959 resultados para years of life lost


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Mirror neurons in the tree of life rappresenta lo sviluppo e l' evoluzione del sistema dei neuroni specchio nei primati umani, non - umani e di alcune specie di uccelli, utilizzando metodi cooptati dalla filosofia della biologia e la biologia teorica, per integrare dati relativi al sistema nervoso e al comportamento delle specie in esame.


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Background: The MacDQoL is an individualised measure of the impact of macular degeneration (MD) on quality of life (QoL). There is preliminary evidence of its psychometric properties and sensitivity to severity of MD. The aim of this study was to carry out further psychometric evaluation with a larger sample and investigate the measure's sensitivity to MD severity. Methods: Patients with MD (n = 156: 99 women, 57 men, mean age 79 ± 13 years), recruited from eye clinics (one NHS, one private) completed the MacDQoL by telephone interview and later underwent a clinic vision assessment including near and distance visual acuity (VA), comfortable near VA, contrast sensitivity, colour recognition, recovery from glare and presence or absence of distortion or scotoma in the central 10° of the visual field. Results: The completion rate for the MacDQoL items was 99.8%. Of the 26 items, three were dropped from the measure due to redundancy. A fourth was retained in the questionnaire but excluded when computing the scale score. Principal components analysis and Cronbach's alpha (0.944) supported combining the remaining 22 items in a single scale. Lower MacDQoL scores, indicating more negative impact of MD on QoL, were associated with poorer distance VA (better eye r = -0.431 p < 0.001; worse eye r = -0.350 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = -0.419 p < 0.001) and near VA (better eye r -0.326 p < 0.001; worse eye r = -0.226 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = -0.326 p < 0.001). Poorer MacDQoL scores were associated with poorer contrast sensitivity (better eye r = 0.392 p < 0.001; binocular vision r = 0.423 p < 0.001), poorer colour recognition (r = 0.417 p < 0.001) and poorer comfortable near VA (r = -0.283, p < 0.001). The MacDQoL differentiated between those with and without binocular scotoma (U = 1244 p < 0.001). Conclusion: The MacDQoL 22-item scale has excellent internal consistency reliability and a single-factor structure. The measure is acceptable to respondents and the generic QoL item, MD-specific QoL item and average weighted impact score are related to several measures of vision. The MacDQoL demonstrates that MD has considerable negative impact on many aspects of QoL, particularly independence, leisure activities, dealing with personal affairs and mobility. The measure may be valuable for use in clinical trials and routine clinical care. © 2005 Mitchell et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Background: Food-allergic adolescents are at highest risk for food allergy fatalities, which may be partly due to compromised self-management behavior. Such behavior may be negatively influenced by conflictual situations caused by adolescent–parent disagreement on the adolescent’s health-related quality of life (HRQL). Comparisons of adolescent-self-reported and parent-proxy-reported HRQL of food-allergic adolescents have never extensively been studied. The aims of this study were to investigate disagreement in adolescent-self-reports and parent-proxy-reports on the HRQL of food-allergic adolescents and to investigate the factors influencing adolescent–parent disagreement. Methods: Teenager Form (TF) and Parent Form (PFA) of the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ), Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM), and Brief-Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief-IPQ) were sent to food-allergic Dutch adolescents (13–17 years) and their parents. ICCs, t-tests, and Bland–Altman plots were used to investigate adolescent–parent disagreement. Participant characteristics, illness expectations, and illness perceptions influencing adolescent–parent disagreement were studied using regression analysis. Results: Seventy adolescent–parent pairs were included. There were a moderate correlation (ICC = 0.61, P < 0.001) and no significant difference (3.78 vs 3.56, P = 0.103) between adolescent-self-reported and parent-proxy-reported HRQL at group level. However, Bland–Altman plots showed relevant differences (exceeding the minimal important difference) for 63% of all adolescent–parent pairs. Adolescent’s age (>15 years), poorer adolescent-reported illness comprehension (Brief-IPQ-TF, coherence), and higher adolescent-reported perceived disease severity (Food Allergy Independent Measure-Teenager Form & -Parent Form) were associated with adolescent–parent disagreement. Conclusions: Adolescent–parent disagreement on the adolescent’s HRQL was mainly associated with adolescents’ rather than parents’ perceptions and characteristics. Illness comprehension of the adolescent may be an important target for intervention aimed at reducing adolescent–parent disagreement.


