682 resultados para timed automata
Research on autonomous intelligent systems has focused on how robots can robustly carry out missions in uncertain and harsh environments with very little or no human intervention. Robotic execution languages such as RAPs, ESL, and TDL improve robustness by managing functionally redundant procedures for achieving goals. The model-based programming approach extends this by guaranteeing correctness of execution through pre-planning of non-deterministic timed threads of activities. Executing model-based programs effectively on distributed autonomous platforms requires distributing this pre-planning process. This thesis presents a distributed planner for modelbased programs whose planning and execution is distributed among agents with widely varying levels of processor power and memory resources. We make two key contributions. First, we reformulate a model-based program, which describes cooperative activities, into a hierarchical dynamic simple temporal network. This enables efficient distributed coordination of robots and supports deployment on heterogeneous robots. Second, we introduce a distributed temporal planner, called DTP, which solves hierarchical dynamic simple temporal networks with the assistance of the distributed Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm. The implementation of DTP has been demonstrated successfully on a wide range of randomly generated examples and on a pursuer-evader challenge problem in simulation.
Estado situacional de los modelos basados en agentes y su impacto en la investigación organizacional
En un mundo hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre como el actual, los métodos y modelos analíticos convencionales están mostrando sus limitaciones. Las organizaciones requieren, por tanto, herramientas útiles que empleen tecnología de información y modelos de simulación computacional como mecanismos para la toma de decisiones y la resolución de problemas. Una de las más recientes, potentes y prometedoras es el modelamiento y la simulación basados en agentes (MSBA). Muchas organizaciones, incluidas empresas consultoras, emplean esta técnica para comprender fenómenos, hacer evaluación de estrategias y resolver problemas de diversa índole. Pese a ello, no existe (hasta donde conocemos) un estado situacional acerca del MSBA y su aplicación a la investigación organizacional. Cabe anotar, además, que por su novedad no es un tema suficientemente difundido y trabajado en Latinoamérica. En consecuencia, este proyecto pretende elaborar un estado situacional sobre el MSBA y su impacto sobre la investigación organizacional.
Introducción: la osteogénesis es una patología de origen genético caracterizada por fragilidad ósea, en su curso natural los pacientes que la padecen se enfrentan a múltiples fracturas y múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas, este tipo de pacientes por ser de alto riesgo necesitan técnicas quirúrgicas que aumenten el tiempo entre cada intervención y que demuestren un mayor impacto en el estado funcional. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto en el estado funcional de los pacientes con osteogénesis imperfecta llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el que se incluyeron 8 pacientes con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta, llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval desde el 2009 al 2013 a los cuales se les realizó seguimiento menor de 1 año del post operatorio. Resultados: La respuesta encontrada fue satisfactoria en la mayoría de los pacientes analizados 6 de 8, con cercanía a un estado funcional normal; un riesgo de caída bajo, incorporación y deambulación adecuada y una valoración funcional motora gruesa con valores cercanos al 100% identificando un buen nivel de independencia funcional. Se pudo demostrar que existieron cambios en los valores de la escala y que estos fueron estadísticamente significativos con p=0,028 indicando que el aumento dichos valores en el posoperatorio están relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico al utilizado en este grupo de pacientes. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico con el clavo telescopado de Fassier Duval en nuestra experiencia demostró tener una mejoría en el estado funcional de los pacientes del presente estudio, por lo tanto se sugiere la posibilidad de implementar su uso según este indicado con el fin de obtener un mejor resultado quirúrgico y funcional. Palabras clave: Osteogénesis Imperfecta, Clavo de Fassier Duval, Valoración Funcional Motora
