420 resultados para unidirectional


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We report on generation of harmonic oscillations with frequencies of hundreds of MHz and radio-frequency linewidth of 13 Hz in unidirectional ring laser oscillator. This high stability makes these oscillators a suitable substitute for existing quartz resonators used in high frequency optoelectronics applications.


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We have investigated a hybrid mode-locked Erbium-doped fibre ring laser without optical isolator. Creating different losses in the cavity for counter-propagating pulses via net birefringence adjusting, the laser can operate in both unidirectional regimes with extinction over 22 dB, as well as can establish stable bidirectional generation.


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The focus on how one is behaving, feeling, and thinking, provides a powerful source of self-knowledge. How is this self-knowledge utilized in the dynamic reconstruction of autobiographical memories? How, in turn, might autobiographical memories support identity and the self-system? I address these questions through a critical review of the literature on autobiographical memory and the self-system, with a special focus on the self-concept, self-knowledge, and identity. I then outline the methods and results of a prospective longitudinal study examining the effects of an identity change on memory for events related to that identity. Participant-rated memory characteristics, computer-generated ratings of narrative content and structure, and neutral-observer ratings of coherence were examined for changes over time related to an identity-change, as well as for their ability to predict an identity-change. The conclusions from this study are threefold: (1) when the rated centrality of an event decreases, the reported instances of retrieval, as well as the phenomenology associated with retrieval and the number of words used to describe the memory, also decrease; (2) memory accuracy (here, estimating past behaviors) was not influenced by an identity change; and (3) remembering is not unidirectional – characteristics of identity-relevant memories and the life story predict and may help support persistence with an identity (here, an academic trajectory).


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Crystallization is the critical process used by pharmaceutical industries to achieve the desired size, size distribution, shape and polymorphism of a product material. Control of these properties presents a major challenge since they influence considerably downstream processing factors. Experimental work aimed at finding ways to control the crystal shape of Lacosamide, an active pharmaceutical ingredient developed by UCB Pharma, during crystallization was carried out. It was found that the crystal lattice displayed a very strong unidirectional double hydrogen bonding, which was at the origin of the needle shape of the Lacosamide crystals. Two main strategies were followed to hinder the hydrogen bonding and compete with the addition of a Lacosamide molecule along the crystal length axis: changing the crystallization medium or weakening the hydrogen bonding. Various solvents were tested to check whether the solvent used to crystallize Lacosamide had an influence on the final crystal shape. Solvent molecules seemed to slow down the growth in the length axis by hindering the unidirectional hydrogen bonding of Lacosamide crystals, but not enough to promote the crystal growth in the width axis. Additives were also tested. Certain additives have shown to compete in a more efficient way than solvent molecules with the hydrogen bonding of Lacosamide. The additive effect has also shown to be compatible with the solvent effect. In parallel, hydrogen atoms in Lacosamide were changed into deuterium atoms in order to weaken the hydrogen bonds strength. Weakening the hydrogen bonds of Lacosamide allowed to let the crystal grow in the width axis. Deuteration was found to be combinable with solvent effect while being in competition with the additive effect. The Lacosamide molecule was eventually deemed an absolute needle by the terms of Lovette and Doherty. The results of this dissertation are aimed at contributing to this classification.


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Unidirectional hybridization between bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) sunfish enables researchers to explore the relative expression of paternal and maternal alleles in hybrids. Past studies have found that the metabolic dysfunction in bluegill-pumpkinseed hybrids may be due to incompatibilities between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. However, the consequences of hybridization on body size and muscle growth have not been examined. This topic is particularly interesting because hybrids grow larger than parentals despite the fact that they are often sired by smaller, precociously mature bluegills. In order to improve our understanding of growth dynamics in hybrid sunfish, I conducted real-time quantitative PCR using species-specific primers on the white muscle tissue of bluegills, pumpkinseeds, and hybrids collected from Lake Opinicon, ON. Five growth factors that have been linked to muscle growth and body size demonstrated similar expression for maternal and paternal alleles. While about half of the hybrids showed the same pattern with myogenin, about half showed very low levels of mRNA for the paternal (bluegill) gene. While this did not explain the heterosis seen in hybrids, it may explain the small body phenotype of the cuckholding bluegill males. I explored the upstream genetic structure of bluegill myogenin and established that four alleles exist within the population. Furthermore, I uncovered a relationship in hybrids between the proximal promoter/ 5’ UTR of myogenin and its transcript level. I found that the hybrids demonstrating low paternal myogenin expression unfailingly possessed A3 or A4 alleles, but future studies will be needed to reveal the molecular links between the genotype and the growth phenotype. A similar genotype-phenotype association was not obvious in parentals, even those that were homozygous for these alleles. Whether this relationship can provide insight into the genetic determinants of bluegill alternative mating strategies has yet to be determined.


