963 resultados para yield of maize
This study aimed at evaluating the effect of nucleotides on the performance and carcass yield of broilers fed diets with no antibiotic growth promoters (AGP), anticoccidials, or animal feedstuffs. In the trial, 600 Ross 308 male broilers were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design into six treatments with four replicates of 25 birds each. Treatments consisted of a control diet (CD), CD + AGP, CD + 0.04%, CD + 0.05%, CD + 0.06%, and CD + 0.07% nucleotides. The experimental diets did not contain anticoccidials, and birds were vaccinated against coccidiosis at three days of age. No significant differences were detected among broilers submitted to the different treatments in none of the studied parameters. Under the conditions of this experiment, diets supplemented with nucleotides did not influence broiler performance or carcass yield at 42 days of age, and were not different from the feeds not containing any additive or with AGP.
Sowing is a critical time in the cycle of a crop and the seeds are frequently exposed to adverse conditions that may compromise the establishment of seedlings in the field. on this basis, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of types of environmental stress on the emergence of sunflower, maize and soybean seeds with different levels of vigor. High vigor seeds were artificially aged in order to obtain medium and low vigor seeds and then they were sown in clay soil in plastic boxes and submitted to the following types of environmental stress during the germination process : 1) high temperature (35degreesC), 2) low temperature (15 or 18degreesC), 3) water excess (Psi > -0.0001 MPa), 4) water deficiency (Psi approximately equal to -1.1; -1.2 and -0.6 MPa for sunflower, maize and soybean, respectively), 5) sowing at a depth of 7 cm and 6) pathogenic infection of sunflower seeds with Alternaria helianthi, of maize seeds with Fusarium moniliforme and of soybean seeds with Colletotrichum dematium, var. truncata. The results were compared to those obtained with controls sown under optimal condition. It was concluded that: 1) the effect of seed vigor on emergence depends on the type of enviromental stress to which the seeds are exposed, 2) the stress to which the the seeds demonstrated highest sensitivity varied with species and 3) high temperature stress was the one that most impaired the emergence of the three species.
An experiment was carried out at Sâo Manuel Experimental Farm, FCA-UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in 1994 and 1995, aiming to determine the biomass production and essential oil yield of mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides L. - Asteraceae) in different stages of development. The statistical design used was a complete randomized block with 8 replications and 3 treatments (pre-flowering, flowering and post-flowering). The spacing was 70 cm between rows and 50 cm between plants, with 70 plants/parcel. The seedlings were transplanted 40 days after sowing. After harvesting, the fragments (roots, stems, leaves, flowers) and whole plants were washed, separated and weighted. The extractions of essential oil were done by hydrodistillation, using Clevenger apparatus, for two hours. There were statistic differences (Tukey 5%) in fresh weight of all vegetal parts w'hen harvested in different development stages. About essential oil yield, statistic differences were not verified among the treatments.
Dairy cows often have to choose which of two sides to enter in the milking parlour. Some cows are very consistent in this choicė, and it is common to assume that when these cows are more disturbed are being milked in their non-preferred side. Such disturbance might involve significantly poor welfare. In order to assess this assumption, we decided to study the behaviour and milk yield of dairy cows and their relationships with side preference in the milking parlour. The study was carried out at Cambridge University Farm, in a two-sided tandem milking parlour. The data collection followed the daily management routine. We recorded the side chosen by each cow (left or right) during 40 milking sessions. Data from 70 cows, which were present in at least 25 milking sessions (mode = 36), were included in the statistical analysis. Cows' reactivity (CR) during premilking udder preparation, time spent fitting the milking cluster (FT), milk yield (MY) and duration of milking (DM) were measured. There was evident individual variation in the consistency of side choice. Individual differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) were also found in CR, FT, MY and DM; although these variables were not significantly affected by the side or the interaction animal × side (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The comparison between left and right side means (paired t-test) of these variables did not show significant differences (P < 0.05). We concluded that there is no evidence that the cows were discomforted or stressed when milked in the non-preferred side of the milking parlour. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
