411 resultados para spermatogenesis


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Homozygous mice mutated by homologous recombination for the AbdB-related Hoxa-10 gene are viable but display homeotic transformations of vertebrae and lumbar spinal nerves. Mutant males exhibit unilateral or bilateral criptorchidism due to developmental abnormalities of the gubernaculum, resulting in abnormal spermatogenesis and sterility. These results reveal an important role of Hoxa-10 in patterning posterior body regions and suggest that Hox genes are involved in specifying regional identity of both segmented and nonovertly segmented structures of the developing body.


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Members of the winged helix/forkhead family of transcription factors are believed to play a role in cell-specific gene expression. A cDNA encoding a member of this family of proteins, termed hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue 4 (HFH-4), has been isolated from rat lung and rat testis cDNA libraries. This cDNA contains an open reading frame of 421 amino acids with a conserved DNA binding domain and several potential transactivating regions. During murine lung development, a single species of HFH-4-specific transcript (2.4 kb long) is first detected precisely at the start of the late pseudoglandular stage (embryonic day 14.5) and, by in situ hybridization, is specifically localized to the proximal pulmonary epithelium. The unique temporal and spatial pattern of HFH-4 gene expression in the developing lung defines this protein as a marker for the initiation of bronchial epithelial cell differentiation and suggests that it may play an important role in cell fate determination during lung development. In addition to expression in the pulmonary epithelium, RNA blot analysis reveals 2.4-kb HFH-4 transcripts in the testis and oviduct. By using mice with genetic defects in spermatogenesis, HFH-4 expression in the testis is found to be associated with the appearance of haploid germ cells and in situ hybridization studies indicate that HFH-4 expression is confined to stages I-VII of spermatogenesis. This pattern of HFH-4 gene expression during the early stages of differentiation of haploid germ cells suggests that HFH-4 may play a role in regulating stage-specific gene expression and cell-fate determination during lung development and in spermatogenesis.


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No Estado do Maranhão, na região da Baixada Maranhense, presenta na fauna silvestre o réptil Kinosternon scorpioides, um quelônio de água doce popularmente conhecido como jurará e que possui valor social, econômico e ambiental para os ribeirinhos da cidade de São Bento. Este estudo contempla suas características biológicas reprodutivas baseadas em seu ambiente natural, com o intuito de permitir a preservação e o estabelecimento de planos de manejo reprodutivo e de uso sustentável da espécie. Recentemente poucos estudos em todo o mundo tratam sobre os aspectos do ciclo reprodutivo de tartarugas em face das características endócrinas, na América do Sul estudos desse tipo são recentes e escassos, sendo assim este é o primeiro estudo, que se tem conhecimento, que elucida um padrão sazonal reprodutivo da espécie K. scorpioides, associando hormônios gonadais com aspectos comportamentais. Trinta e oito animais adultos tiveram seus órgãos reprodutivos caracterizados para as enzimas esteroidogênicas P450 aromatase, P450c17 e PNADPH redutase através de imunomarcação e blotting, além de índice gonadossomático, morfometria e concentração de testosterona, corticosterona e estradiol pela técnica de radioimunoensaio. As mudanças biométricas, morfometria celular e a esteroidogênese testicular entre os períodos chuvoso e seco sugerem que o estrógeno produzido pelas células de leydig podem afetar a produção e a apoptose de células germinais durante o processo de espermatogênese, e a presença das enzimas P450aromatase e P450c17 em células de leydig acompanhados com a recrudescência testicular também reforça a ideia, de que elas podem desempenhar um papel na quiescência testicular. Esse trabalho evidenciou que as enzimas citocromo P450, citocromo P450c17 e NADPH-citocromo P450-redutase estão presentes no testículo e epidídimo nos diferentes períodos climáticos e podem estar relacionados à síntese de testosterona em tartarugas concordando com os diferentes achados para biometria e espermiogênese nos períodos chuvoso e seco, o que, nos leva a sugerir um estado de quiescência durante o período seco e atividade espermatogênica no período chuvoso, semelhante ao que ocorre com as espécies que apresentam comportamento reprodutivo sazonal