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This study investigates the effect of foam core density and skin type on the behaviour of sandwich panels as structural beams tested in four-point bending and axially compressed columns of varying slenderness and skin thickness. Bio-composite unidirectional flax fibre-reinforced polymer (FFRP) is compared to conventional glass-FRP (GFRP) as the skin material used in conjunction with three polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam cores with densities of 32, 64 and 96 kg/m3. Eighteen 1000 mm long flexural specimens were fabricated and tested to failure comparing the effects of foam core density between three-layer FFRP skinned and single-layer GFRP skinned panels. A total of 132 columns with slenderness ratios (kLe/r) ranging from 22 to 62 were fabricated with single-layer GFRP skins, and one-, three-, and five-layer FFRP skins for each of the three foam core densities. The columns were tested to failure in concentric axial compression using pinned-end conditions to compare the effects of each material type and panel height. All specimens had a foam core cross-section of 100x50 mm with 100 mm wide skins of equal thickness. In both flexural and axial loading, panels with skins comprised of three FFRP layers showed equivalent strength to those with a single GFRP layer for all slenderness ratios and core densities examined. Doubling the core density from 32 to 64 kg/m3 and tripling the density to 96 kg/m3 led to flexural strength increases of 82 and 213%, respectively. Both FFRP and GFRP columns showed a similar variety of failure modes related to slenderness. Low slenderness of 22-25 failed largely due to localized single skin buckling, while those with high slenderness of 51-61 failed primarily by global buckling followed by secondary skin buckling. Columns with intermediate slenderness experienced both localized and global failure modes. High density foam cores more commonly exhibited core shear failure. Doubling the core density of the columns resulted in peak axial load increases, across all slenderness ratios, of 73, 56, 72 and 71% for skins with one, three and five FFRP layers, and one GFRP layer, respectively. Tripling the core density resulted in respective peak load increases of 116, 130, 176 and 170%.


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The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionellanucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms.


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The machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite presents a significant challenge to the industry, and a better understanding of machining mechanism is the essential fundament to enhance the machining quality. In this study, a new energy based analytical method was developed to predict the cutting forces in orthogonal machining of unidirectional CFRP with fiber orientations ranging from 0° to 75°. The subsurface damage in cutting was also considered. Thus, the total specific energy for cutting has been estimated along with the energy consumed for forming new surfaces, friction, fracture in chip formation and subsurface debonding. Experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the proposed model.


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An RVE–based stochastic numerical model is used to calculate the permeability of randomly generated porous media at different values of the fiber volume fraction for the case of transverse flow in a unidirectional ply. Analysis of the numerical results shows that the permeability is not normally distributed. With the aim of proposing a new understanding on this particular topic, permeability data are fitted using both a mixture model and a unimodal distribution. Our findings suggest that permeability can be fitted well using a mixture model based on the lognormal and power law distributions. In case of a unimodal distribution, it is found, using the maximum-likelihood estimation method (MLE), that the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution represents the best fit. Finally, an expression of the permeability as a function of the fiber volume fraction based on the GEV distribution is discussed in light of the previous results.


