776 resultados para Acanthocephala (worms)
Mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni were treated with oxamniquine, praziquantel, artesunate at the pre-patent phase, aiming at observing schistogram alterations. Half of the animals were perfused five days post-treatment for counting and classification of immature worms, based on pre-established morphological criteria (schistogram); the remaining animals were evaluated 42 or 100 days after infection and perfusion of the portal-system was performed for collection and counting of adult worms and oogram. It was observed that oxamniquine and artesunate treatment administered at the pre-postural phase causes significant reduction in the number of immature and adult worms. However, there was little reduction with praziquantel when used at the dose of 400 mg/kg for treatments administered 14, 15, 21 or 23 days post-infection. Artesunate was responsible for significant alterations in development of young worms, as well as for a higher number of worms presenting intestinal damages. Immature adult worms were detected in mice treated with artesunate or oxamniquine at the pre-patent phase of infection and recovered by perfusion 100 days after infection. Schistogram proved to be a very useful tool for experimental evaluation of the activity of antischistosomal drugs and a good model to identify the most sensitive stages to drugs.
The Global Program for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) aims to eliminate this disease by the year 2020. However, the development of more specific and sensitive tests is important for the success of the GPELF. The present study aimed to standardise polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based systems for the diagnosis of filariasis in serum and urine. Twenty paired biological urine and serum samples from individuals already known to be positive for Wuchereria bancrofti were collected during the day. Conventional PCR and semi-nested PCR assays were optimised. The detection limit of the technique for purified W. bancrofti DNA extracted from adult worms was 10 fg for the internal systems (WbF/Wb2) and 0.1 fg by using semi-nested PCR. The specificity of the primers was confirmed experimentally by amplification of 1 ng of purified genomic DNA from other species of parasites. Evaluation of the paired urine and serum samples by the semi-nested PCR technique indicated only two of the 20 tested individuals were positive, whereas the simple internal PCR system (WbF/Wb2), which has highly promising performance, revealed that all the patients were positive using both samples. This study successfully demonstrated the possibility of using the PCR technique on urine for the diagnosis of W. bancrofti infection.
Trichuris trichiura is a soil-transmitted helminth which is prevalent in warm, moist, tropical and subtropical regions of the world with poor sanitation. Heavy whipworm can result either in Trichuris dysenteric syndrome - especially in children - or in a chronic colitis. In heavy infections, worms can spread proximally and may cause ileitis. Here we provide first microscopic evidence for a T. trichiura adult worm embedded in the rectum of a post-Colonial Brazilian adult mummy. During Colonial and post-Colonial times, many European chroniclers described a parasitic disease named Maculo whose symptomatology coincides with heavy helminthiasis. Based on our findings and on comparison of ancient textual evidence with modern description of heavy whipworm, we feel confident in considering that the two syndromes are expressions of the same pathological condition.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la the Salk Institute, Estats Units, entre 2010 i 2012. L'estabilitat del genoma és essencial per a la supervivència de les cèl • lules mare, però, l'estabilitat del proteoma pot tenir un paper igualment important en la identitat de cèl • lules mare i la seva funció. La nostra hipòtesi és que les cèl • lules mare tenen la capacitat de proteostasis augmentada en comparació amb els seus homòlegs diferenciats i ens varem preguntar si l'activitat del proteasoma és diferent a les cèl • lules mare embrionàries humanes (hESCs). En particular, els nostres resultats mostren que les poblacions de cèl• lules mare presenten una activitat del proteasoma que es correlaciona amb majors nivells de la subunitat 19S del proteasoma PSMD11/RPN-6 i un corresponent augment del ensamblatge del 26S/30S proteasoma. L'expressió ectòpica de PSMD11 és suficient per augmentar l'activitat del proteasoma. Sorprenentment, varem trobar que la llarga vida del GLP-1 C. elegans mutant té també un augment dramàtic en l'activitat del proteasoma associat a nivells augmentats en l'expressió de RPN-6. El factor de transcripció DAF-16 és essencial per l'augment de la longevitat de GLP-1 i els cucs mutants que trobem DAF-16 necessari per a l'augment d'expressió de RPN-6 i, per tant, per l'activació de l'activitat del proteasoma en GLP-1 mutant animals. Una possibilitat interessant és que els gens que regulen la vida i la resistència a l'estrès en C. elegans poden també regular la funció hESCs de mamífer, cèl • lules que son considerades immortals. Aquests resultats ens van portar a la conclusió de que FOXO4, un factor de transcripció sensible a la insulina/IGF-1, regula l'activitat del proteasoma en hESCs, el que suggereix un paper per FOXO4 en la funció d’aquestes cèl • lules. En efecte, FOXO4 es necessari per a la diferenciació en llinatges neuronals de les hESCs. Els nostres resultats estableixen una nova regulació de laproteostasis en hESCs que uneix la longevitat i la resistència a l'estrès en invertebrats amb la funció i identitat de les hESCs.
