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本文对真鲷心跳期胚胎对5种常用渗透性抗冻剂(DMSO、甘油、甲醇、丙二醇、乙二醇)和3种非渗透性抗冻剂(PVP、PEG-8000、蔗糖)的耐受性进行了研究。渗透性抗冻剂分6个浓度梯度(5%;10%;15%;20%;25%;30%)和3个时间组(10min;30min;1h)。非渗透性抗冻剂中,PVP、PEG-8000分3个浓度梯度(5%、10%、15%)和2个时间组(10min、30min),蔗糖为4个浓度梯度(5%、10%、15%、20%)和2个时间组(10min、30min)。实验结果表明,在渗透性抗冻剂组中,浓度为5%的处理组的孵化率(>90%)与对照组差异均不显著,随着抗冻剂浓度增大及处理时间的延长,真鲷心跳期胚胎的孵化率显著下降(P<0.05),在最高浓度的最长处理时间中胚胎孵化率均降到了0。总体上,真鲷心跳期胚胎对五种渗透性抗冻剂的耐受性从小到大依次为:甲醇 < 甘油 < 乙二醇 < DMSO < 丙二醇。对影响胚胎孵化率的三个因素(抗冻剂、浓度、时间)进行的因素效应分析结果表明,三种因素对孵化率的影响显著(P<0.05),并且浓度效应 > 时间效应 > 抗冻剂效应。在非渗透性抗冻剂组中,蔗糖组胚胎孵化率未呈显著变化;PVP组随着浓度及时间的增大,孵化率显著下降(P<0.05);PEG-8000组随着浓度增大孵化率显著下降(P<0.05),但在两个时间组间差异不显著。相同处理情况下PEG-8000对真鲷心跳期胚胎的毒性要小于PVP。因素效应分析比较结果表明仅时间效应不显著,且抗冻剂效应 > 浓度效应 > 时间效应。 对所用各种抗冻剂进行了渗透压测量,实验中使用的渗透性抗冻剂(5%-30%)的渗透压值在959-7980mOsm/kg之间,均高于使用海水的渗透压值(919mOsm/kg);使用的非渗透性抗冻剂的渗透压值在316-1040mOsm/kg之间,除20%蔗糖渗透压值(1040mOsm/kg)高于海水外,其他非渗透性抗冻剂的渗透压值均要低于海水。对孵化率与相应的溶液渗透压值进行相关回归分析结果表明,渗透性抗冻剂的渗透压与孵化率呈显著的负相关(P<0.05),而非渗透性抗冻剂的渗透压与孵化率相关不显著。渗透性抗冻剂组的回归分析结果表明,二次方程的曲线拟合度最高,得到的回归方程分别为:Y10min = -2×10-8X2 10min - 6×10-5 X 10min + 1.5635 (R2 = 0.713),Y30min= 5×10-8X2 30min-0.0007 X 30min + 2.097(R2 = 0.681),Y1h = 7×10-8X2 1h-0.0008 X 1h+ 2.0397(R2= 0.725)。 在真鲷胚胎对抗冻剂耐受性实验的基础上,挑选五种抗冻剂--10%DMSO、5%甘油、10%甲醇、20%丙二醇、10%乙二醇,浸泡真鲷心跳期胚胎30min后,分别以超速(130℃/min)、快速(20℃/min)、慢速(3℃/min)的速度降温并使用低温显微镜进行观察,依次记录Toif(油球结冰)、Teif(胚胎外部结冰)、Tiif(胚胎内部结冰)等结冰点,Toif值在-9~-23℃之间;Teif值在-21~-35℃之间;Tiif值在-21~-52℃之间。结冰顺序为先油球结冰,然后胚胎外部结冰随之内部马上瞬间变黑形成内部冰晶。随着降温速度的提高,各结冰温度值显著下降。各抗冻剂之间的Teif及Tiif值不同,Toif值之间没有显著差异。对两种玻璃化冷冻方法进行模拟观察,发现胚胎冰晶形成的顺序与非玻璃化过程不同--先内部结冰然后逐渐蔓延至外部形成外部冰晶,而且模拟玻璃化的内部结冰温度Tiif值(-52.56℃)显著(P<0.05)低于使用低浓度的同种抗冻剂超速降温组的Tiif值(-40.11℃)。在快速及慢速降温组中,20%丙二醇组的Tiif要显著的低于其他组(P<0.05);在超速降温中,甲醇组的Tiif值要显著的低于其他组(P<0.05)。在Tiif小于30℃的实验组中获得形态完整胚胎的比例平均仅有30.77%;在Tiif大于30℃的实验组中获得形态完整胚胎的平均比例高达70.37%,模拟玻璃化组达到100%。各抗冻剂之间,复温后胚胎形态完整率10%甲醇组最高(77.78%);其次依次为10%乙二醇(66.67%)、20%丙二醇(55.56%)和10%DMSO(55.56%);5%甘油组最低(11.11%);推测甲醇的对胚胎的渗透效果要好于其他组。综上推测:使用丙二醇、甲醇作为抗冻剂以及玻璃化冷冻保存方法对真鲷心跳期胚胎超低温保存也许较为合适。 我们对低温保存的真鲷精子核DNA损伤进行了研究以期为下一步胚胎遗传物质稳定性研究提供参考依据。研究方法为单细胞凝胶电泳(SCGE),针对研究对象,在实验过程中对传统的碱性单细胞凝胶电泳在铺胶方法、电泳条件等进行了改进。对精子细胞进行预处理,在碱性电泳液中使核DNA双链解链变性后电泳,EB染色lOmin后,在荧光显微镜下观察,每次随机观察50个左右的核DNA。结果表明,对荧光显微镜下观察到的精子核按彗尾长度及荧光强度划分等级,出现损伤的精子核DNA的损伤程度主要为轻度损伤和中度损伤,很少见有完全损伤的真鲷精子核。