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Purpose: To compare vision-related quality-of-life measures between children wearing orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses and distance single-vision (SV) spectacles. Methods: Subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters and astigmatism less than or equal to 1.00 diopters were prospectively assigned OK contact lens or SV spectacle correction. A pediatric refractive error profile questionnaire was administered at 12- and 24-month intervals to evaluate children's perceptions in terms of overall vision, near vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, and peer perceptions. The mean score of all items was calculated as the overall score. Additionally, parents/guardians were asked to rate their child's mode of visual correction and their intention to continue treatment after study completion. Results: Thirty-one children were fitted with OK contact lenses and 30 with SV spectacles. Children wearing OK contact lenses rated overall vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, peer perceptions, and the overall score significantly better than children wearing SV spectacles (all P<0.05). Near vision and handling were, respectively, rated better (P<0.001) and similar (P=0.44) for SV spectacles in comparison to OK contact lenses. No significant differences were found between 12 and 24 months for any of the subjective ratings assessed (all P>0.05). Parents/guardians of children wearing OK contact lenses rated visual correction method and intention to continue treatment higher than parents of children wearing SV spectacles (P=0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that the significant improvement in vision-related quality of life and acceptability with OK contact lenses is an incentive to engage in its use for the control of myopia in children.


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This article reviews a particular aspect of the critique of the increasing focus on the brain and neuroscience; what has been termed by some, 'neuromania'. It engages with the growing literature produced in response to the 'first three years' movement: an alliance of child welfare advocates and politicians that draws on the authority of neuroscience to argue that social problems such as inequality, poverty, educational underachievement, violence and mental illness are best addressed through 'early intervention' programmes to protect or enhance emotional and cognitive aspects of children's brain development. The movement began in the United States in the early 1990s and has become increasingly vocal and influential since then, achieving international legitimacy in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and elsewhere. The movement, and the brain-based culture of expert-led parent training that has grown with it, has been criticised for claiming scientific authority whilst taking a cavalier approach to scientific method and evidence; for being overly deterministic about the early years of life; for focusing attention on individual parental failings rather than societal or structural problems, for adding to the expanding anxieties of parents and strengthening the intensification of parenting and, ultimately, for redefining the parent-child relationship in biologised, instrumental and dehumanised terms. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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The population of older adults is rapidly increasing, creating a need for community services that assist vulnerable older adults in maintaining independence and quality of life. Recent evidence confirms the importance of food and nutrition in reaching this objective. The Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP) is part of a system of federally funded community based programs, authorized through the Older Americans Act. ENP services include the home-delivered meals program, which targets frail homebound older adults at nutritional risk. Traditionally, ENP services provide a noon meal 5 days/week. This study evaluated the impact of expanding the home-delivered meals service to include breakfast + lunch, on the nutritional status, quality of life and health care utilization of program participants. ^ This cross-sectional study compared 2 groups. The Breakfast group (n = 167) received a home-delivered breakfast + lunch, 5 days/week. The Comparison group (n = 214) received lunch 5 days/week. Participants, recruited from 5 ENP programs, formed a geographically, racially/ethnically diverse sample. Participants ranged in age from 60–100 years, they were functionally limited, at high nutritional risk, low income, and they lived alone and had difficulty shopping or preparing food. Participant data were collected through in-home interviews and program records. A 24-hour food recall and information on participant demographics, malnutrition risk, functional status, health care use, and applicable quality of life factors were obtained. Service and cost data were collected from program administrators. ^ Breakfast group participants had greater energy/nutrient intakes (p < .05), fewer health care contacts (p < .05), and greater quality of life measured as food security (p < .05) and fewer depressive symptoms (p < .05), than comparison group participants. These benefits were achieved for $1.30/person/day. ^ The study identified links from improvements in nutritional status to enhanced quality of life to diminished health care utilization and expenditures. A model of health, loneliness, food enjoyment, food insecurity, and depression as factors contributing to quality of life for this population, was proposed and tested (p < .01). ^ The breakfast service is an inexpensive addition to traditional home-delivered meals services and can improve the lives of frail homebound older adults. Agencies should be encouraged to expand meals programs to include a breakfast service. ^


