925 resultados para yield grade
Field experiments were conducted in the 1995-96 soybean (Glycine max) growing season to evaluate the effects of cultural practices and host genetic resistance on the intensity of soybean stem canker, caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum f.sp. meridionalis (Dpm). Experiments were conducted in a commercial field severely infected in the previous (1994-95) season. In one study, minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT) cropping systems were investigated for their effects on disease development and on plant yields in cvs. FT-Cristalina (susceptible) and FT-Seriema (moderately resistant). Another study evaluated the effects of plant densities (8, 15, 21 and 36 plants/m) on disease development in cvs. FT-Cristalina, FT-101 (moderately resistant) and FT-104 (resistant). Disease incidence and severity were consistently lower in NT than in MT, and plant yields were increased by 23% and 14% in the NT system for the susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, respectively, compared to the yields in the MT system. The Gompertz and Logistic models described well the disease progress curves in all situations. For both susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, disease severity increased proportionately to the increase in plant densities. At the end of the season, 100% of the plants of cv. FT-Cristalina were infected by Dpm, at all plant densities. Disease levels on cv. FT-101 were intermediate while only very low disease levels were recorded on cv. FT-104. There was a consistent negative correlation between stem canker severity and yield. Some practices demonstrated potential for direct application in disease control, and could be combined considering their additive effects.
The effect of Heterodera glycines on photosynthesis, leaf area and yield of soybean (Glycine max) was studied in two experiments carried out under greenhouse condition. Soybean seeds were sown in 1.5 l (Experiment 1) or 5.0 l (Experiment 2) clay pots filled with a mixture of field soil + sand (1:1) sterilized with methyl bromide. Eight days after sowing, seedlings were thinned to one per pot, and one day later inoculated with 0; 1.200; 3.600; 10.800; 32.400 or 97.200 J2 juveniles of H. glycines. Experiment 1 was carried out during the first 45 days of the inoculation while Experiment 2 was conducted during the whole cycle of the crop. Measurements of photosynthetic rate, stomatic conductance, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf color, leaf area, and chlorophyll leaf content were taken at ten-day intervals throughout the experiments. Data on fresh root weight, top dry weight, grain yield, number of eggs/gram of roots, and nematode reproduction factor were obtained at the end of the trials. Each treatment was replicated ten times. There was a marked reduction in both photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content, as well as an evident yellowing of the leaves of the infected plants. Even at the lowest Pi, the effects of H. glycines on the top dry weight or grain yield were quite severe. Despite the parasitism, soybean yield was highly correlated with the integrated leaf area and, accordingly, the use of this parameter was suggested for the design of potential damage prediction models that include physiological aspects of nematode-diseased plants.
A model to estimate damage caused by gray leaf spot of corn (Cercospora zea-maydis) was developed from experimental field data gathered during the summer seasons of 2000/01 and during the second crop season [January-seedtime] of 2001, in the southwest of Goiás state. Three corn hybrids were grown over two seasons and on two sites, resulting in 12 experimental plots. A disease intensity gradient (lesions per leaf) was generated through application, three times over the season, of five different doses of the fungicide propiconazol. From tasseling onward, disease intensity on the ear leaf (El), and El - 1, El - 2, El + 1, and El + 2, was evaluated weekly. A manual harvest at the physiological ripening stage was followed by grain drying and cleaning. Finally, grain yield in kg.ha-1 was estimated. Regression analysis, performed between grain yield and all combinations of the number of lesions on each leaf type, generated thirty linear equations representing the damage function. To estimate losses caused by different disease intensities at different corn growth stages, these models should first be validated. Damage coefficients may be used in determining the economic damage threshold.
