926 resultados para respiratory viruses, molecular epidemiology, Indonesia


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Bioquímica Médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015


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Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica


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BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.


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Background Geleophysic dysplasia (GD, OMIM 231050) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by short stature, small hands and feet, stiff joints, and thick skin. Patients often present with a progressive cardiac valvular disease which can lead to an early death. In a previous study including six GD families, we have mapped the disease gene on chromosome 9q34.2 and identified mutations in the A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin repeats-like 2 gene (ADAMTSL2). Methods Following this study, we have collected the samples of 30 additional GD families, including 33 patients and identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in 14/33 patients, comprising 13 novel mutations. The absence of mutation in 19 patients prompted us to compare the two groups of GD patients, namely group 1, patients with ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=20, also including the 6 patients from our previous study), and group 2, patients without ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=19). Results The main discriminating features were facial dysmorphism and tip-toe walking, which were almost constantly observed in group 1. No differences were found concerning heart involvement, skin thickness, recurrent respiratory and ear infections, bronchopulmonary insufficiency, laryngo-tracheal stenosis, deafness, and radiographic features. Conclusions It is concluded that GD is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Ongoing studies will hopefully lead to the identification of another disease gene.


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Human adenoviruses (Ads), members of the family adenoviridae, are medium-sized DNA viruses which have been used as valuable research tools for the study of RNA processing, oncogenic transformation, and for the development of viral vectors for use in gene delivery and immunization technology. The left 12% of the linear Ad genollle codes for products which are necessary for the efficient replication of the virus, as well as being responsible for the forlllation of tumors in animallllodels. The establishlllent of the 293 cell line, by immortalization of human embryonic kidney cells with th~ E1 region of Ad type S (AdS), has facilitated extensive manipulation of the Ads and the development of recombinant Ad vectors. The study of bovine adenoviruses (BAVs), which cause mild respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in cattle has, on the other hand, been limited primarily to that of infectivity, immunology and clinicallllanifestations. As a result, any potential as gene delivery vehicles has not yet been realized. Continued research into the molecular biolo~gy of BAVs and the development of recolllbinant vectors would benefit from the development of a cell line analogous to that of the 293 cells. In an attelllpt to establish such a cell line, the recombinant plaslllid pKC-neo was constructed, containing the left 0-19.7% of the BAV type 3 (BAV3) genome, and the selectable marker for resistance to the aminoglycoside G418, a neomycin derivative. The plasmid construct was then used to transfect both the Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) -iicell line and primary bovine lung cells, after which G418-resistant foci were selected for analysis. Two cell lines, E61 (MDBK) and E24 (primary lung), were subsequently selected and analysed for DNA content, revealing the presence of the pKC-neo sequences in their respective genomes. In addition, BAV3 RNA transcripts were detected in the E61 cells. Although the presence of E1 products has yet to be confirmed in both cell lines, the E24 cells exhibit a phenotype characteristic of partial transformation by E1. The apparent immortalization of the primary lung cells will permit exploitation of their ability to take up exogenous DNA at high efficiency.