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Over the past 200 years, an estimated 53% (about 47 million ha) of the original wetlands in the conterminous United States have been lost, mainly as a result of various human activities. Despite the importance of wetlands (particularly along the coast), and a longstanding federal policy framework meant to protect their integrity, the cumulative impact on these natural systems over large areas is poorly understood. We address this lack of research by mapping and conducting descriptive spatial analyses of federal wetland alteration permits (pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act) across 85 watersheds in Florida and coastal Texas from 1991 to 2003. Results show that more than half of the permits issued in both states (60%) fell under the Nationwide permitting category. Permits issued in Texas were typically located outside of urban areas (78%) and outside 100-year floodplains (61%). More than half of permits issued in Florida were within urban areas (57%) and outside of 100-year floodplains (51%). The most affected wetlands types were estuarine in Texas (47%) and palustrine in Florida (55%). We expect that an additional outcome of this work will be an increased awareness of the cumulative depletion of wetlands and loss of ecological services in these urbanized areas, perhaps leading to increased conservation efforts.


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One in five adults 65 years and older has diabetes. Coping with diabetes is a lifelong task, and much of the responsibility for managing the disease falls upon the individual. Reports of non-adherence to recommended treatments are high. Understanding the additive impact of diabetes on quality of life issues is important. The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of life and diabetes self-management behaviors in ethnically diverse older adults with type 2 diabetes. The SF-12v2 was used to measure physical and mental health quality of life. Scores were compared to general, age sub-groups, and diabetes-specific norms. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) was applied to assess perceived versus actual behavior for three diabetes self-management tasks: dietary management, medication management, and blood glucose self-monitoring. Dietary intake and hemoglobin A1c values were measured as outcome variables. Utilizing a cross-sectional research design, participants were recruited from Elderly Nutrition Program congregate meal sites (n = 148, mean age 75). ^ Results showed that mean scores of the SF-12v2 were significantly lower in the study sample than the general norms for physical health (p < .001), mental health (p < .01), age sub-group norms (p < .05), and diabetes-specific norms for physical health (p < .001). A multiple regression analysis found that adherence to an exercise plan was significantly associated with better physical health (p < .001). Transtheoretical Model multiple regression analyses explained 68% of the variance for % Kcal from fat, 41% for fiber, 70% for % Kcal from carbohydrate, and 7% for hemoglobin A 1c values. Significant associations were found between TTM stage of change and dietary fiber intake (p < .01). Other significant associations related to diet included gender (p < .01), ethnicity (p < .05), employment (p < .05), type of insurance (p < .05), adherence to an exercise plan (p < .05), number of doctor visits/year ( p < .01), and physical health (p < .05). Significant associations were found between hemoglobin A1c values and age ( p < .05), being non-Hispanic Black (p < .01), income (p < .01), and eye problems (p < .05). ^ The study highlights the importance of the beneficial effects of exercise on quality of life issues. Furthermore, application of the Transtheoretical Model in conjunction with an assessment of dietary intake may be valuable in helping individuals make lifestyle changes. ^