En la tesi es presenta una anàlisi de l'evolució dels canvis succeïts en el paisatge costaner de la Costa Brava (22 municipis litorals) en els darrers cinquanta anys (1956-2003); un estudi de la seva estructura ecopaisatgística, actual i passada, amb una especial èmfasi en la diagnosi de les conseqüències geoambientals de l'esclat urbanístic iniciat a la dècada de 1960, i s'ha determinat quina ha estat la tendència de canvi en els darrers vint-i-cinc anys la qual s'ha utilitzat per a elaborar models explicatius de la dinàmica territorial seguida i projectar-los cap al futur tot dissenyant escenaris probables. A les Bases teòriques s'exposa en quina parcel·la del coneixement científic es situa aquesta recerca i es repassa l'evolució dels diferents corrents i enfocaments que han precedit, dins la Ciència Geogràfica, els estudis sobre transformació del paisatge. Es posa especial en els principis i metodologies que plantegen les dues escoles d'anàlisi del paisatge en que es basa aquesta tesi: la Landscape Ecology i la estructurada a l'entorn del programa internacional Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC). S'ha dissenyat una pauta metodològica per a l'anàlisi paisatgística d'un territori a diferents escales: des de l'àmbit regional de tota la Costa Brava (66.230 ha), on es poden detectar les tendències generals, fins l'estudi detallat a escala local, on s'ha pres com a àrea d'estudi tres municipis del centre de la Costa Brava (6.960 Ha): Palamós, Calonge i Castell-Platja d'Aro. Els principals resultats obtinguts són els següents: Una cartografia d'usos i cobertes del sòl de tres períodes temporals i la conseqüent interpretació espacial per a cada etapa: 1957 (situació preturística), 1980 (inici de les actuacions dels ajuntaments democràtics) i 2003 (actualitat). Una anàlisi quantitativa de la transformació del paisatge i de les relacions espacials associades al canvi, a partir de la cartografia d'usos i cobertes del sòl dels tres períodes mapificats (1956, 1980, 2003). Amb l'objectiu d'arribar a definir quina ha estat la dinàmica dels canvis ocorreguts al llarg dels darrers gairebé cinquanta anys. Una anàlisi de l'estructura del mosaic paisatgístic de cadascun dels talls temporals per mitjà de l'aplicació dels principals índexs de l'Ecologia del Paisatge. S'ha analitzat la geometria de la conversió dels usos del sòl i s'han posat de manifest les repercussions ecològiques i paisatgístiques d'aquests canvis. Per una banda, a partir del càlcul i interpretació dels índexos esmentats s'ha analitzat l'evolució de la morfologia i la distribució territorial dels quatre principals usos i cobertes del sòl de la Costa Brava. Per l'altra, per a la Costa Brava centre s'ha analitzat l'estat dels dos sistemes naturals del litoral amb més pressió antròpica: la franja estrictament costanera i les masses forestals. Respecte als tres municipis de la Costa Brava centre s'han tingut en compte en l'anàlisi de l'evolució del paisatge a escala local, les actuacions desenvolupades en l'àmbit urbanístic municipal i les seves conseqüències paisatgístiques i ambientals. A partir de la informació ja processada, s'han detectat les tendències de canvi a partir de models de canvi d'usos i cobertes del sòl. S'han incorporat també els factors biofísics i antròpics, socials i econòmics, condicionants i responsables d'una determinada utilització del territori en cadascun dels tres períodes. Mitjançant l'anàlisi multivariable s'ha intentat descobrir el conjunt de factors que influencien en la taxa i el patró espacial de canvi d'usos i les seves conseqüències territorials. Finalment s'ha aplicat un model de simulació, basat en els automatismes cel·lulars de Markov, per tal de projectar les tendències de canvi i plantejar escenaris futurs, una eina bàsica per a la planificació futura del territori i per al control de les problemàtiques ambientals. Aquestes mesures serveixen per a definir, per a la Costa Brava centre, un patró espacial dels canvis d'usos del sòl a nivell local, i, per al conjunt de la Costa Brava, per a predir, mitjançant models de simulació quantitativa, els possibles desenvolupaments i per estimar els impactes.
