926 resultados para 280212 Neural Networks, Genetic Alogrithms and Fuzzy Logic


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Coastal lagoons are complex ecosystems exhibiting a high degree of non-linearity in the distribution and exchange of nutrients dissolved in the water column due to their spatio-temporal characteristics. This factor has a direct influence on the concentrations of chlorophyll-a, an indicator of the primary productivity in the water bodies as lakes and lagoons. Moreover the seasonal variability in the characteristics of large-scale basins further contributes to the uncertainties in the data on the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the lagoons. Considering the above, modelling the distributions of the nutrients with respect to the chlorophyll-concentrations, hence requires an effective approach which will appropriately account for the non-linearity of the ecosystem as well as the uncertainties in the available data. In the present investigation, fuzzy logic was used to develop a new model of the primary production for Pulicat lagoon, Southeast coast of India. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the concentrations of chlorophyll-a in the lagoon was highly influenced by the dissolved concentrations of nitrate, nitrites and phosphorous to different extents over different seasons and years. A high degree of agreement was obtained between the actual field values and those predicted by the new fuzzy model (d = 0.881 to 0.788) for the years 2005 and 2006, illustrating the efficiency of the model in predicting the values of chlorophyll-a in the lagoon.


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP)-based suboptimal neurocontroller to obtain desired temperature for a high-speed aerospace vehicle is synthesized in this paper. A I-D distributed parameter model of a fin is developed from basic thermal physics principles. "Snapshot" solutions of the dynamics are generated with a simple dynamic inversion-based feedback controller. Empirical basis functions are designed using the "proper orthogonal decomposition" (POD) technique and the snapshot solutions. A low-order nonlinear lumped parameter system to characterize the infinite dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. An ADP-based neurocontroller with a dual heuristic programming (DHP) formulation is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC) controller for this approximate nonlinear model. Actual control in the original domain is calculated with the same POD basis functions through a reverse mapping. Further contribution of this paper includes development of an online robust neurocontroller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties inherent in such a complex dynamic system. A neural network (NN) weight update rule that guarantees boundedness of the weights and relaxes the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition is presented. Simulation studies show that in a fairly extensive but compact domain, any desired temperature profile can be achieved starting from any initial temperature profile. Therefore, the ADP and NN-based controllers appear to have the potential to become controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems.


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Damage detection by measuring and analyzing vibration signals in a machine component is an established procedure in mechanical and aerospace engineering. This paper presents vibration signature analysis of steel bridge structures in a nonconventional way using artificial neural networks (ANN). Multilayer perceptrons have been adopted using the back-propagation algorithm for network training. The training patterns in terms of vibration signature are generated analytically for a moving load traveling on a trussed bridge structure at a constant speed to simulate the inspection vehicle. Using the finite-element technique, the moving forces are converted into stationary time-dependent force functions in order to generate vibration signals in the structure and the same is used to train the network. The performance of the trained networks is examined for their capability to detect damage from unknown signatures taken independently at one, three, and five nodes. It has been observed that the prediction using the trained network with single-node signature measurement at a suitability chosen location is even better than that of three-node and five-node measurement data.


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A fuzzy logic system is developed for helicopter rotor system fault isolation. Inputs to the fuzzy logic system are measurement deviations of blade bending and torsion response and vibration from a "good" undamaged helicopter rotor. The rotor system measurements used are flap and lag bending tip deflections, elastic twist deflection at the tip, and three forces and three moments at the rotor hub. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from an aeroelastic model of the helicopter rotor with implanted faults to isolate the fault while accounting for uncertainty in the measurements. The faults modeled include moisture absorption, loss of trim mass, damaged lag damper, damaged pitch control system, misadjusted pitch link, and damaged flap. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates rotor system faults with an accuracy of about 90-100%. Furthermore, the fuzzy system is robust and gives excellent results, even when some measurements are not available. A rule-based expert system based on similar rules from the aeroelastic model performs much more poorly than the fuzzy system in the presence of high levels of uncertainty.


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This paper elucidates the methodology of applying artificial neural network model (ANNM) to predict the percent swell of calcitic soil in sulphuric acid solutions, a complex phenomenon involving many parameters. Swell data required for modelling is experimentally obtained using conventional oedometer tests under nominal surcharge. The phases in ANN include optimal design of architecture, operation and training of architecture. The designed optimal neural model (3-5-1) is a fully connected three layer feed forward network with symmetric sigmoid activation function and trained by the back propagation algorithm to minimize a quadratic error criterion.The used model requires parameters such as duration of interaction, calcite mineral content and acid concentration for prediction of swell. The observed strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9979) between the values determined by the experiment and predicted using the developed model demonstrates that the network can provide answers to complex problems in geotechnical engineering.


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The applicability of Artificial Neural Networks for predicting the stress-strain response of jointed rocks at varied confining pressures, strength properties and joint properties (frequency, orientation and strength of joints) has been studied in the present paper. The database is formed from the triaxial compression tests on different jointed rocks with different confining pressures and different joint properties reported by various researchers. This input data covers a wide range of rock strengths, varying from very soft to very hard. The network was trained using a 3 layered network with feed forward back propagation algorithm. About 85% of the data was used for training and remaining15% for testing the predicting capabilities of the network. Results from the analyses were very encouraging and demonstrated that the neural network approach is efficient in capturing the complex stress-strain behaviour of jointed rocks. A single neural network is demonstrated to be capable of predicting the stress-strain response of different rocks, whose intact strength vary from 11.32 MPa to 123 MPa and spacing of joints vary from 10 cm to 100 cm for confining pressures ranging from 0 to 13.8 MPa.


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This research is designed to develop a new technique for site characterization in a three-dimensional domain. Site characterization is a fundamental task in geotechnical engineering practice, as well as a very challenging process, with the ultimate goal of estimating soil properties based on limited tests at any half-space subsurface point in a site.In this research, the sandy site at the Texas A&M University's National Geotechnical Experimentation Site is selected as an example to develop the new technique for site characterization, which is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technology. In this study, a sequential approach is used to demonstrate the applicability of ANN to site characterization. To verify its robustness, the proposed new technique is compared with other commonly used approaches for site characterization. In addition, an artificial site is created, wherein soil property values at any half-space point are assumed, and thus the predicted values can compare directly with their corresponding actual values, as a means of validation. Since the three-dimensional model has the capability of estimating the soil property at any location in a site, it could have many potential applications, especially in such case, wherein the soil properties within a zone are of interest rather than at a single point. Examples of soil properties of zonal interest include soil type classification and liquefaction potential evaluation. In this regard, the present study also addresses this type of applications based on a site located in Taiwan, which experienced liquefaction during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake.


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This paper describes an application of a FACTS supplementary controller for damping of inter area oscillations in power systems. A fuzzy logic controller is designed to regulate a thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in a multimachine environment to produce additional damping in the system. Simultaneous application of the excitation controller and proposed controller is also investigated. Simulation studies have been done with different types of disturbances and the results are shown to be consistent with the expected performance of the supplementary controller.