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The adverse health effects of long-term exposure to lead are well established, with major uptake into the human body occurring mainly through oral ingestion by young children. Lead-based paint was frequently used in homes built before 1978, particularly in inner-city areas. Minority populations experience the effects of lead poisoning disproportionately. ^ Lead-based paint abatement is costly. In the United States, residents of about 400,000 homes, occupied by 900,000 young children, lack the means to correct lead-based paint hazards. The magnitude of this problem demands research on affordable methods of hazard control. One method is encapsulation, defined as any covering or coating that acts as a permanent barrier between the lead-based paint surface and the environment. ^ Two encapsulants were tested for reliability and effective life span through an accelerated lifetime experiment that applied stresses exceeding those encountered under normal use conditions. The resulting time-to-failure data were used to extrapolate the failure time under conditions of normal use. Statistical analysis and models of the test data allow forecasting of long-term reliability relative to the 20-year encapsulation requirement. Typical housing material specimens simulating walls and doors coated with lead-based paint were overstressed before encapsulation. A second, un-aged set was also tested. Specimens were monitored after the stress test with a surface chemical testing pad to identify the presence of lead breaking through the encapsulant. ^ Graphical analysis proposed by Shapiro and Meeker and the general log-linear model developed by Cox were used to obtain results. Findings for the 80% reliability time to failure varied, with close to 21 years of life under normal use conditions for encapsulant A. The application of product A on the aged gypsum and aged wood substrates yielded slightly lower times. Encapsulant B had an 80% reliable life of 19.78 years. ^ This study reveals that encapsulation technologies can offer safe and effective control of lead-based paint hazards and may be less expensive than other options. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC are committed to eliminating childhood lead poisoning by 2010. This ambitious target is feasible, provided there is an efficient application of innovative technology, a goal to which this study aims to contribute. ^


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Prostate cancer, the leading cause of cancer in men, has positive survival rates and constitutes a challenge to men with its side effects. Studies have addressed the bivaritate relationships between prostate cancer treatment side effects masculinity, partner relationship, and quality of life (QOL). However, few studies have highlighted the relationships among prostate cancer treatment side effects (i.e., sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence), masculinity, and relationship with the partner together on QOL in men. Most studies were conducted with predominately Caucasian sample of men. Miami is a unique multiethnic setting that hosts Cuban, Columbian, Venezuelan, Haitian, other Latin American and Caribbean communities that were not represented in previous literature. The purpose of this study was to examine relative contributions of age, ethnicity, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, masculinity, and perception of the relationship with the partner on the quality of life in men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Data were collected using self administered questionnaires measuring demographic variables, sexual and urinary functioning (UCLA PCI), masculinity (CMNI), partner relationship (DAS), and QOL (SF-36). A total of 117 partnered heterosexual men diagnosed with prostate cancer were recruited from four urology clinics in Miami, Florida. Men were 67.47 (SD = 8.42) years old and identified themselves to be of Hispanic origin (54.3 %, n = 63). Findings demonstrated that there was a significant moderate negative relationship between urinary and sexual functioning of men. There was a significant strong negative association between men's perceived relationship with partner and masculinity. There was a weak negative relationship between the partner relationship and QOL. Hierarchal multiple regression showed that the partner relationship (β = -.25, t (91) = -2.28, p = .03) significantly contributed overall to QOL. These findings highlight the importance of the relationship satisfaction in the QOL of men with prostate cancer. Nursing interventions to enhance QOL for these men should consider strengthening the relationship and involving the female partner as an active participant.^


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Objectives To evaluate the change in masticatory efficiency and quality of life of patients treated with mandibular Kennedy class I removable partial dentures (RPDs) and maxillary complete dentures at the Department of Dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Materials and methods A total of 33 Kennedy class I patients were rehabilitated with maxillary complete dentures, and mandibular RPDs were selected for this non-randomized prospective intervention study. The patients had a mean age of 59.1 years. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated by colorimetric assay using fuchsin capsules. The measurements were conducted at baseline and 2 and 6 months after prosthesis insertion. Quality of life was evaluated using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) at baseline and 6 months after denture insertion. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was applied. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated by repeated measures ANOVA. Oral health-related quality of life was compared using the paired t test. Results There was no statistically significant difference in masticatory efficiency after denture insertion (p = 0.101). Significant differences were found (p = 0.010) for oral health-related quality of life. A significant improvement in psychological discomfort (p < 0.01) and psychological disability (p < 0.01) was observed. Mean difference value (95 % confidence interval) was 6.8 (3.8 to 9.7) points, reflecting a low impact of oral health on quality of life, considering the 0–56 range of variation of the OHIP-14 and a Cohen’s d of 1.13. Conclusion According to the results of the present study, rehabilitation with Kennedy class I RPDs and complete dentures did not influence masticatory efficiency but improved oral health-related quality of life. Clinical relevance The association between the patient’s quality of life and the masticatory efficiency is important for treatment predictability.


