998 resultados para visible storage
Scientific research revolves around the production, analysis, storage, management, and re-use of data. Data sharing offers important benefits for scientific progress and advancement of knowledge. However, several limitations and barriers in the general adoption of data sharing are still in place. Probably the most important challenge is that data sharing is not yet very common among scholars and is not yet seen as a regular activity among scientists, although important efforts are being invested in promoting data sharing. In addition, there is a relatively low commitment of scholars to cite data. The most important problems and challenges regarding data metrics are closely tied to the more general problems related to data sharing. The development of data metrics is dependent on the growth of data sharing practices, after all it is nothing more than the registration of researchers’ behaviour. At the same time, the availability of proper metrics can help researchers to make their data work more visible. This may subsequently act as an incentive for more data sharing and in this way a virtuous circle may be set in motion. This report seeks to further explore the possibilities of metrics for datasets (i.e. the creation of reliable data metrics) and an effective reward system that aligns the main interests of the main stakeholders involved in the process. The report reviews the current literature on data sharing and data metrics. It presents interviews with the main stakeholders on data sharing and data metrics. It also analyses the existing repositories and tools in the field of data sharing that have special relevance for the promotion and development of data metrics. On the basis of these three pillars, the report presents a number of solutions and necessary developments, as well as a set of recommendations regarding data metrics. The most important recommendations include the general adoption of data sharing and data publication among scholars; the development of a reward system for scientists that includes data metrics; reducing the costs of data publication; reducing existing negative cultural perceptions of researchers regarding data publication; developing standards for preservation, publication, identification and citation of datasets; more coordination of data repository initiatives; and further development of interoperability protocols across different actors.
Acinetobacter baumannii es una bacteria de gran importancia clínica debido a las infecciones nosocomiales a las que se asocia. La amenaza que supone en el ámbito hospitalario está directamente relacionada con su capacidad para sobrevivir a condiciones hostiles tales como cambios de temperatura, estrés lumínico y sequedad. En este contexto, se ha estudiado el efecto de la radiación visible sobre poblaciones de A. baumannii (ATCC 19606) mantenidas a temperatura ambiente en medio líquido (condiciones de ayuno) y sobre soporte sólido (condiciones de ayuno y sequedad). Para determinar la posible pérdida de cultivabilidad y la entrada en estado viable no cultivable (VNC), las poblaciones de A. baumannii se inocularon en solución salina estéril o se fijaron a filtros de acetato de celulosa estériles y se incubaron a 20ºC en condiciones de oscuridad (control) o exposición a luz visible. A lo largo de la supervivencia, utilizando microscopía de epifluerescencia, se cuantificaron las células totales, viables y cultivables. Además, se determinó la capacidad de formar biofilms de estas poblaciones. Bajo condiciones de oscuridad, tanto en soportes sólidos como en medio líquido, no se detectó pérdida de cultivabilidad, actividad o integridad celular durante al menos 7 días. Sin embargo, la luz visible tuvo un efecto negativo sobre las poblaciones de A. baumannii expuestas tanto en medio líquido como sobre soporte sólidos. En medio líquido, si bien la radiación luminosa no afectó a la integridad celular, al finalizar el periodo de exposición (7 días) el número de células cultivables descendió 1,5 log y el 27% de la población se encontraba en estado VNC. En condiciones de sequedad, la pérdida de cultivabilidad se detectó ya desde el primer día de exposición, situándose por debajo del límite de detección tras 5 días; la densidad de células viable también disminuyó, de modo que tras 7 días de exposición el 4% de la población era VNC. Además, la capacidad de formar biofilms se vio negativamente afectada a lo largo de la permanencia tanto en luz como en oscuridad. El efecto negativo de la luz fue especialmente relevante en poblaciones mantenidas en soportes sólidos. Bajo condiciones de ayuno, A. baumannii es capaz de persistir durante periodos de tiempo de al menos una semana incluso en ausencia de humedad. Sin embargo, la exposición de radiación luminosa induce la entrada en estado VNC en estas mismas condiciones, siendo este efecto negativo más acusado en condiciones de ayuno y sequedad.