ABSTRACTA model to estimate yield loss caused by Asian soybean rust (ASR) (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) was developed by collecting data from field experiments during the growing seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11, in Passo Fundo, RS. The disease intensity gradient, evaluated in the phenological stages R5.3, R5.4 and R5.5 based on leaflet incidence (LI) and number of uredinium and lesions/cm2, was generated by applying azoxystrobin 60 g a.i/ha + cyproconazole 24 g a.i/ha + 0.5% of the adjuvant Nimbus. The first application occurred when LI = 25% and the remaining ones at 10, 15, 20 and 25-day intervals. Harvest occurred at physiological maturity and was followed by grain drying and cleaning. Regression analysis between the grain yield and the disease intensity assessment criteria generated 56 linear equations of the yield loss function. The greatest loss was observed in the earliest growth stage, and yield loss coefficients ranged from 3.41 to 9.02 kg/ha for each 1% LI for leaflet incidence, from 13.34 to 127.4 kg/ha/1 lesion/cm2 for lesion density and from 5.53 to 110.0 kg/ha/1 uredinium/cm2 for uredinium density.
ABSTRACT Losses due to soybean anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum, have not been systematically quantified in the field, and the efficacy of chemical control of this disease is not known. This study shows an estimate of losses associated with the disease in soybean crops in the north of the country. Two trials with cv. M9144 RR were carried out in commercial fields in Tocantins State in the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 growing seasons, in randomized blocks, with four replicates. Foliar applications were performed on plants at R1/R2 and R5.2 stages, employing CO2-pressurized equipment and application volume of 200 L ha-1. Nine fungicides and one untreated control were compared, and the disease gradients in the two seasons were obtained. The percentage of infected pods was calculated at the R6 stage. Grain yield ranged from 3,288 to 3,708 kg/ha in the untreated plots in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, respectively, and from 3,282 to 4,110 kg/ha in the treated plots. In the 2010/2011 season, only azoxystrobin + cyproconazole significantly reduced the disease incidence, compared to untreated control plots, not differing from the remaining treatments. In the 2011/2012 season, there were no significant differences between treated and untreated plots. Highly significant correlations (p < 0.01) were found between yield and soybean anthracnose incidence on pods in both years (r = -0.85). For each 1% increment in the disease incidence, c. 90 kg/ha of soybean grain were lost. The current study determined that significant losses due to anthracnose occur in commercial crops in the north of the country and highlighted the limitation of chemical control as anthracnose management method.
This study examines the relationship between dividend yield and stock return over bullish and bearish Finnish stock market by testing for alpha and beta shifts across bull and bear markets. In addition, this study examines if various factors, such as a standard deviation of dividends, firm size and profitability have an effect on the size, of the firms’ dividends and systematic risk of the stocks. We divide stocks into five portfolios on the basis of their past average dividend yields and investigate if the highest yielding portfolios outperform the lowest yielding portfolios during the different market conditions. As a result, high yielding stocks were most stable during the examination period and offered downside protection on bear markets. However, a strategy of forming portfolios with past dividend yields led to negative alphas even in bull markets. Standard deviation of dividends, firm size and profitability were found to have no effect on the size of dividends and systematic risk of the stocks.
The aim of the study was to create and evaluate an intervention programme for Tanzanian children from a low-income area who are at risk of reading and writing difficulties. The learning difficulties, including reading and writing difficulties, are likely to be behind many of the common school problems in Tanzania, but they are not well understood, and research is needed. The design of the study included an identification and intervention phase with follow-up. A group based dynamic assessment approach was used in identifying children at risk of difficulties in reading and writing. The same approach was used in the intervention. The study was a randomized experiment with one experimental and two control groups. For the experimental and the control groups, a total of 96 (46 girls and 50 boys) children from grade one were screened out of 301 children from two schools in a low income urban area of Dar-es-Salaam. One third of the children, the experimental group, participated in an intensive training programme in literacy skills for five weeks, six hours per week, aimed at promoting reading and writing ability, while the children in the control groups had a mathematics and art programme. Follow-up was performed five months after the intervention. The intervention programme and the tests were based on the Zambian BASAT (Basic Skill Assessment Tool, Ketonen & Mulenga, 2003), but the content was drawn from the Kiswahili school curriculum in Tanzania. The main components of the training and testing programme were the same, only differing in content. The training process was different from traditional training in Tanzanian schools in that principles of teaching and training in dynamic assessment were followed. Feedback was the cornerstone of the training and the focus was on supporting the children in exploring knowledge and strategies in performing the tasks. The experimental group improved significantly more (p = .000) than the control groups during the intervention from pre-test to follow-up (repeated measures ANOVA). No differences between the control groups were noticed. The effect was significant on all the measures: phonological awareness, reading skills, writing skills and overall literacy skills. A transfer effect on school marks in Kiswahili and English was found. Following a discussion of the results, suggestions for further research and adaptation of the programme are presented.