The intermittent milling and dynamic steeping (IMDS) process is an alternative method developed for wet milling of maize. In this process, the steeping stage can be reduced to 5 h by soaking maize in water at 60°C for 2 h and cracking the kernels to remove solution components diffusional barriers with minimum germ damage. Maize was dynamically steeped in solutions with 0.0, 0.1, and 0.2% sulphur dioxide (SO2) and 0.00, 0.55% lactic acid. Germ recovery, germ damage, fibre in germ, oil content and uncracked kernels were determined. A conventional steeping procedure was also performed. Germ recovery was higher for all tests using both SO2 and lactic acid than for the others with best germ yield for concentrations of 0.2% SO2 and 0.55% lactic acid. Germ damage ranged from 7.4 to 18.2% for all tests. The presence of lactic acid in the steeping solution decreased the amount of fibre in germ fraction. Germ oil content ranged from 39.3% (0-0% SO2, 0.55% lactic acid) to 44.0% (0.2% SO2, 0.55% lactic acid) for all treatments using IMDS. The smallest difference was 5.5% between IMDS (0.2% SO2, 0.55% lactic acid) and the conventional 36 h steeping process. An average of 1.3% of kernels remained uncracked after IMDS process. © 2002 Silsoe Research Institute. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The yield and chemical composition of essential oils from leaves of Ocimum selloi B. submitted to organic and mineral fertilization, obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were compared. Essential oil was extracted in a Clevenger-type apparatus for 2 h 30 min and analyzed by GC-MS (Shimadzu, QP 5050-DB-5 capillary column - 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm). Carrier gas was helium (1.7 ml/min); split ratio: 1:30. Temperature program: 50°C, rising to 180°C at 5°C/min, 180°C, rising to 280°C at 10°C/min. Injector temperature: 240°C and detector temperature: 230°C. Identifications of chemical compounds were made by matching their mass spectra and Kovat's indices (IK) values with known compounds reported in the literature. An Applied Separations-apparatus (Speed SFE, model 7071, Allentown, PA, EUA) was used for SFE extractions. They were conducted at pressure 200 bar and temperature 30°C (20 min in static mode and 40 min in dynamic mode). The supercritical CO2 flow rate was (6.8±0.7)×10-5 kg-CO2/s. The essential oil collected was immersed in ethylene glycol bath (5°C). The yield of essential oils obtained by SFE was larger than hydrodistillation in both fertilization treatments (279 and 333% for organic and mineral fertilizations, respectively). There were no differences between the fertilization treatments. The amount of the volatile components showed by GC-MS chromatogram was highest in the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation than SFE. The main volatile constituents of the essential oils were trans-anethole (Hydrodistillation: organic - 52.4%; mineral - 55.0%/ SFE: Hydrodistillation - 62.8%; mineral - 66.8%) and methyl-chavicol (Hydrodistillation: organic - 37.3%; mineral - 38.3%/ SFE: organic - 8.4%; mineral - 4.3%). A reduction of methyl-chavicol relative proportion of essential oil obtained by SFE was observed. Cys-anethole, α-copaene, trans-cariofilene, germacrene-D, β-selinene, biciclogermacrene and spathulenol were expressed only in hydrodistillation. The extraction of essential oil by SFE presented larger yield of essential oil than hydrodistillation technique, presenting, however, these essential oils, different phytochemical profiles.
Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with forages, such as palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) r. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. rich.) Stapf]} or guineagrass [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs (syn. Panicum maximum Jacq.)], provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to evaluate what time these forages have to be sown into corn systems to avoid reductions in both corn and forage production. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu, Brazil, evaluated nutrient concentration and yield of corn as affected by time of forage intercropped as well as forage's dry matter production. our data showed that intercropping systems did not reduce leaf nutrient concentrations and grain yield of corn in relation to sole corn. The simultaneous intercropping of corn and guineagrass resulted in the lowest plant population (51, 200 plant ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.0), and, consequently, the lowest corn grain yield (9801 kg ha-1). Guineagrass seeded at the time of corn fertilizer topdressing resulted in the highest plant population (59, 400 plants ha-1), number of ears per plant (1.2), and corn grain yield (12, 077 kg ha-1). Forage production was highest when intercrop was done simultaneously. palisadegrass could be intercropped with corn both simultaneously or at topdressing fertilization stage. In contrast, it is recommended that guineagrass should only be intercropped with corn at topdressingfertilization. © Crop Science Society of America.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance, bone densitometry and carcass yield of broilers chicks, using different levels of phytase enzyme. Nine hundred and sixty male one-day-old broiler chicks were used. The birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, involving five treatments and six replications of 32 chicks each. The treatments consisted of a control diet for each phase, and four other diets were formulated adding growing levels of the phytase enzyme (250, 500, 750 and 1,000 FTU of phytase kg-1 feed). When adding the phytase enzyme, the nutritional matrix was valued to guarantee the same nutritional levels as the control diet. In general, the addition of phytase enzyme determined a linear decrease on the performance of the birds. However, the performance obtained with the level of 250 FTU phytase kg-1 feed were no different from the control treatment. The best bone density results were observed in the control treatment with no phytase, and the highest leg and thigh yield were obtained at the level of 514 FTU phytase kg-1.
