861 resultados para 1st-pass Metabolism
Disturbances of the cholesterol metabolism are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk and related cerebral pathology. Experimental studies found changing levels of cholesterol and its metabolites 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24S-OHC) and 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OHC) to contribute to amyloidogenesis by increasing the production of soluble amyloid precursor protein (sAPP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the CSF and circulating cholesterol 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the sAPP production as measured by CSF concentrations of sAPP forms in humans. The plasma and the CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the CSF concentrations of sAPPα, sAPPβ, and Aß1-42 were assessed in subjects with AD and controls with normal cognition. In multivariate regression tests including age, gender, albumin ratio, and apolipoprotein E (APOE)ε4 status CSF cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC independently predicted the concentrations of sAPPα and sAPPβ. The associations remained significant when analyses were separately performed in the AD group. Furthermore, plasma 27-OHC concentrations were associated with the CSF sAPP levels. The results suggest that high CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC are associated with increased production of both sAPP forms in AD.
Résumé But: Chez les individus sveltes et en bonne santé, les modifications de la sensibilité à l'insuline secondaires à l'administration de dexaméthasone pendant deux jours sont compensées par une modification de la sécrétion d'insuline, permettant le maintien de l'homéostasie glucidique. Cette étude évalue les modifications du métabolisme glucidique et de la sécrétion d'insuline induites par une administration limitée de dexaméthasone chez les femmes obèses. Méthode de recherche: Onze femmes obèses ayant une tolérance au glucose normale ont été étudiées à deux reprises, 1° sans dexaméthasone et 2° après deux jours d'administration de dexaméthasone à faible dose. Un clamp hyperglycémique comportant deux plateaux (taux plasmatique de glucose à 7.5, respectivement 10 mM) avec du glucose marqué (6.6 ²H2 glc) a été utilisé pour déterminer la sécrétion d'insuline et le métabolisme du glucose du corps entier. Les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'un groupe de huit femmes sveltes. Résultats : Sans dexaméthasone, les femmes obèses avaient un taux d'insuline plasmatique supérieur à jeun, durant le premier pic de sécrétion d'insuline, et aux deux plateaux hyperglycémiques. Elles avaient toutefois un métabolisme glucidique normal comparé à celui des femmes sveltes, ce qui indique une compensation adéquate. Après administration de la dexaméthasone, les femmes obèses avaient une augmentation du taux d'insuline plasmatique de 66 à 92%, mais une baisse de stockage du glucose de 15.4%. Ceci contrastait avec l'augmentation du taux d'insuline plasmatique de 91 à 113% chez les femmes sveltes et l'absence de changement de stockage du glucose du corps entier. Discussion : L'administration de dexaméthasone conduit à une baisse significative du stockage du glucose du corps entier pour une glycémie fixée chez les femmes obèses mais non chez les femmes sveltes. Ceci indique que les femmes obèses sont incapables d'accroître adéquatement leur sécrétion d'insuline. Abstract: Objective: In healthy lean individuals, changes in insulin sensitivity occurring as a consequence of a 2-day dexamethasone administration are compensated for by changes in insulin secretion, allowing glucose homeostasis to be maintained. This study evaluated the changes in glucose metabolism and insulin secretion induced by short-term dexamethasone administration in obese women. Research Methods and Procedures: Eleven obese women with normal glucose tolerance were studied on two occasions, without and after 2 days of low-dose dexamethasone administration. A two-step hyperglycemic clamp (7.5 and 10 mr1/1 glucose) with 6,6 2H2 glucose was used to assess insulin secretion and whole body glucose metabolism. Results were compared with those obtained in a group of eight lean women. Results: Without dexamethasone, obese women had higher plasma insulin concentrations in the fasting state, during the first phase of insulin secretion, and at the two hyperglycemic plateaus. However, they had normal whole body glucose metabolism compared with lean women, indicating adequate compensation. After dexamethasone, obese women had a 66% to 92% increase in plasma insulin concentrations but a 15.4% decrease in whole body glucose disposal. This contrasted with lean women, who had a 91% to 113% increase in plasma insulin concentrations, with no change in whole body glucose disposal. Discussion: Dexamethasone administration led to a significant reduction in whole body glucose disposal at fixed glycemia in obese but not lean women. This indicates that obese women are unable to increase their insulin secretion appropriately.