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As células tronco espermatogoniais (SSCs) são caracterizadas pela capacidade de autorrenovação, proliferação e transmissão das informações genéticas. Em caninos a primeira tentativa de xenotransplante não obteve o sucesso da produção de espermatozoides, no entanto, há evidências de que as células testiculares xenogênicas podem ser transplantadas no testículo do animal hospedeiro, e gerar espermatozoides viáveis do doador. Portanto, este estudo tem como objetivo realizar o xenotransplante das células germinativas caninas em camundongos imunosuprimidos, e com isto promover à produção de espermatozoides caninos viáveis, geneticamente modificados. E por meio desta técnica, analisar a eficiência da espermatogênese pós-transplante. Células germinativas testiculares foram caracterizadas, isoladas e cultivadas de cães pré-púberes, por meio de sistemas de cultura de enriquecimento e fatores de crescimento. As células foram transduzidas com um gene repórter GFP e LacZ, e por um vetor lentiviral para indentificar as SSCs nos testículos receptores. As SSCs transduzidas foram transplantadas nos testículos de camundongos (C57BL/6) tratados com Busulfan, após diferentes períodos os animais receptores foram eutanasiados e analisados. Aos 10 dias de cultivo as células germinativas adultas foram positivas para CD49f, CD117, e com 5 dias uma expressão semelhante de GFRA1 e DAZL, demonstrando a presença de SSCs e algumas células em meiose. Transplantamos 105 células e 20-43% das células transplantadas foram identificadas na membrana basal dos túbulos seminíferos do animal receptor. Portanto, o transplante das células germinativas caninas, mostrou que a purificação e o cultivo realizados são possíveis para obter SSCs caninas, as quais colonizaram os túbulos seminíferos dos camundongos imunodeficientes e mantiveram-se vivas na membrana basal por 90 dias após transplante, mesmo que estes animais tenham distância filogenética


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Vol. 3-5, "Auf grund des nachlasses fortgeführt von A.A.W. Hubrecht ... H. Strahl ... und F. Keibel."


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The blood-borne renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known best for its role in the maintenance of blood pressure and electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. However, numerous tissues show intrinsic angiotensin-generating systems that cater for specific local needs through actions that add to, or differ from, the circulating RAS. The male reproductive system has several sites of intrinsic RAS activity. Recent focus on the epididymis, by our laboratories and by others, has contributed important details about the local RAS in this tissue. The RAS components have been localized morphologically and topographically; they have been shown to be responsive to androgens and to hypoxia; and angiotensin has been shown to influence tubular, and consequently, fluid secretion. Components of the RAS have also been found in the testis, vas deferens, prostate and semen. Angiotensin II receptors, type 1 and, to a lesser extent, type 2 are widespread, and angiotensin IV receptors have been localized in the prostate. The roles of the RAS in local processes at these sites are still uncertain and have yet to be fully elucidated, although there is evidence for involvement in tubular contractility, spermatogenesis, sperm maturation, capacitation, acrosomal exocytosis and fertilization. Notwithstanding this evidence for the involvement of the RAS in various important aspects of male reproduction, there has so far been a lack of clinical evidence, demonstrable by changes in fertility, for a crucial role of the RAS in male reproduction. However, it is clear that there are several potential targets for manipulating the activity of the male reproductive system by interfering with the locally generated angiotensin systems.


