969 resultados para write-once


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This document records the process of migrating eprints.org data to a Fez repository. Fez is a Web-based digital repository and workflow management system based on Fedora (http://www.fedora.info/). At the time of migration, the University of Queensland Library was using EPrints 2.2.1 [pepper] for its ePrintsUQ repository. Once we began to develop Fez, we did not upgrade to later versions of eprints.org software since we knew we would be migrating data from ePrintsUQ to the Fez-based UQ eSpace. Since this document records our experiences of migration from an earlier version of eprints.org, anyone seeking to migrate eprints.org data into a Fez repository might encounter some small differences. Moving UQ publication data from an eprints.org repository into a Fez repository (hereafter called UQ eSpace (http://espace.uq.edu.au/) was part of a plan to integrate metadata (and, in some cases, full texts) about all UQ research outputs, including theses, images, multimedia and datasets, in a single repository. This tied in with the plan to identify and capture the research output of a single institution, the main task of the eScholarshipUQ testbed for the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories project (http://www.apsr.edu.au/). The migration could not occur at UQ until the functionality in Fez was at least equal to that of the existing ePrintsUQ repository. Accordingly, as Fez development occurred throughout 2006, a list of eprints.org functionality not currently supported in Fez was created so that programming of such development could be planned for and implemented.


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The Anglo cluster comprises Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (White sample), and the United States of America. These countries are all developed nations, predominantly English speaking, and were all once British colonies. Today, they are amongst the wealthiest countries in the world. The GLOBE results show that the Anglo cluster is characterized by an individualistic performance orientation. Further, although they value gender equality, the Anglo cluster countries tend to be male-dominated in practice. Effective leadership in the Anglo cultures is affected by a combination of charismatic inspiration and a articipative style.


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The Western European house mouse, Mus domesticus, includes many distinct Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomal races. Two competing hypotheses may explain the distribution of Rb translocations found in different populations: they may have arisen independently multiple times or they may have arisen once and been spread through long distance dispersal. We investigated the origin of the Rb 5.15 translocation using 6 microsatellite loci linked to the centromeres of chromosomes 5 and 15 in 84 individuals from 3 Rb populations and 4 neighboring standard-karyotype populations. Microsatellite variation on the 5.15 metacentric chromosomes was significantly reduced relative to the amount of variation found on acrocentric chromosomes 5 and 15, suggesting that linked microsatellite loci can track specific mutational events. Phylogenetic analyses resulted in trees which are consistent with multiple origins of the 5.15 metacentric found in the three Rb populations. These results suggest that cytologically indistinguishable mutations have arisen independently in natural populations of house mice.


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Turtle excluder devices (TEDs) are being trialed on a voluntary basis in many Australian prawn (shrimp) trawl fisheries to reduce sea turtle captures. Analysis of TED introductions into shrimp trawl fisheries of the United States provided major insights into why conflicts occurred between shrimpers, conservationists, and government agencies. A conflict over the introduction and subsequent regulation of TEDs occurred because the problem and the solution were perceived differently by the various stakeholders. Attempts to negotiate and mediate the conflict broke down, resulting in litigation against the U.S. government by conservationists and shrimpers. Litigation was not an efficient resolution to the sea turtle-TED-trawl conflict but it appears that litigation was the only remaining path of resolution once the issue became polarized. We review two major Australian trawl fisheries to identify any significant differences in circumstances that may affect TED acceptance. Australian trawl fisheries are structured differently and good communication occurs between industry and researchers. TEDs are being introduced as mature technology. Furthermore, bycatch issues are of increasing concern to all stakeholders. These factors, combined with insights derived from previous conflicts concerning TEDs in the United Stares, increase the possibilities that TEDs will be introduced to Australian fishers with better acceptance.


