935 resultados para reverse transcribed


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Translocations involving chromosome band 11q23, found in 5-10% of human acute leukemias, disrupt the ALL-1 gene. This gene is fused by reciprocal translocation with a variety of other genes in acute lymphoblastic and myelogenous leukemias, and it undergoes self-fusion in acute myeloid leukemias with normal karyotype or trisomy 11. Here we report an alteration of the ALL-1 gene in a gastric carcinoma cell line (Mgc80-3). Characterization of this rearrangement revealed a three-way complex translocation, involving chromosomes 1 and 11, resulting in a partial duplication of the ALL-1 gene. Sequencing of reverse transcription-PCR products and Northern blot analysis showed that only the partially duplicated ALL-1 gene was transcribed, producing an mRNA with exon 8 fused to exon 2. This report of ALL-1 gene rearrangement in a solid tumor suggests that ALL-1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of some solid malignancies. The absence of the normal transcript in this cell line, in association with the loss-of-heterozygosity studies on chromosome 11q23 seen in solid tumors, suggests that ALL-1 is involved in tumorigenesis by a loss-of-function mechanism.


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We analyse, over 2004-2008, a sample of approximately 700 foreign subsidiaries and 4,500 domestic firms located in Spain in order to understand the relationship between local R&D cooperation and innovativeness of the firm. Our ultimate objective is to understand whether foreign subsidiaries are likely to make a contribution to local innovative capabilities or if, conversely, they may eventually benefit from conditions for reverse spillovers. Using a variety of specifications for the innovation-related activities of the firm, we find that foreign subsidiaries are more cooperative than the average firm located in Spain, but not necessarily more than affiliated domestic firms (entrepreneurial groups). However, foreign subsidiaries are more cooperative than affiliated domestic firms in sectors considered highly dynamic by international technological standards, whether Spain has a technical advantage in these specific sectors or not. When we focus on companies which are more innovative than the two-digit industries in which they operate, we find that foreign subsidiaries tend to be more cooperative than domestic firms in sectors where Spain displays technological advantage. These sectors comprise traditional industries displaying little innovation dynamism from an international point of view. This finding suggests that there may be conditions for reverse spillovers in these specific Spanish sectors (though measuring them is beyond the objectives of this paper).


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Psychotherapy research reveals consistent associations between therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes in the youth and adult literatures. Despite these consistent findings, prospective associations are not sufficient to support the claim that the alliance is a change mechanism in psychotherapy. The current study examined the direction of effect of the alliance- outcome relationship, the contribution of early symptom change in treatment to the development of therapeutic alliance, and the potential for pretreatment interpersonal functioning characteristics to be third variables that account for the association between alliance and outcome. Participants were adolescents with depression and a history of interpersonal trauma that presented to a community mental health center for treatment. Findings demonstrated that a more positive therapeutic alliance predicted greater subsequent symptom improvement, even after removing symptom change occurring before the measurement of alliance. Results also suggested that early change only slightly contributed to alliance development. Finally, though pretreatment interpersonal functioning was related to the first session alliance, these pretreatment client characteristics were not related to later alliance or symptom change. Overall, results provided some support for therapeutic alliance as a mechanism of change in psychotherapy. Methodological and clinical issues are discussed.


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The waste of plastic beverage bottles creates environmental problems and takes up a large volume of landfill space. The high rate of consumption of plastics in the State of Florida is challenging the disposal capacity of waste authorities. The lack of the reverse vending machines in the State of Florida, including applicable scientific or technical literature represented an opportunity for this research to discuss the applicability of this equipment as a potential solution for the management of the plastic waste in Florida. With this research document, I will propose a recycling system for plastic bottles made with PET based on the implementation of reverse vending machines, stressing the importance of the creation of policies that promote recycling and public participation.


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Póster presentado en EDULEARN12, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 2nd-4th July 2012.


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Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation. From a device used in clinical practice, as the corneal topographer, reverse engineering will be used to infer physical principles and laws. In our case, reverse engineering involves taking this mechanical device apart and analyzing its working detail. The initial knowledge of the application and usefulness of the device provides a motivation that, together with the combination of theory and practice, will help the students to understand and learn concepts studied in different subjects in the Optics and Optometry degree. These subjects belong to both the core and compulsory subjects of the syllabus of first and second year of the degree. Furthermore, the experimental practice is used as transverse axis that relates theoretical concepts, technology transfer and research.


