982 resultados para reciprocal rank


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Avança dados das perspetivas de diferentes gerações sobre questões ambientais e consumo energético.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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OBJETIVO: A iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação representa um conjunto de atividades educativas dirigidas às unidades básicas de saúde. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a efetividade desta estratégia de promoção do aleitamento materno dirigida às equipes do Programa de Saúde da Família. MÉTODOS: Conduziu-se um estudo de intervenção controlado com 20 equipes do Programa de Saúde da Família, selecionadas aleatoriamente em Montes Claros (MG) em 2006. O grupo sob intervenção realizou programa de treinamento específico de 24 horas para a promoção do aleitamento materno segundo a "Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança". Enfatizou-se a assistência do profissional de saúde no suporte à amamentação e no manejo dos principais problemas da lactação. O grupo controle recebeu orientações habituais sobre aleitamento materno. As mães de todas as crianças menores de dois anos de idade assistidas pelas equipes foram entrevistadas antes (n=1.423) e 12 meses após a intervenção (n=1.491) e responderam questões sobre a prática da amamentação. Curvas de sobrevida do aleitamento materno foram construídas e comparadas para os dois momentos por meio do teste log rank. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento significativo no aleitamento materno exclusivo após atividades educativas voltadas às equipes de Saúde da Família. As curvas de sobrevidas para o aleitamento materno exclusivo no primeiro momento não mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as mães assistidas por ambos os grupos (p=0,502). Após a intervenção, as curvas de sobrevida para o aleitamento materno exclusivo mostraram-se significativamente diferentes (p=0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O treinamento das equipes de Saúde da Família da forma como propõe a Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação mostrou ser uma estratégia efetiva e de baixo custo para sensibilizar esses profissionais, uniformizando as informações e assegurando o apoio necessário para as mães com dificuldades para amamentarem seus filhos.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a idade como fator prognóstico no câncer de mama em estádio clínico inicial. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo que analisou as características clínicas e a sobrevida livre de doença de 280 pacientes entre 25 e 81 anos com câncer de mama estágio clínico I e II com acompanhamento em hospital de Porto Alegre (RS), de 1995 a 2000. Dados clínicos, patológicos, tratamento e desfechos foram extraídos dos prontuários das pacientes. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos conforme a idade ao diagnóstico (<40 anos e >40 anos). Os dois grupos foram comparados quanto ao estágio clínico, histologia, expressão de receptores hormonais, terapia e radioterapia utilizando o teste qui-quadrado e/ou exato de Fisher e para análise de sobrevida, o teste de long-rank e método de Kaplan-Meier. RESULTADOS: Do total de 280 mulheres estudadas, 54 (19,3%) tinham até 40 anos de idade. Ambos os grupos de pacientes eram similares em estágio clínico, histologia e expressão de receptores hormonais. A proporção de pacientes com sobrevida livre de doença em seguimento de 56 meses foi significativamente maior nas pacientes acima de 40 anos (84% versus 70%). Proporcionalmente, as pacientes mais jovens receberam mais terapia adjuvante (88,8% versus 77,8%). Houve diferença significativa na probabilidade das mulheres acima de 40 anos de permanecerem livre de doença (84%), sendo mais evidente quando comparadas às pacientes com < 40 anos em estágio clínico I. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados confirmam que mulheres de até 40 anos com câncer de mama inicial apresentam um pior prognóstico. Entretanto, tal prognóstico parece não estar relacionado a maior número de casos com receptores hormonais negativos. Pacientes jovens que permaneceram livre de doença receberam mais terapia adjuvante, sugerindo efeito positivo da quimioterapia e hormonioterapia.


