54. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting analyses suggest that the epitope of the epididymal antigen probably involves a sugar moiety that is released into the epididymal lumen in an androgen-dependent manner and subsequently binds to luminal sperm. Using column chromatography, SDS-PAGE with in situ digestion and mass spectrometry, we have identified the protein recognized by mAb TRA 54 in mouse epididymal epithelial cells. The ∼65 kDa protein is part of a high molecular mass complex (∼260 kDa) that is also present in the sperm acrosomal vesicle and is completely released after the acrosomal reaction. The amino acid sequence of the protein corresponded to that of albumin. Immunoprecipitates with anti-albumin antibody contained the antigen recognized by mAb TRA 54, indicating that the epididymal molecule recognized by mAb TRA 54 is albumin. RT-PCR detected albumin mRNA in the epididymis and fertilization assays in vitro showed that the glycoprotein complex containing albumin was involved in the ability of sperm to recognize and penetrate the egg zona pellucida. Together, these results indicate that epididymal-derived albumin participates in the formation of a high molecular mass glycoprotein complex that has an important role in egg fertilization.