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It is well-known that diverse groups of vegetation with an analogous but not identical floristic composition show an ecological similarity which leads to a determined type of vegetation. Starting from this fact it becomes evident that the scope of phytosociological work is the establishing of the significance of the species within the association and the discovery of the rules which govern associations. The floristic surveys made in the field have to be analysed statistically so as to obtain satisfactory results. The usefulness of this method depends largely on the possibilities of comparing the results with previous studies of the same kind, in the same country, or elsewhere. The method used in this paper is that of measuring circumferences and counting individuals in the different associations studied because it permits the presentation of the results in tables which show the phytosociological complexity of the Brazilian rain-forests. The classical method of characteristics is valuable because the more evolved an association is the less sociable are the species it contains, so that such groups do not show clear differences between species but rather between sinusia or strata of individuals. Five tables are presented in which several of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics are studied with a view to discussing their value in relation to groups and species. They are: I - Abundance (number of individuals). II - Density (distance in meters between the individuals belonging to each stratum). III - Basal coverture (circles measured in square meters of the mean projection of the individuals on the surface). IV - Basal area (mean circle in square meters occupied by individuals on the surface). V - Frequency, abundance and sociability in relation to occurrence. TABLE I. This table indicates first the number of individuals in relation to the sinusia studied: next, the sum total of the individuals belanging to the strata are given for each association, thus providing the numeric value of the sinusia: finally, the relation between the total number of individuals in the association and the total for the sinusium thus fursnishing the abundance per sinusium, in the classic sence, that is the percentage, or rather the relative number, of the elements which compose the group. CONCLUSIONS. The general character of abundance of the regional vegetation of Ilheos may be summed up in the following way: as an association evolves towards permanent equilibirum the number of individuals the inferior strata diminishes in relation to those of the superior strata which increase. For the shrub sinusium, two important facts were observed: a) in a given association the number of elements of the inferior strata diminishes as the diameter of the individuals increases; b) the percentage of individuals belonging to the shrub sinusium in the sere diminishes as the association evolve. In the subarboreal sinusium it is seen that: in the sere the number of subarboreal individuals does not vary much; whereas in the climax or the prisere there is a fall owing to the equilibrum of the biologic forms. In the arboreal sinusium the following conclusion can be deduced from analogous facts: the number of individuals of the lower strata diminishes as circumference increases. Also, in the sere there is a progressive sequence for the individuals belonging to the superior strata. TABLE II. The relation between the mean distances of individuals belonging to the same stratum and the area of an association is equal to the density. The table shows that the mean density of the association and the distance between the individuals belonging to the strata of the same sinusium in relation to the total number of individuals belonging to the association. CONCLUSIONS. As rule, the density of individuals in the associations studied follows a very general character or at least a regional one: the distance between the individuals in the diverse strata varies according to their abundance and sociability. Two other facts of some sociological importance are: a) in identical strata of the same sere the density of individuals oscillates in an analogous manner in teh subclimaces and varies in the stages which have reached equilibrium. b) the density of individuals varias in accordance with the sinusium and the distances between individuals of the same sinusium varg in accordance with the strata. TABLE III. This table presents the mean basal individual coverture, that is the mean projection of the frond of the various individuals belonging to the same stratum. The means were obtained by measurement in the field, of 100 individuals belonging to each stratum and their projection on the surface. In the latoratory these measurements were converted into mean circles (in square meters) and the result was multiplied by the individuals belonging to the strata corresponding to the sinusium of each association. The result obtained is named basal coverture. CONCLUSIONS. As a rule, the basal coverture of the vegetation of the county of Ilhéus indicates that: in the evolution of the vegetation the basal coverture of the arbustive sinusium diminishes progressively whereas that of the arboreal one increases. The special norms obtained are: 1) in the shrub sinusium the basal coverture seems to follow a uniform norm, that is, in stages of evolution of the subclimax the basal coverture oscillates with a certain uniformity. 2) in the subarboreal sinusium this fact is related to the vitality and age of the species, as in the subclimax the number of young trees is large and the vitality of the species very variable. This permits the conclusion that: in the sere the basal coverture increases with the evolution of the vegetation and diminishes when an equilibrium is reached. 3) in the tree sinusium the climax association of the prisere and subsere seem to obey a binomial rule, as the coverture (density-abundance) increases until a determined stratum is reached and...
The morphological sequence of Trypanosoma rangeli development in the alimentary canal of Rhodnius prolixus, is described, with observation made in dissected guts from 6 hours to 45 days post-infection. No metacyclic-forms are produced in the digestive tract at any time, and transmission by the contaminative route must be considered atypical. Amastigotes appear to be an essential stage in the development of T. rangeli in the gut of R. prolixus. The epidemiological importance of the developmental pattern of T. rangeli in the vector´s gut is discussed, and its usefulness for aging infection is considered.