The evaluation of technologies employed at the agricultural production system such as crop rotation and soil preparation, both associated with crop-livestock integration, is crucial. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the incorporation of lime for three no-tillage systems and cultural managements in system of crop-livestock integration, with emphasis on corn grain yield. The experiment was conducted from January 2003 to April 2005 at Selvíria city, MS, in Dystroferric Red Latosol, clay texture. The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plots consisted of three main treatments, aimed the soil physics conditioning and the incorporation of lime: PD - No-no-tillage; CM - minimum no-tillage, and PC - conventional no-tillage; and of two secondary treatments related to the management: rotation and crop succession, with four replications. Data on agronomic traits of maize were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, height of the first spike insertion, 100 grains weight and grain yield. The results showed that the maize produced under the system of crop-livestock integration is quite feasible, showing that grain yields are comparable to averages in the region and the different soil physical conditioning and incorporation of lime did not influence the corn yield as well as the cultural managements, rotation and succession, did not affect the maize crop behavior after two years of cultivation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Herbivore-attacked plants produce specific volatile substances that represent important cues for host finding by natural enemies. The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a voracious herbivore and usually feed on maize in all periods of the day. Given that plant needs light to synthesize de novo herbivore-induced volatiles, volatile blend may be changed depending on time of the day the plant is induced, what could interfere in natural enemy foraging. In this sense, the current study aimed to investigate differential attractiveness of maize elicited by fall armyworm regurgitant under light and dark conditions to its specialist larval parasitoid Campoletis flavicincta (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). All bioassays were conducted in Y-tube olfactometer to assess parasitoid response to odors from undamaged maize, mechanical damage, and regurgitant-treated plants at 0-1, 5-6, and 24-25 h after induction. The results showed that na < ve wasps were attracted to volatiles emitted by nocturnal regurgitant-treated maize at 5-6 h, but not to odors from diurnal regurgitant-treated plants. The differential attractiveness is likely due to blend composition as nocturnal regurgitant-treated plants emit aromatic compounds and the homoterpene (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene in larger amounts than diurnal-treated plants.
Despite the great importance of soybeans in Brazil, there have been few applications of soybean crop modeling on Brazilian conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to use modified crop models to estimate the depleted and potential soybean crop yield in Brazil. The climatic variable data used in the modified simulation of the soybean crop models were temperature, insolation and rainfall. The data set was taken from 33 counties (28 Sao Paulo state counties, and 5 counties from other states that neighbor São Paulo). Among the models, modifications in the estimation of the leaf area of the soybean crop, which includes corrections for the temperature, shading, senescence, CO2, and biomass partition were proposed; also, the methods of input for the model's simulation of the climatic variables were reconsidered. The depleted yields were estimated through a water balance, from which the depletion coefficient was estimated. It can be concluded that the adaptation soybean growth crop model might be used to predict the results of the depleted and potential yield of soybeans, and it can also be used to indicate better locations and periods of tillage.