经5%、10%、18%、20%、25%、30%DMSO冷冻保存后的精子彗星率分别为33.47% ± 8.95%; 35.91% ± 19.44%; 48.95% ± 8.90%; 43.33% ± 11.19%; 55.80% ± 38.94%。鲜精彗星率为31.43 % ± 2.68%。对比真鲷冷冻精液与新鲜精液的精子DNA的损伤状况,表明仅用30% DMSO冷冻精子DNA损伤状况与鲜精差异显著(P<0.05)。 综上所述,渗透性抗冻剂对胚胎的毒性与其渗透压值呈显著的负相关关系。丙二醇对真鲷心跳期胚胎毒性最小,甲醇较其他抗冻剂能更好的渗透入胚胎;玻璃化方法能显著降低Tiif值并能更好的保持超低温保存后胚胎的形态完整性,因此,使用丙二醇、甲醇作为抗冻剂以及玻璃化冷冻保存方法对真鲷心跳期胚胎超低温保存也许较为合适。常规使用的用于超低温保存真鲷精子的DMSO(浓度<15%)不会对精子核物质稳定性造成明显影响。由于胚胎较精子结构要复杂许多,对于真鲷胚胎损伤机理的研究还有大量工作可以开展。
Metabolic characteristics of the sea cucumber Aposticholpus japonicus (Selenka) during aestivation were studied in the laboratory. The effects of water temperature on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia-N excretion rate (AER) in A. japonicus were determined by the Winkler and Hypobromite methods, respectively. Mature (large, 148.5 +/- 15.4 g, medium 69.3 +/- 6.9 g) and immature (small, 21.2 +/- 4.7 g) individuals aestivated at water temperatures of 20 and 25 degrees C, respectively. The metabolic characteristics of mature individuals were different from immature individuals during this period. The OCR of mature sea cucumbers peaked at 20 degrees C, and then dropped significantly at higher temperatures, whereas the OCR of the immature animals continued to increase slightly, even beyond the aestivation temperature. The AER of mature individuals peaked at 20 T, while that of the immature animals peaked at 25 degrees C. The relationships between dry weight (DW) and absolute oxygen consumption (R) and absolute ammonia-N excretion (N) could be described by the regression equation R or N=aW(b). With the exception of 15 degrees C, the O/N ratios (calculated in atomic equivalents) of large size sea cucumbers was close to 20 across the temperatures used in this study, indicating that their energy Source was a combination of lipid and protein. Oil the other hand, apart from small individuals maintained at 10 degrees C, the O/N ratios of the medium and small sea Cucumbers were close to 10, indicating that protein was their major energy source. The O/N ratios in all size groups remained unchanged after aestivation was initiated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Suspension aquaculture of filter-feeding bivalves has been