Prognosis of early breast cancer patients is significantly improved with the use of adjuvant therapies. Various guidelines have been proposed to select patients who will derive the most benefit from such treatments. However, classifications have limited usefulness in subsets of patients such as those with node negative breast cancer. The 2007 St. Paul de Vence Clinical Practice Recommendations proposed to consider adjuvant therapy in accordance with the 10-year relapse-free survival reduction estimated by Adjuvant! Online. However, many limitations remain regarding the use of Adjuvant! Online. Among them, adverse prognostic and/or predictive factors such as vascular invasion, mitotic activity, progesterone receptor negativity, and HER-2 expression are not incorporated in the routine clinical decision process. Our group has therefore issued guidelines based on the consideration of both Adjuvant! Online calculations and the prognostic and/or predictive effects of these markers. In addition, web-accessible comprehensive tables summarizing these recommendations are provided.
BACKGROUND: The Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) and Health of Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) are both measures of outcome for adolescent mental health services. AIMS: To compare the ADAD with HoNOSCA; to examine their clinical usefulness. METHODS: Comparison of the ADAD and HoNOSCA outcome measures of 20 adolescents attending a psychiatric day care unit. RESULTS: ADAD change was positively correlated with HoNOSCA change. HoNOSCA assesses the clinic's day-care programme more positively than the ADAD. The ADAD detects a group for which the mean score remains unchanged whereas HoNOSCA does not. CONCLUSIONS: A good convergent validity emerges between the two assessment tools. The ADAD allows an evidence-based assessment and generally enables a better subject discrimination than HoNOSCA. HoNOSCA gives a less refined evaluation but is more economic in time and possibly more sensitive to change. Both assessment tools give useful information and enabled the Day-care Unit for Adolescents to rethink the process of care and of outcome, which benefited both the institution and the patients.
We develop tests of the proportional hazards assumption, with respect to a continuous covariate, in the presence of unobserved heterogeneity with unknown distribution at the individual observation level. The proposed tests are specially powerful against ordered alternatives useful for modeling non-proportional hazards situations. By contrast to the case when the heterogeneity distribution is known up to …nite dimensional parameters, the null hypothesis for the current problem is similar to a test for absence of covariate dependence. However, the two testing problems di¤er in the nature of relevant alternative hypotheses. We develop tests for both the problems against ordered alternatives. Small sample performance and an application to real data highlight the usefulness of the framework and methodology.
Background/Aims: Cognitive dysfunction after medical treatment is increasingly being recognized. Studies on this topic require repeated cognitive testing within a short time. However, with repeated testing, practice effects must be expected. We quantified practice effects in a demographically corrected summary score of a neuropsychological test battery repeatedly administered to healthy elderly volunteers. Methods: The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (for which a demographically corrected summary score was developed), phonemic fluency tests, and trail-making tests were administered in healthy volunteers aged 65 years or older on days 0, 7, and 90. This battery allows calculation of a demographically adjusted continuous summary score. Results: Significant practice effects were observed in the CERAD total score and in the word list (learning and recall) subtest. Based on these volunteer data, we developed a threshold for diagnosis of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) with the CERAD total score. Conclusion: Practice effects with repeated administration of neuropsychological tests must be accounted for in the interpretation of such tests. Ignoring practice effects may lead to an underestimation of POCD. The usefulness of the proposed demographically adjusted continuous score for cognitive function will have to be tested prospectively in patients.
This paper examines the effect that heterogeneous customer orders flows have on exchange rates by using a new, and the largest, proprietary dataset of weekly net order flow segmented by customer type across nine of the most liquid currency pairs. We make several contributions. Firstly, we investigate the extent to which customer order flow can help to explain exchange rate movements over and above the influence of macroeconomic variables. Secondly, we address the issue of whether order flows contain (private) information which explain exchange rates changes. Thirdly, we look at the usefulness of order flow in forecasting exchange rate movements at longer horizons than those generally considered in the microstructure literature. Finally we address the question of whether the out-of-sample exchange rate forecasts generated by order flows can be employed profitably in the foreign exchange markets
Bacteriophages (phages) produce endolysins (lysins) as part of their lytic cycle in order to degrade the peptidoglycan layer of the infected bacteria for subsequent release of phage progeny. Because these enzymes maintain their lytic and lethal activity against Gram-positive bacteria when added extrinsically to the cells, they have been actively exploited as novel anti-infectives, sometimes termed enzybiotics. As with other relatively small peptides, one issue in their clinical development is their rapid inactivation through proteolytic degradation, immunological blockage and renal clearance. The antipneumococcal lysin Cpl-1 was shown to escape both proteolysis and immunological blockage. However, its short plasma half-life (20.5 min in mice) may represent a shortcoming for clinical usefulness. Here we report the construction of a Cpl-1 dimer with a view to increasing both the antipneumococcal specific activity and plasma half-life of Cpl-1. Dimerisation was achieved by introducing specific cysteine residues at the C-terminal end of the enzyme, thus favouring disulphide bonding. Compared with the native monomer, the constructed dimer demonstrated a two-fold increase in specific antipneumococcal activity and a ca. ten-fold decrease in plasma clearance. As several lysins are suspected to dimerise on contact with their cell wall substrate to be fully active, stable pre-dimerised enzymes may represent a more efficient alternative to the native monomer.
