985 resultados para toll-tike receptor
BACKGROUND: The intestinal epithelium accommodates with a myriad of commensals to maintain immunological homeostasis, but the underlying mechanisms regulating epithelial responsiveness to flora-derived signals remain poorly understood. Herein, we sought to determine the role of the Toll/interleukin (IL)-1 receptor regulator Toll-interacting protein (Tollip) in intestinal homeostasis. METHODS: Colitis susceptibility was determined after oral dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration or by breeding Tollip on an IL-10 background. The intestinal flora was depleted with 4 antibiotics before DSS exposure to assess its contribution in colitis onset. Bone marrow chimeras were generated to identify the cellular compartment, whereby Tollip may negatively regulate intestinal inflammation in response to DSS. Tollip-dependent epithelial barrier functions were studied in vitro by using Tollip-knockdown in Caco-2 cells and in vivo by immunohistochemistry and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran gavage. RESULTS: Genetic ablation of Tollip did not lead to spontaneous intestinal inflammatory disorders. However, Tollip deficiency aggravated spontaneous disease onset in IL-10 mice and increased susceptibility to DSS colitis. Increased colitis severity in Tollip-deficient mice was not improved by bacterial flora depletion using broad-spectrum antibiotics. In addition, DSS exposure of bone marrow chimeric mice revealed a protective role for Tollip in nonhematopoietic cells. Knockdown of Tollip in epithelial cells led to exaggerated NFκ-B activity and proinflammatory cytokine secretion. Finally, DSS-treated Tollip mice showed enhanced intestinal permeability and increased epithelial apoptosis when compared with wild-type controls, a finding that coincided with tight junction alterations on injury. CONCLUSION: Overall, our data show an essential role for Tollip on colitis susceptibility in mice.
BACKGROUND: Sensing of bacterial products via Toll-like receptors is critical to maintain gut immune homeostasis. The Toll-Interacting Protein (Tollip) inhibits downstream signaling through the IL-1 receptor, TLR-2 and TLR-4. Here,we aimed to address the role of Tollip in acute and chronic inflammatory responses in the gut. MATERIAL AND METHODS: WT or Tollip-deficient mice were exposed to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) 1.5% in the drinking water during 7 days. To generate bone-marrow chimeras, WT or Tollip deficient mice were 900-rads irradiated, transplanted with WT or Tollip deficient bone-marrow cells and challenged with DSS 2-3 months after transplantation. IL-10 deficient mice were bred with Tollip deficient mice and colitis was compared at various time points. RESULTS: Upon DSS exposure, Tollip-deficient mice had increased body weight loss and increased pro-inflammatory cytokine expression compared to WT controls. Challenge of bone-marrow chimeras showed that colitis susceptibility was also increased when Tollip deficiency was restricted to non-hematopoietic cells. DSS-exposure lead to a disorganized distribution of zona-occludens-1, a tight junction marker and increased number of apoptotic, cleaved caspase 3 positive, epithelial cells in Tollip-deficient compared to WT mice. Chronic colitis was also affected by Tollip deficiency as Tollip/IL-10 deficient mice had more severe histological stigmata of colitis and higher IL-17 expression than IL-10 deficient controls. CONCLUSION: Tollip in non-hematopoietic cells is critical for adequate response to a chemical-induced stress in the gut and to hamper chronic bacteria-driven colitis. Modulation of epithelial cell integrity via Tollip likely contributes to the observed defects.
Recognition of pathogens is performed by specific receptors in cells of the innate immune system, which may undergo modulation during the continuum of clinical manifestations of sepsis. Monocytes and neutrophils play a key role in host defense by sensing and destroying microorganisms. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of CD14 receptors on monocytes; CD66b and CXCR2 receptors on neutrophils; and TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR9, and CD11b receptors on both cell types of septic patients. Seventy-seven septic patients (SP) and 40 healthy volunteers (HV) were included in the study, and blood samples were collected on day zero (D0) and after 7 days of therapy (D7). Evaluation of the cellular receptors was carried out by flow cytometry. Expression of CD14 on monocytes and of CD11b and CXCR2 on neutrophils from SP was lower than that from HV. Conversely, expression of TLR5 on monocytes and neutrophils was higher in SP compared with HV. Expression of TLR2 on the surface of neutrophils and that of TLR5 on monocytes and neutrophils of SP was lower at D7 than at D0. In addition, SP who survived showed reduced expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on the surface of neutrophils at D7 compared to D0. Expression of CXCR2 for surviving patients was higher at follow-up compared to baseline. We conclude that expression of recognition and cell signaling receptors is differentially regulated between SP and HV depending on the receptor being evaluated.