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L’autophagie est une voie hautement conservée de dégradation lysosomale des constituants cellulaires qui est essentiel à l’homéostasie cellulaire et contribue à l’apprêtement et à la présentation des antigènes. Les rôles relativement récents de l'autophagie dans l'immunité innée et acquise sous-tendent de nouveaux paradigmes immunologiques pouvant faciliter le développement de nouvelles thérapies où la dérégulation de l’autophagie est associée à des maladies auto-immunes. Cependant, l'étude in vivo de la réponse autophagique est difficile en raison du nombre limité de méthodes d'analyse pouvant fournir une définition dynamique des protéines clés impliquées dans cette voie. En conséquence, nous avons développé un programme de recherche en protéomique intégrée afin d’identifier et de quantifier les proteines associées à l'autophagie et de déterminer les mécanismes moléculaires régissant les fonctions de l’autophagosome dans la présentation antigénique en utilisant une approche de biologie des systèmes. Pour étudier comment l'autophagie et la présentation antigénique sont activement régulés dans les macrophages, nous avons d'abord procédé à une étude protéomique à grande échelle sous différentes conditions connues pour stimuler l'autophagie, tels l’activation par les cytokines et l’infection virale. La cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) est l'une des principales cytokines pro-inflammatoires qui intervient dans les réactions locales et systémiques afin de développer une réponse immune adaptative. La protéomique quantitative d'extraits membranaires de macrophages contrôles et stimulés avec le TNF-alpha a révélé que l'activation des macrophages a entrainé la dégradation de protéines mitochondriales et des changements d’abondance de plusieurs protéines impliquées dans le trafic vésiculaire et la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons constaté que la dégradation des protéines mitochondriales était sous le contrôle de la voie ATG5, et était spécifique au TNF-alpha. En outre, l’utilisation d’un nouveau système de présentation antigènique, nous a permi de constater que l'induction de la mitophagie par le TNF-alpha a entrainée l’apprêtement et la présentation d’antigènes mitochondriaux par des molécules du CMH de classe I, contribuant ainsi la variation du répertoire immunopeptidomique à la surface cellulaire. Ces résultats mettent en évidence un rôle insoupçonné du TNF-alpha dans la mitophagie et permet une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes responsables de la présentation d’auto-antigènes par les molécules du CMH de classe I. Une interaction complexe existe également entre infection virale et l'autophagie. Récemment, notre laboratoire a fourni une première preuve suggérant que la macroautophagie peut contribuer à la présentation de protéines virales par les molécules du CMH de classe I lors de l’infection virale par l'herpès simplex virus de type 1 (HSV-1). Le virus HSV1 fait parti des virus humains les plus complexes et les plus répandues. Bien que la composition des particules virales a été étudiée précédemment, on connaît moins bien l'expression de l'ensemble du protéome viral lors de l’infection des cellules hôtes. Afin de caractériser les changements dynamiques de l’expression des protéines virales lors de l’infection, nous avons analysé par LC-MS/MS le protéome du HSV1 dans les macrophages infectés. Ces analyses nous ont permis d’identifier un total de 67 protéines virales structurales et non structurales (82% du protéome HSV1) en utilisant le spectromètre de masse LTQ-Orbitrap. Nous avons également identifié 90 nouveaux sites de phosphorylation et de dix nouveaux sites d’ubiquitylation sur différentes protéines virales. Suite à l’ubiquitylation, les protéines virales peuvent se localiser au noyau ou participer à des événements de fusion avec la membrane nucléaire, suggérant ainsi que cette modification pourrait influer le trafic vésiculaire des protéines virales. Le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la réplication de l'ADN induit des changements sur l'abondance et la modification des protéines virales, mettant en évidence l'interdépendance des protéines virales au cours du cycle de vie du virus. Compte tenu de l'importance de la dynamique d'expression, de l’ubiquitylation et la phosphorylation sur la fonction des proteines virales, ces résultats ouvriront la voie vers de nouvelles études sur la biologie des virus de l'herpès. Fait intéressant, l'infection HSV1 dans les macrophages déclenche une nouvelle forme d'autophagie qui diffère remarquablement de la macroautophagie. Ce processus, appelé autophagie associée à l’enveloppe nucléaire (nuclear envelope derived autophagy, NEDA), conduit à la formation de vésicules membranaires contenant 4 couches lipidiques provenant de l'enveloppe nucléaire où on retrouve une grande proportion de certaines protéines virales, telle la glycoprotéine B. Les mécanismes régissant NEDA et leur importance lors de l’infection virale sont encore méconnus. En utilisant un essai de présentation antigénique, nous avons pu montrer que la voie NEDA est indépendante d’ATG5 et participe à l’apprêtement et la présentation d’antigènes viraux par le CMH de classe I. Pour comprendre l'implication de NEDA dans la présentation des antigènes, il est essentiel de caractériser le protéome des autophagosomes isolés à partir de macrophages infectés par HSV1. Aussi, nous avons développé une nouvelle approche de fractionnement basé sur l’isolation de lysosomes chargés de billes de latex, nous permettant ainsi d’obtenir des extraits cellulaires enrichis en autophagosomes. Le transfert des antigènes HSV1 dans les autophagosomes a été determine par protéomique quantitative. Les protéines provenant de l’enveloppe nucléaire ont été préférentiellement transférées dans les autophagosome lors de l'infection des macrophages par le HSV1. Les analyses protéomiques d’autophagosomes impliquant NEDA ou la macroautophagie ont permis de decouvrir des mécanismes jouant un rôle clé dans l’immunodominance de la glycoprotéine B lors de l'infection HSV1. Ces analyses ont également révélées que diverses voies autophagiques peuvent être induites pour favoriser la capture sélective de protéines virales, façonnant de façon dynamique la nature de la réponse immunitaire lors d'une infection. En conclusion, l'application des méthodes de protéomique quantitative a joué un rôle clé dans l'identification et la quantification des protéines ayant des rôles importants dans la régulation de l'autophagie chez les macrophages, et nous a permis d'identifier les changements qui se produisent lors de la formation des autophagosomes lors de maladies inflammatoires ou d’infection virale. En outre, notre approche de biologie des systèmes, qui combine la protéomique quantitative basée sur la spectrométrie de masse avec des essais fonctionnels tels la présentation antigénique, nous a permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires régissant les fonctions de l'autophagie lors de la présentation antigénique. Une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes permettra de réduire les effets nuisibles de l'immunodominance suite à l'infection virale ou lors du développement du cancer en mettant en place une réponse immunitaire appropriée.