developing rapidly in coastal waters in the world, especially in China. Previous studies have demonstrated that dense populations of filter-feeding bivalves in shallow water can produce a large amount of faeces and pseudofaeces (biodeposits) that may lead to negative impacts on the benthic environment. To determine whether the deposit feeder Stichopus (Apostichopus) japonicus Selenka can feed on bivalve biodeposits and whether the sea cucumber can be co-cultured with bivalves in suspended lantern nets, three experiments were conducted, two in tanks in the laboratory and one in the field. In a 3-month flow-through experiment, results showed that sea cucumbers grew well with specific growth rate (SGR) reaching 1.38% d(-1), when cultured in the bottom of tanks (10 m(3) water volume) where scallops were cultured in suspension in lantern nets. Moreover, results of another laboratory experiment demonstrated that sea cucumbers could survive well on bivalve biodeposits, with a feeding rate of 1.82 +/- 0.13 g dry biodeposits ind(-1) d(-1), absorption efficiency of organic matter in biodeposits of 17.2% +/- 5.5%, and average SGR of 1.60% d(-1). Our longer-term field experiments in two coastal bays (Sishili Bay and Jiaozhou Bay, northern China) showed that S. japonicus co-cultured with bivalves also grew well at growth rates (0.09-0.31 g wet weight ind(-1) d(-1)) depending on individual size. The results suggest that bivalve lantern nets can provide a good habitat for sea cucumbers; and the co-culture of bivalve molluscs with sea cucumbers may provide an additional valuable crop with no additional inputs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bohr.)是蒺藜科白刺属的一个品种,在柴达木盆地的沙漠绿洲边缘,盐碱沙滩地大量分布,生境海拔1900—3500m,分布面积约25万km^2。据我们调查,盆地相对集中成片具有开发价值的天然白刺林约50-60万亩,每年产白刺鲜果5—10万吨。具有较高的经济和药用价值.
采用涡度相关观测技术系统, 于2003年7月1日~2004年6月30日对青藏高原高寒草甸3种植被类型(矮嵩草草甸、金露梅灌丛草甸和藏嵩草沼泽化草甸)生态系统CO2通量进行观测和分析. 结果表明, 嵩草草甸、灌丛草甸和沼泽化草甸CO2最大吸收率分别为16.78, 10.42和16.57 mmol/m2•s; 最大CO2排放率分别为8.22, 7.73和18.67 mmol/m2•s; 嵩草草甸和灌丛草甸一年从大气中分别吸收CO2 282和53 g/m2, 而沼泽草甸一年向大气排放CO2 478 g/m2. 证明青藏高原嵩草草甸和灌丛草甸比C4草原和一些低海拔草原和森林具有一个较低CO2吸收和排放量潜能, 而沼泽化草甸具有一个较高的排放潜能, 揭示了青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统不同植被类型的碳源/汇的明显差异, 主要是由植物光合能力不同和土壤呼吸差异引起的.
