467 resultados para 5’S


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A search of databases with the sequence from the 5′ untranslated region of a Hydra cDNA clone encoding a receptor protein-tyrosine kinase revealed that a number of Hydra cDNAs contain one of two different sequences at their 5′ ends. This finding suggested the possibility that mRNAs in Hydra receive leader sequences by trans-splicing. This hypothesis was confirmed by the finding that the leader sequences are transcribed as parts of small RNAs encoded by genes located in the 5S rRNA clusters of Hydra. The two spliced leader (SL) RNAs (SL-A and -B) contain splice donor dinucleotides at the predicted positions, and genes that receive SLs contain splice acceptor dinucleotides at the predicted positions. Both of the SL RNAs are bound by antibody against trimethylguanosine, suggesting that they contain a trimethylguanosine cap. The predicted secondary structures of the Hydra SL RNAs show significant differences from the structures predicted for the SLs of other organisms. Messenger RNAs have been identified that can receive either SL-A or -B, although the impact of the two different SLs on the function of the mRNA is unknown. The presence and features of SL addition in the phylum Cnidaria raise interesting questions regarding the evolution of this process.


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Materials with high electrical conductivity and optical transparency are needed for future flat panel display, solar energy, and other opto-electronic technologies. InxCd1-xO films having a simple cubic microstructure have been grown on amorphous glass substrates by a straightforward chemical vapor deposition process. The x = 0.05 film conductivity of 17,000 S/cm, carrier mobility of 70 cm2/Vs, and visible region optical transparency window considerably exceed the corresponding parameters for commercial indium-tin oxide. Ab initio electronic structure calculations reveal small conduction electron effective masses, a dramatic shift of the CdO band gap with doping, and a conduction band hybridization gap caused by extensive Cd 5s + In 5s mixing.


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Leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase [(7E,9E,11Z,14Z)-(5S,6S)-5,6-epoxyicosa-7, 9,11,14-tetraenoate hydrolase; EC] is a bifunctional zinc metalloenzyme that catalyzes the final step in the biosynthesis of the potent chemotactic agent leukotriene B4 (LTB4). LTA4 hydrolase/aminopeptidase is suicide inactivated during catalysis via an apparently mechanism-based irreversible binding of LTA4 to the protein in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Previously, we have identified a henicosapeptide, encompassing residues Leu-365 to Lys-385 in human LTA4 hydrolase, which contains a site involved in the covalent binding of LTA4 to the native enzyme. To investigate the role of Tyr-378, a potential candidate for this binding site, we exchanged Tyr for Phe or Gln in two separate mutants. In addition, each of two adjacent and potentially reactive residues, Ser-379 and Ser-380, were exchanged for Ala. The mutated enzymes were expressed as (His)6-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, purified to apparent homogeneity, and characterized. Enzyme activity determinations and differential peptide mapping, before and after repeated exposure to LTA4, revealed that wild-type enzyme and the mutants [S379A] and [S380A]LTA4hydrolase were equally susceptible to suicide inactivation whereas the mutants in position 378 were no longer inactivated or covalently modified by LTA4. Furthermore, in [Y378F]LTA4 hydrolase, the value of kcat for epoxide hydrolysis was increased 2.5-fold over that of the wild-type enzyme. Thus, by a single-point mutation in LTA4 hydrolase, catalysis and covalent modification/inactivation have been dissociated, yielding an enzyme with increased turnover and resistance to mechanism-based inactivation.


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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev protein is required for nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. This function is dependent on the mutationally defined Rev activation domain, which also forms a potent nuclear export signal. Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) binds to 5S rRNA transcripts and this interaction has been proposed to play a role in the efficient nuclear export of 5S rRNA in amphibian oocytes. Here it is reported that amphibian TFIIIA proteins contain a sequence element with homology to the Rev activation domain that effectively substitutes for this domain in inducing the nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. It is further demonstrated that this TFIIIA sequence element functions as a protein nuclear export signal in both human cells and frog oocytes. Thus, this shared protein motif may play an analogous role in mediating the nuclear export of both late HIV-1 RNAs and 5S rRNA transcripts.


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A base-pair resolution method for determining nucleosome position in vitro has been developed to com- plement existing, less accurate methods. Cysteaminyl EDTA was tethered to a recombinant histone octamer via a mutant histone H4 with serine 47 replaced by cysteine. When assembled into nucleosome core particles, the DNA could be cut site specifically by hydroxyl radical-catalyzed chain scission by using the Fenton reaction. Strand cleavage occurs mainly at a single nucleotide close to the dyad axis of the core particle, and assignment of this location via the symmetry of the nucleosome allows base-pair resolution mapping of the histone octamer position on the DNA. The positions of the histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer were mapped on a 146-bp Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA sequence and a twofold-symmetric derivative. The weakness of translational determinants of nucleosome positioning relative to the overall affinity of the histone proteins for this DNA is clearly demonstrated. The predominant location of both histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer assembled on the 5S rDNA is off center. Shifting the nucleosome core particle position along DNA within a conserved rotational phase could be induced under physiologically relevant conditions. Since nucleosome shifting has important consequences for chromatin structure and gene regulation, an approach to the thermodynamic characterization of this movement is proposed. This mapping method is potentially adaptable for determining nucleosome position in chromatin in vivo.