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Pigs are often colonized by more than one bacterial and/or viral species during respiratory tract infections. This phenomenon is known as the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC). Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) are pathogens that are frequently involved in PRDC. The main objective of this project was to study the in vitro interactions between these two pathogens and the host cells in the context of mixed infections. To fulfill this objective, PRRSV permissive cell lines such as MARC-145, SJPL, and porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM) were used. A pre-infection with PRRSV was performed at 0.5 multiplicity of infection (MOI) followed by an infection with App at 10 MOI. Bacterial adherence and cell death were compared. Results showed that PRRSV preinfection did not affect bacterial adherence to the cells. PRRSV and App co-infection produced an additive cytotoxicity effect. Interestingly, a pre-infection of SJPL and PAM cells with App blocked completely PRRSV infection. Incubation of SJPL and PAM cells with an App cell-free culture supernatant is also sufficient to significantly block PRRSV infection. This antiviral activity is not due to LPS but rather by small molecular weight, heat-resistant App metabolites (,1 kDa). The antiviral activity was also observed in SJPL cells infected with swine influenza virus but to a much lower extent compared to PRRSV. More importantly, the PRRSV antiviral activity of App was also seen with PAM, the cells targeted by the virus in vivo during infection in pigs. The antiviral activity might be due, at least in part, to the production of interferon c. The use of in vitro experimental models to study viral and bacterial co-infections will lead to a better understanding of the interactions between pathogens and their host cells, and could allow the development of novel prophylactic and therapeutic tools.


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The aim of this pilot project was to investigate association of viruses with bacterial biofilms. Our preliminary data indicate that important viral pathogens of swine, namely, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and porcine circovirus type 2, can associate with and persist within bacterial biofilms for several days.


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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an economically devastating viral disease affecting the swine industry worldwide. The etiological agent, PRRS virus (PRRSV), possesses a RNA viral genome with nine open reading frames (ORFs). The ORF1a and ORF1b replicase-associated genes encode the polyproteins pp1a and pp1ab, respectively. The pp1a is processed in nine non-structural proteins (nsps): nsp1a, nsp1b, and nsp2 to nsp8. Proteolytic cleavage of pp1ab generates products nsp9 to nsp12. The proteolytic pp1a cleavage products process and cleave pp1a and pp1ab into nsp products. The nsp9 to nsp12 are involved in virus genome transcription and replication. The 30 end of the viral genome encodes four minor and three major structural proteins. The GP2a, GP3 and GP4 (encoded by ORF2a, 3 and 4), are glycosylated membrane associated minor structural proteins. The fourth minor structural protein, the E protein (encoded by ORF2b), is an unglycosylated membrane associated protein. The viral envelope contains two major structural proteins: a glycosylated major envelope protein GP5 (encoded by ORF5) and an unglycosylated membrane M protein (encoded by ORF6). The third major structural protein is the nucleocapsid N protein (encoded by ORF7). All PRRSV non-structural and structural proteins are essential for virus replication, and PRRSV infectivity is relatively intolerant to subtle changes within the structural proteins. PRRSV virulence is multigenic and resides in both the non-structural and structural viral proteins. This review discusses the molecular characteristics, biological and immunological functions of the PRRSV structural and nsps and their involvement in the virus pathogenesis.