Rautaruukki Oyj:n uusi Ruukki double grade S420MH/S355J2H -rakenneputki yhdistää putkilajien S420MH ja S355J2H ominaisuudet. Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaan Ruukki double graden käyttöön on sovellettava lujuusluokan S420 mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja rakenneputkiliitosten staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuskerrointa, kun halutaan hyödyntää lujuusluokan S420 ominaisuudet Ruukki double gradea käytettäessä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin S420-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien suunnittelumääräysten soveltamistarvetta Ruukki double grade -rakenneputken käyttöön. Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkesta hitsaamalla valmistetun X-liitoksen kestävyyden ja muodonmuutoskyvyn riittävyys, kun hitsit mitoitettiin S355-lujuusluokkaa vastaavien Eurocode 3:n suunnitteluohjeiden mukaisesti. X-liitosten kestävyyttä ja muodonmuutoskykyä tutkittiin kokeellisesti -40 C lämpötilassa suoritettujen laboratoriokokeiden avulla sekä analyyttisen laskennan ja elementtimenetelmän keinoin. Kestävyyden riittävyyttä arvioitiin vertaamalla laboratoriokokeista saatuja liitosten kestävyyksiä Eurocode 3:n ja myötöviivateorian mukaisiin kestävyyksiin. Elementtimenetelmän ja laboratoriokokeen pohjalta piirrettyjä liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajia vertailtiin keskenään, kun elementtimalli analysoitiin eri materiaalimalleilla. Lisäksi verrattiin elementtimallin voima-venymäkuvaajia liitoksen venymäliuskan arvoihin. Kaikki koesarjan S355-lujuusluokan mukaisilla hitsin a-mitoilla valmistetut liitokset täyttivät kestävyydelle ja muodonmuutoskyvylle asetetut vaatimukset. Täten tämän koesarjan perusteella ei ollut tarpeellista soveltaa S420-lujuusluokan mukaista hitsien mitoitusta ja staattista mitoituskestävyyttä alentavaa varmuuslukua Ruukki double grade -rakenneputkeen. Elementtimenetelmästä ja laboratoriokokeesta saadut liitoksen voima-siirtymäkuvaajat vastasivat hyvin toisiaan. Sen sijaan elementtimallin voima-venymä-kuvaajat eivät vastanneet venymäliuskojen mittausdataa kovin hyvin.
O Centro de Pesquisas da Mata do Paraíso (CPMP) é parte integrante do maior fragmento de Floresta Semidecidual Altimontana das imediações do município de Viçosa, sudeste de Minas Gerais. Como centro de pesquisas da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, ele tem servido para a coleta de dados de monografias de graduação, dissertações, teses e pesquisas de professores, principalmente dos Departamentos de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal e Engenharia Florestal. Essas pesquisas têm sido conduzidas em trilhas preexistentes, aleatoriamente distribuídas pela mata, ou em novas trilhas abertas conforme a conveniência dos pesquisadores ou a exigência de suas pesquisas. Essa prática impede ou dificulta o mapeamento adequado de locais de amostragem e os monitoramentos temporal e espacial de comunidades animais e vegetais, bem como a repetibilidade de experimentos. No presente trabalho, descreve-se a implantação de um sistema de trilhas em 40 ha do CPMP, formado por um conjunto de cinco trilhas paralelas de 1.000 m e 11 de 400 m, formando 40 quadrados contíguos de 1 ha. O CPMP passou a ser uma das poucas reservas florestais no país a contar com um sistema ordenado e medido de trilhas, abrindo um novo leque de oportunidades para a realização de pesquisas de importância internacional. Destacam-se a urgência de manutenção das trilhas, a necessidade de seu georreferenciamento e a expansão da grade para 100 ha, a fim de que alcance padrões internacionais entre estações de pesquisa de comunidades florestais na região neotropical.