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The effects of the rotational information of DNA in determining the in vitro localization of nucleosomal core particles (ncps) have been studied in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5S rRNA repeat gene. We have altered the distribution of the phased series of flexibility signals present on this DNA by inserting a 25-bp tract, and we have analyzed the effects of this mutation on the distribution and on the frequencies of ncps, as compared with the wild type and a reference 21-bp insertion mutant. The variation of the standard free energy of nucleosome reconstitution was determined. The results show that the DNA rotational information is a major determinant of ncps positioning, define how many rotationally phased signals are required for the formation of a stable particle, and teach how to modify their distribution through the alteration of the rotational signals.


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Aspirin [acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)], along with its analgesic-antipyretic uses, is now also being considered for cardiovascular protection and treatments in cancer and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Although many of ASA's pharmacological actions are related to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin and thromboxane biosynthesis, some of its beneficial therapeutic effects are not completely understood. Here, ASA triggered transcellular biosynthesis of a previously unrecognized class of eicosanoids during coincubations of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and neutrophils [polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN)]. These eicosanoids were generated with ASA but not by indomethacin, salicylate, or dexamethasone. Formation was enhanced by cytokines (interleukin 1 beta) that induced the appearance of prostaglandin G/H synthase 2 (PGHS-2) but not 15-lipoxygenase, which initiates their biosynthesis from arachidonic acid in HUVEC. Costimulation of HUVEC/PMN by either thrombin plus the chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or ionophore A23187 leads to the production of these eicosanoids from endogenous sources. Four of these eicosanoids were also produced when PMN were exposed to 15R-HETE [(15R)-15-hydroxy-5,8,11-cis-13-trans-eicosatetraenoic acid] and an agonist. Physical methods showed that the class consists of four tetraene-containing products from arachidonic acid that proved to be 15R-epimers of lipoxins. Two of these compounds (III and IV) were potent inhibitors of leukotriene B4-mediated PMN adhesion to HUVEC, with compound IV [(5S,6R,15R)-5,6,15-trihydroxy-7,9,13-trans-11-cis-eicosatetraenoi c acid; 15-epilipoxin A4] active in the nanomolar range. These results demonstrate that ASA evokes a unique class of eicosanoids formed by acetylated PGHS-2 and 5-lipoxygenase interactions, which may contribute to the therapeutic impact of this drug. Moreover, they provide an example of a drug's ability to pirate endogenous biosynthetic mechanisms to trigger new mediators.


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Many of the molecules necessary for neurotransmission are homologous to proteins involved in the Golgi-to-plasma membrane stage of the yeast secretory pathway. Of 15 genes known to be essential for the later stages of vesicle trafficking in yeast, 7 have no identified mammalian homologs. These include the yeast SEC6, SEC8, and SEC15 genes, whose products are constituents of a 19.5S particle that interacts with the GTP-binding protein Sec4p. Here we report the sequences of rSec6 and rSec8, rat homologs of Sec6p and Sec8p. The rSec6 cDNA is predicted to encode an 87-kDa protein with 22% amino acid identity to Sec6p, and the rSec8 cDNA is predicted to encode a 110-kDa protein which is 20% identical to Sec8p. Northern blot analysis indicates that rSec6 and rSec8 are expressed in similar tissues. Immunodetection reveals that rSec8 is part of a soluble 17S particle in brain. COS cell cotransfection studies demonstrate that rSec8 colocalizes with the GTP-binding protein Rab3a and syntaxin 1a, two proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking and fusion at the presynaptic terminal. These data suggest that rSec8 is a component of a high molecular weight complex which may participate in the regulation of vesicle docking and fusion in brain.


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Leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase [7E,9E,11Z,14Z)-(5S,6S)-5,6-epoxyicosa-7,9 ,11,14-tetraenoate hydrolase; EC] is a bifunctional zinc metalloenzyme which converts LTA4 into the chemotactic agent leukotriene B4 (LTB4). Suicide inactivation, a typical feature of LTA4 hydrolase/aminopeptidase, occurs via an irreversible, apparently mechanism-based, covalent binding of LTA4 to the protein in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Differential lysine-specific peptide mapping of unmodified and suicide-inactivated LTA4 hydrolase has been used to identify a henicosapeptide, encompassing the amino acid residues 365-385 of human LTA4 hydrolase, which is involved in the binding of LTA4, LTA4 methyl ester, and LTA4 ethyl ester to the native enzyme. A modified form of this peptide, generated by lysine-specific digestion of LTA4 hydrolase inactivated by LTA4 ethyl ester, could be isolated for complete Edman degradation. The sequence analysis revealed a gap at position 14, which shows that binding of the leukotriene epoxide had occurred via Tyr-378 in LTA4 hydrolase. Inactivation of the epoxide hydrolase and the aminopeptidase activity was accompanied by a proportionate modification of the peptide. Furthermore, both enzyme inactivation and peptide modification could be prevented by preincubation of LTA4 hydrolase with the competitive inhibitor bestatin, which demonstrates that the henicosapeptide contains functional elements of the active site(s). It may now be possible to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying suicide inactivation and epoxide hydrolysis by site-directed mutagenesis combined with structural analysis of the lipid molecule, covalently bound to the peptide.