目的 制订雪隆胶囊的质量标准。方法 对雪莲花进行了薄层色谱鉴别 ;用分光光度法测定了 L -羟脯氨酸的含量。结果 含量测定平均回收率 10 1.1% (RSD=1.7% ,n=6 )。结论 该方法稳定 ,专属性强 ,可作为该制剂的质量控制方法。
The eddy covariance technique provides measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) Of CO2 between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, which is widely used to estimate ecosystem respiration and gross primary production (GPP) at a number Of CO2 eddy flux tower sites. In this paper, canopy-level maximum light use efficiency, a key parameter in the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), was estimated by using the observed CO2 flux data and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) data from eddy flux tower sites in an alpine swamp ecosystem, an alpine shrub ecosystem and an alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. The VPM model uses two improved vegetation indices (Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI)) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectral radiometer (MODIS) data and climate data at the flux tower sites, and estimated the seasonal dynamics of GPP of the three alpine grassland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The seasonal dynamics of GPP predicted by the VPM model agreed well with estimated GPP from eddy flux towers. These results demonstrated the potential of the satellite-driven VPM model for scaling-up GPP of alpine grassland ecosystems, a key component for the study of the carbon cycle at regional and global scales. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The exploration and development of natural gas in the north of Ordos basin have been one important part in China’s energy stratagem. Reservoir in upper Palaeozoic group is of lithological trap and its prediction is a crux in a series of works. Based on foregoing seismic reservoir prediction, seismic data are re-processed with some optical methods and pre-stack information is used in corresponding inversions. Through the application of diverse methods, a series of techniques for reservoir prediction come into being. Several results are achieved as flowing: 1. A set of log processing and interpretation methods is developed. Porosity, permeability and gas saturation models are rebuilt. 2. Based on the petro-physics analysis of reservoirs in upper Palaeozoic group, the equations about lithology, property, hydrocarbon and elastic parameters are established. 3. Forward modeling based on elastic wave theory is first applied in the study area and increases the resolution of modeling results. 4. A series of techniques such as pre-stack time migration and others are combined to improve the data quality. 5. Pre-stack seismic inversion is first employed in the north of Ordos Basin and brings the results of EI, P-impedance, S-impedance and other elastic parameters. 6. In post-stack inversion, logs indicating reservoir parameters are rebuilt and boost the resolution of lithology inversion. 7. Amplitude, coherence, frequency-discomposed amplitude, waveform and other sensitive attributes are extracted to describe sands distribution. Seismic modes standing for sands of P1x3, P1x2 are established. 8. Among 9 proposed wells, 8 wells encountered sands and became production wells. The output of DK13 amounts to 510,000 m3 per day. Keywords:the north of Ordos Basin, reservoir prediction, pre-stack inversion, post-stack inversion, seismic attributes.
Through field outcrop dolomite observation, laboratory petrography (macroscopy, microscopy, cathodeluminescence and scan electronic microscopy), geochemistry (carbon-oxygen-strontium isotopes and trace elements) and fluid inclusion microthermometry study in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin, it can be inferred that there are existing eight dolomite texture types within four evolution phases in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin. The paragenesis of different dolomite texture types and associated minerals in Keping-Bachu area has been established. The carbon and oxygen isotopes of saddle dolomites and matrix dolomites overlap greatly. The Strontium isotopes results of Keping-Bachu outcrop area show that the strontium isotopes differentiation of the matrix and saddle dolomites is not obvious, the reason of which is that there is thousands of Cambrian-Ordovician dolomite strata below the stratum bearing the saddle dolomite. In the process of the heat flow upward migration, the isotopes of the heat interacts with the host rock, which leads to the similarity betwwen the strontium of the saddle dolomite and matrix dolomite. The strontium isotope of the saddle dolomite is not very radiogenic. the six types samples within four phases in the study area show Eu negatively. Comparing to the other types of samples, the δEu of saddle dolomite is relatively high falling into the range of 0.510-0.874, which shows that the saddle dolomite forms in the hydrothermal setting and is affected by the hydrothermal activity to some extend.The Lan/Ybn of saddle dolomite is high up to 15.726, which means that the HREE is very rich. It belongs to the typical hydrothermal genesis model. The δCe of saddle dolomite is positive anomaly, which is the result of high effect from the land source debris. The homogeneous temperature of the saddle dolomite falls into two ranges 110-120℃ and 125-160℃, after pressure correction, they are 141-152℃,157.5-196℃, the salinity of the saddle dolomite can reach to 20-25%. With the comparing with the burial history, the Th of the saddle dolomite is high than the ambient strata temperature, these data show that the saddle dolomite is of hydrothermal origin. The evolution trend of different dolomite and associated minerals is from matrix dolomite, dolomite cementation, saddle dolomite, quartz to calcite. Alonging with this evolution trend, the temperature of the diagenetic flow initiated from 80-100℃, after rising to 135-160℃, then gradually declined. Finally, a structurally-controlled dolomitization model is established in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin.