Este artigo aborda o estudo da influência do tempo decorrido entre mistura e compactação na resistência mecânica de três solos da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, quando estabilizados com 4% de RBI Grade 81, em relação ao peso de solo seco. Um solo residual maduro (solo 1) e dois solos residuais jovens (solos 2 e 3) de gnáisse foram utilizados no presente estudo. O programa de ensaios de laboratório englobou: (i) tempos decorridos entre mistura e compactação: 0, 4, 8 e 24 horas; (ii) energia de compactação: Proctor Modificado; (iii) período de cura das misturas: 7 dias; e (iv) determinação da resistência mecânica: média de três determinações da resistência à compressão não-confinada. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que: (i) o tempo decorrido entre mistura e compactação dos corpos-de-prova influenciou significativamente o parâmetro resistência à compressão não confinada das misturas; (ii) 4 horas foi o tempo ótimo entre mistura e compactação para as misturas dos solos 1 e 2 com RBI Grade 81; e (iii) no solo 3, foi observado um melhor resultado para a compactação imediatamente após a mistura.
O presente artigo foi dirigido à caracterização, para fins rodoviários, do parâmetro durabilidade de três misturas solo-RBI Grade 81, a partir dos resultados dos ensaios de durabilidade por molhagem e secagem. Trabalhou-se com um solo residual maduro (solo 1) e dois solos residuais jovens (solos 2 e 3) de gnaisse da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O programa de ensaios de laboratório envolveu: (i) teor de RBI Grade 81: 6% em relação ao peso de solo seco; (ii) energias de compactação: Proctor Normal, Intermediário e Modificado; e (iii) período de cura: 7 dias em câmara úmida. Os resultados do programa de ensaios apontaram que: (i) apenas as misturas dos solos 1 e 3 compactadas na energia do ensaio Proctor Intermediário e dos solos 2 e 3 compactadas na energia do ensaio Proctor Modificado resistiram a todos os ciclos do ensaio de durabilidade por secagem e molhagem; (ii) as misturas do solo 3 compactadas na energia do ensaio Proctor Modificado apresentaram as menores perdas de massa (inferiores a 13%); e (iii) quanto ao aspecto durabilidade, as misturas solo-RBI Grade 81 exibem bom potencial para emprego como material de construção rodoviária.
No presente artigo, analisou-se a influência das condições de cura e da imersão em água na resistência mecânica de misturas de três solos típicos da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, estabilizados com o aditivo químico RBI Grade 81, para aplicações em estradas florestais. Trabalhou-se com um solo residual maduro (solo 1) e dois solos residuais jovens (solos 2 e 3) de gnaisse. O programa de ensaios de laboratório englobou: (i) teores de RBI Grade 81: 2, 4 e 6% em relação ao peso de solo seco; (ii) energia de compactação: Proctor Modificado; (iii) parâmetros de resistência mecânica: resistência à compressão não-confinada; (iv) tempo de cura dos corpos-de-prova: 7 dias em câmara climatizada; (v) condições de cura dos corpos-de-prova na câmara climatizada: sem proteção e com proteção de sacos plásticos; (vi) realização dos ensaios de compressão não-confinada: sem imersão e com imersão por 4 h em água. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que: (i) as condições de cura e a imersão em água dos corpos-de-prova influenciaram significativamente a resistência mecânica das misturas; (ii) a selagem dos corpos-de-prova em sacos plásticos levou a se subestimar a resistência mecânica das misturas no campo; e (iii) a não-imersão em água dos corpos-de-prova levou a superestimar a resistência mecânica das misturas no campo.
A model to manage even-aged stands was developed using a modification of the Buckman model. Data from Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus cloeziana stands located in the Northern region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil were used in the formulation of the system. The proposed model generated precise and unbiased estimates in non-thinned stands.