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Comunicación presentada en las XVI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD 2011, A Coruña, 5-7 septiembre 2011.


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Purpose: To report the successful outcome obtained after fitting a new hybrid contact lens in a cornea with an area of donor-host misalignment and significant levels of irregular astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Materials and methods: A 41-year-old female with bilateral asymmetric keratoconus underwent PKP in her left eye due to the advanced status of the disease. One year after surgery, the patient referred a poor visual acuity and quality in this eye. The fitting of different types of rigid gas permeable contact lenses was performed, but with an unsuccessful outcome due to contact lens stability problems and uncomfortable wear. Scheimpflug imaging evaluation revealed that a donor-host misalignment was present at the nasal area. Contact lens fitting with a reverse geometry hybrid contact lens (Clearkone, SynergEyes Carlsbad) was then fitted. Visual, refractive, and ocular aberrometric outcomes were evaluated during a 1-year period after the fitting. Results: Uncorrected distance visual acuity improved from a prefitting value of 20/200 to a best corrected postfitting value of 20/20. Prefitting manifest refraction was +5.00 sphere and -5.50 cylinder at 75°, with a corrected distance visual acuity of 20/30. Higher order root mean square (RMS) for a 5 mm pupil changed from a prefitting value of 6.83 µm to a postfitting value of 1.57 µm (5 mm pupil). The contact lens wearing was referred as comfortable, with no anterior segment alterations. Conclusion: The SynergEyes Clearkone contact lens seems to be another potentially useful option for the visual rehabilitation after PKP, especially in cases of donor-host misalignment.


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In this work we study Forward Osmosis (FO) as an emerging desalination technology, and its capability to replace totally or partially Reverse Osmosis (RO) in order to reduce the great amount of energy required in the current desalination plants. For this purpose, we propose a superstructure that includes both membrane based desalination technologies, allowing the selection of only one of the technologies or a combination of both of them seeking for the optimal configuration of the network. The optimization problem is solved for a seawater desalination plant with a given fresh water production. The results obtained show that the optimal solution combines both desalination technologies to reduce not only the energy consumption but also the total cost of the desalination process in comparison with the same plant but operating only with RO.


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Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.


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John Pierce kept this journal while he was a student at Harvard College. It consists of manuscript musical scores with annotations indicating the occasions at which the music was performed. These occasions included commencements, public exhibitions and Dudleian lectures. A note indicates that one anthem was prepared by Samuel Holyoke at Pierce's request, to be performed at Pierce's class commencement exercises, held on July 13, 1793. Several annotations were made in May 1794, the year following Pierce's graduation. There is a table of contents on the last page.


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Introduction : Les adolescents avec déficiences physiques en transition vers la vie adulte éprouvent des difficultés à établir une participation sociale optimale. Cette étude explore les retombées d'un programme de cirque social sur la participation sociale de ces jeunes selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs parents. Méthode : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique. Neuf personnes avec déficiences physiques, âgées de 18 et 25 ans, ont participé au programme pendant neuf mois. Données recueillies : perceptions de leur qualité de participation sociale à partir d’entrevues semi-structurées en pré, mi-temps et post-intervention avec les participants et un de leurs parents. Le guide d’entrevue validé est ancré sur le Modèle du développement humain- Processus de production du handicap - 2 (HDM-PPH2). L’enregistrement audio des entretiens a été transcrit en verbatim. Le contenu a été analysé avec le logiciel Nvivo 9 à travers une grille de codage préalablement validée (co-codage, codage-inverse). Résultats : Corpus de 54 entrevues. L’âge moyen des jeunes était de 20,0 ± 1,4 années et de 51 ± 3,6 années pour les parents. Selon tous, la participation sociale des jeunes adultes a été optimisée, surtout sur le plan de la communication, des déplacements, des relations interpersonnelles, des responsabilités et de la vie communautaire. La perception de soi et les habiletés sociales, également améliorées, ont favorisé une plus grande auto-efficacité. Conclusion : Cette étude soutient donc le potentiel du cirque social comme approche novatrice et probante en réadaptation physique pour cette population, et appuie la pertinence d’autres études rigoureuses mesurant les diverses retombées possibles et identifiées.