980 resultados para ALMASat-EO, Modello termico, ESATAN


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The kinetics of the vapor phase oxidation of p-xylene over ferric molybdate catalyst were studied in an isothermal, differential, tubular flow reactor in the temperature range of 360 to 420° C. The major product obtained was p-tolualdehyde with small amounts of maleic anhydride and p-toluic acid. No terephthalic acid or CO2 were observed. The reaction rate data collected fit the redox model given by Equation 1. The values of activation energies Ex, Eo and frequency factors Ax, Ao obtained are 72, 63 kJ/mol and 0.64, 2.89 m3/kg catalyst s respectively. The reaction mechanism was established by studying the oxidation of p-tolualdehyde, toluic and terephthalic acids. It is concluded that the reaction follows a parallel-consecutive scheme. On a étudié la cinétique de l'oxydation, en phase gazeuse, du para-xylène sur un catalyseur consistant en molybdate ferrique; cette oxydation s'est faite dans un réacteur à écoulement tubulaire, isothermique et différentiel, dans une échelle de températures comprises entre 360°C et 420°C. Le produit principal obtenu a été le para-tolualdéhyde; on a aussi trouvé de faibles quantités d'anhydride maléique et d'acide para-toluique, mais on n'a pas noté la présence d'acide téréphtalique ni d'anhydride carbonique (CO2). Les résultats obtenus en ce qui a trait à la vitesse de réaction concordent bien avec les données du modèle redox indiquées par l'équation 1. Les valeurs des énergies d'activation Ex et Eo ainsi que des facteurs de fréquence Ax et Ao obtenus sont respectivement 72 et 63 kilojoules/mol. et 0.64 × 103 et 2.89 m3/kg de catalyseur. On a établi le mécanisme de la réaction en étudiant l'oxydation du para-tolualdéhyde et des acides toluique et téréphtalique. On conclut que la réaction se fait d'une manière parallèle et consécutive.


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Amongv arioums ethodtsh,e t ransmissliionne o r thei mpedantcueb em ethohda sb eenm ospt opulafro r thee xperimenetavla luatioonf thea cousticiaml pedanocef a terminatioTnh. ee xistinmg ethodisn,c luding theo nesre porteeda rlierb, y thea uthorrse quirleo catioonf thes oundp ressumrei nima nd/orm axima, or elsem akeu se0 f somei terativep rocedureTsh. e presenpt aperd ealsw ith a methodo f analysios f standinwga vews hichd oesn otd epenodn anyo f thesein volvepdr ocedureIts i.s applicabtloe thec aseo f stationarays w ella sm ovingm ediaI.t enableosn to evaluatteh e impedancoef anyp assivbel ackb ox,a s well as the aeroacoustcich aracteristicosf a sourceo f pulsatingg asf low, with the leaste xperimentawl ork andc omputatiotinm ea ndw itht hee xtraa dvantagoef usinga givenim pedanctueb ef or wavelengtahss largea s fourt imesit s lengthA. methodo f externaml easuremenntost, involvinugs eo f anyi mpedance tubef, or evaluatintgh ea eroacouscthica racteristoicf as sourcoef pulsatingga sf lowi s alsod ealtw ith, based on the definition of attenuation or insertion loss of a muffler.


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The reaction of a tridentate Schiff base ligand HL (2-(3-dimethylaminopropylimino)-methyl]-phenol) with Ni(II) acetate or perchlorate salts in the presence of azide as coligand has led to two new Ni(II) complexes of formulas Ni3L2(OAc)(2)(mu(1,1)-N-3)(2)(H2O)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (1) and Ni2L2(mu(1,1)-N-3) (mu(1,3)-N-3)](n)(2). Single crystal X-ray structures show that complex 1 is a linear trinuclear Ni(II) compound containing a mu(2)-phenwddo, an end-on (EO) azido and a syn-syn acetato bridge between the terminal and the central Ni(II) ions. Complex 2 can be viewed as a one-dimensional (1D) chain in which the triply bridged (di-mu(2)-phenoxido and EO azido) dimeric Ni-2 units are linked to each other in a zigzag pattern by a single end-to-end (EE) azido bridge. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility studies indicate the presence of moderate ferromagnetic exchange coupling in complex 1 with J value of 16.51(6) cm(-1). The magnetic behavior of 2 can be fitted in an alternating ferro- and antiferromagnetic model J(FM) = +34.2(2.8) cm(-1) and J(AF) = -21.6(1.1) cm(-1)] corresponding to the triple bridged dinuclear core and EE azido bridge respectively. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to corroborate the magnetic results of 1 and 2. The contributions of the different bridges toward magnetic interactions in both compounds have also been calculated.