Chinese eolian deposits are especially suitable for the studies of paleoclimatic changes, environmental magnetism and remanence acquisition mechanisms. In the past two decades, many studies have documented their magnetic properties. However, some important problems, such as the origin of magnetic minerals, the mechanisms for enhancing magnetic susceptibility and the lock-in effect, remain debatable. Therefore, it is essential to detail the rock-magnetic properties of the eolian deposits. This study shows thermomagnetic analyses, petrographic measurements and soil chemistry methods can be combined to obtain a better understanding of the sequence of magnetic mineral alterations during thermal treatment and of the pedogenic mechanism responsible for the susceptibility enhancement. This helps to further develop the interpretation of paleoclimate records in the Holocene eolian deposits along a NW-SE transect of the loess plateau. A partial heating/cooling method and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed on representative samples of the present-day loess, in order to investigate mineralogical changes during thermal treatment. The temperature-dependent susceptibility (TDS) and XRD results show complex alteration of magnetic phases during heating and cooling. The 300 ℃ susceptibility hump in heating curves might be due to the production of maghemite from less magnetic lepidocrocite during heating. Goethite is transformed into hematite when heating to above 300 ℃. The susceptibility decrease from 300 ℃ to 450 ℃ can be interpreted as the conversion of maghemite to hematite. This thermal instability makes it possible to quantatively estimate the maghemite contribution to the pedogenically-enhanced susceptibility in loess or paleosols. Minor occurrence of thermally-stable maghemite in the present-day loess is possible; nevertheless, the TDS measurements show that the degree of the thermally-induced alteration is closely related to pedogenesis. The TDS measurement and XRD analysis results demonstrate that although magnetite and hematite both exist in the Holocene loess eolian deposits and their modern source area, magnetite is the predominant contributor to magnetic susceptibility. Both magnetite and hematite are the primary carriers of the remanent magnetization. Fine-grained maghemite, mainly produced by pedogenesis, is significantly responsible for enhancement of the magnetic susceptibility in the Chinese loess and paleosols. Since the degree of oxidation of magnetite grains depends on climate, the presence of maghemite has paleoclimatic significance, and variations in climate could be reflected as variations in the amount of low-temperature oxidation. If that is the case, the TDS curves can be used to compare the effects of climate at different sampling sites. The TDS results along the studied NW-SE transect suggest that stronger pedogenesis results in higher content of maghemite and greater susceptibility decrease during thermal treatment. This behavior seems to indicate that the final product of pedogenic magnetite in Chinese loess and paleosols is maghemite, which makes significant contributions to the enhanced magnetic susceptibility of Chinese eolian deposits. It is interesting to note that the 510 ℃ Hopkinson/alteration peak is larger in the present-day loess than in the black loam for each section. Obiviously, the Hopkinson/alteration peak of the Holocene eolian deposits is closely related to the degree of pedogenesis, which is a function of climate, and thus the peak itself could be a useful climate indicator. There are three effects that may be important in producing this trend. First, low-temperature oxidation preferentially affects the finer single-domain magnetites responsible for the Hopkinson peak, which is therefore suppressed in the more oxidized loams. Second, the possible production of uniaxial magnetite with shape anisotropy can also lead to a relatively muted Hopkinson peak. There is, additionally, a third alternative, and the one preferred here, that the natural alteration processes involved in pedogenic susceptibility enhancement have probably depleted the supply of iron-bearing precursor phases, so that less new magnetite is formed on heating. In summary, the TDS method is very reliable and highly sensitive in detecting magnetic phase changes in eolian deposits during thermal treatment, which are closely related to pedogenic processes. Thus, the studied NW-SE transect clearly exhibits paleoclimatically-induced mineral- and rock-magnetic variations. It is suggested that TDS can be used as a new method for the analysis of pedogenesis and climatic change.