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This is the second in a series of articles whose ultimate goal is the evaluation of the matrix elements (MEs) of the U(2n) generators in a multishell spin-orbit basis. This extends the existing unitary group approach to spin-dependent configuration interaction (CI) and many-body perturbation theory calculations on molecules to systems where there is a natural partitioning of the electronic orbital space. As a necessary preliminary to obtaining the U(2n) generator MEs in a multishell spin-orbit basis, we must obtain a complete set of adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. The zero-shift coefficients were obtained in the first article of the series. in this article, we evaluate the nonzero shift adjoint coupling coefficients for the two-shell composite Gelfand-Paldus basis. We then demonstrate that the one-shell versions of these coefficients may be obtained by taking the Gelfand-Tsetlin limit of the two-shell formulas. These coefficients,together with the zero-shift types, then enable us to write down formulas for the U(2n) generator matrix elements in a two-shell spin-orbit basis. Ultimately, the results of the series may be used to determine the many-electron density matrices for a partitioned system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Azadirachtin-containing neem seed extract is a powerful insect growth regulator, a feeding deterrent and repellent with low toxicity. Unfortunately, azadirachtin degrades rapidly in light, excessive heat or alkalinity. Evaluations of azadirachtin on ectoparasites on animals have been scarce. The purpose of this work was to describe the effects of normal and potentiated azadirachtin on Ctenocephalides felis in the dog or cat. Groups of kennelled greyhounds and domestic cats infested with C. felis were sprayed once with azadirachtin containing neem seed extract with or without diethyltoluamide (Deer) and/or citronella. Methanolic extracts with 200, 1000 or 2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with fleas counted on treated dogs just before treatment and untreated infested dogs, 1000-2400 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 93-53% for 19 days. However, combined with 500 ppm Deet and 33% w/v citronella, only 500 ppm azadirachtin reduced fleas 95-62% for 20 days. On cats inoculated with 50 fleas 2 days before treatment, the combination reduced fleas and eggs 100% to day 6 and 83-51% from days 7 to 9. On petri dishes, the combination achieved 100% egg mortality up to day 7 and 80% to day 14 and 38-52% to to days 21-28. Deet, with or without neem seed extract or citronella, and citronella, with or without neem, did not reduce fleas significantly. The results show that azadirachtin reduced fleas in a dose-dependent manner in flea-contaminated environments. In cats, the combination killed most fleas within 24 h, providing effective flea control for 7 days. The results suggest that Deet with citronella potentiated the effect of azadirachtin on C. felis. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Instantaneous outbursts in underground coal mines have occurred in at least 16 countries, involving both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The precise mechanisms of an instantaneous outburst are still unresolved but must consider the effects of stress, gas content and physico-mechanical properties of the coal. Other factors such as mining methods (e.g., development heading into the coal seam) and geological features (e.g., coal seam disruptions from faulting) can combine to exacerbate the problem. Prediction techniques continue to be unreliable and unexpected outburst incidents resulting in fatalities are a major concern for underground coal operations. Gas content thresholds of 9 m(3)/t for CH4 and 6 m(3)/t for CO2 are used in the Sydney Basin, to indicate outburst-prone conditions, but are reviewed on an individual mine basis and in mixed as situations. Data on the sorption behaviour of Bowen Basin coals from Australia have provided an explanation for the conflicting results obtained by coal face desorption indices used for outburst-proneness assessment. A key factor appears to be different desorption rates displayed by banded coals, which is supported by both laboratory and mine-site investigations. Dull coal bands with high fusinite and semifusinite contents tend to display rapid desorption from solid coal, for a given pressure drop. The opposite is true for bright coal bands with high vitrinite contents and dull coal bands with high inertodetrinite contents. Consequently, when face samples of dull, fusinite-or semifusinite-rich coal of small particle size are taken for desorption testing, much gas has already escaped and low readings result. The converse applies for samples taken from coal bands with high vitrinite and/or inertodetrinite contents. In terms of outburst potential, it is the bright, vitrinite-rich and the dull, inertodetrinite-rich sections of a coal seam that appear to be more outburst-prone. This is due to the ability of the solid coal to retain gas, even after pressure reduction, creating a gas content gradient across the coal face sufficient to initiate an outburst. Once the particle size of the coal is reduced, rapid gas desorption can then take place. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science.