Improvements in on-farm water and soil fertility management through water harvesting may prove key to up-grade smallholder farming systems in dry sub-humid and semi-arid sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). The currently experienced yield levels are usually less than 1 t ha-1, i.e., 3-5 times lower than potential levels obtained by commercial farmers and researchers for similar agro-hydrological conditions. The low yield levels are ascribed to the poor crop water availability due to variable rainfall, losses in on-farm water balance and inherently low soil nutrient levels. To meet an increased food demand with less use of water and land in the region, requires farming systems that provide more yields per water unit and/or land area in the future. This thesis presents the results of a project on water harvesting system aiming to upgrade currently practised water management for maize (Zea mays, L.) in semi-arid SSA. The objectives were to a) quantify dry spell occurrence and potential impact in currently practised small-holder grain production systems, b) test agro-hydrological viability and compare maize yields in an on-farm experiment using combinations supplemental irrigation (SI) and fertilizers for maize, and c) estimate long-term changes in water balance and grain yields of a system with SI compared to farmers currently practised in-situ water harvesting. Water balance changes and crop growth were simulated in a 20-year perspective with models MAIZE1&2. Dry spell analyses showed that potentially yield-limiting dry spells occur at least 75% of seasons for 2 locations in semi-arid East Africa during a 20-year period. Dry spell occurrence was more frequent for crop cultivated on soil with low water-holding capacity than on high water-holding capacity. The analysis indicated large on-farm water losses as deep percolation and run-off during seasons despite seasonal crop water deficits. An on-farm experiment was set up during 1998-2001 in Machakos district, semi-arid Kenya. Surface run-off was collected and stored in a 300m3 earth dam. Gravity-fed supplemental irrigation was carried out to a maize field downstream of the dam. Combinations of no irrigation (NI), SI and 3 levels of N fertilizers (0, 30, 80 kg N ha-1) were applied. Over 5 seasons with rainfall ranging from 200 to 550 mm, the crop with SI and low nitrogen fertilizer gave 40% higher yields (**) than the farmers’ conventional in-situ water harvesting system. Adding only SI or only low nitrogen did not result in significantly different yields. Accounting for actual ability of a storage system and SI to mitigate dry spells, it was estimated that a farmer would make economic returns (after deduction of household consumption) between year 2-7 after investment in dam construction depending on dam sealant and labour cost used. Simulating maize growth and site water balance in a system of maize with SI increased annual grain yield with 35 % as a result of timely applications of SI. Field water balance changes in actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and deep percolation were insignificant with SI, although the absolute amount of ETa increased with 30 mm y-1 for crop with SI compared to NI. The dam water balance showed 30% productive outtake as SI of harvested water. Large losses due to seepage and spill-flow occurred from the dam. Water productivity (WP, of ETa) for maize with SI was on average 1 796 m3 per ton grain, and for maize without SI 2 254 m3 per ton grain, i.e, a decerase of WP with 25%. The water harvesting system for supplemental irrigation of maize was shown to be both biophysically and economically viable. However, adoption by farmers will depend on other factors, including investment capacity, know-how and legislative possibilities. Viability of increased water harvesting implementation in a catchment scale needs to be assessed so that other down-stream uses of water remains uncompromised.
Methane yield of ligno-cellulosic substrates (i.e. dedicated energy crops and agricultural residues) may be limited by their composition and structural features. Hence, biomass pre-treatments are envisaged to overcome this constraint. This thesis aimed at: i) assessing biomass and methane yield of dedicated energy crops; ii) evaluating the effects of hydrothermal pre-treatments on methane yield of Arundo; iii) investigating the effects of NaOH pre-treatments and iv) acid pre-treatments on chemical composition, physical structure and methane yield of two dedicated energy crops and one agricultural residue. Three multi-annual species (Arundo, Switchgrass and Sorghum Silk), three sorghum hybrids (Trudan Headless, B133 and S506) and a maize, as reference for AD, were studied in the frame of point i). Results exhibit the remarkable variation in biomass yield, chemical characteristics and potential methane yield. The six species alternative to maize deserve attention in view of a low need of external inputs but necessitate improvements in biodegradability. In the frame of point ii), Arundo was subjected to hydrothermal pre-treatments at different temperature, time and acid catalyst (with and without H2SO4). Pre-treatments determined a variable effect on methane yield: pre-treatments without acid catalyst achieved up to +23% CH4 output, while pre-treatments with H2SO4 catalyst incurred a methanogenic inhibition. Two biomass crops (Arundo and B133) and an agricultural residue (Barley straw) were subject to NaOH and acid pre-treatments, in the frame of point iii) and iv), respectively. Different pre-treatments determined a change of chemical and physical structure and an increase of methane yield: up to +30% and up to +62% CH4 output in Arundo with NaOH and acid pre-treatments, respectively. It is thereby demonstrated that pre-treatments can actually enhance biodegradability and subsequent CH4 output of ligno-cellulosic substrates, although pre-treatment viability needs to be evaluated at the level of full scale biogas plants in a perspective of profitable implementation.