Polyamines (PAs) are small polycationic compounds present in all living organisms. Compelling evidences indicate a role for PAs in plant protection against stress. During the recent years, genetic, molecular and ‘omic’ approaches have been undertaken to unravel the role of PAs in stress signaling. Overall, results point to intricate relationships between PAs, stress hormone pathways and ROS signaling. Such cross-regulations condition stress signaling through the modulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and ROS amplification-loops. In this chapter we compile our recent findings which elucidate molecular mechanisms and signalingpathways by which PAs contribute to stress protection in plants.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of propranolol administered either by i.v. infusion or by prolonged oral administration (4 days) during the first 3 weeks following burns. The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of 10 non-infected fasting burned patients (TBSA: 28 per cent, range 18-37 per cent) was determined four times consecutively by indirect calorimetry (open circuit hood system) following: (1) i.v. physiological saline; (2) i.v. propranolol infusion (2 micrograms/kg/min following a bolus of 80 micrograms/kg); (3) oral propranolol (40 mg q.i.d. during 4 +/- 1 days); and (4) in control patients. All patients showed large increases in both RMR (144 +/- 2 per cent of reference values) and in urinary catecholamine excretion (three to four times as compared to control values). The infusion of propranolol induced a significant decrease in RMR to 135 +/- 2 per cent and oral propranolol to 129 +/- 3 per cent of reference values. A decrease in lipid oxidation but no change in carbohydrate and protein oxidation were observed during propranolol administration. It is concluded that the decrease in RMR induced by propranolol was not influenced by the route of administration. The magnitude of the decrease in energy expenditure suggests that beta-adrenergic hyperactivity represents only one of the mediators of the hypermetabolic response to burn injury.
Due to the development of new 'bedside' investigative methods, relatively abstract physiologic concepts such as energy cost of growth, efficiency of protein gain, metabolic cost of protein gain and protein turnover have been quantified in very low birthweight infants. 'Healthy' premature infants expend about 30% of their energy to cover the metabolic cost of growth. Stable isotope techniques using 15N-(or 13C)-labeled amino acids gave a new insight into this very high energy demanding process represented by the protein accretion in growing tissues. It has been demonstrated that the rate of protein synthesis (10-12 g/kg/day) greatly exceeds that necessary for net protein gain (2 g/kg/day). The postnatal growth and protein metabolism have different characteristics in 'healthy', 'sick' or 'intrauterine undernourished' very low birthweight infants.
Seven obese Type 2 diabetic patients were studied for two 4-h periods after ingestion of a glucose load to determine the effects of preprandial subcutaneous injection of Insulin Lispro (5 min before the meal) or regular insulin (20 min before the meal) on glucose metabolism. Glucose production and utilisation were measured using a dual isotope method. After Lispro, the mean postprandial increase in plasma glucose was 29% lower and the increase in insulin concentration 25% higher than after regular insulin (p < 0.05). Suppression of endogenous glucose production was similar with both types of insulin. Thus, preprandial injection of Lispro reduced postprandial glucose increments in Type 2 diabetic patients as compared to regular insulin. This effect is best explained by the increased postprandial bioavailability of Lispro.
[eng] Proceedings for the 1st Conference on Arts-Based and Artistic Research: Critical Reflections on the Intersection of Art and Research. University of Barcelona, January 31st - February 1st, 2013.
Dans le discours critique du xviie siècle, la tragédie de Pyrame et Thisbé est sans cesse sollicitée dans un rapport ambigu au temps littéraire. Mobilisée comme un élément structurant de l'imaginaire critique, elle semble toujours appartenir au présent de la littérature. Cependant, elle est très tôt reconnue et même construite par ce même discours comme surannée. On propose ici quelques pistes pour comprendre pourquoi l'oeuvre de Théophile a fait l'objet de cette tension entre actualité et passé du goût dramatique. Pyrame et Thisbé se révèle en réalité susceptible de donner à penser une forme singulière de continuité avec le passé et d'incarner une autre possibilité toujours actualisée de l'histoire littéraire.