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Peer reviewed


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Advances in molecular biology have resulted in novel therapy for neurofibromatosis 2-related (NF2) tumours, highlighting the need for robust outcome measures. The disease-focused NF2 impact on quality of life (NFTI-QOL) patient questionnaire was assessed as an outcome measure for treatment in a multi-centre study. NFTI-QOL was related to clinician-rated severity (ClinSev) and genetic severity (GenSev) over repeated visits. Data were evaluated for 288 NF2 patients (n = 464 visits) attending the English national NF2 clinics from 2010 to 2012. The male-to-female ratio was equal and the mean age was 42.2 (SD 17.8) years. The analysis included NFTI-QOL eight-item score, ClinSev graded as mild, moderate, or severe, and GenSev as a rank order of the number of NF2 mutations (graded as mild, moderate, severe). The mean (SD) 8.7 (5.4) score for NFTI-QOL for either a first visit or all visits 9.2 (5.4) was similar to the published norm of 9.4 (5.5), with no significant relationships with age or gender. NFTI-QOL internal reliability was good, with a Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.85 and test re-test reliability r = 0.84. NFTI related to ClinSev (r = 0.41, p < 0.001; r = 0.46 for all visits), but weakly to GenSev (r = 0.16, p < 0.05; r = 0.15 for all visits). ClinSev related to GenSev (r = 0.41, p < 0.001; r = 0.42 for all visits). NFTI-QOL showed a good reliability and ability to detect significant longitudinal changes in the QOL of individuals. The moderate relationships of NFTI-QOL with clinician- and genetic-rated severity suggest that NFTI-QOL taps into NF2 patient experiences that are not encompassed by ClinSev rating or genotype.


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In this article music therapy is presented as a helpful tool to support the persons (and their relatives) living at the end of their life and, also, as a non pharmacological and complementary therapy in an integral and holistic medicine. What we report here comes from the direct experience, nourished after many years of interventions and reflections in oncology and palliative care units. We’re talking about silence, music, therapy, models and techniques. We will read and feel therapeutic sessions… but above all, we’re talking about life, conscience and love.


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Background: Concerns exist about the end of life care
that people with intellectual disabilities receive. This population
are seldom referred to palliative care services and
inadequate data sets exist about their place of death.
Aim: To scope the extent of service provision to people
with intellectual disabilities at the end of life by specialist
palliative care and intellectual disability services in one
region of the United Kingdom.
Methods: As part of a larger doctoral study a regional survey
took place of a total sample (n=66) of specialist palliative
care and intellectual disability services using a postal
questionnaire containing forty items. The questionnaire
was informed by the literature and consultation with an
expert reference group. Data were analysed using SPSS to
obtain descriptive statistics.
Results: A total response rate from services of 71.2%
(n=47) was generated. Findings showed a range of experience
among services in providing end of life care to people
with intellectual disabilities in the previous five years, but
general hospitals were reported the most common place of
death. A lack of accessible information on end of life care
for people with learning disabilities was apparent. A few
services (n=14) had a policy to support this population to
make decisions about their care or had used adapted Breaking
Bad News guidelines (n=5) to meet their additional
needs. Both services recognised the value of partnership
working in assessing and meeting the holistic needs of
people with intellectual disabilities at end of life.
Conclusions: A range of experience in caring for people
with intellectual disabilities was present across services,
but more emphasis is required on adapting communication
for this population to facilitate them to participate in their
care. These findings could have international significance
given that studies in other countries have highlighted a
need to widen access to palliative care for this group of