530 resultados para 250109 Radiactividad atmosférica


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Various features of the biology of the rust fungi and of the epidemiology of the plant diseases they cause illustrate the important role of rainfall in their life history. Based on this insight we have characterized the ice nucleation activity (INA) of the aerially disseminated spores (urediospores) of this group of fungi. Urediospores of this obligate plant parasite were collected from natural infections of 7 species of weeds in France, from coffee in Brazil and from field and greenhouse-grown wheat in France, the USA, Turkey and Syria. Immersion freezing was used to determine freezing onset temperatures and the abundance of ice nuclei in suspensions of washed spores. Microbiological analyses of spores from France, the USA and Brazil, and subsequent tests of the ice nucleation activity of the bacteria associated with spores were deployed to quantify the contribution of bacteria to the ice nucleation activity of the spores. All samples of spores were ice nucleation active, having freezing onset temperatures as high as −4 °C. Spores in most of the samples carried cells of ice nucleation-active strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae (at rates of less than 1 bacterial cell per 100 urediospores), but bacterial INA accounted for only a small fraction of the INA observed in spore suspensions. Changes in the INA of spore suspensions after treatment with lysozyme suggest that the INA of urediospores involves a polysaccharide. Based on data from the literature, we have estimated the concentrations of urediospores in air at cloud height and in rainfall. These quantities are very similar to those reported for other biological ice nucleators in these same substrates. However, at cloud level convective activity leads to widely varying concentrations of particles of surface origin, so that mean concentrations can underestimate their possible effects on clouds. We propose that spatial and temporal concentrations of biological ice nucleators active at temperatures > −10 °C and the specific conditions under which they can influence cloud glaciation need to be further evaluated so as to understand how evolutionary processes could have positively selected for INA.


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Os hidrocarbonetos do petróleo, em particular os policíciclos aromáticos (HPAs), são marcadores de atividades antrópicas associados ao petróleo, a efluentes urbanos, a deposição atmosférica, além de serem produzidos na queima de combustíveis fósseis, carvão e biomassa vegetal. São classificados em petrogênicos, quando associados ao petróleo e seus derivados, ou pirolíticos, quando ligados a processos de combustão. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a evolução das atividades antrópicas no Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP), PR, Brasil, através da análise de HPAs em colunas sedimentares.


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A queima de combustíveis fósseis é uma das atividades antrópicas mais importantes desde períodos remotos até os dias atuais. Assim, o estudo de indicadores de processos de combustão, em colunas sedimentares, possibilita estabelecer o histórico dos eventos de ocupação humana em uma região. As partículas esferoidais carbonosas (do inglês, Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles, SCPs) são formadas de carbono elementar e geradas nos processos de queima de combustíveis fósseis. São partículas quimicamente estáveis e resistentes, não susceptíveis a alterações pósdeposicionais e degradação. Devido à ausência de fontes naturais, são associadas à deposição atmosférica de material antrópico. Assim, os registros dessas partículas possibilitam a associação com os principais eventos antrópicos. As principais variações na concentração das SCPs ao longo de um perfil vertical em conjunto com a data de ocorrência dos eventos de ocupação humana e industrial numa região podem ser utilizadas para estimar as taxas de sedimentação, servindo de subsidio para a obtenção um modelo geocronológico local.


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Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Departamento de Biología


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Eliminadas las páginas en blanco


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[ES] Las entradas de aerosoles procedentes del Continente Africano tienen un importante efecto en el clima y biogeoquímica marina de la Región Canaria. Por tal motivo, se estudiaron los factores que influyen en las concentraciones de partículas en el aire (PTS), la composición química de estas partículas y los flujos de deposición de los metales solubles (Al, Fe, Mn, Co, Ti y Cu). Para ello se tomaron muestras en tres estaciones de la Isla de Gran Canaria (Taliarte al nivel del mar, Tafira at 269 m altitud and Pico de la Gorra 1930 m altitud) desde el 2002. Utilizando las medidas de deposición seca y húmeda se puede estimar una deposición total anual para la Cuenca de Canarias de 1,36 millones de t año-1. Conociendo por tanto los valores de la composición química y la solubilidad de los elementos, podemos estimar los flujos de deposición de estos elementos solubles.


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[EN] Between October 2011 and March 2012 submarine volcanic eruptions took place at El Hierro (Canary Islands). The event produced plumes of discolored waters due to the discharge of volcanic matter, gases and fluids. Field samples of Chl-a and sulphur reduced species were collected by some oceanographic cruises (Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IEO).


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[EN] Bioindicators have been used in urban and industrial areas to control the atmospheric pollution because it constitutes one of the most important environmental problems of human health. In this sense, mosses are able to reflect the chemical composition of surrounding atmosphere that together with the easy production techniques becomes mosses as one of the potential bioindicators in Europe. This study is part of the Mossclone project (FP-7) and quantifies the adsorption of heavy metals on 4 typical moss species in order to propose one of them to be used for environmental monitoring in the moss bag technique.


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Tutores y colaboradores: Rafael Montenegro, Albert Oliver, Gustavo Montero, Eduardo Rodríguez, José M. Escobar. Programa de doctorado: Sistemas inteligentes y aplicaciones numéricas en Ingeniería