483 resultados para 1118


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Written in one column (in black and red ink) and two columns (in red ink), 29 lines per page.


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Written in one column with poems in two columns, 29 lines per pages, in black and red.


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Limestone from Unit VI (857.1-859.15 meters below seafloor) collected at Site 1118 contains a planktonic foraminiferal fauna indicating a latest Miocene to early Pliocene age. Globorotalia tumida is recorded in Sample 180-1118A-68R-4, 46-48 cm, indicating an early Pliocene (N18) age at this level (J. Resig, pers. comm., 2000). Based on their known range in the western Papuan Basin, the presence of (rare) Lepidocyclina and common Amphistegina in some samples suggests that abundant shallow-water bioclastic debris present in these limestones may be reworked from older, possibly middle or early late Miocene sediments. Four samples were selected for whole-rock strontium isotopic analysis to further investigate this possibility. A petrographic examination of samples analyzed was also conducted.


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Woodlark Basin, an area of continental extension, is an ideal location to study the evolution of permeability and the development of overpressures within an active rift basin. In this investigation, we measured sediment permeabilities of cores from Woodlark Basin and used numerical modeling to determine if pore fluid overpressures are likely at the base of the rift basin. Constant-rate flow tests were conducted on cores from Site 1108, located in the rift basin, and Sites 1115 and 1118, located on the northern margin of the basin. Results of the laboratory tests indicated permeabilities that range from 1.5 x 10**-18 to 1 x 10**-16 m**2. Results of the numerical modeling of Site 1108 suggest that overpressures due to sedimentation are unlikely.


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In Cruise 13 of R/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov in the Pechora Sea, six heat flow varied from 50 to 75 mW/m**2. Deep heat flow in the Pechora Sea was calculated equal to 45 mW/m**2, which is confirmed by results of geological and geophysical studies and corresponds to Middle Baikal age of the basement. A model of structure of the lithosphere in the Pechora Sea is suggested. Total thickness of the lithosphere in the basin (190 km) determined from geothermal data agrees well with that in transition zones from the continent to the ocean. According to estimates of deep heat flow in the region obtained, thickness of the mantle (160 km), of the basaltic (15 km), and of the granitic (15 km) layers of the lithosphere were also evaluated. Temperature values at boundaries of the sedimentary layers were calculated over a geological and geophysical profile crossing the Pechora Sea basin. Temperatures obtained agree with the temperature interval of hydrocarbon generation and correspond to Permian-Triassic sedimentary sequences, which are the most productive ones in the Pechora Sea region from the point of view of oil and gas potential.


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We report on the comparative bioaccumulation, biotransformation and/or biomagnification from East Greenland ringed seal (Pusa hispida) blubber to polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissues (adipose, liver and brain) of various classes and congeners of persistent chlorinated and brominated contaminants and metabolic by-products: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordanes (CHLs), hydroxyl (OH-) and methylsulfonyl (MeSO2-) PCBs, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), OH-PBBs, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) flame retardants and OH- and methoxyl (MeO-) PBDEs, 2,2-dichloro-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethene (p,p'-DDE), 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 4-OH-heptachlorostyrene (4-OH-HpCS). We detected all of the investigated contaminants in ringed seal blubber with high frequency, the main diet of East Greenland bears, with the exception of OH-PCBs and 4-OH-HpCS, which indicated that these phenolic contaminants were likely of metabolic origin and formed in the bears from accumulated PCBs and octachlorostyrene (OCS), respectively, rather than being bioaccumulated from a seal blubber diet. For all of the detectable sum of classes or individual organohalogens, in general, the ringed seal to polar bear mean BMFs for SumPCBs, p,p'-DDE, SumCHLs, SumMeSO2-PCBs, 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, PCP, SumPBDEs, total-(alpha)-HBCD, SumOH-PBDEs, SumMeO-PBDEs and SumOH-PBBs indicated that these organohalogens bioaccumulate, and in some cases there was tissue-specific biomagnification, e.g., BMFs for bear adipose and liver ranged from 2 to 570. The blood-brain barrier appeared to be effective in minimizing brain accumulation as BMFs were <= 1 in the brain, with the exception of SumOH-PBBs (mean BMF = 93±54). Unlike OH-PCB metabolites, OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues appeared to be mainly accumulated from the seal blubber rather than being metabolic formed from PBDEs in the bears. In vitro PBDE depletion assays using polar bear hepatic microsomes, wherein the rate of oxidative metabolism of PBDE congeners was very slow, supported the probability that accumulation from seals is the main source of OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues. Our findings demonstrated from ringed seal to polar bears that organohalogen biotransformation, bioaccumulation and/or biomagnification varied widely and depended on the contaminant in question. Our results show the increasing complexity of bioaccumulated and in some cases biomagnified, chlorinated and brominated contaminants and/or metabolites from the diet may be a contributing stress factor in the health of East Greenland polar bears.


