992 resultados para 8-17 DNAzyme
Os mecanismos pelos quais o hiper e hipotireoidismo afetam o osso durante a menopausa são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ação do hormônio triiodotironina (T3), em diferentes concentrações associado ao estrógeno (E2) em concentração infra-fisiológica (condição de menopausa), sobre a proliferação de células de rato ROS 17/2.8, através de uma curva de crescimento para obtenção do tempo de dobramento (TD). As células ROS 17/2.8 são consideradas modelo de células osteoblásticas e foram cultivadas em meio HAM F-12, e submetidas ao tratamento hormonal com as combinações das concentrações fisiológica, infrafisiológica e suprafisiológica de T3 e infra-fisiológica de E2. Utilizamos como grupo controle aquele tratado com as concentrações fisiológicas dos dois hormônios. Para cada concentração hormonal foram realizadas 5 repetições, e as células contadas manualmente nos dias 1, 3, 5 e 7, após o início da adição hormonal. A análise estatística utilizada foi a técnica da análise de variância não paramétrica, complementada com teste de comparações múltiplas. Baseando-se nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o crescimento das células ROS 17/2.8 é afetado pelos tratamentos hormonais, em especial quando a concentração infrafisiológica de E2 está associada à concentração suprafisiológica de T3, aumentando o tempo de dobramento celular. Este efeito poderia tornar o metabolismo do osso mais lento, prejudicando a neoformação óssea em pacientes menopausadas e hipertireoidéas
We describe a female patient with developmental delay, dysmorphic features and multiple congenital anomalies who presented a normal G-banded karyotype at the 550-band resolution. Array and multiplex-ligation probe amplification (MLPA) techniques identified an unexpected large unbalanced genomic aberration: a 17.6 Mb deletion of 9p associated to a 14.8 Mb duplication of 20p. The deleted 9p genes, especially CER1 and FREM1, seem to be more relevant to the phenotype than the duplicated 20p genes. This study also shows the relevance of using molecular techniques to make an accurate diagnosis in patients with dysmorphic features and multiple anomalies suggestive of chromosome aberration, even if on G-banding their karyotype appears to be normal. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was necessary to identify a masked balanced translocation in the patient's mother, indicating the importance of associating cytogenetic and molecular techniques in clinical genetics, given the implications for patient management and genetic counseling. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms and of airflow obstruction in amateur swimmers between 8 and 17 years of age, as well as to assess the awareness of asthma and asthma management among these swimmers, their parents, and their coaches. Methods: Our sample comprised 1,116 amateur swimmers who completed a modified version of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood written questionnaire, to which questions regarding the reasons to initiate swimming and regarding asthma management had been added. In addition, the participants underwent spirometry prior to a swimming competition. Results: The prevalence of asthma symptoms in the last 12 months was 11.5%, and 327 (29.4%) of the participants reported "wheezing or whistling" in the past. Of the 223 swimmers who reported "asthma ever" or "bronchitis ever", only 102 (45.7%) reported having ever been treated: the most common "treatment" was swimming (in 37.3%), and only 12.7% used inhaled corticosteroids. Of the 254 participants (22.7%) with airflow obstruction, only 52 (20.5%) reported having asthma symptoms. Conclusions: Asthma symptoms are present in amateur swimmers, and a considerable number of such swimmers have airflow obstruction without symptoms. It is therefore likely that the prevalence of asthma is underestimated in this population. It is worrisome that, in our study sample, the swimmers previously diagnosed with asthma were not using the recommended treatments for asthma. The clinical implications of these findings underscore the importance of implementing educational measures for amateur swimmers, as well as for their parents and coaches, to help them recognize asthma symptoms and the consequent risks in the sports environment, in order to allow prompt diagnosis and early clinical intervention.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Zusammenstellung weiterer hunderter von Solidaritätsadressen (von der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung, Parlamenten anderer Bundesstaaten, Kommunalbehörden, Magistraten, Stadtverordneten, Gemeinden und Bürgerschaften, Bürgerwehren, Landwehrmännern, Demokratisch-Konstitutionellen Vereinen, Bürger- und Handwerkervereinen etc. etc. "Die ... angeführten Adressen sind fast sämmtlich in den letzten 6 Tagen abgefaßt, und eine sehr große Anzahl derselben sprechen sich wiederholt und sehr dringend für die Steuerverweigerung aus ..."
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bericht über das militärische Vorgehen gegen die ungarische Revolutionsarmee in den Komitaten Preßburg, Wieselburg, Ödenburg sowie in Oberungarn (der heutigen Slowakei)
Von C. Lützow
Vorbesitzer: Georg Kloß