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The presence of a large number of spectral bands in the hyperspectral images increases the capability to distinguish between various physical structures. However, they suffer from the high dimensionality of the data. Hence, the processing of hyperspectral images is applied in two stages: dimensionality reduction and unsupervised classification techniques. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The selected dimensions are classified using Niche Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (NHAIS). The NHAIS combines the splitting method to search for the optimal cluster centers using niching procedure and the merging method is used to group the data points based on majority voting. Results are presented for two hyperspectral images namely EO-1 Hyperion image and Indian pines image. A performance comparison of this proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm with the earlier three unsupervised algorithms is presented. From the results obtained, we deduce that the NHAIS is efficient.


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Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in multilayered tissue (MCML) is modified to incorporate objects of various shapes (sphere, ellipsoid, cylinder, or cuboid) with a refractive-index mismatched boundary. These geometries would be useful for modeling lymph nodes, tumors, blood vessels, capillaries, bones, the head, and other body parts. Mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) has also been used to compare the results from the MCML with embedded objects (MCML-EO). Our simulation assumes a realistic tissue model and can also handle the transmission/reflection at the object-tissue boundary due to the mismatch of the refractive index. Simulation of MCML-EO takes a few seconds, whereas MMC takes nearly an hour for the same geometry and optical properties. Contour plots of fluence distribution from MCML-EO and MMC correlate well. This study assists one to decide on the tool to use for modeling light propagation in biological tissue with objects of regular shapes embedded in it. For irregular inhomogeneity in the model (tissue), MMC has to be used. If the embedded objects (inhomogeneity) are of regular geometry (shapes), then MCML-EO is a better option, as simulations like Raman scattering, fluorescent imaging, and optical coherence tomography are currently possible only with MCML. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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Two new azide bridged copper(II) coordination polymer compounds, Cu-7(N-3)(14)(C3H10N2)(C4H13N3)]n (I) and Cu-7(N-3)(14)(C3H10N2)(C5H15N3)(2)](n) (II) where C3H10N2 = 1,2-diaminopropane (1,2-DAP); C4H13N3 = di-ethylenetriamine (DETA); C5H15N3 = N-2-aminoethyl-1,3-propanediamine (AEDAP)] were prepared by employing a room temperature diffusion technique involving three layers. Single crystal studies reveal that both compounds I and II, have similar connectivity forming Cu7 clusters through end-on (EO) bonding of the azide. The Cu-7 clusters are connected through end-to-end (EE) connectivity of the azides forming three-dimensional structures. Magnetic studies confirmed the ferromagnetic interactions within the Cu-7 units and revealed the occurrence of concomitant ferro- and antiferro-magnetic interactions between these clusters. As a result I behaves as a weak-ferromagnet with T-C = 10 K.


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Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.


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Se realizó un estudio en Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Desarrollo Rural Integral (ICIDRI), como parte de una serie de estudios desarrollados por el mismo, que se ubica en el municipio de Masatepe en el departamento de Masaya, tuvo como ob jetivo evaluar carbono almacenado en el componente arbóreo, para lo que se eligieron tres lotes de un sistema de café bajo sombra; El Genízaro (LGR), El Guanacaste (LGT) y El Cinco piso (LCP). Se realizó un censo forestal al 100 % para individuos con diáme tro mayor a 10 cm, encontrándose 24 familias botánicas, 51 especies y 704 individuos; de estos 348 se encontraron LGR, 226 en LCP y 130 en el LGT, las familias sobresalientes fueron las Fabaceaes, Rutaceaes; Sapotaceaes, Anacardiaceaes y Mimosaceae, las es pecies más representativas fueron: Cordia alliodora 19%, Simarouba glauca 17%, Persea americana 13%, y Mangifera indica y Cedrela o dorata con 12% por individual, acumulando el 73% del total. Al realizar un diagnóstico para conocer la calidad de árboles uti lizados como sombra, se definieron 6 categorías llamadas calidad de árboles; individuos sanos (C1), regulares (C2), con podas muy altas (≥50%) (C3), secos y casi secos (C4), con parasitas (C5) y con otro tipo de afectaciones (C6), se encontró que de los tr es lotes evaluados, El Guanacaste, fue el más sano presentando 42% en categoría (C1) y 22% en (C2). El carbono almacenado por lote fue de 108. 0 t C en el LGR, 54.5 t C para el LCP y 26.7 t C para el LGT, esta diferencias en carbono almacenado por lote se debieron a que estos presentan diferencia en área y así mismo en número de individuos y evaluando el carbono registrado por lote se encontró que e stos valores corresponden a 58.4 t C ha. - 1, almacenado en el componente arbór eo del sistema café bajo sombra


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[ES] A pesar del importante papel de las PYMES de nueva creación en el desarrollo económico, no tenemos constancia de trabajos que hayan abordado de manera simultánea el estudio de la relación entre tres orientaciones estratégicas clave como son la orientación emprendedora (OE), la orientación al mercado (OM) y la orientación al aprendizaje (OA) con la innovación y con el éxito de las PYMES de nueva creación. Los trabajos existentes en la actualidad son de carácter parcial, ya que se limitan a estudiar los efectos de sólo algunas de estas tres orientaciones estratégicas en los resultados de dichas empresas (Li y Atuahene-Gima, 2001; Renko et al., 2009).