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We determined alkenone concentrations (µg/g dry sediment) and unsaturation indices (Uk'37) on 280 samples from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1002C over the last full glacial cycle (marine oxygen isotope Stages [MIS] 1-6). Alkenone concentrations vary dramatically in relation to glacial-interglacial cycles, with high concentrations typical of interglacial stages, high sea level, inferred high surface productivity, and bottom-water anoxia. Our reconstruction of low productivity during the last glacial maximum is consistent with previous reports of a sharp decline in the foraminiferal species Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, an upwelling index. Alkenone paleotemperatures show little cooling at both the last glacial maximum and MIS 6. Variations of as much as 4°C occurred during the earlier part of MIS 3 and MIS 4 as well as the latter part of MIS 5. The absence of cooling during glacial maxima determined from alkenone paleothermometry is consistent with faunal reconstructions for the western Caribbean but requires that much of the oxygen isotopic record of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber be influenced by salinity variations rather than temperature.


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Modal analysis of middle Miocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sands and sandstones recovered from Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1112, 1115, 1116, and 1114 within the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180 of the Ocean Drilling Program indicates a complex source history for sand-sized detritus deposited within the basin. Volcaniclastic detritus (i.e., feldspar, ferromagnesian minerals, and volcanic rock fragments) varies substantially throughout the Woodlark Basin. Miocene sandstones of the inferred Trobriand forearc succession contain mafic and subordinate silicic volcanic grains, probably derived from the contemporary Trobriand arc. During the late Miocene, the Trobriand outerarc/forearc (including Paleogene ophiolitic rocks) was subaerially exposed and eroded, yielding sandstones of dominantly mafic composition. Rift-related extension during the late Miocene-late Pliocene led to a transition from terrestrial to neritic and finally bathyal deposition. The sandstones deposited during this period are composed dominantly of silicic volcanic detritus, probably derived from the Amphlett Islands and surrounding areas where volcanic rocks of Pliocene-Pleistocene age occur. During this time terrigenous and metamorphic detritus derived from the Papua New Guinea mainland reached the single turbiditic Woodlark rift basin (or several subbasins) as fine-grained sediments. At Sites 1108, 1109, 1118, 1116, and 1114, serpentinite and metamorphic grains (schist and gneiss) appear as detritus in sandstones younger than ~3 Ma. This is thought to reflect a major pulse of rifting that resulted in the deepening of the Woodlark rift basin and the prevention of terrigenous and metamorphic detritus from reaching the northern rift margin (Site 1115). The Paleogene Papuan ophiolite belt and the Owen Stanley metamorphics were unroofed as the southern margin of the rift was exhumed (e.g., Moresby Seamount) and, in places, subaerially exposed (e.g., D'Entrecasteaux Islands and onshore Cape Vogel Basin), resulting in new and more proximal sources of metamorphic, igneous, and ophiolitic detritus. Continued emergence of the Moresby Seamount during the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene bounded by a major inclined fault scarp yielded talus deposits of similar composition to the above sandstones. Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sandstones were deposited at bathyal depths by turbidity currents and as subordinate air-fall ash. Silicic glassy (high-K calc-alkaline) volcanic fragments, probably derived from volcanic centers located in Dawson and Moresby Straits, dominated these sandstones.


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"Contract no. RP91161001"--T.p. verso.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Supported in part by Contract AT(11-1)-1018 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Advanced Research Projects Agency."


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Includes index.


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Mode of access: Internet.