912 resultados para 3D-annotaatio
Desde la aparición de Google Earth se ha desencadenado una proliferación de aplicaciones de “visores 3D” o globos virtuales facilitando a los usuarios la navegación y exploración de cualquier localización de la Tierra en formato 3D. A estas alturas, nadie puede negar la repercusión mediática de este tipo de aplicaciones y, sobretodo, el impacto diseminador de conceptos geográficos (capas, mapas, etc.) que ha tenido sobre la gran mayoría de usuarios, normalmente no especializados en el dominio geográfico. En el ámbito del software libre, a los originales World Wind (.NET) y Ossimplanet se han venido uniendo iniciativas en otras plataformas como Marble KDE, nuevas versiones de WordWind (Java SDK), a las que últimamente se están añadiendo iniciativas españolas dignas de consideración, como el Capaware canario y el módulo 3D de gvSIG. En este artículo se analiza el estado del desarrollo de estos proyectos, así como los estándares y formatos específicos que se están elaborando en el OGC para el ámbito específico de la información geográfica tridimensional (modelado de escenarios, objetos, terreno o cachés)
L’estudi consta de dues grans parts que serien la part de dissenyar, desenvolupar i implementar els mètodes de segmentació que ens serviran per separar els punts rígids dels punts no rígids/deformables. I l’altra part seria la d’obtenir reconstruccions 3D a partir d’un sistema estèreo, passant per la calibració de les càmeres del sistema, la realització de captures d’experiments reals, la generació de reconstruccions 3D per finalment posar a prova els mètodes desenvolupats en la part anterior
The accuracy of a 3D reconstruction using laser scanners is significantly determined by the detection of the laser stripe. Since the energy pattern of such a stripe corresponds to a Gaussian profile, it makes sense to detect the point of maximum light intensity (or peak) by computing the zero-crossing point of the first derivative of such Gaussian profile. However, because noise is present in every physical process, such as electronic image formation, it is not sensitive to perform the derivative of the image of the stripe in almost any situation, unless a previous filtering stage is done. Considering that stripe scanning is an inherently row-parallel process, every row of a given image must be processed independently in order to compute its corresponding peak position in the row. This paper reports on the use of digital filtering techniques in order to cope with the scanning of different surfaces with different optical properties and different noise levels, leading to the proposal of a more accurate numerical peak detector, even at very low signal-to-noise ratios
This paper presents a complete solution for creating accurate 3D textured models from monocular video sequences. The methods are developed within the framework of sequential structure from motion, where a 3D model of the environment is maintained and updated as new visual information becomes available. The camera position is recovered by directly associating the 3D scene model with local image observations. Compared to standard structure from motion techniques, this approach decreases the error accumulation while increasing the robustness to scene occlusions and feature association failures. The obtained 3D information is used to generate high quality, composite visual maps of the scene (mosaics). The visual maps are used to create texture-mapped, realistic views of the scene
We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc
Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed
This paper presents the implementation details of a coded structured light system for rapid shape acquisition of unknown surfaces. Such techniques are based on the projection of patterns onto a measuring surface and grabbing images of every projection with a camera. Analyzing the pattern deformations that appear in the images, 3D information of the surface can be calculated. The implemented technique projects a unique pattern so that it can be used to measure moving surfaces. The structure of the pattern is a grid where the color of the slits are selected using a De Bruijn sequence. Moreover, since both axis of the pattern are coded, the cross points of the grid have two codewords (which permits to reconstruct them very precisely), while pixels belonging to horizontal and vertical slits have also a codeword. Different sets of colors are used for horizontal and vertical slits, so the resulting pattern is invariant to rotation. Therefore, the alignment constraint between camera and projector considered by a lot of authors is not necessary
This paper presents a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Vehicle localization and seabed mapping is performed simultaneously by means of an Extended Kalman Filter. Passive landmarks are detected on the images and characterized considering 2D and 3D features. Landmarks are re-observed while the robot is navigating and data association becomes easier but robust. Once the survey is completed, vehicle trajectory is smoothed by a Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter obtaining an even better alignment of the 3D views and yet a large-scale acquisition of the seabed
Resumen tomado parcialmente del autor
Brief introduction about the RS proposal
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Formative exercise on projecting 3D objects for FEEG1001 students.
Objetivo: determinar parámetros biométricos para evaluación y diagnóstico de pacientes con SAHOS por medio de Cefalometría Tridimensional y reconstrucción Multiplanar escanográfica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó estudio observacional tipo cross-sectional, con 25 pacientes diagnosticados con SAHOS, a los cuales se les hizo TAC simple de cara con reconstrucción multiplanar y tridimensional, evaluando volumen de vía aérea, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área reglosal, espacio retrogloso lateral y anteroposterior. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes y realizaron medidas de volumen, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área retroglosal y espacios regloso lateral y anteroposterior, realizando análisis estadístico mediante el programa SPSS 17.0 reportando medidas de tendencia central como promedio, media, moda, rango, desviación estándar, y concordancia inter e intra observador. Conclusión: la Cefalometría tridimensional con reconstrucción multiplanar ha mostrado ser un excelente método de evaluación de vía aérea en pacientes con SAHOS, obteniendo propias clasificaciones dentro del estudio de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, ante la escasa literatura y difícil obtención de parámetros de referencia es necesario promover el estudio y la investigación de este método diagnostico en pacientes con SAHOS.
T-cell receptor gene rearrangements were studied in Aotus monkeys developing high antibody titers and sterilizing immunity against the Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite upon vaccination with the modified synthetic peptide 24112, which was identified in the Merozoite Surface Protein 2 (MSP-2) and is known to bind to HLA-DR beta 1*0403 molecules with high capacity. Spectratyping analysis showed a preferential usage of V beta 12 and V beta 6 TCR gene families in 67% of HLA-DR beta 1*0403-like genotyped monkeys. Docking of peptide 24112 into the HLA-DR beta 1*0401-HA peptide-HA1.7TCR complex containing the VDJ rearrangements identified in fully protected monkeys showed a different structural signature compared to nonprotected monkeys. These striking results show the exquisite specificity of the TCR/pMHCII complex formation needed for inducing sterilizing immunity and provide important hints for a logical and rational methodology to develop multiepitopic, minimal subunit-based synthetic vaccines against infectious diseases, among them malaria.
Resumen tomado de la publicación en catalán