Le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) est un virus à ARN simple brin positif (ssARN) qui se replique dans le foie. Deux cents millions de personnes sont infectées par le virus dans le monde et environ 80% d’entre elles progresseront vers un stade chronique de l’infection. Les thérapies anti-virales actuelles comme l’interféron (IFN) ou la ribavirin sont de plus en plus utilisées mais ne sont efficaces que dans la moitié des individus traités et sont souvent accompagnées d’une toxicité ou d’effets secondaires indésirables. Le système immunitaire inné est essentiel au contrôle des infections virales. Les réponses immunitaires innées sont activées suite à la reconnaissance par les Pathogen Recognition Receptors (PRRs), de motifs macromoléculaires dérivés du virus appelés Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs). Bien que l'activation du système immunitaire par l'ARN ou les protéines du VHC ait été largement étudiée, très peu de choses sont actuellement connues concernant la détection du virus par le système immunitaire inné. Et même si l’on peut très rapidement déceler des réponses immunes in vivo après infection par le VHC, l’augmentation progressive et continue de la charge virale met en évidence une incapacité du système immunitaire à contrôler l’infection virale. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’activation du système immunitaire par le VHC semble, par conséquent, essentielle au développement de stratégies antivirales plus efficaces. Dans le présent travail nous montrons, dans un modèle de cellule primaire, que le génome ARN du VHC contient des séquences riches en GU capables de stimuler spécifiquement les récepteurs de type Toll (TLR) 7 et 8. Cette stimulation a pour conséquence la maturation des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDCs), le production d’interféron de type I (IFN) ainsi que l’induction de chémokines et cytokines inflammatoires par les différentes types de cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APCs). Les cytokines produites après stimulation de monocytes ou de pDCs par ces séquences ssARN virales, inhibent la production du virus de façon dépendante de l’IFN. En revanche, les cytokines produites après stimulation de cellules dendritiques myéloïdes (mDCs) ou de macrophages par ces mêmes séquences n’ont pas d’effet inhibiteur sur la production virale car les séquences ssARN virales n’induisent pas la production d’IFN par ces cellules. Les cytokines produites après stimulation des TLR 7/8 ont également pour effet de diminuer, de façon indépendante de l’IFN, l’expression du récepteur au VHC (CD81) sur la lignée cellulaire Huh7.5, ce qui pourrait avoir pour conséquence de restreindre l’infection par le VHC. Quoiqu’il en soit, même si les récepteurs au VHC comme le CD81 sont largement exprimés à la surface de différentes sous populations lymphocytaires, les DCs et les monocytes ne répondent pas aux VHC, Nos résultats indiquent que seuls les macrophages sont capables de reconnaître le VHC et de produire des cytokines inflammatoires en réponse à ce dernier. La reconnaissance du VHC par les macrophages est liée à l’expression membranaire de DC-SIGN et l’engagement des TLR 7/8 qui en résulte. Comme d’autres agonistes du TLR 7/8, le VHC stimule la production de cytokines inflammatoires (TNF-α, IL-8, IL-6 et IL-1b) mais n’induit pas la production d’interféron-beta par les macrophages. De manière attendue, la production de cytokines par des macrophages stimulés par les ligands du TLR 7/8 ou les séquences ssARN virales n’inhibent pas la réplication virale. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la capacité des séquences ssARN dérivées du VHC à stimuler les TLR 7/8 dans différentes populations de DC et à initier une réponse immunitaire innée qui aboutit à la suppression de la réplication virale de façon dépendante de l’IFN. Quoiqu’il en soit, le VHC est capable d’échapper à sa reconnaissance par les monocytes et les DCs qui ont le potentiel pour produire de l’IFN et inhiber la réplication virale après engagement des TLR 7/8. Les macrophages possèdent quant à eux la capacité de reconnaître le VHC grâce en partie à l’expression de DC-SIGN à leur surface, mais n’inhibent pas la réplication du virus car ils ne produisent pas d’IFN. L’échappement du VHC aux défenses antivirales pourrait ainsi expliquer l’échec du système immunitaire inné à contrôler l’infection par le VHC. De plus, la production de cytokines inflammatoires observée après stimulation in vitro des macrophages par le VHC suggère leur potentielle contribution dans l’inflammation que l’on retrouve chez les individus infectés par le VHC.