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In recent years, domestic business-to-business barter has become institutionalized as an alternative marketing exchange system in Australia, and elsewhere. This article reports the findings of a survey of 164 members of Australia's largest trade exchange, Bartercard There are few, if any, published empirical studies on this topic. This study is exploratory. Most firms surveyed are small firms in the services sectors. Although Bartercard has an extensive membership, trading within the system is limited with most members trading less than once per week and with barter transactions contributing less than 5% of their annual gross sales. The main benefits of membership include new customers and increased sales and networking opportunities. The main limitations include the limited functionality of the trade dollar limited trading opportunities, and practical trading difficulties. In selling, there appears to be no differential between the cash and trade prices, whereas trade dollars are discounted in purchasing. Participants acknowledge that business-to-business barter will remain and grow regardless of cyclical macroeconomic changes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.


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To investigate the growth-regulating action of estrogen on vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), effects of beta-17-estradiol (beta-E-2) on phenotypic modulation and proliferation of rabbit aortic SMC were observed in vitro. At 10(-8) M, beta-E-2 significantly slowed the decrease in volume fraction of myofilaments (V(v)myo) of freshly dispersed SMCs in primary culture, indicating an inhibitory effect of beta-E-2 On spontaneous phenotypic modulation of SMC from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype. Freshly dispersed SMCs treated with beta-E-2 also had a relatively longer quiescent phase than control cells before intense proliferation occurred. This was in contrast to SMCs in passage 2-3 (synthetic state), where beta-E-2-treated cells replicated significantly faster than untreated cells. beta-E-2 also markedly enhanced the serum-induced DNA synthesis of synthetic SMCs in a concentration-dependent manner within physiological range (10(-10) to 10-8 M). These findings indicate that the growth-regulating effect of estrogen on vascular SMC is dependent on the cell's phenotypic stare. It delays the cell cycle re-entry of the contractile SMCs by retarding their phenotypic modulation however, once cells have modulated to the synthetic phenotype, it promotes their replication. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Surveys of commercial soybean fields, disease nurseries, and trial plots of soybean were conducted throughout eastern Australia between 1979 and 1996, and 694 isolates of Phytophthora sojae were collected and classified into races. Fourteen races, 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, and 25, and eight new races, 46 to 53, were identified, but only races 1, 4, 15, 25, 46, and 53 were found in commercial fields. Races 1 and 15 were the only races found in commercial fields in the soybean-growing areas of Australia up until 1989, with race 1 being the dominant race. Race 4 was found in central New South Wales in 1989 on cultivars with the Rps1a gene, and it is now the dominant race in central and southern New South Wales. Races 46 and 53 have only been found once, in southern New South Wales, and race 25 was identified in the same region in 1994 on a cultivar with the Rps1k gene. Only races 1 and 15 have been found in the northern soybean-growing regions, with the latter dominating, which coincides with the widespread use of cultivars with the Rps2 gene. Changes in the race structure of the P. sojae population from commercial fields in Australia follow the deployment of specific resistance genes.


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A method for the accurate computation of the current densities produced in a wide-runged bi-planar radio-frequency coil is presented. The device has applications in magnetic resonance imaging. There is a set of opposing primary rungs, symmetrically placed on parallel planes and a similar arrangement of rungs on two parallel planes surrounding the primary serves as a shield. Current densities induced in these primary and shielding rungs are calculated to a high degree of accuracy using an integral-equation approach, combined with the inverse finite Hilbert transform. Once these densities are known, accurate electrical and magnetic fields are then computed without difficulty. Some test results are shown. The method is so rapid that it can be incorporated into optimization software. Some preliminary fields produced from optimized coils are presented.