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Pan-viral DNA array (PVDA) and high-throughput sequencing (HTS) are useful tools to identify novel viruses of emerging diseases. However, both techniques have difficulties to identify viruses in clinical samples because of the host genomic nucleic acid content (hg/cont). Both propidium monoazide (PMA) and ethidium bromide monoazide (EMA) have the capacity to bind free DNA/RNA, but are cell membrane-impermeable. Thus, both are unable to bind protected nucleic acid such as viral genomes within intact virions. However, EMA/PMA modified genetic material cannot be amplified by enzymes. In order to assess the potential of EMA/PMA to lower the presence of amplifiable hg/cont in samples and improve virus detection, serum and lung tissue homogenates were spiked with porcine reproductive and respiratory virus (PRRSV) and were processed with EMA/PMA. In addition, PRRSV RT-qPCR positive clinical samples were also tested. EMA/PMA treatments significantly decreased amplifiable hg/cont and significantly increased the number of PVDA positive probes and their signal intensity compared to untreated spiked lung samples. EMA/PMA treatments also increased the sensitivity of HTS by increasing the number of specific PRRSV reads and the PRRSV percentage of coverage. Interestingly, EMA/PMA treatments significantly increased the sensitivity of PVDA and HTS in two out of three clinical tissue samples. Thus, EMA/PMA treatments offer a new approach to lower the amplifiable hg/cont in clinical samples and increase the success of PVDA and HTS to identify viruses.


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Unveiling the molecular and regulatory mechanisms that prevent in vitro transformation in shrimp remains elusive in the development of continuous cell lines, with an arduous history of over 25 years (Jayesh et al., 2012). Despite presenting challenges to researchers in developing a cell line, the billion dollar aquaculture industry is under viral threat. In addition, the regulatory mechanisms that prevent in vitro transformation and carcinoma in shrimps might provide new leads for the development of anti-ageing and anti-cancer interventions in human (Vogt, 2011) and in higher vertebrates. This highlights the importance of developing shrimp cell lines, to bring out effective prophylactics against shrimp viruses and for understanding the mechanism that induce cancer and ageing in human.. Advances in molecular biology and various gene transfer technologies for immortalization of cells have resulted in the development of hundreds of cell lines from insects and mammals, but yet not a single cell line has been developed from shrimp and other marine invertebrates. With this backdrop, the research described in this thesis attempted to develop molecular tools for induced in vitro transformation in lymphoid cells from Penaeus monodon and for the development of continuous cell lines using conventional and novel technologies to address the problems at cellular and molecular level.


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Hepcidin is cysteine-rich short peptide of innate immune system of fishes, equipped to perform prevention and proliferation of invading pathogens like bacteria and viruses by limiting iron availability and activating intracellular cascades. Hepcidins are diverse in teleost fishes, due to the varied aquatic environments including exposure to pathogens, oxygenation and iron concentration. In the present study, we report a 87-amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin (Hepc-CB1) with a signal peptide of 24 aa, a prodomain of 39 aa and a bioactive mature peptide of 24 aa from the gill mRNA transcripts of the deep-sea fish spinyjaw greeneye, Chlorophthalmus bicornis. Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analysis categorised the peptide to HAMP2-like group with a mature peptide of 2.53 kDa; a net positive charge (?3) and capacity to form b-hairpin-like structure configured by 8 conserved cysteines. The present work provides new insight into the mass gene duplication events and adaptive evolution of hepcidin isoforms with respect to environmental influences and positive Darwinian selection. This work reports a novel hepcidin isoform under the group HAMP2 from a nonacanthopterygian deep-sea fish, C. bicornis


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The present study was initiated when several massive outbreaks of Chikungunya, Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis were frequently reported across the State of Kerala. Multiple symptoms persisted among the affected individuals and the public health officials were in search of aetiological agents responsible for the out breaks and, other than clinical samples no resources were available. In this context, a study was undertaken to focus on mosquito larvae to investigate the viruses borne by them which remain silently prevalent in the environment. The study was not a group specific investigation limited to either arbovirus or enterovirus, but had a broad spectrum approach. The study encompassed the viral pathogens that could be isolated, their impact when passaged through cell lines, growth kinetics, titer of the working stocks in specific cell line, the structure by means of transmission electron microscopy(TEM), the one step growth and molecular characterization using molecular tools.