880 resultados para sentinel surveillance


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Many films critiquing the perpetuation of surveillance in contemporary society simultaneously highlight the apparently essential role(s) it plays in resolving social problems – problems that were often created by the technologies themselves. Such films construct surveillancescapes of various kinds – from the physical, to the psychological, to the virtual – and hold considerable importance in mediating understandings of technology, society and humanity. In this paper, we employ content and textual analyses of various films to reveal a rich ideological fabric that engages with vexed questions of identity, agency and ‘reality.’ We analyse an array of filmic representations of surveillance, arguing that significant contradictions lie at the heart of much mainstream cinema, and evaluating the medium’s potential for ideological subversion. An examination of the growing trend by filmmakers to either focus explicitly on surveillance or provide brief, naturalised portrayals of new media use for surveillance purposes highlights the crucial role of film in the development of hegemonic societal power structures. Through this process, we ask the question: who is actually watching whom?


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Current growth of individuals on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires continuous support and care. With the popularity of social media, online communities of people affected by ASD emerge. This paper presents an analysis of these online communities through understanding aspects that differentiate such communities. In this paper, the aspects given are not expressed in terms of friendship, exchange of information, social support or recreation, but rather with regard to the topics and linguistic styles that people express in their on-line writing. Using data collected unobtrusively from LiveJournal, we analyze posts made by ten autism communities in conjunction with those made by a control group of standard communities. Significant differences have been found between autism and control communities when characterized by latent topics of discussion and psycholinguistic features. Latent topics are found to have greater predictive power than linguistic features when classifying blog posts as either autism or control community. This study suggests that data mining of online blogs has the potential to detect clinically meaningful data. It opens the door to possibilities including sentinel risk surveillance and harnessing the power in diverse large datasets.


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Everything that fugitive whistle-blower Edward Snowden has revealed about America’s global espionage network PRISM should make you alert and alarmed. His exposé shows that we are clearly living in a well-established surveillance society. But it also reveals more than that: surveillance is at the heart of the global digital economy too.


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Sports represent an ideal field to explore the importance of everyday surveillance practices. The routines of preparation associated with conducting or participating in a sports mega event at international level highlight unique facets of surveillance as everyday and normalised elements of elite international or professional sports performance. While these routines do have potential individual or social costs, or are open to various forms of subversion by athletes willing to challenge the broader objectives of fair play, other forces, such as the media or formal governance reactions to a detected rule violation, provide fuel for more rigorous forms of surveillance. This spiral of surveillance permeates downwards to impact on prospective elite athletes, and outwards to impact on other forms of behaviour considered to compromise integrity or fair play. How these values mirror and intersect with norms of surveillance in everyday life is a fruitful site for on-going research and theorisation.