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Realizou-se revisão sistemática da literatura publicada entre 1990 e 2006 com metodologia qualitativa sobre a perspectiva de familiares de pessoas com anorexia e bulimia nervosa. Após revisão crítica dos artigos e metassíntese, utilizou-se a abordagem meta-etnográfica para analisar e sintetizar os dados. O processo de interpretação empregado foi a reciprocal translation. Dentre 3.415 estudos, nove atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Dois conceitos emergiram: reconhecimento da doença e repercussões da doença. Na reorganização familiar, o sentimento de impotência foi predominante. Os resultados indicam a presença de distorções sobre os conceitos da doença associadas a um comprometimento familiar, que modifica a comunicação, atitudes e comportamentos dentro de um contexto de impotência.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the low birth weight (LBW) paradox exists in Brazil. METHODS: LBW and cesarean section rates between 1995 and 2007 were estimated based on data from SINASC (Brazilian Live Births Database). Infant mortality rates (IMRs) were obtained using an indirect method that correct for underreporting. Schooling information was obtained from census data. Trends in LBW rate were assessed using joinpoint regression models. The correlations between LBW rate and other indicators were graphically assessed by lowess regression and tested using Spearman's rank correlation. RESULTS: In Brazil, LBW rate trends were non-linear and non-significant: the rate dropped from 7.9% in 1995 to 7.7% in 2000, then increased to 8.2% in 2003 and remained nearly steady thereafter at 8.2% in 2007. However, trends varied among Brazilian regions: there were significant increases in the North from 1999 to 2003 (2.7% per year), and in the South (1.0% per year) and Central-West regions (0.6% per year) from 1995 to 2007. For the entire period studied, higher LBW and lower IMRs were seen in more developed compared to less developed regions. In Brazilian States, in 2005, the higher the IMR rate, the lower the LBW rate (p=0.009); the lower the low schooling rate, the lower the LBW rate (p=0.007); the higher the number of neonatal intensive care beds per 1,000 live births, the higher the LBW rate (p=0.036). CONCLUSIONS: The low birth weight paradox was seen in Brazil. LBW rate is increasing in some Brazilian regions. Regional differences in LBW rate seem to be more associated to availability of perinatal care services than underlying social conditions.


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This study investigated the influence of wearing unstable shoe construction (WUS) on compensatory postural adjustments (CPA) associated with external perturbations. Thirty-two subjects stood on a force platform resisting an anterior-posterior horizontal force applied to a pelvic belt via a cable, which was suddenly released. They stood under two conditions: barefoot and WUS. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae muscles and the center of pressure (CoP) displacement were acquired to study CPA. The EMG signal was used to assess individual muscle activity and latency, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation at joint and muscle group levels. Compared to barefoot, WUS led to: (1) increased gastrocnemius medialis activity, (2) increased total agonist activity, (3) decreased antagonist co-activation at the ankle joint and muscle group levels, (4) increased reciprocal activation at the ankle joint and muscle group levels, and (5) decrease in all muscle latencies. No differences were observed in CoP displacement between conditions. These findings demonstrate that WUS led to a reorganization of the postural control system associated to improved performance of some components of postural control responses.


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Purpose: This study investigated the influence of long-term wearing of unstable shoes (WUS) on compensatory postural adjustments (CPA) to an external perturbation. Methods: Participants were divided into two groups: one wore unstable shoes while the other wore conventional shoes for 8 weeks. The ground reaction force signal was used to calculate the anterior– posterior (AP) displacement of the centre of pressure (CoP) and the electromyographic signal of gastrocnemius medialis (GM), tibialis anterior (TA), rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) muscles was used to assess individual muscle activity, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation at the joint (TA/GM and RF/(BF + GM) pairs) and muscle group levels (ventral (TA + RF)/dorsal (GM + BF) pair) within time intervals typical for CPA. The electromyographic signal was also used to assess muscle latency. The variables described were evaluated before and after the 8-week period while wearing the unstable shoes and barefoot. Results: Long-term WUS led to: an increase of BF activity in both conditions (barefoot and wearing the unstable shoes); a decrease of GM activity; an increase of antagonist co-activation and a decrease of reciprocal activation level at the TA/GM and ventral/dorsal pairs in the unstable shoe condition. Additionally, WUS led to a decrease in CoP displacement. However, no differences were observed in muscle onset and offset. Conclusion: Results suggest that the prolonged use of unstable shoes leads to increased ankle and muscle groups’ antagonist co-activation levels and higher performance by the postural control system.