Internationally agreed standard protocols for assessing chemical toxicity of contaminants in soil to worms assume that the test soil does not need to equilibrate with the chemical to be tested prior to the addition of the test organisms and that the chemical will exert any toxic effect upon the test organism within 28 days. Three experiments were carried out to investigate these assumptions. The first experiment was a standard toxicity test where lead nitrate was added to a soil in solution to give a range of concentrations. The mortality of the worms and the concentration of lead in the survivors were determined. The LC(50)s for 14 and 28 days were 5311 and 5395 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1) respectively. The second experiment was a timed lead accumulation study with worms cultivated in soil containing either 3000 or 5000 mug(Pb) g(soil)(-1). The concentration of lead in the worms was determined at various sampling times. Uptake at so' Sol both concentrations was linear with time. Worms in the 5000 mug g(-1) soil accumulated lead at a faster rate (3.16 mug Pb g(tissue)(-1) day(-1)) tiss than those in the 3000 mug g(-1) soil (2.21 mug Pb-tissue g(-1) day(-1)). The third experiment was a timed experiment with worms cultivated in tiss soil containing 7000 mugPb g(soil)(-1). Soil and lead nitrate solution were mixed and stored at 20 degreesC. Worms were added at various times over a 35-day period. The time to death increased from 23 h, when worms were added directly after the lead was added to the soil, to 67 It when worms were added after the soil had equilibrated with the lead for 35 days. In artificially Pb-amended soils the worms accumulate Pb over the duration of their exposure to the Pb. Thus time limited toxicity tests may be terminated before worm body load has reached a toxic level. This could result in under-estimates of the toxicity of Pb to worms. As the equilibration time of artificially amended Pb-bearing soils increases the bioavailability of Pb decreases. Thus addition of worms shortly after addition of Pb to soils may result in the over-estimate of Pb toxicity to worms. The current OECD acute worm toxicity test fails to take these two phenomena into account thereby reducing the environmental relevance of the contaminant toxicities it is used to calculate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Negative correlations between task performance in dynamic control tasks and verbalizable knowledge, as assessed by a post-task questionnaire, have been interpreted as dissociations that indicate two antagonistic modes of learning, one being “explicit”, the other “implicit”. This paper views the control tasks as finite-state automata and offers an alternative interpretation of these negative correlations. It is argued that “good controllers” observe fewer different state transitions and, consequently, can answer fewer post-task questions about system transitions than can “bad controllers”. Two experiments demonstrate the validity of the argument by showing the predicted negative relationship between control performance and the number of explored state transitions, and the predicted positive relationship between the number of explored state transitions and questionnaire scores. However, the experiments also elucidate important boundary conditions for the critical effects. We discuss the implications of these findings, and of other problems arising from the process control paradigm, for conclusions about implicit versus explicit learning processes.
In 2002 India experienced a severe drought, one among the five worst droughts since records began in 1871, notable for its countrywide influence. The drought was primarily due to an unprecedented break in the monsoon during July, which persisted for almost the whole month and affected most of the sub-continent. The failure of the monsoon in 2002 was not predicted and India was not prepared for the devastating impacts on, for example, agriculture. This paper documents the evolution of the 2002 Indian summer monsoon and considers the possible factors that contributed to the drought and the failure of the forecasts. The development of the 2002/2003 El Nino and the unusually high levels of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) activity during the monsoon season are identified as the central players. The 2002/2003 El Nino was characterised by very high sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the central Pacific that developed rapidly during the monsoon season. It is suggested that the unusual character of the developing El Nino was associated with the MJO and was a consequence of the eastward extension of the West Pacific Warm Pool, brought about primarily by a series of westerly wind events (WWEs) as part of the eastward movement of the active phase of the MJO. During the boreal summer, the MJO is usually characterised by northward movement, but in 2002 the northward component of the MJO was weak and the MJO was dominated by a strong eastward component, probably driven by the abnormally high SSTs in the central Pacific. It is suggested that a positive feedback existed between the developing El Nino and the eastward component of the MJO, which weakened the active phases of the monsoon. In particular, the unprecedented monsoon break in July could be associated with the juxtaposition of strong MJO activity with a developing El Nino, both of which interfered constructively with each other to produce major perturbations to the distribution of tropical heating. Subsequently, the main impact of the developing El Nino was a modulation of the Walker circulation that led to the overall suppression of the Indian monsoon during thess latter part of the season. It is argued that the unique combination of a rapidly developing El Nino and strong MJO activity, which was timed within the seasonal cycle to have maximum impact on the Indian summer monsoon, meant that prediction of the prolonged break in July and the seasonally deficient rainfall was a challenge for both the empirical and dynamical forecasting systems. Copyright (C) 2006 Royal Meteorological Society.
