513 resultados para válvula de Eustáquio


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O objetivo do artigo é analisar os determinantes do investimento para uma amostra com 334 empresas no Brasil para o período de 1998 a 2000. As empresas foram selecionadas segundo o critério de liquidez acionário através do índice de negociabilidade de 1998 da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, que aponta o grau de liquidez das ações. Com isso, procuramos contribuir para o entendimento do financiamento das empresas no Brasil em condições de instabilidade macroeconômica.


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The experiments were conducted during two years (1990/91 and 1992/93), to study the effects of the incorporation of bengal velvetbean and of residues on the development and yield of the winter bean crops. The trial was developed in experimental field at the Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira, UNESP, located in Selvíria, MS, Brazil, in dark red latosol covered by savanna vegetation. It was concluded that: the incorporation of residues of corn or corn + bengal velvetbean or only bengal velvetbean had no effects on soil chemical characteristics, evaluated 80 days after the residues incorporation; in yield and bean crop development, no statistical differences were observed among treatments.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work was conducted in Selvíria county (MS-Brazil), in the agricultural year of 1998/99, for evaluating nitrogen and potassium foliar application to supplement sowing fertilization on cotton (IAC 22) crop. A randomized complete block design with 13 treatments and four replications was used. The treatments were constituted by a control (without foliar application) and nitrogen and/or potassium foliar applications two, four, six or eight weeks after beginning of flowering. The urea was used as source of N and potassium chloride as source of K. Urea in the concentration of 10% and potassium chloride at 4% were applied at a rate of 250 L.ha-1. Height of plants, nodule number, number of reproductive branches, boll per plant, 30 boll mass, yield and fiber percentage were evaluated. It is concluded that the N doses increased the yield and decreased the fiber percentage. There was no evaluated response to the application of K or NK.


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Seeds of Astronium fraxinifolium (Anarcadiaceae) were collected in two years, and submitted to tests of seed germination and vigour (first count, aging and electric conductivity), in order to verify the potencial of conservation and if variations in the seed quality presented on association with genetic parameters. Coefficient of heritability in average (ĥm 2) were 0.91 and 0.97 to germination; 0.90 and 0.96 to first count; 0.93 and 0.97 to aging and 0.95 and 0.99 to electric conductivity, for seeds collected in 1997 and 1998, respectively, evidencing a great heritability to all studied characteristics. Genetic variability was influenced more by environmental conditions of blooming and harvest of seeds than storage time.


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The nitrogen is the nutrient required in greatest quantities by the bean crop and the response to its application depends on the applied N rate as well as the time of its application. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield components, grain productivity and physiological quality of bean seeds, affected by different nitrogen (urea) rates top-dressed at three crop growth stages. The experiment was conducted in no-till system. The treatments were constituted by 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg ha-1 N top-dressed at V4-5, R5 and R6 growth stages, corresponding to 21, 32 and 38 days after plant emergence, respectively. Seed physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Nitrogen applied at different crop growth stages did not interfere on the yield components, but interfered on bean productivity. Maximum grain productivity was obtained with top-dressed 164 kg ha-1 N, independently of growth stage application. Seed physiological quality was not affected by the treatments, fitting in the category of seeds for commercialization.


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The objective of this paper was to verify the ideal moment of application of desiccants on the soybeans crop, to obtain seeds with maximum physiological and sanitary quality. The cultivar IAC-15 was sowed at the experimental area of FE/UNESP - Campus of Ilha Solteira, located in the district of Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (20° 22′S, 51° 22′W at approximately 335 m of altitude). The experimental design was a randomized block, with treatments in a factorial scheme of 3×3 and 4×4 (dessicant x application time), in 1996/97 and 1997/98, respectively. The desiccants applied during the season agricultural year 1996/97 were: paraquat, diquat, paraquat+diquat mix at the doses 400; 300; 200+150 e 400 g a.i.ha -1, respectively. In 1997/98 the same desiccants were used, at the same doses, with additional treatment application of ammonium glufosinate at the dose of 400 g a.i.ha -1. The desiccants were applied three times in 1996/97 and four times in 1997/98 with 5 days intervals starting at the R 6 stage. According to the environmental conditions of this research the best desiccation time was when soybean plants had 80% to 90% of pods with yellow and brown coloration and seeds with 45% to 60% of water content. There were no effects of any of the desiccants tested in the physiological and sanitary potential required for commercialization of the seeds.