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OBJECTIVE: Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunotherapy is the gold standard treatment for superficial bladder tumors with intermediate/high risk of recurrence or progression. However, approximately 30% of patients fail to respond to the treatment. Effective BCG therapy needs precise activation of the type 1 helper cells immune pathway. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) often assume an immunoregulatory M2 phenotype and may directly interfere with the BCG-induced antitumor immune response. Thus, we aim to clarify the influence of TAMs, in particular of the M2 phenotype in stroma and tumor areas, in BCG treatment outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included 99 patients with bladder cancer treated with BCG. Tumors resected before treatment were evaluated using immunohistochemistry for CD68 and CD163 antigens, which identify a lineage macrophage marker and a M2-polarized specific cell surface receptor, respectively. CD68+ and CD163+ macrophages were evaluated within the stroma and tumor areas, and high density of infiltrating cells spots were selected for counting. Hypoxia, an event known to modulate macrophage phenotype, was also assessed through hypoxia induced factor (HIF)-1α expression. RESULTS: Patients in whom BCG failed had high stroma-predominant CD163+ macrophage counts (high stroma but low tumor CD163+ macrophages counts) when compared with the ones with a successful treatment (71% vs. 47%, P = 0.017). Furthermore, patients presenting this phenotype showed decreased recurrence-free survival (log rank, P = 0.008) and a clear 2-fold increased risk of BCG treatment failure was observed in univariate analysis (hazard ratio = 2.343; 95% CI: 1.197-4.587; P = 0.013). Even when adjusted for potential confounders, such as age and therapeutic scheme, multivariate analysis revealed 2.6-fold increased risk of recurrence (hazard ratio = 2.627; 95% CI: 1.340-5.150; P = 0.005). High stroma-predominant CD163+ macrophage counts were also associated with low expression of HIF-1α in tumor areas, whereas high counts of CD163+ in the tumor presented high expression of HIF-1α in tumor nests. CONCLUSIONS: TAMs evaluation using CD163 is a good indicator of BCG treatment failure. Moreover, elevated infiltration of CD163+ macrophages, predominantly in stroma areas but not in the tumor, may be a useful indicator of BCG treatment outcome, possibly owing to its immunosuppressive phenotype.


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Transdermal biotechnologies are an ever increasing field of interest, due to the medical and pharmaceutical applications that they underlie. There are several mathematical models at use that permit a more inclusive vision of pure experimental data and even allow practical extrapolation for new dermal diffusion methodologies. However, they grasp a complex variety of theories and assumptions that allocate their use for specific situations. Models based on Fick's First Law found better use in contexts where scaled particle theory Models would be extensive in time-span but the reciprocal is also true, as context of transdermal diffusion of particular active compounds changes. This article reviews extensively the various theoretical methodologies for studying dermic diffusion in the rate limiting dermic barrier, the stratum corneum, and systematizes its characteristics, their proper context of application, advantages and limitations, as well as future perspectives.


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This paper provides a longitudinal, empirical view of the multifaceted and reciprocal processes of organizational learning in a context of self-managed teams. Organizational learning is seen as a social construction between people and actions in a work setting. The notion of learning as situated (Brown & Duguid 1989, Lave& Wenger 1991, Gherardi & al. 1998, Easterby-Smith & Araujo 1999, Abma 2003) opens up the possibility for placing the focus of research on learning in the community rather than in individual learning processes. Further, in studying processes in their social context, we cannot avoid taking power relations into consideration (Contu & Willmott 2003). The study is based on an action research with a methodology close to the ‘democratic dialogue’ presented by Gustavsen (2001). This gives a ground for research into how the learning discourse developed in the case study organization over a period of 5 years, during which time the company abandoned a middle management level of hierarchy and the teams had to figure out how to work as self-managed units. This paper discusses the (re)construction of power relations and its role in organizational learning. Power relations are discussed both in vertical and horizontal work relations. A special emphasis is placed on the dialectic between managerial aims and the space for reflection on the side of employees. I argue that learning is crucial in the search for the limits for empowerment and that these limits are negotiated both in actions and speech. This study unfolds a purpose-oriented learning process, constructing an open dialogue, and describes a favourable context for creative, knowledge building communities.


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This paper presents a single precision floating point arithmetic unit with support for multiplication, addition, fused multiply-add, reciprocal, square-root and inverse squareroot with high-performance and low resource usage. The design uses a piecewise 2nd order polynomial approximation to implement reciprocal, square-root and inverse square-root. The unit can be configured with any number of operations and is capable to calculate any function with a throughput of one operation per cycle. The floatingpoint multiplier of the unit is also used to implement the polynomial approximation and the fused multiply-add operation. We have compared our implementation with other state-of-the-art proposals, including the Xilinx Core-Gen operators, and conclude that the approach has a high relative performance/area efficiency. © 2014 Technical University of Munich (TUM).


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Let X be a finite or infinite chain and let be the monoid of all endomorphisms of X. In this paper, we describe the largest regular subsemigroup of and Green's relations on. In fact, more generally, if Y is a nonempty subset of X and is the subsemigroup of of all elements with range contained in Y, we characterize the largest regular subsemigroup of and Green's relations on. Moreover for finite chains, we determine when two semigroups of the type are isomorphic and calculate their ranks.


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The rank of a semigroup, an important and relevant concept in Semigroup Theory, is the cardinality of a least-size generating set. Semigroups of transformations that preserve or reverse the order or the orientation as well as semigroups of transformations preserving an equivalence relation have been widely studied over the past decades by many authors. The purpose of this article is to compute the ranks of the monoid