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[EN] This research provides a useful framework for identifying a small firms’ propensity to engage in entrepreneurial orientation. We examine the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) as a main resource and capability on small firm’ growth. The growth seems to come out as an important demonstration of the entrepreneurial orientation of small firms (Davidsson, 1989; Green and Brown, 1997; Janney and Gregory, 2006). Thus, this research builds on prior conceptual research that suggests a positive integration between entrepreneurial orientation and resource-based view. In the first instance, the research will focus on reviewing literature in the emerging area of entrepreneurial orientation as it applies to growth oriented small firms and resource-based view of the firm. Secondly, an empirical study was developed based on a stratified sample of small firms of manufacturing industry. Data were submitted to a multivariate statistical analysis and a linear regression model was performed in order to predict the influence of the resources and capabilities on small firms’ growth. In this sense, we consider the construct growth as a dependent variable and the ones relates with resources and capabilities (entrepreneur resources, firm resources, networks and EO) as independent variables. The research results suggest a set of resources and capabilities that promote the growth of the small firms. Also, the EO seems to have a predictive value on growth. Explaining variables related with resources and capabilities and EO were identified as essential in growth oriented small firms. It was still possible to conclude that the entrepreneurial firms which grew seem to have resources and develop more capabilities and take advantage in the search for those competences. This attitude reflects on the EO of the firm. This study has important implication for both researchers and practitioners. It highlights the necessity of firms to develop superior EO of all their members and also to invest on better resources and consequently superior capabilities as a way of reaching higher levels of growth. While previous authors have attempted to analyse certain aspects of this process (linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and growth), this research developed a framework that combines these and others factors (resource-based view) pertinent to growth oriented small firms. The results support the necessity to identify explicative variables of multiple levels to explain the growth of small firms. The adoption of an entrepreneurial orientation as an indispensable variable to the growth oriented small firms seems pertinent.


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En este artículo se investiga el efecto de la orientación emprendedora (EO) en el desempeño financiero de las Pymes en un período de tres años, así como una propuesta de un modelo de contingencias para explorar los efectos moderadores de la hostilidad del entorno sobre la relación entre la EO y la rentabilidad. Para examinar las hipótesis propuestas se ha utilizado información de 121 Pymes pertenecientes a la industria manufacturera en España. Los resultados confirman la influencia positiva de la EO sobre la rentabilidad de las empresas, y más importante aún, la influencia es más positiva cuando existe un ajuste entre la EO y el entorno. Implicaciones para la academia y el mundo empresarial, con respecto a la EO en el contexto de las Pymes, son presentadas y discutidas.


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The polarization characteristics of electro-optical (EO) switches using fiber Sagnac interferometer (FSI) structures are theoretically investigated. Analytical solutions of output fields are presented when the twists and birefringence in a Sagnac loop are considered. Numerical calculations show that the twists of fiber, the orientation of the inserted phase retarder, and the splitting ratio of the coupler will influence both the output intensity and the output polarization properties of the proposed switch. A polarization-independent EO switch based on a Sagnac interferometer and a PUT bar was experimentally implemented, which showed good coincidence with the analytical results. The experiment showed a switch with 22 dB extinction ratio and less than 31.1 ns switching time. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Este estudo tem como propostas pensar os processos formativos que acontecem nos movimentos estudantis e como as experiências vivenciadas neste espaçotempo influenciaram e influenciam práticas educacionais que busquem ser mais democráticas. Assim, neste texto, dedicar-me-ei a refletir um pouco mais sobre a noção de democracia que venho assumindo nesta pesquisa e meus caminhos formativos como pesquisadora e professora. Dialogo com Oliveira (2009) e Santos (2007) para pensar a democracia, partindo da noção de que uma sociedade seria realmente democrática quando as relações tecidas entre os diferentes conhecimentos, culturas e valores se darem de maneira horizontal, nas quais não sejam estabelecidas formas de inferiorização e marginalização entre as diferentes perspectivas de estar no mundo. Este trabalho parte da ideia de que as experiências vividas por ex-militantes/praticantes dos movimentos estudantis ajudam na promoção de subjetividades mais democráticas eo fortalecimento desta premissa se dá através das narrativas de professores/professoras que tiveram experiências nos espaçostempos dos movimentos estudantis. Assim, procuro tecer uma narrativa através do compartilhamento de diferentes experiências docentes, não como objetivo de qualificar ou quantificar o grau de democracia desenvolvida nessas práticas, mas sim, de apresentar que são múltiplas as práticas que partilham da noção de solidariedade entre os conhecimentos, valores e sentimentos, ocorrendo elas dentrofora do ambiente escolar.