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HMG box containing protein 1 (HBP1) is a high mobility group domain transcriptional repressor that regulates proliferation in differentiated tissues. We have found mouse Hbp1 to be expressed strongly in the embryonic mouse testis from approximately 12.5 days post coitum, compared with low levels of expression in the embryonic ovary. Expression of Hbp1 is maintained in the developing testis beyond the onset of spermatogenesis after birth. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation analysis showed that expression of Hbp1 in the XY gonad is localized within the developing testis cords, the precursors of the seminiferous tubules. Expression of Hbp1 is not apparent in testis cords of gonads from homozygous We mutant embryos, which lack germ cells. In situ hybridisation analysis on cryosectioned embryonic testis indicated that Hbp1 expression resembles that of the germ cell marker Oct4. We conclude that Hbp1 is up-regulated specifically in germ cells of the developing XY gonad. The expression of Hbp1 in XY germ cells appears to correlate with the onset of mitotic arrest in these cells. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The objective was to compare testis characteristics of Zebu bulls treated with the GnRH agonist, deslorelin, at different times and for different durations during their development. An additional objective was to determine the usefulness of a stain for the transcription factor GATA-binding protein 4 (GATA-4) as a specific marker for Sertoli cell nuclei in cattle. Bulls (54) were allocated to nine groups (n = 6) and received s.c. deslorelin implants as follows: G1 = from birth to 3 mo of age; G2 = from 3 to 6 mo; G3 = from 6 to 9 mo; G4 = from 9 to 12 mo; G5 = from birth to 15 mo; G6 = from 3 to 15 mo; G7 = from 6 to 15 mo; G8 = from 12 to 15 mo; and G9 (control) = no implant. Bulls were castrated at 19 mo of age. Paraffin sections (10 mu m) were subjected to quantitative morphometry and GATA-4 immunohistochemistry. At castration, all bulls in the control group (6/6) had attained puberty (scrotal circumference ! 28 cm), whereas a smaller proportion (P < 0.05) had reached puberty in G2 (2/5) and G6 (1/ 6). Bulls in G2 and G6 also had a lesser (P < 0.05) testis weight compared with the control group. Total volume of seminiferous epithelium and total daily sperm production in G2 and G6 were only half that observed in the control group. Spermatids were observed in less than 50% of seminiferous tubules in G2, G6, and G7 compared with 82% in the control group (P < 0.05). Staining for GATA-4 was specific for and abundant in the Sertoli cell nucleus in both pre- and postpubertal bulls, and no other cell nucleus inside the seminiferous tubule was positive for GATA-4. Total number of Sertoli cells was not affected by treatment (P = 0.45), but nuclear volume was smaller in G2 and G6 (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. In conclusion, treatment of Zebu bulls with deslorelin had no apparent beneficial effect on testis development and delayed puberty when treatment was initiated at 3 mo of age. Staining for GATA-4 was a useful method for identifying and quantifying Sertoli cell nuclei in both pre- and postpubertal bulls.


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The prevalence of tumours of the germ line is increasing in the male population. This complex disease has a complex aetiology. We examine the contribution of genetic mutations to the development of germ line tumours in this review. In particular, we concentrate on fly and mouse experimental systems in order to demonstrate that mutations in some conserved genes cause pathologies typical of certain human germ cell tumours, whereas other mutations elicit phenotypes that are unique to the experimental model. Despite these experimental systems being imperfect, we show that they are useful models of human testicular germ cell tumourigenesis.


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Germ cells in the mouse embryo can develop as oocytes or spermatogonia, depending on molecular cues that have not been identified. We found that retinoic acid, produced by mesonephroi of both sexes, causes germ cells in the ovary to enter meiosis and inititate oogenesis. Meiosis is retarded in the fetal testis by the action of the retinoid-degrading enzyme CYP26B1, ultimately leading to spermatogenesis. In testes of Cyp26b1-knockout mouse embryos, germ cells enter meiosis precociously, as if in a normal ovary. Thus, precise regulation of retinoid levels during fetal gonad development provides the molecular control mechanism that specifies germ cell fate.