Estudos têm demonstrado que o reconhecimento inicial de microrganismos é mediado por receptores celulares expressos em células da imunidade inata denominados receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (PRRs). Assim, a interação entre moléculas de superfície dos patógenos e receptores homólogos presentes na membrana celular de monócitos, modula a fagocitose, a ativação da célula e conseqüentemente a produção de citocinas. Trabalhos têm demonstrado a importância da estimulação de receptores toll-like 2 e 4 (TLR2 e TLR4), receptores de manose (MR) e dectina-1 de monócitos, tanto em infecções bacterianas como fúngicas, culminando com indução de produção de várias citocinas. A IL-18 é uma citocina indutora de IFN-g e possui uma ação extremamente importante, por ser capaz de promover tanto uma resposta do tipo Th1 ou Th2, dependendo do contexto de estimulação e do microambiente de citocinas. Em trabalho recente demonstramos que a IL-18 possui uma ação importante sobre o aumento da expressão de MR em monócitos humanos, e o reconhecimento do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis via esse receptor causaria aumento do crescimento fúngico no interior da célula. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente projeto foram: 1) Avaliar a ação da IL- 18 sobre a expressão do receptor dectina-1 por monócitos humanos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis; b) Avaliar a participação da dectina-1 na indução da produção de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 por monócitos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis. Assim, monócitos de indivíduos normais tratados in vitro com IL-18 foram desafiados com diferentes de cepas do P. brasiliensis, e a expressão do receptor dectina-1 foi avaliada pela técnica de citometria de fluxo. A dosagem de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 no sobrenadante de cultura de monócitos desafiados com P. brasiliensis foi realizada utilizando a técnica de ELISA . Os resultados mostraram que a ...
A esporotricose é uma micose provocada pelo fungo Sporothrix schenckii, resultante da inoculação direta de conídios e hifas do fungo. A doença se desenvolve habitualmente na pele, no tecido subcutâneo, podendo através dos vasos linfáticos, comprometer órgãos internos. Nos últimos anos tem-se voltado à atenção à participação do receptor Toll Like-2 no reconhecimento e fagocitose de diversos antígenos fungicos. A partir disto, o objetivo deste estudo foi estudar a influência do receptor Toll Like-2 no processo de fagocitose do Sporothrix schenckii em camundongos C57BL/6. Este estudo avaliou o processo de internalização do Sporothrix schenckii por macrófagos murinos obtidos de camundongos C57BL/6 WT e C57BL/6 TLR-2 KO. Os experimentos foram realizados através da utilização de lâminas de cultura celular e microscopia ótica. Além de analisar a viabilidade de células fúngicas internalizadas através de ensaios de sobrevivência. Como resultados pudemos observar a significativa importância do TLR-2 no processo de internalização deste microrganismo, uma vez que o estudo evidenciou uma eficácia de internalização acima de 85% dos macrófagos obtidos de animas selvagens em relação aos obtidos de animais TLR-2 KO. Além disso, através de ensaios de sobrevivência foram obtidos resultados que sugerem a ausência de viabilidade das células fúngicas depois de fagocitadas
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The macrophages are the first host cells that interact with the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, but the main mechanisms that regulate this interaction are not well understood. Because the role played by P. brasiliensis lipids in macrophage activation was not previously investigated, we aimed to assess the influence of diverse lipid fractions from P. brasiliensis yeasts in this process. The possible participation of TLR2 and TLR4 signaling was also evaluated using TLR2- and TLR4-defective macrophages. Four lipid-rich fractions were studied as follows: F1, composed by membrane phospholipids and neutral lipids, F2 by glycolipids of short chain, F3a by membrane glycoproteins anchored by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) groups, and F3b by glycolipids of long chain. All assayed lipid fractions were able to activate peritoneal macrophages and induce nitric oxide (NO) production. Importantly, the F1 and F3a fractions exerted opposite effects in the control of P. brasiliensis uptake and killing, but both fractions inhibited cytokines production. Furthermore, the increased NO production and expression of costimulatory molecules induced by F3a was shown to be TLR2 dependent although F1 used Toll-independent mechanisms. In conclusion, our work suggests that lipid components may play a role in the innate immunity against P. brasiliensis infection using Toll-dependent and independent mechanisms to control macrophage activation.