The large appreciation and depreciation of the US dollar in the 1980s stimulated an important debate on the usefulness of unit root tests in the presence of structural breaks. In this paper, we propose a simple model to describe the evolution of the real exchange rate. We then propose a more general smooth transition (STR) function than has hitherto been employed, which is able to capture structural changes along the (long-run) equilibrium path, and show that this is consistent with our economic model. Our framework allows for a gradual adjustment between regimes and allows for under- and/or over-valued exchange rate adjustments. Using monthly and quarterly data for up to twenty OECD countries, we apply our methodology to investigate the univariate time series properties of CPI-based real exchange rates with both the U.S. dollar and German mark as the numeraire currencies. The empirical results show that, for more than half of the quarterly series, the evidence in favour of the stationarity of the real exchange rate was clearer in the sub-sample period post-1980.
In this paper we develop methods for estimation and forecasting in large timevarying parameter vector autoregressive models (TVP-VARs). To overcome computational constraints with likelihood-based estimation of large systems, we rely on Kalman filter estimation with forgetting factors. We also draw on ideas from the dynamic model averaging literature and extend the TVP-VAR so that its dimension can change over time. A final extension lies in the development of a new method for estimating, in a time-varying manner, the parameter(s) of the shrinkage priors commonly-used with large VARs. These extensions are operationalized through the use of forgetting factor methods and are, thus, computationally simple. An empirical application involving forecasting inflation, real output, and interest rates demonstrates the feasibility and usefulness of our approach.
A specific antiserum to Candida albicans serotype A was prepared adsorbing a total antiserum with Candida albicans serotype B cells. This specific antiserum was used for serotyping C. albicans strains obtained from patients in different hospitals of Havana City, Cuba. Two hundred strains (95.2%) were serotype A, the remaining 10 (4.8%) were serotype B. Results were also correlated with strains isolated from the specimen origin, sex and race of the patient. The usefulness of this specific antiserum to determine C. albicans serotypes and its therapeutic value are pointed out.
This paper investigates the usefulness of switching Gaussian state space models as a tool for implementing dynamic model selecting (DMS) or averaging (DMA) in time-varying parameter regression models. DMS methods allow for model switching, where a different model can be chosen at each point in time. Thus, they allow for the explanatory variables in the time-varying parameter regression model to change over time. DMA will carry out model averaging in a time-varying manner. We compare our exact approach to DMA/DMS to a popular existing procedure which relies on the use of forgetting factor approximations. In an application, we use DMS to select different predictors in an in ation forecasting application. We also compare different ways of implementing DMA/DMS and investigate whether they lead to similar results.
This paper discusses how to identify individual-specific causal effects of an ordered discrete endogenous variable. The counterfactual heterogeneous causal information is recovered by identifying the partial differences of a structural relation. The proposed refutable nonparametric local restrictions exploit the fact that the pattern of endogeneity may vary across the level of the unobserved variable. The restrictions adopted in this paper impose a sense of order to an unordered binary endogeneous variable. This allows for a uni.ed structural approach to studying various treatment effects when self-selection on unobservables is present. The usefulness of the identi.cation results is illustrated using the data on the Vietnam-era veterans. The empirical findings reveal that when other observable characteristics are identical, military service had positive impacts for individuals with low (unobservable) earnings potential, while it had negative impacts for those with high earnings potential. This heterogeneity would not be detected by average effects which would underestimate the actual effects because different signs would be cancelled out. This partial identification result can be used to test homogeneity in response. When homogeneity is rejected, many parameters based on averages may deliver misleading information.
An ELISA Inhibition Method (EIM) was proposed for the serologic diagnosis of dengue, comparing its results with the Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) and the IgM capture-ELISA (MAC-ELISA). Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed according to sensitivity, specificity, performance and usefulness. As a conclusion we recommend the complementary inclusion of the EIM and MAC-ELISA substituting the HI for laboratories engaged in the diagnosis and surveillance of dengue.
Econometric analysis has been inconclusive in determining the contribution that increased skills have on macroeconomic performance whilst conventional growth accounting approaches to the same problem rest on restrictive assumptions. We propose an alternative micro-to-macro method which combines elements of growth accounting and numerical general equilibrium modelling. The usefulness of this approach for applied education policy analysis is demonstrated by evaluating the macroeconomic impact on the Scottish economy of a single graduation cohort from further education colleges. We find the macroeconomic impact to be significant. From a policy point of view this supports a revival of interest in the conventional teaching role of education institutions.