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The sowing of soybean out of the conventional period is an option for the production of seeds with high physiological quality. On the other hand, this fact makes necessary the search for cultivars adapted to new environmental conditions. Therefore, additional research is needed to supply more information to producers related to the choice of the most suited cultivars with regard to high seed quality. This research was conducted in Selvíria, MS, Brazil in which the cultivars FT-2000, FT-Inaê, Embrapa 20 (Doko RC), CAC-1, IAC-17, IAC-18, IAC-19, IAC-8-2, FT-101, FT-109, MT/ BR 45 (Paiaguás), MT/BR 50 (Parecis), MT/BR 52 (Curió), MT/BR 53 (Tucano), MT/BR 47 (Canário), MT/BR 49 (Pioneira), BRSMT Uirapuru, BR Emgopa 314 (Garça Branca), MG/BR 46 (Conquista), FT-Estrela, FT-Cometa, Dourados, JAB-11, BR 9 (Savana), FT-Abyara, Embrapa 30 (Vale do Rio Doce), Embrapa 9 (Bays), Embrapa 31 (Mina), IAC-16; IAS 5, EMGOPA-304, and IAC-Foscarin 31 were studied. These cultivars were sown on June 5, 1998, and evaluated both for agronomic characteristics and the physiological potential of the seeds. The experimental units were arranged in the field according to a randomized complete block design with five replicates. The cultivars more adapted to the climatic conditions were Parecis, Bays, CAC-1, Garça Branca, Paiaguás, Pioneira, and IAC-16. It was concluded that winter sowing should start at the beginning of May, with water supply, since June was found to be too late.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate methodologies for the potassium leaching test and to verify its sensitivity for identifying different levels of vigor of arugula seed lots. Five seed lots each of Rucula Cultivada and Rucula Gigante were used. Standard germination, first count of germination, seedling emergence and variations of the potassium leaching test (50 or 100 seeds imbibed in 50 mL or 75 mL in water; at 25 °C and 30 °C; for 0.5 h, 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 2.5 h, 3, 4 and 5 hours) were done. It was observed that the period seeds need to be soaked can be reduced to 2 hours and the water volume can be reduced to 50 mL. The utilization of 50 seeds showed a smaller variation coefficient and the best temperature was 30 °C. It can be concluded that the potassium leaching test for arugula seeds can be run using 50 seeds in 50 mL of water for 2 hours at 30 °C.


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Nitrogen limitation in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) produces reduced productivity and seeds with low protein content and physiological quality. We assessed the effects of nitrogen fertilizer side dressing on the protein content and physiological quality of the seeds of P. vulgaris L. cultivars (cv.) IPR Juriti and Pérola grown in plots (soil type = Dystrophic Red Latosol) using a no-tillage system under a thick mulch of millet residues at the Experimental Station of UNESP-Ilha Solteira campus, located in Selvíria, MS (Köppen climate type = Aw) during autumn (March/June) and winter (June/September) 2005. For each cultivar, a randomized block experimental design was used with four replicates and factorially arranged treatments equivalent to 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg.ha-1 added nitrogen (as urea, containing 45% of N) applied as a side dressing during the V4-3 and V4-6 phenological stage corresponding to the 3rd and 6th completely opened trifoliolate leaf on the main stem. Supplementation with up to 120 kg.ha-1 nitrogen promoted a greater increase in crude protein at V4-3 (unsupplemented = 17.6% and 16.3%; 120 kg.ha-1 N = 24.1% and 22.3% for cv. IPR Juriti and Pérola, respectively) than at V4-6 (unsupplemented = 19.2% and 18.3%; 120 kg.ha-1 N = 21.3% and 20.3% for cv. IPR Juriti and Pérola, respectively). About 90% of the crude protein from cv. IPR Juriti was composed of soluble protein compared to 72% for the cv. Pérola. Albumins and globulins represented about 80% of the soluble protein and prolamins were lower at 0.6%. In conclusion, nitrogen fertilization up to 120 kg.ha-1 applied as a side dressing at the V4-3 phenological stage in no-tillage under a thick mulch of millet promoted a greater increase of crude protein in common bean seeds than at the V4-6 stage. The highest accumulation of soluble protein occurred at 90 kg.ha-1 applied nitrogen without having a significant influence on the physiological quality of the seeds.


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The speed and magnitude of tropical pastures expansion in Brazil are related to the availability of quality seeds. This research aimed to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds of two Brachiaria species submitted to germination and viability tests and also estimate, for both species, the fresh and dry mass yield, under different irrigated crop-livestock integration systems. For field analysis, the experimental design was a randomized complete block, in subplots, with four intercrops in the plot (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Brachiaria ruziziensis simultaneously established with corn and nitrogen fertilization coverage), and four forage cutting times, in the winter/spring season, in subplots, with four replications. In the laboratory, the experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications per treatment/test. The germination and viability tests indicated that B. brizantha seeds showed higher physiological quality, when compared with B. ruziziensis, while the tetrazolium test and germinated seedlings characteristics were similar. The B. ruziziensis, simultaneously intercropped with corn, was the less viable intercrop, due to the lower fresh and dry mass yield and litter deposition on the soil surface. In general, the pasture formation for the second season cultivation, intercropped with corn, was an excellent alternative for crop-livestock integration under a no-tillage system.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazil primarily because of its nutritional characteristics. Some agronomic practices, such as weed management, are fundamental to cultivation, as a means of obtaining a high crop yield. However, some studies have shown that weed management may alter the function of the cultivar cycle. Thus, this study aimed at determining the optimal phenological stage in early-maturing common bean cultivars to perform the weed control without providing reductions in yield and seed quality. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 20 treatments and four replications, in a 2×2×5 (cultivars × types of weed control × periods of weed control) factorial scheme. The periods of weed control for both cultivars (Carioca Precoce and IPR-Colibri) consisted of full cycle weeded (control), weed control at the V4-3 stage (first three nodes on the main stem with trifoliate leaves), at the R5 stage (beginning of bloom) and at the R8 stage (appearance of pods) and full cycle unweeded (no weed control). The types of weed control used were chemical (fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen) and mechanical (hoe). The Carioca Precoce cultivar demonstrated higher agronomic performance and yield than the IPR-Colibri cultivar, although the IPR-Colibri seeds had a higher vigor. The type of weed control (chemical or mechanical) did not affect the agronomic characteristics, yield and seed physiological potential of the cultivars. The ideal period for weed control in early-maturing common bean cultivars to obtain a higher yield and seed physiological potential was observed at the V4-3 phenological stage.