To investigate the time course of glucose metabolism in obesity 33 patients (21 to 69 years old; body mass index [BMI], 25.7 to 53.3 kg/m2) with different degrees of glucose intolerance or diabetes who had been studied initially and 6 years later were submitted to the same 100-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with indirect calorimetry. From a group of 13 obese subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), four developed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT); from a group of nine patients with IGT, three developed non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM); five of six obese NIDDM subjects with high insulin response developed NIDDM with low insulin response. Five patients had diabetes with hypoinsulinemia initially. As previously seen in a cross-sectional study, the 3-hour glucose storage measured by continuous indirect calorimetry remained unaltered in patients with IGT, whereas it decreased in NIDDM patients. A further decrease in glucose storage was observed with the lowering of the insulin response in the previously hyperinsulinemic diabetics. These results confirm cross-sectional studies that suggest successive phases in the evolution of obesity to diabetes: A, NGT; B, IGT (the hyperglycemia normalizing the glucose storage over 3 hours); C, diabetes with increased insulin response, where hyperglycemia does not correct the resistance to glucose storage anymore; and D, diabetes with low insulin response, with a low glucose storage and an elevated fasting and postload glycemia.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: It has been reported that a high protein diet improves insulin sensitivity and reduces ectopic lipids in animals and humans with the metabolic syndrome. We therefore tested the hypothesis that a high dietary protein content may stimulate whole body lipid oxidation and alter post-prandial triglyceride (TG) after fructose ingestion. METHODS: The post-prandial metabolism of 8 young males was studied after two 6-day periods of hyper-energetic, high fructose diet (HiFruD), and after two 6-day periods of hyper-energetic high fructose high protein diet (HiFruHiProD). The order with which these periods were applied was randomized. At the end of each period, either a low protein, (13)C fructose test meal (Fru meal) or a high protein, (13)C fructose test meal (HiPro Fru meal) was administered. This resulted in the monitoring of metabolic parameters at 4 occasions in random order: a) with Fru meal ingested after HiFruD, b) with HiPro Fru meal ingested after HiFruD, c) with Fru meal ingested after HiFruHiProD or d) with HiPro Fru meal ingested after HiFruHiProD. On each occasion, post-prandial TG concentrations were monitored, energy expenditure and substrate metabolism were measured by indirect calorimetry, and fructose-induced gluconeogenesis was evaluated by measuring plasma (13)C-labeled glucose. RESULTS: TG responses to fructose ingestion were significantly higher after a hyper-energetic HiFruHiProD and after HiPro Fru meals than after a Fru meal ingested after a hyper-energetic HiFruD. Compared to low protein meals, high protein meals increased post-prandial energy expenditure, inhibited post-prandial lipid oxidation, and enhanced fructose-induced gluconeogenesis. These effects were similar with HiFruD and HiFruHiProD. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary proteins did not increase lipid oxidation and increased fructose-induced post-prandial TG in healthy humans fed an hyper-energetic, high fructose diet.
Las dificultades de lectura y escritura se pueden detectar desde el momento en que los niños y niñas inician el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en la etapa de Educación Infantil. En algunos casos estos alumnos reciben un apoyo escolar que en muchas ocasiones no conlleva las mejoras esperadas, siendo las técnicas y metodologías de refuerzo aplicadas ineficaces. El problema, desde nuestro punto de vista, empieza con el diagnóstico que se realiza a estos jóvenes, que determina las directrices de la intervención idónea en cada caso. La Teoría PASS de la inteligencia nos permite conocer qué procesos están implicados cuando el niño lee o escribe, y parte de la premisa de que si conocemos el perfil cognitivo de un alumno que presenta dificultades podremos entender como estas se originan. Para conocer este perfil cognitivo (los cuatro procesos cognitivos que describe esta teoría: Planificación, Atención, Simultaneo y Secuencial) utilizamos la batería DN-CAS (Das & Naglieri: Cognitive Assessment System). El perfil obtenido al aplicar el DN-CAS nos permitirá conocer el origen de las dificultades de lectura y escritura, saber cuando está justificada una dislexia, descartar problemas emocionales o la presencia de los mismos y diseñar la intervención más adecuada en cada situación
There is growing evidence that astrocytes are involved in the neuropathology of major depression. In particular, decreases in glial cell density observed in the cerebral cortex of individuals with major depressive disorder are accompanied by a reduction of several astrocytic markers suggesting that astrocyte dysfunction may contribute to the pathophysiology of major depression. In rodents, glial loss in the prefrontal cortex is sufficient to induce depressive-like behaviors and antidepressant treatment prevents the stress-induced reduction of astrocyte number in the hippocampus. Collectively, these data support the existence of a link between astrocyte loss or dysfunction, depressive-like behavior and antidepressant treatment. Astrocytes are increasingly recognized to play important roles in neuronal development, neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity and maintenance of brain homeostasis. It is also well established that astrocytes provide trophic, structural, and metabolic support to neurons. In this article, we review evidence that antidepressants regulate energy metabolism and neurotrophic factor expression with particular emphasis on studies in astrocytes. These observations support a role for astrocytes as new targets for antidepressants. The contribution of changes in astrocyte glucose metabolism and neurotrophic factor expression to the therapeutic effects of antidepressants remains to be established.