Vibrio harveyi es un microorganismo marino perteneciente a la familia Vibrionaceae, patógeno de numerosos animales marinos; tanto invertebrados como vertebrados, pudiendo producir pérdidas económicas en países que se benefician de la acuicultura. Se trata de un microorganismo que vive en un medio natural con escasa cantidad de nutrientes, por ello es un microorganismo oligotrofo. Además el medio marino es un medio con una gran cantidad de sales, con lo cual V. harveyi es una bacteria halófila. 3 V. harveyi es capaz de entrar en lo que se conoce como estado Viable No Cultivable (VNC), en dicho estado es capaz de sobrevivir a situaciones de estrés manteniendo niveles bajos de actividad y perdiendo la cultivabilidad. La radiación luminosa visible, a pesar de tener efectos beneficiosos en los seres vivos, puede provocar efectos negativos en las poblaciones microbianas marinas. En este trabajo se determinó la entrada en estado VNC en sus condiciones de temperatura ambiente (20ºC) tanto en un control en oscuridad así como bajo estrés lumínico. Los resultados mostraron como las células mantenidas en oscuridad no entraron en estado VNC, aunque sí se produjo una pérdida de cultivabilidad relacionada con lesiones celulares provocadas por los nutrientes de determinados medios de cultivo. En cambio, las células que fueron expuestas a la luz visible indicaron una pérdida de cultivabilidad a lo largo de los días de exposición, manteniéndose al finalizar el trabajo experimental el 93% de la población en estado VNC. Por lo tanto, la luz visible provoca un efecto negativo en la población de V. harveyi que es capaz de mantenerse en un estado VNC para sobrevivir a las condiciones adversas.
Boron nitride is a promising material for nanotechnology applications due to its two-dimensional graphene-like, insulating, and highly-resistant structure. Recently it has received a lot of attention as a substrate to grow and isolate graphene as well as for its intrinsic UV lasing response. Similar to carbon, one-dimensional boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) have been theoretically predicted and later synthesised. Here we use first principles simulations to unambiguously demonstrate that i) BN nanotubes inherit the highly efficient UV luminescence of hexagonal BN; ii) the application of an external perpendicular field closes the electronic gap keeping the UV lasing with lower yield; iii) defects in BNNTS are responsible for tunable light emission from the UV to the visible controlled by a transverse electric field (TEF). Our present findings pave the road towards optoelectronic applications of BN-nanotube-based devices that are simple to implement because they do not require any special doping or complex growth
Effects of chilled and frozen storage on specific enthalpy (ΔH) and transition temperature (Td) of protein denaturation as well as on selected functional properties of muscle tissue of rainbow trout and herring were investigated. The Td of myosin shifted from 39 to 33 °C during chilling of trout post mortem, but was also influenced by pH. Toughening during frozen storage of trout fillet was characterized by an increased storage modulus of a gel made from the raw fillet. Differences between long term and short term frozen stored, cooked trout fillet were identified by a compression test and a consumer panel. These changes did not affect the Td and ΔH of heat denaturation during one year of frozen storage at –20 °C. In contrast the Td of two myosin peaks of herring shifted during frozen storage at –20 °C to a significant lower value and overlaid finally. Myosin was aggregated by hydrophobic protein-protein interactions. Both thermal properties of myosin and chemical composition were sample specific for wild herring, but were relative constant for farmed trout samples over one year. Determination of Td was very precise (standard deviation <2 %) at a low scanning rate (≤ 0.25 K·min-1) and is useful for monitoring the quality of chilled and frozen stored trout and herring.
The aim of the investigation was to prove if different farming conditions like conventional and organical farming of rainbow trout may cause differences in quality which are detectable by physical methods such as colour measurement and differential scanning calorimetry. Colour measurement revealed remarkable differences in lightness. Smoked trouts originating from conventionally farmed fish were much lighter than those of organically farmed trouts. This difference in L* could already be found when colour measurements were taken on the raw material. However, during chilled storage differences were equalized. Redness and yellowness were not significantly influenced by farming and did not change remarkably during chill storage. Based on earlier investigations on changes in thermal stability caused by heating, DSC curves of smoked trout could be used to verify that the core temperature of smoked fish had reached at least 60 °C during hot smoking process. This temperature is demanded by the guidelines of the German Food Code. In the DSC curves only the actin peak was still visible. All other proteins were obviously denatured during the hot smoking. When DSC curves were taken from smoked trout after different durations of chilled storage it could be seen that the denaturation temperature of actin decreased almost linearly with progression of storage time.