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is thought to result from a dysregulated interaction between the host immune system and commensal microflora. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), but their role in enteropathies in dogs is unknown. Hypothesis: That there is a dysregulation of TLRs recognizing bacterial MAMPs in dogs with IBD. Animals: Sixteen healthy beagles and 12 dogs with steroid-treated (ST) and 23 dogs with food-responsive (FR) diarrhea. Methods: Prospective, observational study. mRNA expression of canine TLR2, 4, and 9 was evaluated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in duodenal and colonic biopsies obtained before and after standard therapy. Samples from control dogs were taken at necropsy, with additional biopsies of stomach, jejunum, ileum, and mesenteric lymph node in 6 dogs. Results: There were significant differences (P= .017) in expression of TLR2, 4, and 9 between the 6 sampled locations in healthy control dogs (lymph node > small intestine >/= colon). Before therapy, ST expressed more mRNA than control dogs for all 3 receptors (P < .05). There were no significant differences between pretreatment and posttreatment values, even though 32/35 dogs improved clinically. No associations were found when comparing receptor mRNA expression with either histology or clinical activity scores. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Bacteria-responsive TLR2, 4, and 9 are upregulated in duodenal and colonic mucosa in IBD. This might lead to increased inflammation through interaction with the commensal flora. The absence of significant changes after therapy despite clinical improvement might point toward the existence of a genetic predisposition to IBD as described in human IBD.
In this study, we investigated the effect of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) deficiency on gap junctional connexin 36 (Cx36) islet content and on the functional and growth response of pancreatic beta-cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. After 60 days on regular or HF diet, the metabolic state and morphometric islet parameters of wild-type (WT) and LDLr-/- mice were assessed. HF diet-fed WT animals became obese and hypercholesterolaemic as well as hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as prediabetic. Also they showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. Overall, LDLr-/- mice displayed greater susceptibility to HF diet as judged by their marked cholesterolaemia, intolerance to glucose and pronounced decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. HF diet induced similarly in WT and LDLr-/- mice, a significant decrease in Cx36 beta-cell content as revealed by immunoblotting. Prediabetic WT mice displayed marked increase in beta-cell mass mainly due to beta-cell hypertrophy/replication. Nevertheless, HF diet-fed LDLr-/- mice showed no significant changes in beta-cell mass, but lower islet-duct association (neogenesis) and higher beta-cell apoptosis index were seen as compared to controls. The higher metabolic susceptibility to HF diet of LDLr-/- mice may be explained by a deficiency in insulin secretory response to glucose associated with lack of compensatory beta-cell expansion.
P2X7 receptors play an important role in inflammatory hyperalgesia, but the mechanisms involved in their hyperalgesic role are not completely understood. In this study, we hypothesized that P2X7 receptor activation induces mechanical hyperalgesia via the inflammatory mediators bradykinin, sympathomimetic amines, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and pro-inflammatory cytokines and via neutrophil migration in rats. We found that 2'(3')-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate triethylammonium salt (BzATP), the most potent P2X7 receptor agonist available, induced a dose-dependent mechanical hyperalgesia that was blocked by the P2X7 receptor-selective antagonist A-438079 but unaffected by the P2X1,3,2/3 receptor antagonist TNP-ATP. These findings confirm that, although BzATP also acts at both P2X1 and P2X3 receptors, BzATP-induced hyperalgesia was mediated only by P2X7 receptor activation. Co-administration of selective antagonists of bradykinin B1 (Des-Arg(8)-Leu(9)-BK (DALBK)) or B2 receptors (bradyzide), β1 (atenolol) or β2 adrenoceptors (ICI 118,551), or local pre-treatment with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin or the nonspecific selectin inhibitor fucoidan each significantly reduced BzATP-induced mechanical hyperalgesia in the rat hind paw. BzATP also induced the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1), an effect that was significantly reduced by A-438079. Co-administration of DALBK or bradyzide with BzATP significantly reduced BzATP-induced IL-1β and CINC-1 release. These results indicate that peripheral P2X7 receptor activation induces mechanical hyperalgesia via inflammatory mediators, especially bradykinin, which may contribute to pro-inflammatory cytokine release. These pro-inflammatory cytokines in turn may mediate the contributions of PGE2, sympathomimetic amines and neutrophil migration to the mechanical hyperalgesia induced by local P2X7 receptor activation.