BACKGROUND: Dairy calcium supplementation has been proposed to increase fat oxidation and to inhibit lipogenesis. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the effects of calcium supplementation on markers of fat metabolism. DESIGN: In a placebo-controlled, crossover experiment, 10 overweight or obese subjects who were low calcium consumers received 800 mg dairy Ca/d for 5 wk. After 4 wk, adipose tissue was taken for biopsy for analysis of gene expression. Respiratory exchange, glycerol turnover, and subcutaneous adipose tissue microdialysis were performed for 7 h after consumption of 400 mg Ca or placebo, and the ingestion of either randomized slow-release caffeine (SRC; 300 mg) or lactose (500 mg). One week later, the test was repeated with the SRC or lactose crossover. RESULTS: Calcium supplementation increased urinary calcium excretion by 16% (P = 0.017) but did not alter plasma parathyroid hormone or osteocalcin concentrations. Resting energy expenditure (59.9 +/- 3.0 or 59.6 +/- 3.3 kcal/h), fat oxidation (58.4 +/- 2.5 or 53.8 +/- 2.2 mg/min), plasma free fatty acid concentrations (0.63 +/- 0.02 or 0.62 +/- 0.03 mmol/L), and glycerol turnover (3.63 +/- 0.41 or 3.70 +/- 0.38 micromol . kg(-1) . min(-1)) were similar with or without calcium, respectively. SRC significantly increased free fatty acid concentrations, resting fat oxidation, and resting energy expenditure. During microdialysis, epinephrine increased dialysate glycerol concentrations by 250% without and 254% with calcium. Expression of 7 key metabolic genes in subcutaneous adipose tissue was not affected by calcium supplementation. CONCLUSION: Dairy calcium supplementation in overweight subjects with habitually low calcium intakes failed to alter fat metabolism and energy expenditure under resting conditions and during acute stimulation by caffeine or epinephrine
BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.
Activation of cultured hepatic stellate cells correlated with an enhanced expression of proteins involved in uptake and storage of fatty acids (FA translocase CD36, Acyl-CoA synthetase 2) and retinol (cellular retinol binding protein type I, CRBP-I; lecithin:retinol acyltransferases, LRAT). The increased expression of CRBP-I and LRAT during hepatic stellate cells activation, both involved in retinol esterification, was in contrast with the simultaneous depletion of their typical lipid-vitamin A (vitA) reserves. Since hepatic stellate cells express high levels of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor beta (PPARbeta), which become further induced during transition into the activated phenotype, we investigated the potential role of PPARbeta in the regulation of these changes. Administration of L165041, a PPARbeta-specific agonist, further induced the expression of CD36, B-FABP, CRBP-I, and LRAT, whereas their expression was inhibited by antisense PPARbeta mRNA. PPARbeta-RXR dimers bound to CRBP-I promoter sequences. Our observations suggest that PPARbeta regulates the expression of these genes, and thus could play an important role in vitA storage. In vivo, we observed a striking association between the enhanced expression of PPARbeta and CRBP-I in activated myofibroblast-like hepatic stellate cells and the manifestation of vitA autofluorescent droplets in the fibrotic septa after injury with CCl4 or CCl4 in combination with retinol.