Endosymbiosis is a mutualistic, parasitic or commensal symbiosis in which one symbiont is living within the body of another organism. Such symbiotic relationship with free-living amoebae and arthropods has been reported with a large biodiversity of microorganisms, encompassing various bacterial clades and to a lesser extent some fungi and viruses. By contrast, current knowledge on symbionts of nematodes is still mainly restricted to Wolbachia and its interaction with filarial worms that lead to increased pathogenicity of the infected nematode. In this review article, we aim to highlight the main characteristics of symbionts in term of their ecology, host cell interactions, parasitism and co-evolution, in order to stimulate future research in a field that remains largely unexplored despite the availability of modern tools.
First record of larvae of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) as prey of Temnocephala sp. (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalidae), an ectosymbiont on larvae of Corydalidae (Megaloptera). This study constitutes the first record of Temnocephala Blanchard, an ectosymbiont on Corydalidae, as a possible predator of chironomid larvae. Twenty-eight Corydalidae larvae (Corydalus and Protochauliodes) were examined under stereomicroscopic in search for Temnocephala and Chironomidae larvae, of which five megalopteran larvae had 24 Temnocephala sp. associated. Furthermore, eight of these Temnocephala worms had chironomid larvae in their gut contents, an interaction previously unknown. Gut content analyses revealed Corynoneura as the commonest chironomid, but larvae of Larsia, Rheotanytarsus and Tanytarsus were recorded as well. This study included Corydalus and Protochauliodes as hosts for Temnocephala, which might be important for this worm dispersion and population dynamics.
A carrier system for gases and nutrients became mandatory when primitive animals grew larger and developed different organs. The first circulatory systems are peristaltic tubes pushing slowly the haemolymph into an open vascular tree without capillaries (worms). Arthropods developed contractile bulges on the abdominal aorta assisted by accessory hearts for wings or legs and by abdominal respiratory motions. Two-chamber heart (atrium and ventricle) appeared among mollusks. Vertebrates have a multi-chamber heart and a closed circulation with capillaries. Their heart has two chambers in fishes, three chambers (two atria and one ventricle) in amphibians and reptiles, and four chambers in birds and mammals. The ventricle of reptiles is partially divided in two cavities by an interventricular septum, leaving only a communication of variable size leading to a variable shunt. Blood pressure increases progressively from 15 mmHg (worms) to 170/70 mmHg (birds) according to the increase in metabolic rate. When systemic pressure exceeds 50 mmHg, a lower pressure system appears for the circulation through gills or lungs in order to improve gas exchange. A four-chamber heart allows a complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circuits. This review describes the circulatory pumping systems used in the different classes of animals, their advantages and failures, and the way they have been modified with evolution.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the parasitic fauna of hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus mesopotamicus) from fish farms and the host-parasite relationship. A hundred and fourteen fish were collected from four fish farms in Macapá, in the state of Amapá, Brazil, 80.7% of which were infected by: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora); Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida); Anacanthorus spatulatus, Notozothecium janauachensis, and Mymarothecium viatorum (Monogenoidea); Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae (Acanthocephala); Cucullanus colossomi (Nematoda); Perulernaea gamitanae (Lernaeidae); and Proteocephalidae larvae (Cestoda). A total of 8,136,252 parasites were collected from the examined fish. This is the first record of N. buttnerae, C. colossomi, N. janauachensis, M. viatorum, and Proteocephalidae for hybrid tambacu in Brazil. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was the most prevalent parasite, whereas endohelminths were the less. A positive correlation was observed between number of I. multifiliis and total length and weight of fish, as well as between number of P. gamitanae and total length. The infection by I. multifiliis had association with the parasitism by Monogenoidea. Low water quality contributes to high parasitism of hybrid tambacu by ectoparasites, which, however, does not influence the relative condition factor of fish.