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Land degradation in the Philippine uplands is severe and widespread. Most upland areas are steep, and intense rainfall on soils disturbed by intensive agriculture can produce high rates of soil loss. This has serious implications for the economic welfare of a growing upland population with few feasible livelihood alternatives. Hedgerow intercropping can greatly reduce soil loss from annual cropping systems and has been considered an appropriate technology for soil conservation research and extension in the Philippine uplands. However; adoption of hedgerow intercropping has been sporadic and transient, rarely continuing once external support has been withdrawn. The objective of this paper is to investigate the economic incentives for farmers in the Philippine uplands to adopt hedgerow intercropping relative to traditional open-field maize farming. Cost-benefit analysis is used to compare the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping, as it has been promoted to upland farmers, with the viability of traditional methods of open-field farming. The APSIM and SCUAF models were used to predict the effect of soil erosion on maize yields from open-field farming and hedgerow intercropping. The results indicate that there have been strong economic incentives for farmers with limited planning horizons to reject hedgerow intercropping because the benefits of sustained yields are not realized rapidly enough to compensate for high establishment costs. Alternative forms of hedgerow intercropping such as natural vegetation and grass strips reduce establishment and maintenance costs and are therefore more economically attractive to farmers than hedgerow intercropping with shrub legumes. The long-term economic viability of hedgerow intercropping depends on the economic setting and the potential for hedgerow intercropping to sustain maize production relative to traditional open-field farming. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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There are, at least, two major questions concerning the molecular development of the olfactory nerve pathway. First, what are the molecular cues responsible for guiding axons from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb? Second, what is the molecular basis of axon targeting to specific glomeruli once axons reach the olfactory bulb? Studies in the primary olfactory pathway have focused on the role of the extracellular matrix and ensheathing cells in establishing an initial substrate for growth of pioneer axons between the periphery and brain. The primary axons also express a multitude of cell adhesion molecules that regulate fasciculation of axons and hence may play a role in fascicle formation in the olfactory nerve. Although the olfactory neuroepithelium principally consists of a morphologically homogeneous class of primary olfactory neurons, there are numerous subpopulations of olfactory neurons expressing chemically distinct phenotypes. In particular, numerous subpopulations have been characterized by expression of unique carbohydrate residues and olfactory receptor proteins. Some of these molecules have recently been implicated in axon guidance and targeting to specific glomeruli.


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Syringe cleaning guidelines for injecting drug users (IDUs) were revised in 1993. This paper examines efforts by IDUs in NSW prisons to adopt the revised guidelines in 1994. Consecutive inmates (229) nearing release were visited and asked to call a toll free number for an interview once released. Respondents (102) did not differ from non-respondents (127). Many respondents (64%) reported ever injecting and many of these reported injecting (58%), sharing (48%) and syringe cleaning (46%) when last in prison. Some (23%) respondents reported adopting the revised syringe cleaning guidelines. Tattooing (38%) was reported more often than sexual activity in prison (4%). A new methodology for prison research was found to be feasible in this study. The potential for HIV to spread in prison still poses major public health challenges.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into adult skin fibroblasts has provided measurable amounts of therapeutic proteins in animal models. However, the major problem emerging from these experiments was a limited time of vector encoded gene expression once transduced cells were engrafted We hypothesized that sustained transduced gene expression in quiescent fibroblasts in vivo might be obtained by using a fibronectin (Fn) promoter. Fibronectin plays a key role in cell adhesion, migration and wound healing and is up-regulated in quiescent fibroblasts. Retroviral vectors containing human adenosine deaminase (ADA) cDNA linked to rat fibronectin promoter (LNFnA) or viral LTR promoter (LASN) were compared for their ability to express ADA from transduced primary rat skin fibroblasts in vivo. Skin grafts formed from fibroblasts transduced with LNFnA showed strong human ADA enzyme activity from 1 week to 3 months. In contrast, skin grafts containing LASN-transduced fibroblasts tested positive for human ADA for weeks 1 and 2, were faintly positive at week 3 and showed no human ADA expression at 1, 2 and 3 months. Thus, a fibronectin promoter provided sustained transduced gene expression at high levels for at least 3 months in transplanted rat skin fibroblasts, perhaps permitting the targeting of this tissue for human gene therapy.