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The aim of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are hormone-dependent cancers. Human TGCT cells were implanted in the left testis of male severe combined immunodeficient mice receiving either no treatment or hormone manipulation treatment [blockade of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion and/or signaling using leuprolide or leuprolide plus exogenous testosterone]. Real-time RT-PCR analysis was used to determine the expression profiles of hormone pathway-associated genes. Tumor burden was significantly smaller in mice receiving both leuprolide and testosterone. Real-time RTPCR analysis of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor, luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor and P450 aromatase revealed changes in expression in normal testis tissue related to presence of xenograft tumors and manipulation of hormone levels but a complete absence of expression of these genes in tumor cells themselves. This was confirmed in human specimens of TGCT. Reduced TGCT growth in vivo was associated with significant downregulation of LH receptor and P450 aromatase expression in normal testes. In conclusion, manipulation of hormone levels influenced the growth of TGCT in vivo, while the presence of xenografted tumors influenced the expression of hormone-related genes in otherwise untreated animals. Human TGCTs, both in the animal model and in clinical specimens, appear not to express receptors for FSH or LH. Similarly, expression of the P450 aromatase gene is absent in TGCTs. Impaired estrogen synthesis and/or signaling may be at least partly responsible for inhibition of TGCT growth in the animal model. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The objective was to evaluate spermatogenesis alterations caused by DMD and the effect of the treatment using ascorbic acid in preventing those injuries. Twenty four mice were used, 12 from the C57BL/10 lineage (non-dystrophic) and 12 from the C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic). The sample was divided in six groups containing 4 animals each, as: C30 = 30 days control; D30 = Dystrophic with 30 days; C60 = 60 days control; D60 = Distrophic with 60 days; CS60 = 60 days control supplemented with ascorbic acid and DS60 = Dystrophic with 60 days supplemented with ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid supplementation was given in the water, 0,005 mg/day. After euthanasia, the testicles (right and left) were collected, weighted and cross sectioned. The material was fixed in the Karnovsky solution for 24 hours, included in resin for histological studies (morphological and morphometric analyzes) submitted to ultrastructural analysis and immunohistochemistry for caspase-3. There was a significant increase in the tunica propria percentage in D30 compared to C30 and D60. The ultrastructural analysis showed mitochondrial apoptosis evidence of Sertoli cells that can reduce sperm efficiency in CS60 and DS60. A higher volume density of apoptotic cells postivas to Caspase-3 in C30 and D30 versus DS60 compared to CS60. There was severe hypertrophy of the Leydig cells between D30 and D60. However, with supplementation was observed reversal of this change in DS60. The ultrastructure of Leydig cells to early presence of lipid vesicles was observed in the group pre-pubertal dystrophic (D30). Thus, the DMD affect the organization of the seminiferous tubules and intertubule, however, the ascorbic acid supplementation used for the treatment of DMD has been just enough to reduce the hypertrophy of the Leydig cells.


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RESUMEN : En Colombia se ha reportado en 111 municipios de 24 departamentos la presencia del caracol africano Achatina fulica, clasificada como una de las 100 especies m?s da?inas del mundo. Debido a que es plaga de diversos cultivos agr?colas y potencialmente peligrosos para la salud humana, ha sido estudiado en varios aspectos de su biolog?a, entre ellos la reproducci?n. Sin embargo, ?ste es el primer trabajo en el cual se caracterizan las etapas de desarrollo de la ovotestis y su maduraci?n, con base en una poblaci?n de 60 individuos de cuatro municipios del Valle del Cauca. Los muestreos se realizaron entre los meses de octubre y diciembre del 2013. Para ?sta caracterizaci?n se emplearon t?cnicas histol?gicas usando hematoxilina-eosina. Se describieron las diferentes estructuras presentes, desde la formaci?n de los primeros acinos de ovotestis hasta el vaciado de espermatozoides y ovocitos, se cuantificaron y midieron los acinos y los ovocitos. Estos ?ltimos, se caracterizaron a trav?s de la morfolog?a, el tama?o y la ubicaci?n en el acino, clasific?ndolos como ovocitos premei?ticos, previtelog?nicos y vitelog?nicos. Con la informaci?n obtenida y los estados de la espermatog?nesis, se definieron cinco etapas de desarrollo: inmaduros, inicio de gametog?nesis, madurez temprana, madurez total y vaciado, siendo excluyentes entre s?. Las poblaciones estudiadas se compararon mediante la cantidad de los ovocitos en los diferentes estados de madurez y el ?ndice de madurez ovoc?tica, sin diferencias significativas existentes, lo cual sugiere que presentan el mismo patr?n de reproducci?n para esta ?poca del a?o. ABSTRACT : Achatina fulica, which is considered one of the top hundred most dangerous species on the world, has been reported in 111 municipalities in 24 departments of Colombia. Because this species is a plague to several crops and potentially harmful to human health, several aspects of its biology have been studied, including it?s the reproductive biology. However, this is the first work where the ovotestis developmental stages and maturation are characterized. This was accomplished using 60 specimens from four municipalities of Valle del Cauca department. Samplings were conducted between monts october and december 2013. For the characterization, histological techniques using hematoxilin-eosin were used. The different structures were carefully described, from the formation of the first ovotestes? acini to the sperm emptying; the acini and ovocites were counted and measured. The latter were characterized, using morphology, size and the position on the acini, as pre-meiotic, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes. Based on this information and the spermatogenesis stages, five developmental stages were defined: immature, early gametogenesis, early maturity, mature and emptiness, which were mutually exclusive. The studied populations were compared using the amount of oocytes in the different maturity stages and the oocytic maturity index, but no significant differences were found, which suggests that the all the populations show the same reproductive pattern during this year season.