Background: Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a lungworm of rats (Muridae) that is the causative agent of human cerebral angiostrongyliasis. The life cycle of A. cantonensis involves rats and mollusks as the definitive and intermediate hosts, respectively. This study was designed to increase the knowledge about the occurrence and distribution of A. cantonensis in its definitive host in the Canary Islands, using parasitological and serological analysis in different areas and age groups.Methodology/Principal Findings: Between 2009 and 2010, 54 black rats (Rattus rattus) from Tenerife were captured from six human-inhabited areas and sera samples were obtained. The lung nematodes were identified by morphological and molecular tools as A. cantonensis. The 31-kDa glycoprotein antigen was purified from A. cantonensis adult worms by electrophoresis and electroelution. Of the 54 tested rodents, 30 showed IgG antibodies against A. cantonensis 31-kDa antigen by ELISA. Therefore, the overall seroprevalence was 55.6% (95% CI: 42.4-68). Seroprevalent rodents were found in all the 6 areas. This 31-kDa antigen was not recognized by some sera of rats infected by other helminth species (but not A. cantonensis). Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies against A. cantonensis and prevalence based on the presence of adult worms showed significant correlation (R2 = 0.954, p,0.05). Conclusions/Significance: The present results could indicate a high prevalence of A. cantonensisin Tenerife and suggest the inclusion of two new zones in the distribution area of the parasite. The commonness and wide distribution of A. cantonensis in rats implies the presence of intermediate hosts, indicating that humans may be at risk of getting infected.
On trouvera ici un recueil des grands textes médicaux, littéraires, de philosophie et de sciences sociales sur l'expérience de la maladie et du soin. Il révèle combien cette expérience était déjà au coeur de la pensée la plus classique, mais aussi comment elle est devenue classique dans la pensée la plus contemporaine. D'Hippocrate à Georges Canguilhem, de Tolstoï à Susan Sontag, de Montaigne à Michel Foucault et Erving Goffman, ces classiques permettent d'appréhender les tensions les plus profondes et actuelles du soin : geste technique et relation éthique ; souci de soi et présence à l'autre ; quête de sens et travail ; solidarité et risque d'exclusion ; raison d'être ou point aveugle de la médecine. Chaque texte est suivi d'un commentaire destiné aux étudiants de philosophie et de médecine (notamment de Première Année Commune des Études de Santé) et à tous ceux qu'intéressent les dimensions scientifiques, éthiques et sociales du soin.
On trouvera ici un recueil des grands textes médicaux, littéraires, de philosophie et de sciences sociales sur l'expérience de la maladie et du soin. Il révèle combien cette expérience était déjà au coeur de la pensée la plus classique, mais aussi comment elle est devenue classique dans la pensée la plus contemporaine. D'Hippocrate à Georges Canguilhem, de Tolstoï à Susan Sontag, de Montaigne à Michel Foucault et Erving Goffman, ces classiques permettent d'appréhender les tensions les plus profondes et actuelles du soin : geste technique et relation éthique ; souci de soi et présence à l'autre ; quête de sens et travail ; solidarité et risque d'exclusion ; raison d'être ou point aveugle de la médecine. Chaque texte est suivi d'un commentaire destiné aux étudiants de philosophie et de médecine (notamment de Première Année Commune des Études de Santé) et à tous ceux qu'intéressent les dimensions scientifiques, éthiques et sociales du soin.
Acoel flatworms are small marine worms traditionally considered to belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that acoels are not members of Platyhelminthes, but are rather extant members of the earliest diverging Bilateria. This result has been called into question, under suspicions of a long branch attraction (LBA) artefact. Here we re-examine this problem through a phylogenomic approach using 68 different protein-coding genes from the acoel Convoluta pulchra and 51 metazoan species belonging to 15 different phyla. We employ a mixture model, named CAT, previously found to overcome LBA artefacts where classical models fail. Our results unequivocally show that acoels are not part of the classically defined Platyhelminthes, making the latter polyphyletic. Moreover, they indicate a deuterostome affinity for acoels, potentially as a sister group to all deuterostomes, to Xenoturbellida, to Ambulacraria, or even to chordates. However, the weak support found for most deuterostome nodes, together with the very fast evolutionary rate of the acoel Convoluta pulchra, call for more data from slowly evolving acoels (or from its sister-group, the Nemertodermatida) to solve this challenging phylogenetic problem.
The occurrence and the effects of organotin compounds (OTs) have been studied since a long time, due to their widespread use and deleterious effects. Some OTs are used as pesticides in crops, or as biocides in antifouling paints, applied in the ship hulls to avoid attachment and growth of tube worms, mussels and barnacles. However, "nontarget" organisms may be exposed, resulting in the poisoning of biological system, originating mutations and sentencing species to extinction. In this work we reported a revision study on the history of OTs and the techniques developed for its assessment and control.