Brief periods of high temperature which occur near flowering can severely reduce the yield of annual crops such as wheat and groundnut. A parameterisation of this well-documented effect is presented for groundnut (i.e. peanut; Arachis hypogaeaL.). This parameterisation was combined with an existing crop model, allowing the impact of season-mean temperature, and of brief high-temperature episodes at various times near flowering, to be both independently and jointly examined. The extended crop model was tested with independent data from controlled environment experiments and field experiments. The impact of total crop duration was captured, with simulated duration being within 5% of observations for the range of season-mean temperatures used (20-28 degrees C). In simulations across nine differently timed high temperature events, eight of the absolute differences between observed and simulated yield were less than 10% of the control (no-stress) yield. The parameterisation of high temperature stress also allows the simulation of heat tolerance across different genotypes. Three parameter sets, representing tolerant, moderately sensitive and sensitive genotypes were developed and assessed. The new parameterisation can be used in climate change studies to estimate the impact of heat stress on yield. It can also be used to assess the potential for adaptation of cropping systems to increased temperature threshold exceedance via the choice of genotype characteristics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The utility of repeated salivary cortisol sampling as a substitute for 24-hour urinary-free cortisol (UFC) assessment was examined. Forty-four participants completed both 24-hour collections and 6 salivary collections at wake-up, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 and bedtime, during the same 24-hour period. The results demonstrated that mean, maximum, and amplitude (maximum minus minimum) for salivary cortisol all correlated positively with urinary cortisol, but the associations of these variables with urinary-free cortisol excretion were relatively small. Furthermore, a single salivary sample taken at wake-up was as good an indicator of overall cortisol production as the measures derived from multiple salivary samples. An examination of subject compliance indicated that many subjects failed to collect the timed salivary collections as instructed. The authors conclude that diurnal salivary cortisol sampling versus 24-hour urinary cortisol collections are likely to provide different information about ambient hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal productivity, and therefore these measures should not be used interchangeably. In addition, subject compliance is a serious consideration in designing studies that employ home salivary collections. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.
The survival of many animals hinges upon their ability to avoid collisions with other animals or objects or to precisely control the timing of collisions. Optical expansion provides a compelling impression of object approach and in principle can provide the basis for judgments of time to collision (TTC) [1]. It has been demonstrated that pigeons [2] and houseflies [3] have neural systems that can initiate rapid coordinated actions on the basis of optical expansion. In the case of humans, the linkage between judgments of TTC and coordinated action has not been established at a cortical level. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we identified superior-parietal and motor-cortex areas that are selectively active during perceptual TTC judgments, some of which are normally involved in producing reach-to-grasp responses. These activations could not be attributed to actual movement of participants. We demonstrate that networks involved in the computational problem of extracting TTC from expansion information have close correspondence with the sensorimotor systems that would be involved in preparing a timed motor response, such as catching a ball or avoiding collision.
This paper describes the design and implementation of an agent based network for the support of collaborative switching tasks within the control room environment of the National Grid Company plc. This work includes aspects from several research disciplines, including operational analysis, human computer interaction, finite state modelling techniques, intelligent agents and computer supported co-operative work. Aspects of these procedures have been used in the analysis of collaborative tasks to produce distributed local models for all involved users. These models have been used as the basis for the production of local finite state automata. These automata have then been embedded within an agent network together with behavioural information extracted from the task and user analysis phase. The resulting support system is capable of task and communication management within the transmission despatch environment.