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Transcription factor TFIIIB plays a central role in transcription initiation by RNA polymerase III on genes encoding tRNA, 5S rRNA, and other small structural RNAs. We report the purification of a human TFIIIB-derived complex containing only the TATA-binding polypeptide (TBP) and a 90-kDa subunit (TFIIIB90) and the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding the 90-kDa subunit. The N-terminal half of TFIIIB90 exhibits sequence similarity to the yeast TFIIIB70 (BRF) and the class II transcription factor TFIIB and interacts weakly with TBP. The C-terminal half of TFIIIB90 contains a high-mobility-group protein 2 (HMG2)-related domain and interacts strongly with TBP. Recombinant TFIIIB90 plus recombinant human TBP substitute for human TFIIIB in a complementation assay for transcription of 5S, tRNA, and VA1 RNA genes, and both the TFIIB-related domain and the HMG2-related domain are required for this activity. TFIIIB90 is also required for transcription of human 7SK and U6 RNA genes by RNA polymerase III, but apparently within a complex distinct from the TBP/TFIIIB90 complex.


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The human general transcription factor TFIIA is one of several factors involved in specific transcription by RNA polymerase II, possibly by regulating the activity of the TATA-binding subunit (TBP) of TFIID. TFIIA purified from HeLa extracts consists of 35-, 19-, and 12-kDa subunits. Here we describe the isolation of a cDNA clone (hTFIIA gamma) encoding the 12-kDa subunit. Using expression constructs derived from hTFIIA gamma and TFIIA alpha/beta (which encodes a 55-kDa precursor to the alpha and beta subunits of natural TFIIA), we have constructed a synthetic TFIIA with a polypeptide composition similar to that of natural TFIIA. The recombinant complex supports the formation of a DNA-TBP-TFIIA complex and mediates both basal and Gal4-VP16-activated transcription by RNA polymerase II in TFIIA-depleted nuclear extracts. In contrast, TFIIA has no effect on tRNA and 5S RNA transcription by RNA polymerase III in this system. We also present evidence that both the p55 and p12 recombinant subunits interact with TBP and that the basic region of TBP is critical for the TFIIA-dependent function of TBP in nuclear extracts.


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Le peculiarità del contesto competitivo attuale richiedono alle aziende di muoversi con la massima velocità per rispondere il più rapidamente possibile al soddisfacimento delle richieste dei clienti. La ricerca di massima flessibilità non può prescindere dall’esigenza di mantenere alti livelli di efficienza produttiva e di tendere ad un continuo miglioramento dei flussi interni. L’elaborato ripercorre i passaggi fondamentali di un progetto di miglioramento delle performance di un impianto svolto nel primo semestre 2016 presso Philip Morris Manufacturing & Technology Bologna S.p.A. La metodologia utilizzata riprende strumenti, modelli e metodi dai principi alla base del Focus Improvement, primo pilastro del tempio della Total Productive Maintenance. Attraverso l’applicazione sistematica di tecniche tipiche del problem solving (ciclo di Deming) e di approcci analitici per la determinazione delle cause di guasto (curva di Pareto, Diagramma di Ishikawa), è stato possibile identificare i principali tipi di perdite (tempo, performance, difetti qualitativi) di una macchina industriale e mettere in atto gli interventi migliorativi necessari. L’analisi si conclude con la valutazione dei futuri sviluppi dello scenario, proponendo diverse alternative a seconda dell’abilità dell’organizzazione di sostenere i risultati raggiunti o addirittura di superarli.


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In questo lavoro di tesi viene affrontato il tema del Miglioramento Continuo all'interno di un caso di studio reale. Viene posta come obiettivo la verifica delle potenzialità dei principi del Miglioramento Continuo nel settore di confezionamento e trasformazione di prodotti liquidi alimentari. Il progetto riguarda il reparto di consulenza della multinazionale svedese Tetra Pak, che offre l'implementazione del sistema ad un'azienda cliente sita nel Regno Unito. L'implementazione del progetto si sviluppa da un primo accurato studio della situazione aziendale, a seguito del quale sono state riscontrate necessità di cambiamento in aree specifiche. Successivamente a questa prima fase di studio segue una seconda fase di pianificazione e sviluppo della strategia di miglioramento che ha visto coinvolti il personale Tetra Pak e il personale dell'azienda locale. Il processo di miglioramento viene applicato inizialmente su una cella pilota, selezionata all'interno delle linee produttive dell'azienda cliente, per poi essere espanso a tutto il reparto produttivo qualora il risultato misurato confermi le aspettative.