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) with C1 inhibitor deficiency manifests as recurrent episodes of edema involving the skin, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. It can be lethal due to asphyxia. The aim here was to evaluate the response to therapy for these attacks using icatibant, an inhibitor of the bradykinin receptor, which was recently introduced into Brazil. Prospective experimental single-cohort study on the efficacy and safety of icatibant for HAE patients. Patients with a confirmed HAE diagnosis were enrolled according to symptoms and regardless of the time since onset of the attack. Icatibant was administered in accordance with the protocol that has been approved in Brazil. Symptom severity was assessed continuously and adverse events were monitored. 24 attacks in 20 HAE patients were treated (female/male 19:1; 19-55 years; median 29 years of age). The symptoms were: subcutaneous edema (22/24); abdominal pain (15/24) and upper airway obstruction (10/24). The time taken until onset of relief was: 5-10 minutes (5/24; 20.8%); 10-20 (5/24; 20.8%); 20-30 (8/24; 33.4%); 30-60 (5/24; 20.8%); and 2 hours (1/24; 4.3%). The time taken for complete resolution of symptoms ranged from 4.3 to 33.4 hours. Adverse effects were only reported at injection sites. Mild to moderate erythema and/or feelings of burning were reported by 15/24 patients, itching by 3 and no adverse effects in 6. HAE type I patients who received icatibant responded promptly; most achieved improved symptom severity within 30 minutes. Local adverse events occurred in 75% of the patients.
Dipyrone (metamizole) is an analgesic pro-drug used to control moderate pain. It is metabolized in two major bioactive metabolites: 4-methylaminoantipyrine (4-MAA) and 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA). The aim of this study was to investigate the participation of peripheral CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors activation in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. PGE2 (100ng/50µL/paw) was locally administered in the hindpaw of male Wistar rats, and the mechanical nociceptive threshold was quantified by electronic von Frey test, before and 3h after its injection. Dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA was administered 30min before the von Frey test. The selective CB1 receptor antagonist AM251, CB2 receptor antagonist AM630, cGMP inhibitor ODQ or KATP channel blocker glibenclamide were administered 30min before dipyrone, 4-MAA or 4-AA. The antisense-ODN against CB1 receptor expression was intrathecally administered once a day during four consecutive days. PGE2-induced mechanical hyperalgesia was inhibited by dipyrone, 4-MAA, and 4-AA in a dose-response manner. AM251 or ODN anti-sense against neuronal CB1 receptor, but not AM630, reversed the anti-hyperalgesic effect mediated by 4-AA, but not by dipyrone or 4-MAA. On the other hand, the anti-hyperalgesic effect of dipyrone or 4-MAA was reversed by glibenclamide or ODQ. These results suggest that the activation of neuronal CB1, but not CB2 receptor, in peripheral tissue is involved in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of 4-aminoantipyrine. In addition, 4-methylaminoantipyrine mediates the anti-hyperalgesic effect by cGMP activation and KATP opening.
Retinal pigment epithelium cells, along with tight junction (TJ) proteins, constitute the outer blood retinal barrier (BRB). Contradictory findings suggest a role for the outer BRB in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR). The aim of this study was to investigate whether the mechanisms involved in these alterations are sensitive to nitrosative stress, and if cocoa or epicatechin (EC) protects from this damage under diabetic (DM) milieu conditions. Cells of a human RPE line (ARPE-19) were exposed to high-glucose (HG) conditions for 24 hours in the presence or absence of cocoa powder containing 0.5% or 60.5% polyphenol (low-polyphenol cocoa [LPC] and high-polyphenol cocoa [HPC], respectively). Exposure to HG decreased claudin-1 and occludin TJ expressions and increased extracellular matrix accumulation (ECM), whereas levels of TNF-α and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were upregulated, accompanied by increased nitric oxide levels. This nitrosative stress resulted in S-nitrosylation of caveolin-1 (CAV-1), which in turn increased CAV-1 traffic and its interactions with claudin-1 and occludin. This cascade was inhibited by treatment with HPC or EC through δ-opioid receptor (DOR) binding and stimulation, thereby decreasing TNF-α-induced iNOS upregulation and CAV-1 endocytosis. The TJ functions were restored, leading to prevention of paracellular permeability, restoration of resistance of the ARPE-19 monolayer, and decreased ECM accumulation. The detrimental effects on TJs in ARPE-19 cells exposed to DM milieu occur through a CAV-1 S-nitrosylation-dependent endocytosis mechanism. High-polyphenol cocoa or EC exerts protective effects through DOR stimulation.