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Cette thèse présente l’analyse des propos de trois générations de femmes réfugiées au Québec sur les manières dont ces femmes s’exposent, s’identifient et s’approprient le discours des médias pour ensuite en discuter entre elles. L’analyse permet de cerner certaines de leurs pratiques d’insertion et d’adaptation à un nouveau milieu de vie. L’immigration favorise de plus en plus l’éclosion des « cultures de la mixité », lesquelles représentent un enjeu incontournable en matière d’intégration. Quant aux médias, ils sont une source incontournable d’accès à l’information et à la culture. Le développement des techniques de transmission telles les réseaux câblés, le satellite de diffusion directe, Internet et le numérique permet au consommateur de médias, quel que soit son origine, de s’approprier de façon personnelle les produits culturels qui en retour déterminent la participation à la vie active dans la société hôte. Cette nouvelle intégration culturelle se transmet-elle aisément au sein des générations d’immigrantes? Cette thèse découle aussi d’un projet plus vaste sur les transmissions intergénérationnelles des savoirs, des pratiques et de l’entraide entre trois générations de femmes réfugiées au Québec (Vatz Laroussi, Guilbert & al. CRSH, 2009-2012). Étudier les transmissions de savoirs au sein des familles immigrantes, c’est reconnaitre avec les auteurs contemporains l’importance de la transmission et de la circulation des histoires personnelles s’inscrivant dans une histoire familiale et sociale de l’époque a méthodologie adoptée s’appuie sur les entretiens semi-directifs, le commentaire réflexif ainsi que l’analyse de contenu. La démarche méthodologique a été empruntée au projet principal. Les entretiens réalisés auprès des familles de réfugiés établis dans plusieurs régions du Québec (Sherbrooke, Joliette, Québec et Montréal) ont été réalisés par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, multiculturelle et féminine. L’originalité de cette recherche se trouve entre autres dans la collecte d’information qui s’est faite auprès de trios générationnels (grand-mère, mère et fille). Chaque membre du trio a été rencontré de façon individuelle et par la suite, le trio s’est formé pour une dernière entrevue de groupe. Ainsi, une analyse thématique des discours des répondants a été réalisée. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en perspective divers éléments proéminents relatifs à la relation entre les médias et chaque membre du trio générationnel. Il a été constaté que les médias sont appréhendés différemment par chaque membre du trio, que des médias comme la télévision et l’Internet sont les plus prisés par les jeunes et ils servent à la fois de fenêtre sur le pays d’accueil, d’ouverture sur le monde et d’expression de soi-même face aux frustrations vécues au Québec. En dernier lieu, une analyse de la question de la transmission intergénérationnelle au prisme des médias entre les trois générations de femme réfugiée a été faite. On constate que dans les trios, la transmission n’est pas unidirectionnelle. Elle va dans tous les sens. Sortant des sentiers battus elle devient un espace de création.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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O presente trabalho realizou-se no âmbito do Projeto Galp 20-2020 implementado na empresa Sanindusa, em parceira com a Universidade de Aveiro. Como principal objetivo pretendia-se estudar o consumo de energia durante o processo de cozedura das peças cerâmicas com o intuito de avaliar a viabilidade da substituição do refratário existente na empresa. Uma vez que esta medida implicaria um tempo de retorno do investimento demasiado elevado, optou-se por estudar o consumo de energia associado a uma placa horizontal, de massa unitária, de qualquer tipo de material refratário. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um Modelo Teórico capaz de calcular o calor absorvido por uma placa de refratário ao longo de todo o percurso dentro do Forno Túnel 2, existente na empresa e utilizado no processo de produção das peças cerâmicas. Através deste estudo foi possível concluir que o Modelo Teórico é bastante útil na medida em que permite a criação de vários cenários, através da alteração de diversas variáveis, permitindo conhecer qual o impacto de cada uma no consumo de energia neste equipamento. Como trabalho futuro propõe-se o desenvolvimento do Modelo Teórico apresentado para o estudo da transferência de calor bidimensional. Esta melhoria permitiria analisar o consumo de energia associado a diferentes formas de material refratário utilizado no processo de cozedura de peças cerâmicas (o que não é possível quando se aplica o conceito de transferência de calor unidimensional).


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Automated fibre placement (AFP) enables the trajectory of unidirectional composite tape to be optimized, but laying down complex shapes with this technology can result in the introduction of defects. The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the influence of gaps and overlaps on the microstructure and tensile properties of carbon-epoxy laminates. First, a comparison between a hand-layup and AFP layup, draped and cured under the same conditions, shows equivalent microstructures and tensile properties. This provides the reference values for the study. Then, gap and overlap embedded defects (more or less severe) are introduced during manufacturing, on two cross-ply layups [(0°/(90°)5/0°] and [(90°/0°)2/90°]. Autoclave cure without a caul plate results in local thickness variation and microstructural changes which depend on the defect type. This has a strong influence on mechanical performance. Use of a caul plate avoids these variations and in this case embedded defects hardly affect tensile properties.