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Within the last decade, several early Eocene hyperthermals have been detected globally. These transient warming events have mainly been characterized geochemically - using stable isotopes, carbonate content measurements or XRF core scanning - yet detailed micropaleontological records are sparse, limiting our understanding of the driving forces behind hyperthermals and of the contemporaneous paleoceanography. Here, detailed geochemical and quantitative benthic foraminiferal records are presented from lower Eocene pelagic sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 401 (Bay of Biscay, northeast Atlantic). In calcareous nannofossil zone NP11, several clay-enriched levels correspond to negative d13C and d18O bulk-rock excursions with amplitudes of up to ~0.75 per mil, suggesting that significant injections of 12C-enriched greenhouse gasses and small temperature rises took place. Coeval with several of these hyperthermal events, the benthic foraminiferal record reveals increased relative abundances of oligotrophic taxa (e.g. Nuttallides umbonifera) and a reduction in the abundance of buliminid species followed by an increase of opportunistic taxa (e.g. Globocassidulina subglobosa and Gyroidinoides spp.). These short-lived faunal perturbations are thought to be caused by reduced seasonality of productivity resulting in a decreased Corg flux to the seafloor. Moreover, the sedimentological record suggests that an enhanced influx of terrigenous material occurred during these events. Additionally, the most intense d13C decline (here called level d) gives rise to a small, yet pronounced long-term shift in the benthic foraminiferal composition at this site, possibly due to the reappraisal of upwelling and the intensification of bottom water currents. These observations imply that environmental changes during (smaller) hyperthermal events are also reflected in the composition of deep-sea benthic communities on both short (<100 kyr) and longer time scales. We conclude that the faunal patterns of the hyperthermals observed at Site 401 strongly resemble those observed in other deep-sea early Paleogene hyperthermal deposits, suggesting that similar processes have driven them.


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Controls of sediment dynamics at the Galician continental slope (NW Iberia) during the past 30 ka were reconstructed from three new gravity cores (GeoB11035-1, 130206-1, 13071-1) based on sedimentological (e.g. sortable silt, IRD), micropalaeontological (e.g. coccoliths), geochemical (AMS 14C, XRF) and geophysical (e.g. magnetic susceptibility) diagnostics. The data are consistent with existing regional knowledge that, during marine isotope stages 3-1, variations in detrital input, marine productivity and sea level were the essential drivers of sediment availability on the slope, whereas deep-water current velocities controlled sediment deposition: (1) the period prior to 30 cal ka BP is characterized by minor but systematic variations in various proxies which can be associated with D-O cycles; (2) between 30 and 18 cal ka BP, high detrital input and steady slope-parallel currents led to constant sedimentation; (3) from the LGM until 10 cal ka BP, the shelf-transgressive sea-level rise increased the detrital particle flux; sedimentation was influenced by significantly enhanced deep-water circulation during the Bølling/Allerød, and subsequent slowing during the Younger Dryas; (4) an abrupt and lasting change to hemipelagic sedimentation at ca. 10 cal ka BP was probably due to Holocene warming and decelerated transgression; (5) after 5 cal ka BP, additional input of detrital material to the slope is plausibly linked to the evolution of fine-grained depocentres on the Galician shelf, this being the first report of this close shelf-slope sedimentary linkage off NW Iberia. Furthermore, there is novel evidence of the nowadays strong outer shelf Iberian Poleward Current becoming established at about 15.5 cal ka BP. The data also demonstrate that small-scale morphologic features and local pathways of sediment export from the neighbouring shelf play an important role for sediment distribution on the NW Iberian slope, including a hitherto unknown sediment conduit off the Ría de Arousa. By implication, the impact of local morphology on along- and down-slope sediment dynamics is more complex than commonly considered, and deserves future attention.