Introdução e Objetivos: Os efeitos da prática de exercícios sobre a funcionalidade de indivíduos com Paraparesia Espástica Tropical/Mielopatia Associada ao HTLV-1 (PET/MAH) são desconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos de um Programa de Exercícios Domiciliares (PED) e a sua taxa de adesão em indivíduos com PET/MAH. Métodos: Vinte e três participantes com o diagnóstico de PET/MAH, marcha preservada e que não praticavam exercícios há pelo menos um mês foram submetidos ao PED de 20 semanas. Os desfechos primários incluíram os escores de força muscular, contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e comprimento muscular dos membros inferiores, dor lombar e nos membros inferiores, EDSS, Escala de Incapacidade do IPEC, Índice de Barthel e SF-36. A taxa de adesão e os eventos adversos também foram mensurados e caracterizados. Resultados: No momento da análise os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) (<20s vs \226520s). O comprimento dos músculos isquiotibiais e plantiflexores, a CIVM dos membros inferiores e o componente \201CAspectos Sociais\201D da SF-36 apresentaram melhora significativa no grupo TUG <20s. Os indivíduos do grupo TUG \226520s melhoraram significativamente o componente \201CCapacidade Funcional\201D da SF-36. A taxa de adesão foi de 90% no total e os eventos adversos, como fadiga, dor muscular e caimbras foram de intensidade leve a moderada Discussão: Foi observada uma boa adesão ao PED, além de melhora significativa da incapacidade e da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com PET/MAH. É possível que o grupo TUG \226520s apresente um maior componente neurodegenerativo e, portanto, uma menor probabilidade de incremento da funcionalidade. Conclusões: O PED foi eficaz em melhorar algumas incapacidades e a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com PET/MAH. Tais resultados reforçam a necessidade de estratégias alternativas ao modelo ambulatorial, que ampliem a participação destas pessoas a programas de reabilitação
Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease involving progressive motor, cognitive and behavioural decline, leading to death approximately 20 years after motor onset. The disease is characterised pathologically by an early and progressive striatal neuronal cell loss and atrophy, which has provided the rationale for first clinical trials of neural repair using fetal striatal cell transplantation. Between 2000 and 2003, the 'NEST-UK' consortium carried out bilateral striatal transplants of human fetal striatal tissue in five HD patients. This paper describes the long-term follow up over a 3-10-year postoperative period of the patients, grafted and non-grafted, recruited to this cohort using the 'Core assessment program for intracerebral transplantations-HD' assessment protocol. No significant differences were found over time between the patients, grafted and non-grafted, on any subscore of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale, nor on the Mini Mental State Examination. There was a trend towards a slowing of progression on some timed motor tasks in four of the five patients with transplants, but overall, the trial showed no significant benefit of striatal allografts in comparison with a reference cohort of patients without grafts. Importantly, no significant adverse or placebo effects were seen. Notably, the raclopride positron emission tomography (PET) signal in individuals with transplants, indicated that there was no obvious surviving striatal graft tissue. This study concludes that fetal striatal allografting in HD is safe. While no sustained functional benefit was seen, we conclude that this may relate to the small amount of tissue that was grafted in this safety study compared with other reports of more successful transplants in patients with HD.
This study examined the development of EFL proficiency in an immersion environment. Adult Chinese speakers of English were tested at the beginning and end of a ten-month period of immersion in the UK on their acquisition of English question forms using a timed grammaticality judgement task. Participants showed significantly faster response times after ten months, but no significant difference in accuracy of target-like judgements, suggesting that immersion benefits fluency more than accuracy.
Rings shed in the Agulhas Retroflection region play an important role in the global thermohaline circulation. The shedding of these rings has been considered very irregular. In this paper, we present evidence for remote control of the timing and frequency of the ring shedding events. This turns out to be a far more regular process, at a frequency of 4–5 cycles per year. The movement of the Agulhas Retroflection, and thereby the shedding of rings, is timed by incoming eddies from the upstream regions. Eddies from the Mozambique Channel, and from the East Madagascar current reach the retroflection region at the frequency of 4–5 times per year. The existence of these eddies can be related to incoming Rossby waves that cross the Indian Ocean and reach the Agulhas Current system. These may in turn be part of a basin-wide oscillation. The irregularity found in ring shedding statistics can be ascribed to processes occurring between the actual shedding and the first unambiguous observation of a separated ring.