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Résumé: Les cellules germinales mâles remodèlent leur chromatine pour compacter leur noyau afin de protéger leur matériel génétique et assurer un transit optimal vers le gamète femelle. Il a été démontré que tous les spermatides de plusieurs mammifères, incluant l’homme et la souris, présentaient ce mécanisme de remodelage de la chromatine. Celui-ci est caractérisé par une augmentation transitoire de cassures d’ADN dont une quantité importante sont bicaténaires. Ce remodelage chromatinien a été étudié et semble être conservé chez plusieurs espèces, allant de l’algue à l’humain. Dans le contexte de la recherche fondamentale sur le phénomène de la spermiogenèse, il devient parfois très difficile d’investiguer certains aspects importants en vertu de l’impossibilité de réaliser des manipulations génétiques simples. Il est donc impératif de développer un nouveau modèle d’étude plus permissif afin de palier à ces difficultés encourues. Comme le processus de maturation des spores chez la levure à fission présente de grandes similitudes avec la spermiogenèse des mammifères, l’utilisation d’un modèle d’étude basé sur la sporulation de la levure à fission Schizosaccharomyces pombe a été proposée comme modèle comparatif de la spermatogenèse murine. À la suite de la synchronisation de la méiose de la souche S. pombe pat1-114, des analyses d’électrophorèse en champ pulsé (PFGE) et de qTUNEL ont permis de déterminer la présence de cassures bicaténaires transitoires de l’ADN lors de la maturation post-méiotique des ascospores nouvellement formés (t>7h). Des analyses par immunobuvardages dirigés contre le variant d’histones H2AS129p suggère la présence d’un remodelage chromatinien postméiotique dix heures suivant l’induction de la méiose, corroborant le modèle murin. Enfin, des analyses protéomiques couplées à l’analyse par spectrométrie de masse ont permis de proposer l’endonucléase Pnu1 comme candidat potentiellement responsable des cassures bicaténaires transitoires dans l’ADN des ascospores en maturation. En somme, bien que le processus de maturation des spores soit encore bien méconnu, quelques parallèles peuvent être tracés entre la maturation des ascospores de la levure à fission et la spermiogenèse des eucaryotes supérieurs. En identifiant un modèle simple du remodelage chromatinien au niveau de la spermiogenèse animale, on s’assurerait ainsi d’un outil beaucoup plus malléable et versatile pour l’étude fondamentale des événements survenant lors de la spermiogenèse humaine.


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Monitoring gonadmaturation for protandrous and functional hermaphrodite species such as the giant clamTridacna maxima is difficult due to the juxtaposition and relative proportion ofmale and female tissues in the gonad [gonadal sex ratio (GSR)]. Here, the relevance of the widely used gonadosomatic index (GSI) as proxy of giant clam gonad maturation is tested with a large dataset (n = 265). Gonadosomatic index is compared with other indices, namely the proportion of the male part harboring spermatozoids, the proportion of empty oocyte follicles, the mean oocyte diameter, and the oocyte elongation. At gonad scale, high index variability highlighted partial spawning. At individual scale, male and female maturation proxies were contrasted, showing either asynchronous emissions of male and female gametes or contrasted spermatogenesis and oogenesis duration. The GSI was mostly driven by the number and diameter of oocytes and therefore it is recommended here as primary proxy for female maturity. Except for the oocyte elongation, all indices were affected by the GSR, which ruled out drawing conclusions at population scale. These results highlight the need for maturation stage proxies that are optimized for functional hermaphrodite species.