重庆城口地区从震旦统到下寒武统发育有丰富的黑色岩系,20世纪末期在该地区黑色岩系中开展了大量的铂族元素(PGE)的找矿工作,但是由于种种原因,关于该地区是否存在PGE矿化异常,还没有得到最终的结论。本次研究在PGE分析方法论证的基础上,进行了大量样品的PGE分析和微量元素分析。主要结论如下:①区域上上震旦统槽区和断块区两套黑色岩系在原始的沉积环境和物源供给上有较大的差异,虽然槽区上震旦统的黑色岩系具有和下寒武统黑色岩系相似但强度较低的V-Cu-Y-Mo—U异常,但基本上不具有明显的PGE-Au-Ag异常。②断块区水井沱组黑色岩系:和平剖面西段新发现的U-V-Mo-PGE异常可能是今后工作的重点,Pt+Pd最高达248.9×10^-9,局部U-V都达到了工业品位。③槽区巴山组硅质岩:四个剖面都揭示了在硅质岩中广泛存在连续的PGE异常,87个碳质硅质岩平均含Pt+Pd 57.2×10^-9,有10个样品Pt+Pd〉100×10^-9,最高达196.5×10^-9;大部分碳质硅质岩都具有不同程度的V-Cu-Y-Mo-Tl-U组合异常,V都达到了独立矿床的品位要求,其中猪草河、燕子河等剖面还存在厚度较大的富矿地段,特别是燕子河剖面,局部还存在REE+Y的高异常,值得深入研究。④城巴地区下寒武统黑色岩系存在广泛的PGE异常,但没有达到PGE的矿化要求,建议加强该地区的钒矿和铀矿勘探研究,PGE可以综合评价。
对岩背火山-斑岩型锡矿含黄玉黑云母花岗岩和含黄玉花岗斑岩中黑云母矿物化学研究表明,含黄玉黑云母花岗岩中的黑云母属于富铁黑云母,含黄玉花岗斑岩中的黑云母属于铁叶云母。含黄玉花岗斑岩的成岩温度为720℃-730℃,logfO2为-15.5- -15.7;含黄玉黑云母花岗岩的成岩温度为510℃-550℃,logfO2为-19.2- -18.7。含黄玉花岗斑岩成岩温度、氧逸度高于含黄玉黑云母花岗岩成岩温度和氧逸度。与含黄玉花岗斑共存热液流体log(fH2O/fHCl)^fluid值为4.29-4.99,与含黄玉黑云母花岗岩共存热液流体log(fH2O/fHCl)^fluid值为3.15-3.67。因此,相对于含黄玉黑云母花岗岩,含黄玉花岗斑岩岩浆演化过程中分异出的流体富F和Sn,即岩背含黄玉花岗斑岩岩浆演化过程分异出的原始流体以富F和Sn为特征,结合有关岩背Sn矿成矿流体的研究结果,进一步揭示出岩背Sn矿成矿流体为岩背含黄玉花岗斑岩岩浆演化过程分异出的岩浆热液,相对于含黄玉黑云母花岗岩,含黄玉花岗斑岩与锡成矿关系更密切。