Fish muscle as food is to be seen as highly perishable. In unfrozen fish, freshness is considered the most important quality attribute. It is well known that there are several biochemical changes that can affect dramatically the texture of fish muscle. Immediately after death the fish texture is soft and elastic. In connection with rigor mortis the fish texture changes markedly. It becomes harder during rigor and after its resolution it becomes softer. This softness increases due to proteolysis during further storage at refrigerated conditions. Texture is a very important indicator for evaluating the quality of fish. Barroso et al. (1997) have recently reviewed mechanical methods in use for texture measurements on fresh fish. Further reviews on texture measurement performed on fish muscle were recently published underlining the importance of texture as quality attribute (Hyldig et al 2001, Coppes et al. 2002). The position along the fish can influence the results and was investigated by several authors (Sigurgis-ladottir et. al. 1999). Different methods have been compared for their ability to differentiate between recently killed salmon and salmon stored on ice for up to 24 days (Veland et al. 1999).
In previous papers the sensibility of pelagic and demersal fishes caught at depth of up to 80 m was reported. This paper deals with the sensitiveness of flatfishes, gadids, and redfish caught at depth between 260 and 450 m and with trawling times between 1 and 6 h. The sensitiveness of the fishes was tested according to the method described in previous publications (Münkner et. al. 1998) after 10 min keeping in running sea water and after 1h bulk storage respectively. The sensitiveness of the fishes increased from cod to saithe to haddock. Surprisingly American plaice and Greenland halibut turned out to be very sensitive, far more sensitive than plaice and dab caught at lower depths in the North Sea. This was indicated by the high amount of animals showing rigor already after a trawling time of 2 hand 10 min of keeping in seawater. After 1 h of bulk storage and increasing trawling time sensitiveness of all fishes decreased, as expected, significantly. Besides mechanical encroachments the main problem for the fishes caught at greater depths was the gas supersaturation in the blood and tissue causing blockage of the gill capillary vessels, exophthalmus, visible gas bubbles in the skin and eyes, and in some cases protusion of the intestines through the snout due to rapid dilatation of the swimbladder.
Im August 1997 wurde an Bord des FFS „Walther Herwig“ ein Eislagerversuch mit Kabeljau aus der Barebtssee durchgeführt. Die Fische wurden in täglichem Abstand auf ihre chemischen, physikalischen, sensorischen und mikrobiologischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht. Die analytischen Daten wurden jeweils mit den Tagen in Eis korreliert. Es erwies sich, daß die Werte vom Fischtester VI sowie RT Frischetester, von Dimethylamin- und Trimethylaminoxidstickstoff, die Qualitätseinstufung anhand des EUQualitätsbewertungsschemas, die sensorische Bewertung von gegarten Filetproben und die Gesamtkeimzahl auf der Haut am besten mit den im Eis verbrachten Tagen korrelierten. Die guteKorrelation zwischen sensorischen und instrumentell ermittelten Daten läßt in gewissem Umfang einen Ersatz von Sensorikdaten durch instrumentell ermittelten zu.
Most of the fish marketed throughout Nigeria are in either smoked or dried form. The technological requirement for other forms of preservation like chilling and freezing cannot be afforded by the small scale fisher folk. Considerable quantities of fish processed for distant consumer markets are lost at handling, processing, storage and marketing stages. Significant losses occur through infestation by mites, insects, fungal infestation and fragmentation during transportation. This paper attempts to describe the effect of these losses on fish quality and suggests methods of protecting fish from agents of deterioration
Production of mince from Tilapia using a combination of physical and chemical methods was found to improve the storage life of the mince in the deep freezer. Though the chemical composition of the mince was slightly affected, the mince was microbiologically stable throughout the five weeks frozen storage. Fish cakes prepared traditionally from tilapia minces were more acceptable than oven dried cakes. Production of fish cakes form tilapia will improve utilization of this species in areas where small size tilapia are regarded as fish of low economic value
The study was carried out to asses the nutritional qualities of smoked O. niloticus and to discover the best methods of storage to minimize spoilage and infestation of smoked fish. Result showed that the protein contents in A and D decreased while the protein contents of b and C increased. The lipid content increased only in A while it decreased in B-C and D. The moisture content generally increased over the period of storage and there was an increase in ash content only in C while it decreased in A, B and D. The samples packed in polythene bag suffered about 35% mould infection and a few were attached by rodents with some fouling. Samples packed in jute bag were in good condition but were slightly attached by insect. All samples packed in carton and basket were still in good state but there were insect attack in those packed in carton